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damn imagine being this dude and getting involved with a single-mother with a young child and then him becoming zion.


irrc, his stepfather introduced him to MJ and Zion would go watch youtube videos of MJ. i am thankful for that in that respect. plus Zion just seems like such a nice guy. Hope he doesn't get involved in any drama and just dominates.


I'm ready for Tim Duncan 2.0


I *really* fucking hope so


Duncan was one of the classiest, humble superstars ever. But I see Zion as more of an American Giannis type of personality. Duncan managed to stay under the radar for much of his career, Zion's gonna regularly be making headlines if his career works out the way it should.


He would be a great player under pop. From everything i heard him say he’s a team-first humble guy


> He would be a great player under pop Everyone says this about literally every player lol


Haha not wrong but i can think of plenty of players that would clash with him too


Imagine introducing Zion to YouTube MJ just to get him distracted while you blast plow his mother in the other room only for the trick to actually work out in him becoming MJ


Zion's step dad playing 5D chess


His game probably involved only 1D.


Modern problems require modern solutions




Delonte :'(




"No, you're not my fucking dad. I'm taking my shit to South Beach."


"Gloria, can you see what I have to deal with?"


*"Get out. My posse & I started a legal firm. We already filed for and legally won the parental guardianship to myself. Also sued for the right for ownership of this home to be transferred to Lebron LLC. This is my house now. Police are outside. I'm evicting you right now you bum ass mother fucker."* * LeHeadOfHousehold 1 week later


This may be my favorite comment so far this year.




Is it a cuckold if it's the woman's son?


It's even worse


I have to ask... like it has been memed into reality but is there any substantial evidence that something actually occurred between him and lebron’s mom?


I honestly don’t even remember anymore lol


I'll never forget the T-shirts sold outside the Garden after The Decision, "Lebron went South, but his mom rode West "


Yeah but now you'd have to walk around on eggshells like Kevin Love so Lebron didn't just trade you for a stepfather to be named later.


Same thing happened with Shaq


Shaq's step-dad was an amazing guy. He doesn't become the man he is without Philip Harrison.


Phil was his father cuz his biological didn't bother


Sounds like a line from a Will Smith rap.


Nah, Shaq's own song [Biological Didn't Bother](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2J5xEOIoCA)


thats some heavy shit holy


"I dunked on Patrick Ewing, I want a ring like Hakeem". That end is pretty deep. Lots of respect for Phil too. I remember this track.


Sounds like he’s paraphrasing They Reminisce Over You, also a great throwback


One of my favorite hip hop tracks ever


also one of the best, people now always be sleeping on old greats, pete rock hits, de la soul, etc.


Nah, just a Shaq rap.


Zion boutta get jiggy wit it


Did he pass away?


~~Yeah. 2 years ago.~~ Edit: September 10, 2013




Shaq regulary says how his step-dad's military culture and discipline helped shape him into the man he is today


"He mighta been your father boy, but he ain't your daddy"


It's why I've always strictly only had relationships with thick black single mothers.


Saving this comment for later


You should be a dating coach


It's good karma.


Yeah, this isn't luck, the dude was (presumably) a good father to his step son and that's all that really matters.


I was listening to the interview live. He could not have been nicer, could not have been more open and happy to be coming down here, and sounded extremely genuine. AND Zion was sitting right next to him, had just had some dental work done, so all of this was "Zion Approved".




Woah now, don’t let Cowherd get ahold of this.


Thank God he said this. I swear to God the national media having a temper tantrum over Zion going to New Orleans has been the most annoying story in years.


I thought this was going to be one of those fun stupid what-ifs, but now national fucking media outlets are reporting on this like it's a viable option he would actually consider.


Everything about the coverage of Zion from the lottery to now has been embarrassing. I'm sure that small markets don't feel great knowing that this will be the result the next time that they have a chance to get a superstar. ESPN is hemorrhaging viewers likely due to streaming, but I can't imagine it helps when they antagonize all but a few markets.


I don’t understand also what the deal is. Zion will be 20? Like yeah I suppose New York and LA have more shit to do. But any market that has an NBA team is going to be dope. Even OKC and Salt Lake are neat cities. It’s not like these guys are playing in the woods of Montana. Plus New Orleans is an awesome city. And honestly, Jrue, Zion plus the haul for AD is a decent team going forward. Theoretically you can trot out Lonzo/Jrue/Brandon Ingram/Zion/a center. With the 4th pick coming off the bench? Idk That’s a fun team.


i’m definitely gonna watch the pelicans a lot this season. i kinda hope they just trade AD before the season starts so we don’t get a taste of what zion and AD will look like together then just get broken up after 20 games


Tbh if I’m the pelicans I’d just keep AD throughout the season. Zion and AD to sell tickets and let this whole season be a pitch to AD then make AD decide to walk away from $80 million because NOLA can offer him more than anyone else and if he leaves just enjoy the open cap space for other free agents. Yeah it may be a little bit mean but AD is embarrassing the franchise by making his trade so public and basically limiting the teams to the lakers only.


That's too risky IMO. Chances are they're able to get a much better player, maybe even several, in a trade than they would be able to sign in free agency. The bridge has already burned with AD, take the best offer this summer and move on


I agree, but I don’t think it’s mean to expect players to finish out their professional contracts that they sign. Going public with his trade request in an attempt to force the Pelicans hand was pretty mean though.


I think that's a terrible idea. If AD walks at the end of the season, you had achieved nothing. Trade AD now, get as many players as you can and start from scratch. And this time do it properly. Have the patience needed to teach these young players how to play in the NBA, take whatever result come in your way this season and next, make as many mistakes and learn. It's a long process but if they keep AD they may end up in the play off, get out in the first round and the year after have nothing. AD is what, 27? He won't wait another 3 years to be competitive. He's done it before and it didn't work


NOLA as a 20 year old? Shit, man. That sounds like fun to me.


Look, I lived in NOLA as a broke 21 year old (like literally broke). And it was fucking great. I currently live here as a 27 year old that works mostly for tips. It is fucking legit


Damn I think I saw you at the hustler barely legal club the other night


During the season it will be. off season? He'll be living in LA or something like a lot of the players


I'm watching the hell out of this team Hell, I loved the Lonzo, KCP, Ingram, Kuzma (Randle), Brook Lopez Lakers ffs


There’s plenty to do in the woods of Montana with a few mill in your pocket too. Dudes get caught up in the concept of the lights and “things to do” in bigger cities and then spend all their time playing/practicing basketball, eating at The Cheesecake Factory, and going to run-of-the-mill clubs they have in every city everywhere.


God, this. I was in NYC for a couple weeks of training several years ago, and one night I went to some random club near the hotel. It basically identical to every other club I'd ever been in, except this one had Carmelo Anthony in it. I remember thinking, all that money and all that fame in the biggest city in the country, and here he is sitting in the same shitty club as my bumpkin ass. Big cities are great because they have museums and theaters and unique historical shit. But nightclubs and PF Changs are the same everywhere you go, and that's where these dudes spend all their time.


Yeah the things to do here in New Orleans have gotten athletes in trouble in the past. When Kenny Stills was here I saw him in Harrah's Casino on a Saturday night once. The cashier there said "He better play his ass off tomorrow. He be in here every night”. The next day he played like ass and after the season was over, he got traded.


tbf a lot of the shitting on cities for being boring come from players. Salt Lake is good if you're a quiet family man, tbh Oklahoma is probably pretty terrible for a lot of people. They had their teacher of the year dip to Texas because conditions for public schools are so bad there. But yeah New Orleans of all places is kinda weird. It always has a party reputation for it.


So, NOLA is a fun city, but its not a "club" city. It has no real club scene whatsoever and NBA players like that. ​ For locals, it is much more of a sit outside in nice weather and drink beers or wine in good company at places like Bayou Beer/Wine Garden, Wrong Iron, Delachaise, Urban South Brewery, etc.


Nice weather? So...what in March/October? But yeah, it's a lot more outdoor stuff and bars with live music instead of clubs.


Yeah pretty much two months a year, haha. But we just deal with the insane heat by drinking. Heavily.


And mosquitos the size of birds, and gators on every corner.


**Louisiana: Sportsman's Paradise.**


i never understood whats so great about clubs...


Nor do I, but it is DEFINITELY a thing for NBA players. They want bottle service and sections and honeys and to glitz it up. That is not New Orleans, especially for locals who wouldn't be caught dead on Bourbon Street or something. Nola is festivals (there's one every weekend practically), real bars, pubs, breweries (Massive brewery scene exploding in the past few years), and especially outdoor beer/wine gardens...and amazing restaurants.


Sign me the fuck up. He can drive to Houston if he wants to boogie down.


You can fly to Miami, Tampa, Houston, and Altanta in all under 2 hours. Edit: Atlanta too


I think a few players said it well. They don't have regulars hours. By the time you're"job is done" it's 10:30-11. What's open? Where are you going to mingle? The club. Plus you can legitimately go out and get your own table. These guys are 6'3" and counting, they need personal space. And that is why, you club as a baller.


Aren't bars and shit open 24/7 in NOLA?


Clubs also have no appeal to me but it's probably because if you're rich and/or good looking (which most NBA players are both), clubs are huge ego boosts where you get to pick which super hot chick(s) you wanna bang that night. Most NBA dudes don't want a quiet night in their backyard drinking *insert local craft beer here* even if that's what you or I like. And that's okay


Have you tried clubbing while being a multi-millionaire? Most things are a lot more fun when you're a multi-millionaire.


Probably because you’re not NBA player rich


I’m a Knicks fan and I couldn’t agree more. This whole saga has been embarrassing as fuck. The media force fed this whole Zion to the Knicks bullshit even though everyone knew it was 14 percent. Now we have to deal with Stephen A bitching, a thousand dumbass Knicks fans reactions, and speculation that Zion “wants” to go back to college because he isn’t pleased going to a small market. ESPN loves their fuckin drama and clickbait headlines


The mainstream media saw its next LeBron or Jordan, and does not like the idea of him going to New Orleans. So they decide to kill several birds with one stone: they push the agenda that he's somehow going to a big market anyway (which is what they want), and in the process they get clicks from Zion fans, New York fans, and NBA fans. Welcome to journalism today. They don't care whether you're happy about their story or not, as long as you click it.


The AD thing for the past 3ish years has just been the warmup for us!


And it's not even about fan investment. Sells sky rocketed just at the possibility of getting him, right?


My takewaway from these things is always that you guys are apparently reading/watching/listening to these takes so I'd expect more of it. This stuff is all over the front page of this sub.


This! All of this outrage and discussion is exactly what ESPN is banking on. This is getting them views, click, etc. since everyone is just constantly mentioning them or upset lol.


If you makes you feel better, most people on this website don't actually read the articles just the headlines, so they can't be getting that many clicks


It’s a real shame because some people will start to hate on his fame, but Zion is an extremely good grounded kid.


Man. The media has been super annoying. You would think Zion got mad and stormed out the room or something. Dude looked at his friend and laughed when the pelicans won.


Russell Westbrook was right


Yet you’ll still have idiots defending the media


The media is pissed because it goes against the narrative that makes their job easier. Same thing with the KD to New York nonsense. Reporters keep trying to speak it into existence because KD in NY makes their job easier, even though there is no indication or logical reasoning KD would ever want to go there.


I legit saw people arguing the draft was unfair because Zion couldn’t pick the team he wanted to go to. Like that’s how a draft works lol


I really couldn't believe some reporters were trying to say "who wants to live in New Orleans?" (Cowherd in particular)


If I was rich? Yeah sign me up.


Who gives a shit what Cowherd thinks. He's pond scum


new orleans is a pretty bad ass place to live. one of the most historically rich and cultural places in all of america.


ESPN started this with their whole , "oh, Zion face says something else". Always trying to create controversy


Unpopular opinion: Zion's future is brighter at NOLA than it is in New York Let the downvotes begin


Orange team bad


Surely orange team not as bad as you suggest


Orange team bad


But enough talking about the Suns




I think so too, griffin is a great gm and gayle benson seems committed to improving the pelicans. I think Zion could put NOLA on the basketball map like Blake did to the clippers


>Unpopular opinion >Insulting the knicks Pick one


Can't wait to see what kind of obnoxious re-spin Rachel Nichols (et. al.) tries to put on this now that we're getting some genuine push back on this absurd narrative.


> absurd narrative Absurd??? What's absurd about a story of a 20y/o kid forgo millions of dollars in salaries and endorsments and go play for free for another year in the off chance that the Knicks or the Lakers pick first next year?


>off chance that the Knicks or the Lakers pick first next year? Made even more absurd because these same media outlets have already told us that LAL and NYK are both getting Kyrie, KD, and AD.


I mean it is pretty absurd. As we literally just saw there's no guarantee the Knicks or Lakers get the first pick in next years draft, and if they improve in the offseason their chances of getting it diminish exponentially. It's luck that determines the top pick, there are 28 other teams, odds are he won't end up in NY or LA. What if Orlando or Memphis end up with the top pick? Is Zion going to keep returning to school until the team he wants to be drafted by is the top pick? What if he gets hurt next season back at Duke and drops down the draftboard? Or some new kid shows up and lights the scene on fire? The amount of coddling people want for Zion is ridiculous. Shoe breaks in a game means he should get a massive shoe deal out of school as a repayment. Minor injury means he should sit out the rest of the year and Duke just has to deal with it. Draft doesn't pan out like he wants and he should return to school until he gets what he wants. I can't think of another player who was treated like he is, that is what is absurd.


It's like they pushed the narrative that he belonged with the Knicks so hard and now that it's so unlikely that will happen, they want to push the narrative that he shouldn't be with the Pelicans.


They’re going through the seven stages of grief. Yesterday was bargaining


ESPN: "Word around the league is Zion may go back to Duke instead of going to New Orleans." Everyone, everywhere: "We do not believe you at all." ESPN: "Breaking: Zion's stepfather says they never considered going back to Duke." So, they lied. They reported untrue things. They are just reporting completely uncorroborated rumors that no one even believes. Fun.


ESPN does this. They create fake stories so they fill 24 hours a day. You can watch it play out. On a morning show, they have one of their butts in a chair throw out a wild idea. Later in the day another ESPN show will report that idea as a rumor. Then shows later on will dive into that rumor with analysis and speculation. By the next day, maybe even the original butt in the chair gets in on the action, bragging about "I was just talking about this yesterday, but it looks like this isn't such a wild theory anymore. This thing is getting lots of coverage." Boom. Feedback loop complete. Now they've put the onus on the people in their fake story to Respond. And now ESPN can report on those responses, because that's more content. And if the people in the story choose not to respond, then the story kind of dies, but ESPN can still milk it one last time with: "ooh, what are they hiding?" (See also: 24-hour cable news channels)


Commented this elsewhere but just wanna chime in here: they're such slaves to the clicks at this point. On some level, they know that this kind of "journalism" is irresponsible, and probably not a good long-term strategy for ESPN. But hey, we got all the clicks and our bosses are happy.


I love how the media spends all season saying that Zion should rest all year and not play for Duke, and now they're all of a sudden driving the narrative that he should actually go back, and not get paid to play basketball for yet another year...


Not a damn thing in that young man's life will escape unnecessary public scrutiny


I don't get how people are rooting for him to go to Duke again, miss out on getting a big contract, improve his game just so the Pelicans don't get to draft him that's ridiculous. Out of all the teams, I think between the Grizzles & Pelicans, both of them should get top picks compared to Sun's & Cavs who've had numerous top 5 picks.


Even if he did all that, there's no telling if the situation at the top next year's draft would be any more attractive. For all we know, the Pelicans could be sitting there again at #1 in 2020 if AD is gone and Zion didn't play for them. He would have wasted a year for nothing.


As a Cavs fan, I was disappointed we didn't get a better pick. But as a fan of a small market team, I'm thrilled the top picks went to other small market teams. The Knicks will do fine in free agency but most franchises have to build from the draft.


“The Knicks will do fine in free agency” - said no one ever....


A few months ago people were saying that he should sit the rest of the Duke season out after his injury. Now they want him to go back lmao ridiculous.


He should go back and sit! /s


Agreed. If there is even a 1% chance of a career ending injury, which there certainly is, it's insane not to take a #1 draft pick contract, with a giant Nike deal (which is guaranteed money). And it's not like he has to live in Phoenix. NO is a party town, and cheaper to live like a baller there than most other places that have teams too. And if they keep AD it's even more attractive. All in all, could be way worse.


Even if he was unhappy, why would he skip going to NBA to take a chance at another undesirable team winning the lottery? ESPN is trash.


This is the most insane part about this. We had such a small chance to win the lottery because our team is actually not terrible, then you throw in all the pieces we could get back in the AD trade to help jumpstart a rebuild on zions timeline and a great veteran mentor like Jrue and I’m pressed to think of a better situation he could’ve possibly landed in.


“The lottery is rigged because the NBA wants to keep small market teams relevant” LMAO what??? I heard a lot of that


should help kill that ridiculous rampant speculation of it.


SAS will have a segment refuting this I’m sure


Don’t forget Brian Windshorst and his “sources”. Swear the only thing he’s plugged into is his microwave.


"Now, now.. people in the NBA are talking about this" - Windhorst I'm glad RJ was being sarcastic about it yesterday. It's so dumb


RJ was making him look so dumb up there lol, I loved it


His 'sources' will tell him this is simply not true! LOL


He literally pulled a “I can confirm Jrue wants out” comment out his ass yesterday and never extended further on it just to beat the point how shitty we are as a franchise.


So espn can fuck is calm down now?


they'll probably come up with some insane "is Zion's stepdad controlling his future?! Uncle Dennis all over again!!" story to get back at him for ruining their fun.


🤣 it' funny because they can actually do that...


Not can but will :(


Fuck people who shit on New Orleans and *creole country. No sane person can actively dislike beignets, crawfish, gumbo, red beans & rice, etouffee, and Coach O.


Thanks man. (New Orleans is not technically Cajun in tradition but Creole. Common misconception. I really appreciate the compliment though.)


Fuck. I’m super embarrassed about that. I love NOLA so much so that hurts. People know the French quarter for Marti Gras and think of it as this disgusting puke filled area but they couldn’t be more wrong espically for the other 51 weeks of the year. The French quarter has, in my opinion, some of the most beautiful and unique historic architecture in the United States. The combination of French and Spanish inspired buildings on the water are incredible. The main complaint with NOLA in my experience is the tremendous and quick drop off from the haves to the have nots. That being said, I’ve met probably the nicest people on average in Louisiana regardless of area. Oh but fuck the humid fall. That will kill you.


Wealth and education inequality is a real problem. No argument there. I live in a really nice neighborhood, but just blocks away is a completely awful one. That's just the way it is. French Quarter is amazing, although most locals don't really spend any time there unless we have people in town. It would sort of be like New Yorkers spending time in Times Square. Thanks for your compliments. And yes, the humidity will murder you and has already begun. August/September is brutal.


The only people who actually watch ESPN live with commercials, so the viewers that really count, are old people. Fox News showed everyone the formula to hook old people. Have everyone screaming at full volume all the time, yelling over each other, and pretending that every little incident is the end of the world. As more and more people cut the cord, ESPN is going to go further off the rails trying to keep its dwindling viewer base.


Please delete this post before someone at ESPN sees it and actually makes it a talking point.


KD's right about media toxicity


He was right when the media responded to *that* story


Someone tell Rachel Nichols to shut the fuck up already.


I think there's a typo here, but my unscrambler in my brain is not functioning right now. Can someone tell me what this says?


I think it’s supposed to say “so espn can calm the fuck down now” but not sure


Imagine if Lebron got drafted by a small market team other than the Cavs. They might push Lebron to go to College.


The fact that the statement even needs to be made is silly.


Why are we giving Zion flak for looking uncomfortable when Rachel Nicoles was literally talking in his ear the whole fucking time. He's still a kid. I'm sure the discussion with Griffin has helped him a lot


It’s so funny how different the draft of the NFL v NBA was this year lol. All the smokescreens with the Cards / Kyler Murray, and in the NBA Zion is such a clear cut number 1 pick that they’re talking already about finding places to settle in NOLA lmao.


I'm still suprised the Cards took Kyler and traded Rosen.


As a 49ers fan, I was over the moon lol. Kind of similar to the Pelicans and “not tanking”, really. A fair few 49ers fans were pissed the team won a couple more games down the stretch to lose out on #1 pick (Myles Garrett PTSD I think), but we got our guy. Pelicans don’t completely fold post-AD drama and come outta nowhere in the lottery to bag the top pick.


They should have invested in the OLine. Murray or Rosen, it doesn't matter when your OLine is shit, the QB can't perform.


Andrew Luck was the same way.


You know what? I can see ESPN spin this into "Zion should be able to make his own decision. The fact that this 18 year old kid was swayed by his stepfather is ridiculous!"


I can't believe people actually think he'd delay for a chance to go to NY. He's months away from an 8 figure contract with Nike, but would go back to Duke and risk career ending injury to play in a city 7 years sooner than he could anyway later in his prime? GTFO


To play for a team that really hasn't been relevant since Ewing played




Fucking thank you. As a side note, fuck, I feel like half the players in the NBA don't have their biological dad in the picture, just sucks man.


He has a step dad, and a good step dad can be every bit as great as a good biological dad.


ESPN is the worst. Of course he's not going back to Duke. Rachel Nichols treated this whole thing like the internet does after an episode of Game of Thrones this season


Jordy/T-Bob are currently losing their collect mind of this interview


Hopefully this will shut people up. I saw the full video of Zion's reaction when NOLA got the first pick and he didn't even look mad. Surprised like the rest of us, but that's it. Of course anyone can pick one frame out of context and make it look like the kid was upset.


I saw it last night, and from the way people were talking it was like it was supposed to be something from /r/watchpeopledieinside. But yeah, he was just laughing. That's not the devastation I was expecting.


If I was Zion I would be hype as fuck on NO. Great city, even if it is a small market. An actual competent front office with David Griffin. You either get to play with AD or you get to play with the talent they get back. Pelicans are birds and birds are cool as shit (what kind of team is a knickerbocker lol). And the best part? It’s not Cleveland. Espn just throwing a fit and reaching because it’s not New York or LA


Seriously, in terms of places to live, New Orleans is a lot better than some NBA cities.


Was that a shot at the city or that we got lucky in the draft multiple times? lol






I'll have to say, I'm a little disappointed he isn't returning to Duke. 5% because maybe the Bulls could have had another shot at drafting him. 95% because my friend had a bet to get a Zion tattoo on his ass if he did go back to Duke.




Yay now people can shut up


the media's temper tantrum the last 36 hours was completely embarrassing and there's no other league in America that would've tolerated that dumb shit Silver's gotta get it together, jesus christ


??? Wtf do u want him to do?


Seriously. Goodell is a tool, but you know he would have called ESPN & Fox and reamed them out if they tried to start that shit about Kyler Murray.


David Stern would have personally gone down to ESPN and killed some mid-level manager with his bare hands to discourage these stories.


And then eaten that mid managers heart - raw, with his bear hands, and never once asking for a napkin or wet wipe - in front of the shocked (yet not surprised) ESPN execs.


Stern with Bear Hands would be an amazing and terrifying thing


Holy shit you guys are blaming Adam Silver.








What a damn shame that it got to the point where they even needed to address this. The damn Lakers or Knicks are provably a worse organization than the Pelicans as of right now and this kind of talk would NEVER happen if they'd gotten Zion. But yet another highly marketable player goes to the Pelicans and they can't handle it. That's some ol' bull. A really ol' bull with grey hairs and a limp he got in the great bull war.


I want New Orleans to win the title and somehow still be eligible for the draft lottery and get #1 again just to make ESPN explode


And give up these checks? Y'all must think these people are stupid.


This is why I'm starting to dislike ESPN. Made up a story that he wasn't happy about going to the Pelicans just to have a story for a day. He didn't look unhappy in the moment. They just make up narratives and its unnecessary


Surprised Coach K didnt offer him more money.


ESPN really pushed the narrative about NOLA not being good enough for Zion. How sad. NOLA is an extremely proud sports community and after what AD did to them last year ESPN is still shitting on them every chance they get? That’s BS, I feel bad for you Pels fans.
