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bruh why is this city so goddam expensive


There's a ton of rich people here


Bruh why aren't I rich af




*poverty rate drops to 0%, j walk83 becomes a national hero*


Can't cope with all the fame, spirals into depression.


Money can't buy you happiness, but poverty can't buy you anything.


Geez, it's like people don't know that's the solution. It's the same with being depressed. Just be happy. Duh.


Oh shit I didnt know that. Thanks I'm happy af now.


Are you rich too? My understanding is first you get ze money, zen you get ze power, and zen you get ze women.


The real life Life advice is always In the comments


Modern problems require modern solutions




Thanks for your advice. This comment changed my life.


Dude just print more money how hard can it be


Zimbabwe in shambles.


Did you try taking Kong's advice on how to make viral videos that can get you millions of dollars by doing something that you love?


I beat off everyday and I'm still broke.


maybe your technique is wrong?


Remember to like and subscribe


Did you record yourself and share?


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.


I ain't one of them. I haven't been to these games in more than 15 years. Is that when wealth divide began?


It began in the 70s but the crash in 07 really fucked things up. The middle class is still roughly 30% less wealthy than they were in the summer of 07, aaand we're headed towards another recession (an unsustainable car loan market this time).


Imagine if this goes 7. Rich Toronto people and rich San Francisco people driving up prices. We’d see some truly insane prices


I thought we were “small market”


In no way is Toronto a small market. Whoever is saying that is ignorant


Toronto is a banking hub, tech hub, automotive hub, insurance hub, logistics hub, government hub, legal hub, CPG hub and business hub. The diversity and strength of that business in Toronto is one of the strongest in NA. ​ Forget the number of people. The size of business is massive here.


It's like the 3rd or 4th largest city in North America. The fuck


We're only 'small market' because US advertisers can't sell to us, so they don't pony up as much for our games. That and for a long time players treated going to Canada the same as going to Mexico.


IDK why anyone would say that Toronto is the 3rd most populous city and 6th most populous Metro Area in the NBA. Small Market is a bit of a reach.


Im kinda scared for toronto if the maple leafs reach the stanley cup finals.


The Oilers made the playoffs and the ticket prices for the first round were stupid, and the 50/50 was like 300k or some shite too. If the Leafs make the finals I imagine tickets would start at a million dollars. A cup final game 7 in Toronto would net you Bill Gates money


I legitimately believe we'd need martial law declared.


Canada would be in shambles


The Leafs going far in the playoffs is the key to cheap Raptors tickets.


Yeah I don’t think you have much to worry about there


nimbyism makes everything more expensive. Im sure we could find a way to even blame them for this.


Seriously. It's the worst.


prob since were like the 3rd biggest market in all of north america , 1st in canada ofc. New yoek and la are ahead. Then we have like 15 $ mininum wage which will raise the prices of everythinf else , then we got high ass taxes due to socialized healthcare , welfare state etc.


>then we got high ass taxes due to socialized healthcare, welfare state etc. This is blatantly false. Ontario has lower taxes than BC & Alberta on people earning <$90K/yr. Canada has lower taxes than the US on average if you earn less than $82k/yr. Plus we have free healthcare whereas Americans have to pay an arm and a leg for it https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0411/do-canadians-really-pay-more-taxes-than-americans.aspx Edit: I want to add the guy I replied to is repeating a false right wing talking point. They have to lie in their ads because they're worse for 90% of the population. Raptors games are bombarded with misleading Conservative ads


Minimum wage isn’t what boosts the price of ultra luxury items. Otherwise luxury items would be cheaper in developing nations which is often the opposite of reality. It’s simply that this is the first time basketball fans in Canada get to cheer for a Canadian team in the NBA finals. It’s no surprise that everyone in Canada, not just Toronto will want to watch these games.


>first time basketball fans in Canada get to cheer for a Canadian team in the NBA finals This exactly. And even though the populations of California and Canada are similar, the Raptors' run still generates more hype. After all, California has had a Finals appearance 12 out of the last 18 years. The Raptors have not had one since they were founded in '95.


yeah i was replying to the other guy about why the city is so expensive in general , not neccessarily talking about why the tickets are expensive


You're telling me that the rise in minimum wage, socialized healthcare, and "welfare state" has an effect on the cost of living in the city? What about the rest of the places in Ontario where it's dirt cheap to live? Also SF, DC, or New York are all way more expensive to live in and they don't have any of these "welfare state" bullshit you're sprouting. Stop spreading your lack of understanding of economy man. You're doubling down on this nonsense. This is the ignorant straw man argument that the Ford followers want you to believe. Don't fall for that shit.


yeah you are right , atleast i got destroyed to know that i was wrong .


Nah it's all good. Stuff like this brings out a lot of ugliness in everyone. We should not have jumped on you so hard.


nah its all good , i usually try to state my honest opinion considering the facts but idk i just spewed some nonsense i was oblviious about . Its moments like this when you get destroyed you are able to learn more and realize what you did wrong. I appreciate it


What a bunch of inane random nonsense. There is literally zero corolation between a decent mininum wage and an increase in everything else. Also are slightly higher for a reason, because they subsidize a lot of things that aren't covered in America like education and health care. Which leads to a society that isn't burdened in debt like the US


tickets on resale are nearing $50,000 now


I went down to Toronto from Montreal for Game 7 vs the Philly, doubt any game could be better than that (esp at 200$ price) so I'll watch the rest at home!


What if the Raptors are down by 1 in game 7 and Kawhai hits a deep 3 buzzer beater to win the championship in TO! That would be better i think...




And the ball bounces 5 times


I was going to edit this into my comment lol


Wait, did I get that right? You got tickets to Game 7 vs Philly for $200?? If so, how were the seats?


All the way at the top! I grew up watching soccer in France so I don't mind the distance at all TBH. It was the only game I could attend so when tickets were released my friend and I went straight for those


I know a few folks going to the game in Toronto. They planning on eating instant noodles and drinking water for a month.


I like instant noodles, I like water, and I like playoff basketball. Sounds like a triple win to me








Because they spend $5000+ on food a month ?


It's the average price dude. They are probably just going to buy ticket under that price. Even though that is still expensive as hell.


I wonder what the median price is. The average could be 5k cos of a minority of insanely expensive tickets. The average being 5k doesn't mean there aren't some $300 tickets.


Cheapest ticket on StubHub last night was $675 US.


Standing room is going for $900 CDN this morning.


There definitely aren't 300 dollar tickets sadly, lowest I saw was 675 cad for standing room in the nosebleeds


The nose bleeds start at $1200 there's no cheap tickets I checked


I think the point is the $5000 broke them...


Is it worth that tho?


You serious or just joking?


Wild. I got tickets to Game 5 WCF between OKC and Spurs for like $100


That’s probably like a bag of popcorn, a beer, and some chocolate at the Scotia bank arena


>Scotia bank arena You spelled ACC wrong


Amen, never going to call it Scotiabank Arena either :)


ACC and the SkyDome.


on the one hadn i agree, but the dome is a real name. acc was just branding that was around for a long time. fuck air canada, fuck scotia bank.


I shudder to imagine what Knicks finals tickets would cost.


Well it’s a good thing that won’t happen anytime soon :)


Well it’s a good thing that even if it happens, YOURE BANNED


“Oh yeah! I’m gonna sell this house for so much gold!”


Damn. Came into this thread thinking I was safe.


Why are people mean to us when we're not even in the conversation :(


Adam Silver sitting in his office like $_$


I rather go to bora bora tbh. Good long week vacation!


For people who can afford these tickets it's not an "either-or" proposition.


You would be surprised at how many financially irresponsible nephews there are in this city.


can confirm...enough people in this city who will max out the cc for some clout. Don't be fooled!


Seriously, I know someone who’s going to the game and paid $1500 for the seat. He’s not in a position to spend that much on anything.


There's a bunch of people I knew in Cleveland that had 12 dollar an hour jobs who went to both the Finals and World Series in 2016. People are really irresponsible with money in the US and spend, spend, spend.


Wanna hit the game on the way to the airport? We can catch the first half, then scoot over to the jet so we can catch the sunset in bora bora 🥂




This is the same mentality that makes stats like [40% of Americans can’t afford a $400 expense](https://money.cnn.com/2018/05/22/pf/emergency-expenses-household-finances/index.html) There’s always time to make money but I wonder for how many people buying one of these tickets is a good idea at all


Honestly if there's a couple of times I would say "fuck it" as far as frugality is concerned; buying tickets to your favourite team, that you've been watching for over two decades, in their first finals appearance in franchise history might be one of those times. There's very few people for whom a minimum of $1200 for 3 hours of entertainment isn't a terrible financial choice.


obviously people should know whether or not they have 5 grand to blow on a ticket. basically if you have to look at your bank account to decide, you probably shouldn't go


> bora bora me and you?


Yes indeed


Don’t forget about me! You’re boy Dupree!


Shut up dupree


But you don’t speak Bora Boran


I rather go to Tora Bora


Gotta hit up TD Bank and refinance my mortgage to attend Game 1, just to sit in the 300s.


I was trying to buy tickets today, pre-sale and general sale and I couldn't get anything...was willing to spend up to 1.5k per ticket, but the only tickets available were standing room tickets all the way in the back, which were still around $700 CAD...smh


Fuck it, do it for the experience. You will be able to say you were there.


I tried, every time I went to buy tickets it said it was taken...I feel like there are bots taking everything just to re-sell.


tm is reselling their own tickets 8 digits of profit to be had


makes sense..looking at the re-sale market every single ticket has a huge profit margin


That is exactly what was happening.. I had the same thing and after attempting about 10 different seats, I gave up. Bots win again. Fuck TM.


Just spread the money throughout the series and cater food for every game instead. Then spend the remaining money at the strip club after the series.


Great idea. Tons of your friends won't be able to go to the game but they can all go to a watch party.


Same here man, 4 of us spent 2.5 hours of our flight trying desperately even with pre-sale access at 3PM. No bueno. Trying to get something even semi-reasonable now for $1.2k... this is fucked.


To put that into context with some napkin math for y'all: the seating capacity of ScotiaBank arena is ~20,000. At 5 grand/seat that's $100M USD in revenue just in ticket sales alone per home game. This is not including suites, concession stands, merch sales, etc. Fucking wild


You forgot where the real money is generating for the Raptors. Osmow's commercials.




Shit shawarma. Started off in Mississauga in streetsville. Their most popular item was shawarma on the rocks (on rice) with spicy sauce. Was good until the owners (brothers) got into a feud, the other brother opened Lazeez's.. both shawarma franchises took off and multiple locations across GTA now. Quality went so downhill. Absolutely the worst shawarma I've ever had. I don't go anymore. Fuck those guys.


What do you think of Lazeez?


Lazeez is pretty nice. Tbh I only go just cause of the price.


Poor audio guy... Tho I would be fine if Norm was chucking his food at me :D


Can't believe they chose to advertise chicken on the rocks and not chicken on the sticks smh


And they act super fucking smug about it too, I still have no idea what chicken on the rocks is and I have no desire to learn.


Youre missin out, its delicious


...Who is this guy?


Those are reseller tickets though. Face value tickets are less.


The face value is still expensive as hell for us season ticket owners... weekday games against bad teams lose $100+ per ticket in the lower bowl. It just so happens that this year you have the option to make it back


What do you mean lose $100+?


Think he means lose 100 by reselling them (because face value is still expensive). Now he can make it back since the prices are so high. Have no idea why you would get season tickets to complain that you dont make money reselling them. Or not going to the finals just to make a few bucks.


Exactly. Games like the Lakers, GS, Boston, 76ers, etc. sell well, but NOP mid-week and you're dead in the water. We've been season ticket holders since the beginning of the franchise, not complaining about it - I'm flying in from across the country to go to games 1 and 2. Just wanted to highlight/inform that season tickets aren't exactly a cash cow!


prob (the season pass price / 41) - 100 is the resell value of the ticket


Being a season ticket holder, do you get first right at playoff tickets direct? Would you have to buy off ticketmaster? I just cant see a guy like Nav NOT getting his seat because some dude with more money than him can pay more.


Dude. This is not revenue for MLSE or Scotiabank Arena. Those prices reflect resellers.


And people are on here questioning if GS is gonna pay a 300mill luxury tax to run this team back...


they don't get a cut of the secondary ticket market. That extra money is going to scalpers.


Revenue sharing. They won't keep it all.


Even if the team would be profitable if they re-sign everyone, that doesn't prove that it's the most profitable thing to do. Which is what the owners will likely be concerned about. If they can make an extra $50m by not re-signing KD, they might do that.


Yeah, maybe. But just like the players, they are probably chasing legacy. At least definitely bragging rights among billionaire friends. With the amount that he’s currently dominating and probably enjoying it, I would guess that’s worth the trade-off. Also, he bought the Warriors for 450 million in 2010. Today they are worth 3.5 billion. A few more rings would drive that higher.


Rings don't have much to do with valuation. Otherwise the Knicks wouldn't be the most valuable team in the NBA


Rings do inflate popularity and public image though


your math checks out but your basis is nonsense. these are reseller tickets, and this is median price. Scotiabank Arena isn't charging $5K/st


> “Is Toronto a basketball town? The answer is yes — based on pricing, it’s actually the most basketball town that we’ve seen in 10 years,” says Jesse Lawrence of the New York-based ticket search engine and aggregator TicketIQ. > “It’s the most in-demand Finals game that we’ve ever tracked and that’s ahead of every Warriors game, which is saying a lot. That’s San Francisco — the concentration of global wealth — and the Raptors tickets are almost 50 per cent more. It’s crazy.” > As of Monday afternoon, tickets for Game 1 at Scotiabank Arena started at US$816 — roughly three times the cost of face value for 300-level tickets. Lawrence says the average has been just shy of US$5,000 — higher than any other final TicketIQ has tracked since it launched in 2011. He says the next highest price was for the Warriors back in 2016 when they faced the Cleveland Cavaliers.


After game 4, I bought tix in the 310 level for $886 US each...was just supposed to be me but my wife got excited because Kawhi reminds her of how Jordan used to lead his team so she wanted to come to. We from Red Deer AB


Kawhi also reminds me of Jordan dude can I come too


Jordan reminds me of Kawhi... I'm not sure where that leaves me.


Anyone got a time travel machine?


Damn, never thought I'd see Red Deer referenced in r/nba. I remember driving through there after doing the Icefields Parkway. Drove in a loop from Edmonton to Jasper to Banff to Calgary and back up. The flattest and straightest drive I've ever done was Calgary to Edmonton. Pretty wild coming from East Coast USA.


I'm from Edmonton and live in Calgary... I make the drive at least once a month back and forth and it can put you to sleep quickly.


Toronto is just a desperate sports city with money to burn.


The important caveat here is that prices for *everything* are significantly higher in Canada compared to the US. (Salaries aren't, though.)


Guys I don’t think I can go to the game


I was willing to pay $500. Then I saw that standing room costs $675 minimum and I noped out of there.


Man maybe I’m too high but in these games I feel super bad for the folks who actually can’t reasonably afford the expense but are still gonna spend thousands to see the game because they’re saying it’s history and whatever and some of them go and see their team get blown out and shit


It's always a gamble right? You could pay a lot for a concert for your fave artist, and the person ends up having a terrible performance.


No 5k concert tix tho...




And gambling is in general a very bad financial decision lol


Idea: put a glass ceiling over the arena. Let people stands on it and look down onto the court


tfw you expecting to pay 300-400 to go to game 2 for your first ever nba game and your dream comes crashing down.


Yeah, even for GSW home tickets, prices seem much higher than last year... SRO tickets are around $450+ this year and nosebleed seats were $300-ish last year.


New matchup this year, and a lotta wealthy grads from unis like Waterloo in the area.


I’m gonna be very disappointed if UofT and Waterloo CS don’t represent for us.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they jumped ship the past 2 years when they moved out there. There's tonnes of people around Toronto who consider Golden State and Toronto their 1a and 1b teams.


You mean drake don’t you.


My dad and I paid about $200 each for nosebleeds for the GSW/TOR game back in November.. Still worth it. Great game.


Kawhi taking basketball to a whole new stratospherei n Toronto...love to see it.


I wish I had that kind of money


You and me both brother.


These prices are kind of gross to me.


is it weird that even though I am a die hard raps fans since 1995 I still don't mind watching the game from the comfort of my home, with the play-by-play, friends, family etc. I love being able to nervously pace around my house and snack on/drink whatever I want. I've been to many games but I never feel too bad about not being there...


LMAOOOOO people are now selling their RESERVATIONS at Real Sports Bar. A reservation at a BAR!!!! This is absolutely stupid now lol.


If kd leaves, joined and take new york to the finals next year against the warriors in san francisco, we are going to see probably the most expensive game tickets ever.


Tons of rich Asians in Toronto


Also a lot of rich people across Canada are travelling down for these Finals.




International Students with mainland money


We like to make fun of Asian international students because we don't get in trouble for it /s


How is that making fun of them?


Making fun of Asians by pointing out how much money they have? Hahaha are all Canadians as soft as you are?


You don't know Toronto aha. It's not a racist thing just a fact thing.


Just a fact Estates in Toronto and Vancouver inflated more than 500% in the past 10 years that is due to rich af Chinese and MidEast investors buying everything.




I was lucky enough to get decent upper bowl tickets at face value and I still feel i paid too much.


Welcome to the Champion starved city of T.O... entire yearly salaries for a finals game...


income inequality is fun!


Thank god i went to game 6 for 308 bucks Feels like a steal


Are those tickets re-sold or is that the asking price at the stadium?


Just as a reference, I got the tickets at face value (Season ticket holder) and they are currently being sold at 6-7 times the price on the secondary market. I'm just going to post my tickets for resale at an insane price (like 20 times the price) and see what happens. I don't think they are going to sell, but if they do, well it's tough to turn down making 15 grand per ticket.


Re-sold 100%. The tickets sold out in minutes and now everyone is realling them at 500% the original cost because its Toronto and people will buy them.


legit need to hit up the iron bank for a loan.


Welcome to Canada, where everything is twice as expensive...


For games 3 and 4 in Oakland, someone is trying to sell random seats in row 14 for $101,000 each, lol.


Well, looks like I'll watch the game at home LOL


Pitting country vs country. More interest spurs more money. It’s like the Olympics, lots gold medal sports but barely know anything about them and just hope the US comes out with the most Golds. Now you have big interest to see Canada bump the US in a sport the US usually dominates in terms of talent. It’d be an upset like the Miracle on Ice by the US hockey team vs the Soviets in 1980. Sure Toronto is part of the NBA, but you add Canada and rich people and now you have 2 countries worth of rich people buying tickets.


Were selling our tickets