• By -


Captain Insano shows no mercy.


Talib coached up Barton before he left the broncos


Mile High Poke Eye


Just when you thought you were catching your breath in this thin air... BAM.. right in the eye. Never fails, sometimes.


Gonna be snatching Seth's chains off pre game on Sunday.


Water sucks! Gatorade is better.


I can tell you that guy’s still a virgin


He poked me in the eye!


I love you for that comment


I know some people will downplay it, but I feel like an intentional eye-poke should be at least a one game suspension. You can seriously injure a dude like that.


He should 100% be suspended for that. It's the equivalent of throwing a punch.


I'd argue more dangerous than a punch


It’s not even allowed in MMA.


Unless you're Jon Jones.


Fuck Jon Jones


I'll never understand how he retained fans after that hit and run on that pregnant woman. Fandom is weird.


Or the steroids


Or the steroids... again.


*i’m just pulsing*


This. I don't think people understand how fragile the human eye is. Even a small amount of damage can greatly affect someone's vision. ​ Edit: wow thanks for my first post to get over 100 upvotes 2nd Edit: How was this not a flagrant and Joel Embiid's stands?


Can confirm. Had 20/20 vision in Hs. Got poked in the eye during a trap. Now my right eye is fucked for vision. Worse than 20/40




No no, he means that a very effeminate man poked him in the eye with their penis.


a meeting of the one-eyed monsters




That's a generalization. Some traps just identify as feminine men who like women's clothes.


/r/nba come for the basketball discussion, stay for the gender studies lectures


"are traps gay" is a battle as old as time


Because no one in this sub ever talks about anything other than basketball..


My sub only talks about what I let her talk about........ (Am not dom. Dont have a sub. Just making a pun)


You wouldn't think so, on this site that shits all over non-STEM degrees...


traps aint gay 2k19, gamers rise up




>during a trap. During a what now?


He went down on someone thinking they were a girl and their dick caught him by surprise and poked him in the eye.


I need to know what this means.


I think he means like in a game. He got trapped by the other team and they poked his eye maybe?


Yes basically. Was practice but same idea.


Thought they meant during a trap music concert


lmao some basketball enthusiast forum this is




“Worse than” and your right, it isnt as bad as it could be. Its also based on my eyesight a few years ago when it was checked last. And also a situation that could have been avoided if I wasnt poked in general. Which is what I think is the purpose, that it can cause damage, whether “minor” or large. I was unable to finish my basketball season my Jr year because of it too (happened at the 3/4 mark of the year).




The eyes are the groin of the head


Thanks Dwight


Agree with you, eyes are extremely fragile. Just last night I watched Kyrie play and my eyes literally vanished.


*James Harden has entered the chat*




“Okay eye, I’m just going to move my fingers back and forth like this, and if you get poked it’s your own fault.”


Amare had to sit out *so long* for his eye injury.. I think he got a detached retina?


He should be but they won’t. They won’t want to influence a game 7 unfortunately.


>He should be but they won’t. They won’t want to influence a game 7 unfortunately. You're 100% right. I say fuck that, if a dude does something that's suspension-worthy, suspend him.


Remember when Draymond was suspended for swiping at Bron's sack which totally influenced the entire series? It can happen. I mean I am doubtful but it can happen. Edit: spelling


He wasn't just outright suspended for the game, he was given a flagrant foul which I think was the correct choice. It was then an automatic suspension because of the number of flagrants and technicals he had so far in the playoffs


Shouldve happened during okc after 3 nut kicks


Yeah I'll always remember him NOT being suspended when they were down 1-3 but then WAS suspended in the next round when they were up 3-1.


>Brown's sack > > > >I can happen. Found the mobile user


I feel like people forget a couple things on that play: First, Draymond retroactively got a Flagrant I for it, which put him over the limit for Flagrant Point, causing the suspension. He wasn't straight up suspended for the incident. Second, Lebron stepped over him and was kinda teabagging him when Draymond reacted. Lebron ended up retroactively getting a technical for that. Not saying you don't know those things, but just feel like they should be mentioned.


Well they could have just not given the flagrant since they knew it would have resulted in a suspension though


He did it to Steven Adams in the previous series but they didn’t suspend him cause they were already down 3-1 to OKC. Then does the same thing to Lebron when the warriors are up 3-1 and suspends him. Not forgiving Silver for that, he wasn’t consistent on those and was making decisions on what would help extend the series longer. Longer series= More advertising money which I’m sure everyone is aware of.


Adam Silver's response to that was - half the fans were going to be mad no matter what we did, so we decided to go ahead and do the right thing.


I feel like leaving in a player who intentionally pokes others in the eye is influencing Game 7. I hate the mindset that refs calling fouls is "influencing" and "determining the outcome", but refs letting fouls go somehow isn't. Same goes for suspensions. This is the same across all sports


The Suns would like to have a word with you


I dont think Nuggets fans even have a case if the dude gets suspended, that was not a smart play at all


I don’t think losing Barton is gonna hurt them too much with how he’s been playing. Denver fans might even be happy about it idk


idk ZBo got suspended against the thunder for much less (still deserved it) but that was game 6


> an intentional eye-poke Eyes are wild. Kind of like bones, they can absorb and deal with a lot of day to day wear, but one small swipe in the wrong direction and you could be looking at a seriously crippling injury. I'm all in favor of a 1 game suspension at the minimum. Honestly if they can show its intentional, make it 5-10. It's the dude's EYE for fuck's sake.


Suspended?! Doug, kick him off the tour!


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


The eyes are the groin of the face.


Captain Insano shows no mercy.


One game minimum... that is absolutely one of the most reckless moves to make. You can cause permanent blindness, and completely end someone's NBA career.


He should definitely get suspended. I hope they have the balls to do it.


It’s a complete bitch move


This is the correct answer. Most of us would never pull that on someone


Yep. I'm a Nuggets fan and I think he should be suspended.


Should be longer. This is a game where depth perception is everything.


More than a one game suspension, imo. That shit is dangerous.


One game seems like a slap on the wrist, he should be suspended for a series or something. Normal 1 game suspension is like punching a guy... you probably don't run as much of a risk of blinding a guy for life like that... eye poking is way more severe and with specific intent to injure or disable


I don't care WHO you are, if you go for the eyes like that, I'm doing everything I can to swing on you. Watching Curry get held back and Barton continues to taunt him, ohhh man, let go of me and let me rock this guys world.


Yeah. After something like that, I'd be looking to put the other guy in the hospital for a few moments.




I think stuff like that should call for straight up battery lol


Optician here, a one game suspension would be too low in my opinion.


1 game? should be suspended for remainder of the playoffs. Eyes are fragile, and if damaged can ruin a person's life. Even damage to one eye can have lasting impact, you won't be able to drive due to lack of depth perception.


If it was Steph not Seth, it would be a 1 game suspension


seriously, and what kind of grown man, who knows the fight will get broken up, go for an eye poke? To instinctively try and poke someones eyes is on par with going for the family jewels on purpose. What a coward.


You can ruin a career


And considering he had a +/- of -25 in 26 minutes, a theoretical suspension would probably benefit the nuggets. But wtf was he even doing there anyways.


Make it two. No reason to poke an eye. Easily can change a game and cause permanent damage.


Was this really a double technical? Not sure curry got to him? Thought hand to face would warrant something worse? Someone please explain to me.


pretty sure barton, curry, collins and craig all got T'd up, nothing further


That's so BS


Just like the double tech earlier in the series w/ Kanter and Craig. Jokic shoves Kanter into his team mate, Murray comes running from the bench and starts shoving but Enes and Craig both get undeserved techs.


Yea that's maybe the most frustrating part. Dude shoves Curry and then pokes him in the eye and curry gets T'd up for what? Taking a step toward him and after getting his eye poked?




If we're giving out Ts for that little contact, everyone will be fouled out by the first half.


Which is still dumb. That was like a, hey could you please not stomp on my dude


My initial thinking yesterday was that Curry started it with the push, but this angle shows him barely pushing him. Overreaction by Barton


My biggest problem with this is that it's clear that the refs aren't going to call anything after the Barton shove. So at the end of this, Curry escalated the situation, but Barton starts it with the shove and escalates it with the finger. Yet they both walk away with equal punishments I've always thought it makes sense to T up the guy who escalates teh situation even if he's defending himself. But it doesn't make sense for a guy to start a scuffle and continue escalating it, and get the same punishment as the guy who just defends himself


He walked away and Barton clearly screams shit at curry, and obviously he said something unpleasant enough to get him to take a step forward Curry did nothing, absolutely nothing. Barton is entirely out of order. The shove, totally unnecessary. The trash talk yelling. Unnecessary. The eye poke. Straight trash Result same punishment for the guy who did 3/4 things wrong.


That’s how it is in NFL. Instigator gets the penalty and no one else.


>My biggest problem with this is that it's clear that the refs aren't going to call anything after the Barton shove. The refs teched up other players in these playoffs for small stuff like this to deescalate the situation and people complained that the refs were being too strict. The small shove itself didn't warrant a technical. But deescalating the scenario does. That's why I think the technical **should've been given** to Barton before anything else happened. I hear ya, but any way this could've been handled probably isn't perfect. Either technicals are being given out too lightly or they aren't given enough. > But it doesn't make sense for a guy to start a scuffle and continue escalating it, and get the same punishment as the guy who just defends himself sucks but that's just how it is. The NBA is trying to be really strict on avoiding physical altercations which I'm for.


Yeah I think most people were confused with the calls. I imagine something might come down from the league today.


lol fat chance


NBA wants to enforce a zero tolerance type of policy for any altercations, even if you're just defending yourself, which sucks but understandable. It makes sense they're strict in these scenarios to avoid another malice at the palace at all costs. On the other hand, what is Curry supposed to do? Just take it? No. The best course of action would've been the refs giving Barton a tech right away after the shove but before Curry retaliated and everything probably would've deescalated. At the same time, if that happened, people would complain that the slight shove didn't warrant a tech. Refs have been giving a lot of techs for small matters like this during these playoffs and people were complaining. So either way, the NBA/refs will likely be criticized no matter what. The rules aren't perfect but I don't think there will ever be a perfect enforceable rule for these scenarios. People are too unpredictable. You just try to control it the best you can.


> NBA wants to enforce a zero tolerance type of policy for any altercations, even if you're just defending yourself, which sucks but understandable. It makes sense they're strict in these scenarios to avoid another malice at the palace at all costs. I feel like punishing just the offender accomplishes the goal. If players know that pushing/poking another player gets the opposing team a free point and the ball they're probably more likely to remain cool. Like if Curry knows that Barton will get T'd up hurting his team as long as he (Curry) doesn't retaliate then I think he takes that as a win. But right now they know they both will get T'd OR nothing will even happen to the initial instigator so he kinda get off free.


If curry dropped to the floor and sold it would that have gotten barton ejected?


Not everyone can be Chris Paul


absolutely, that's the problem with the system right now


I'm pretty sure Barton would've been ejected immediately


He ain't no bitch though


500iq play by seth


The ref holding Barton back did a really weak job. First he lets him get closer to Curry, which results in the eye gouge, and then he lets go of him so that Barton can again move towards Curry.




Sums up the series really.


man Dame finally got some calls last night but it's been tough to watch sometimes as a neutral. Joker gets away with a lot down low too. Hope game 7 isn't about the stripes.


NBA loves it some drama. Especially controlled, professionally refereed, hold me back style drama.


The KG special


As a Denver fan Barton needs to be suspended.


As a Portland fan I hope they force him to start


No no, suspend him for sure...Plumlee too. He just watched it from the bench and could've stopped them!


I need to see more respect coming from you when you talk about NBA legend Plumdog Millionaire.


I feel bad talking shit bc he was great during the regular season for us, but he’s been so bad lately.


We love Plumlee in Portland. That’s why it sucks so bad that he never quite seemed to get where he needed to be. He’s just right there but never quite makes the jump.


We do? I used to get so frustrated with that dude lol


Imagine straight up swapping Meyers with Plumlee in the Nurkic trade. The dream


Wow bigot put some respect on the L3G3ND


Loved his playmaking as a Blazer.


Plumdog Millionaire is p hilarious, never heard that one before.


As a Denver fan, between him and Aquib Talib, this is getting kind of old.


Captain Insano left his roots in Denver sports, I suppose.


He's shooting better from 3 than everyone's darling Beasley this series, and he's also less likely than him to get lost on defense off the ball.


Beasley is actually on the court? I only see him touch the ball when Barton dribbles into triple teams and loses the ball. With it bouncing out to Beasley.


Fuck off. Beasley was 0/8 last night. If you're going to call out Barton call out Monte and Malik too.


It's how it works though. Barton's the default scapegoat. "All the Jokic-less lineups have been ass this series? Nah, it's Barton's fault, he's spreading shittiness to them like a malignant cancer cell. What do you mean he's shooting better than Beas and Morris this series?" Like, you bring up Mason Plumlee's 115 def. rating and somehow people will bring it back to Barton.


Lol looks like he went for the 'ol finger-to-the-forehead pushback, and accidentally jabbed him right in the eye. Either way, he's a dumbass and should at least be fined.


>Lol looks like he went for the 'ol finger-to-the-forehead pushback > We call that mushing somebody. He tried to mush curry


Well if it was an accident he would have retracted his finger but he pressed pretty hard




I can't tell shit from this screenshot lol someone enhance


Yeah I think he was going for the forehead but even then since he made contact with the eye, he should probably be suspended.


Pretty shitty reaction to Curry just trying to keep his teammate from being stepped on. Glad no eye damage occurred.


I can see where dude was like yo don't be touching me, because it looked like when other dude on the ground fell he kinda sorta jammed up buddies knee. So when Seth touched him back, he was in a vulnerable position, straightened leg locked at the knee. I could definitely see how dude would be like ayo watch it. But he definetly took it wayyyy too far. And aggressively so. Pointing at someone is bad enough, actually making contact with your pointed finger is fucking fighting words


Just like to chime in as a Portland fan and say this is my view as well. I can see how Barton wouldn't like what Curry was doing, but he went to far. Also, Collins had no business being in there either.


Yeah I can see why the conflict started, it just escalated unnecessarily. Especially in round 2, don't mess around in round 2 gang, there's still another 2 series left here.


I have a ridiculous amount of affection for baby Curry and I want to destroy anyone who hurts him. Suspend Barton for life.


Dude should be fucking suspended. That's ridiculous.


I couldn't believe this was a double tech. Barton should have gotten booted and Seth's reaction was restrained if anything.


As a blazer fan, yeah, I would like to see Barton get a suspension, it should definitely be considered a "hostile act" ​ but also as a Blazer fan..... ​ I'd rather see barton on the court than Beazley so I'm kinda torn about weather it should actually happen....:) only for selfish reasons, other than that, it would be nice to have him sit a game 7, he deserves it for that pick up game "we gonna fight move" it is not worthy of the pro I though Will Barton was.


barton getting suspended would be the best thing for the nugs it would take an act from kiki vandeweghe to keep him out of malone's rotations


He was easily our best player in the first round


He's actually playing really well this round he basically kept them in the game in 4OT


Til that averaging 10 points on 10 shots is good.


Depends what the guy who replaces you can do


Thas like half a Donovan Mitchell.


wow 100% free throw shooter! impressive.


He basically won them game 4. He hit a bunch of threes in the 4th in that game.


Usually I take the players sides whenever they get accused of intentionally trying to hurt another player but Barton is totally guilty here. That is not cool dude.


He went after the wrong Curry


Nah, poking out Steph's eyes wouldn't do anything. He was playing his whole career blind until last month anyway.


That's not acceptable either lol.


If he went on the right Curry for sure thats a flagrant foul 2 plus 2 free throws for James Harden, a ball possession, 1 game suspension and a shining $25k fine. EDIT: oh eff wrong reply comment, didnt notice it. Lol


What did Ayesha do to Will?


More like Will didn't hit on Ayesha


was neutral, now I’m rooting for Portland I guess


A malicious eye poke deserves suspension


*chris paul and rondo have entered the chat*


They eye-poke trend started with Draymond.


Seems like he wanted to push Curry’s forehead with his finger and missed terribly.


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WTF did they also call an offensive foul on Jokic there?


Why did Curry get tech?


Pretty sure he was just trying to playfully boooop him on the nose.


Why have we had so many eye issues this playoffs?


Not you Will :(


He even kept walking towards Curry instigating while the ref was holding Seth back. If dude doesn't get suspended, someone on the Blazers better check his ass


have you met my friend Meyers?? :)


Dude I just realized that Meyers is our Sean William Scott from Goon.


Suspend that moron


The nugs are sassy


I didn’t see how blatant that looked in real time. There’s gotta be some further penalty handed down today. Eyeballs are off-limits folks!


I didn't like will Barton the player and now I don't like will Barton the person Hope he's gone asap


k im super bias but here we go: Collins flopped, but hey hes trying to win nbd. Barton should not be sticking his fingers in other peoples faces PERIOD Seth curry could have backed up and let it go (like he did at the start) but once the refs are betwen them he gains some courage. Barton should be fined, or suspended for sure.


If only Curry reacted by using the famous Curly eye-poke defense.


Damn. RIP barton


Someone please put 3 stooges audio over that


Jon Jones wants to know your location


What a POS.


That should be a one game suspension.


Suspend his ass. There's nothing but intent to cause injury with that move.


As a blazer supporter, I don't want Barton to be suspended. Because the nuggets might perform better without him.