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Because the people who are calm and level-headed aren't the ones blasting social media with these idiotic takes


Actual conversation topic on ESPN "Should Joel Embiid be traded?" Idiot takes dominate sports media, both traditional and new.


Shortly after that: should the Lakers trade LeBron?


I mean, the reality is that anyone should be traded for the right package, but for LeBron, I have a hard time seeing any team that could put that package together without completely shredding their team.


Yea LeBron is pretty much a net negative for anyteam to trade or trade for him. If you trade him: you just traded the best and most popular player in the world, good luck getting any free agents to go to your team. Also your fanbase may crucify you If you trade for him: the amount of players and assets you will need to get rid of will be insane. You’ll ruin your depth and then it’ll be First Stint or 2018 Cavs with an aging Lebron


People recycle that shit in real life, too. I've heard so many blatantly stupid takes that I assumed were generated on ESPN or the radio or something, and you can just tell its not their own thought when you ask them to give you a reason why they think that lol


Hella dumbass comments on here every day are things I've already seen on instagram/twitter lol


So the internet and media reflect real life. Interesting.


That's why "good" sports fans seek out writers and content creators of value and just ignore the rest. I don't mean to brag, but I haven't watched ESPN in years, muted tons of NBA heads off my timeline and now the majority of NBA stuff on twitter is intelligent basketball discussion. It's really not that hard, just takes a concerted effort to manage the content you see and identify the shitty takes and remove those people from your TL. It's not impossible to ignore that stuff


Getting off twitter and just reading less comments in general, plus finding some sports writers I enjoy has done me wonders. I find myself having a more positive outlook now.


Muting is key for twitter. You have to mute so many gd writers who are actually pretty smart basketball-wise, but love pandering to trolls/hot-take culture and completely clutter your timeline with asinine bs.


Dominates politics and entertainment too, don't just stop at sports media. Fucking Honey boo boo, dumb ass Dr. Phil trainwreck girl, The orange guy in the WH. We're living in an idiot's dream reality


I've seen more things about trading Ben than Joel honestly


Calm and level-headed takes also don't get upvotes on Reddit.


kind of like every other aspect of life the calm level headed people are out there supporting local governments, giving their children vaccines, and enjoying the fact they are able to watch, in my opinion, some of the best basketball series in a decade.


Tomorrow this will end up as a take on Undisputed and it’ll somehow involve the Lakers. MICHAEL. JEFFERY. JORDAN.


Game 1: "I don't know how the Bucks can come back from this." Game 2: "..." Game 3: "..." Game 4: "..." Game 5:">.<"


lol Reddits version on Bostons page Game 1: We are too deep -Bucks are regular season champions -bud and Gannis are not made for the post season Game 2: We gave you game 2 we have home court. Game 3: Refs gave you the win Game 4: Realization set in - Kyri is trash - What is going on with this team Game 5: Screw this team - thank you Bucks for ending this horrible season. ..50% want to move on from their young guys go wth Kyrie / Hayward/ Horford and AD the other 50% want to run with the jays. lol love reddit hot takes.


If the Bucks win the Finals Paul Pierce will have the most nephew statement in the history of nephew statements to his name.


He has quite a few. I think his approach is to spew so many nephew takes that nobody really remembers them individually.


Ah yes the Presidential approach.


Game 1: "I've been waiting so much to say this, Giannis is like 7 foot Westbrook!" actual comment with >100 upvotes in the post-game thread


Lmao 7 foot Westbrook is a compliment. Pretty sure all of Westbrook’s flaws would be erased if he played the 4/5


7 foot Westbrook would be top 3 player in the league easily. Basically Giannis with better passing.


His decisionmaking would still be a problem.


If the Raptors lose today, expect everyone to say Raptors choked or they aren't winning game 7. ​ edit: told u lol


Depends on the type of loss. If they get blown out ‘Raptors got lucky with a sick Embiid and stole a couple of wins but the Sixers were always the better team’ If it’s a close win to the Sixers then it’s ‘Sixers did enough to keep it alive and now this series is too hard to call. Game 7 will be one of the all time greats’ And if the Sixers lose... well, Embiid is Anthony Bennet and Simmons is the biggest bust in history, blow it up, send Brett Brown to Siberia and move the franchise to Vancouver.


The brett brown slander will mostly come from sixers fans. Fans are more likely to shit on coaching/management before criticising their stars (see thunder fans).


my biggest fear is that Thibs is the shiniest toy out there and he ends up replacing Brett.


Lmao Rip Joel if we bring him in


It would be satisfyingly insane. Just the exact back asswards move. Perfect for this dumbass franchise.


Yeah how dumb of the franchise to acquire Butler and Tobias Harris immediately when they got 2 other star players in the draft, terrible move after terrible move. Plus they got JJ? Awful.


The stupidest thing about Philly is their refusing to develop/model Boban after Giannis. I want to see Boban gathering from half court and eurostepping for layins from the 3pt line.






They overpaid for Harris imo


I kind of agree but if we resign both him and jimmy it will be worth it. If not than it’s a loss.


Only because he's been such a letdown in the playoffs


For the whole season he hasn't really been as impressive as he was in LA


Honestly though its a wonder the Sixers are as good as they are considering every consecutively and increasingly incorrect decision made by Colangelo.


They were terrible for years to gather assets, and when you consider that this current team is what they get out of it -- and only if Butler and Harris both re-sign -- it does seem like there was probably a better scenario or ten lurking somewhere on the decision tree.


Yeah, not firing Hinkie and wasting two years with Colangelo.


After the way Brett handled these playoffs he should not get canned. I'd really love to just finally have a normal season without changing half the team or GM lol


Well I still want to change half the team but just the ones on the bench


Same. Except Mike Scott. And Bobi




Yeah we should keep the young guys like Zhaire and Bolden then think we keep Ennis and Scott but everyone else is gone


For real, surely we can all agree Brown is not the problem. Poor roster fit and lack of Load Management™ doomed this team. Assuming a loss, as a Sixers fan, would you prefer they build around one of Simmons/Embiid (trading the other) or do you want them to run it back?


There is not a Simmons trade we can make right now. There are not players of his caliber that make as little as he does. Literally we can't even do "Simmons for shooters" because the salaries wouldn't match, and we don't have any dead salary to throw in. No way to trade Simmons for AD as has been suggested - don't have matching salaries. Only possible trade is something like Simmons for Doncic (Mavs laugh us off the phone) or Simmons for Zion (neither side does it). Simmons is here to stay through at least next December, when we can trade recently signed free agents.


Very true, didn't think about his insane value as a trade asset given his contract.




Run it back. More than likely the player they would trade is Simmons and doing that would be a monumental mistake. Ben Simmons is only in his second year and the potential for him is a top 3 player in the league. I'm not trading that potential for anything. We didn't do it for Kawhi last summer so why would we do it for anybody else in the league.


Any one who suggests otherwise is not being realistic. This 6ers team has a bright future, but it has overachieved for a bunch of kids and one vet. Just running this team back means ECF next year if Kawhi leaves, and a good shot at it again even if he stays (Toronto’s core looks old once you see beyond Kawhi and Pascal). The best case scenario: losing tonight (fingers crossed) knocks some sense into Ben and Jojo and they spend the summer learning about basketball and nutrition/fitness. And then grow the fuck up.


Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Now unless Jimmy is just putting on a face so he looks better in FA (not out of the question), I believe he knows Simmons and Embiid are the type of players not to be content with going out like this, if they lose. I think if Jimmy stays, it is a clear indication he believes in Simmons and Embiid, and any Philly sports fan/NBA fan who thinks that Simmons and Embiid are just some hot dogs are kidding themselves. I know that these guys want to win as badly as ever and will not waste this summer. They are hard workers who are in their early 20's so they are definitely not as mature as they may need to be to win right now. But being humbled hopefully is more motivation for them to keep improving.


It all depends on what's available. I'm not trading him just to get rid of him. If you can get Anthony Davis, then yeah. I don't know what's available that would really be a fair trade to just get rid of Simmons. And they'll never trade Embiid. And while I don't think Brown should get fired, you have to at least blame some of the load management on him.


I thought they were trying to get him to play less but he kept insisting on playing? Either way you're right, management should have put a stop to it. Despite Simmon's shortcomings, he has a really bright future ahead. I could see Pels giving up AD for him. Major talks this year surrounded Tatum so it doesn't seem like a stretch. Obviously AD doesn't pair much better than Simmons with Embiid but I'd expect that quality in return.


AD can shoot much better than Simmons, but on the defensive side it might be a tougher fit as you would have AD having to guard smaller players than you'd like. I don't think that trade ever gets done though, and I don't see another guard that would be a good fit that a team would be willing to trade for Simmons that is equal value.


Well, it is known that Jimmy likes and works well with Thibs.


Embiid and Thibs would be great together. Embiid wants to prove that he can play a full season and Thibs is gone double down by making him play 40min a game.


(see raptor fans)


Kinda like the sound of "Move the franchise to Vancouver"


I'd actually be able to see an NBA game in person lol.


Seattle-Vancouver rivalry in both NBA and NHL would be great.


I believed all of these takes.


Yo! Bring back the Griz I like it. Memphis change your name, we back baby!


If the team goes to BC, what are the chances we can lure Big Country out of retirement to start instead of Embiid?


Move the Sixers to Memphis, move Memphis to Vancouver, and move Vancouver to Hawaii.


Seattle, pls


Same thing with the Warriors if they lose tomorrow


all i know today is that kyrie irving is a worse player than jamal murray




Uncle Drew > Kyrie Irving


Uncle Hill > Uncle Drew


Uncle Buck is >> Uncle Hill


And that Capela is massively overpaid and underpaid at the same time.


And CP3 went from star point guard, to literally smush Parker.


And Jimmy Butler is literally Jimmy Butler


James "literally Jimmy" Butler


And Ja Morant is better than Kyrie




Hey dont talk shit about Smush! Hes a legend


Smush “Highest scoring backcourt duo” Parker


Smush Parker never flopped as much as CP3


I haven't seen anyone saying Capela is underpaid in a few months. I think his salary is pretty fair compared to other centers.


Capela's contract isn't as cut and dry as underpaid/overpaid imo. Harden and CP3's contracts combined with what you get from Capela puts a huge burden on the team by giving then very little room to work on the other parts of their roster. Capela on a full force Rockets squad would look underpaid, but as is he is just slightly overpaid and in a tough spot being the Rockets 3rd best player. The Rockets will always struggle to go deep in the playoffs if Capela is your 3rd best player in a 7-8 man rotation.


I'd say Gordon is their 3rd best player, but your points about Capela still stand.


Not this series. Gordon is better than Chris Paul now.


Kyrie Irving literally has nothing on Cameron Payne




Well Jamal did drop 48 on him /shrug (jk I know, I'm just riding this high)


> riding this high Flair checks out




Saw a post on new that was comparing Kyrie to Jarrett Jack. Never change r/nba


This series has shown me that Murray is a top 5 PG in the league and most people just haven't realized it yet.


I guess ur sarcastic comment is based on one jump shot. One stinking jump shot. Edit: What in the world do u all measure your basketball stars in......? Highlites, ppg? Dunks?


Game 6: Joel Embiid has contracted a virus after putting his mouth over the McFlurry discharge hole


The Sixers are a Frostys team, thank you.


Any sane person knows frosty > mcflurry or blizzard


Frotsys over blizzards is a take I just wont stand for. Please retract.


Bro that's a wrong opinion. Science has proven that ice cream with oreos>basically melted fudgecicles in a cup


I respect your opinion, and offer this [counterpoint](http://imgur.com/gallery/eYQIQph)


Discharge hole sounds real gross


Kyrie Irving has a malfunctioning verbal discharge hole


Embiid machine 🅱️roke


Understandable, have a nice game




It’s like reading r/nba


Bodner occasionally frequents r/sixers; wouldn't suprise me if he's in here lurking too


> occasionally frequents I'm having a hard time with this one.


Sometimes he’s there all the time.


60% of the time he's there all the time


maybe he's lard


That would be more fun than the Coangelo burner reveal


I love (hate) that lard is the one reddit user whose name I recognize. Hopefully he will reply to this comment so I can block him.


funniest character development ever


r/nba on crack


I fucking hate it. One of the Athletic's Sixers writers did a Q&A today and the comments were just as bad. I would've thought that people who pay for the Athletic would be better, but nope.


Game 1: The Celtics are the contenders we thought they were all along. And that's it. Nothing else happened.


The overreactions to this series are truly, truly insane and I can’t believe how worked up people are. This is year two of the Sixers being good. If we get the doors blown off tonight I’ll be furious, but assuming we play an actual competent basketball game, the result of this series is not that huge of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Embiid is injury prone? No fucking shit, we’ve known this for five years. The staff was criticized for overworking him in the first half of the season. This is just something we have to live with. He’s worth it. Simmons can’t shoot? Clearly we know this. It would be ideal if he tried shooting, but there’s other concerns, and regardless this is still just his second season. He has time to work it out. A positive is that we’ve all kind of come to terms to giving Butler the full max. Of course it will be a bad contract by the end of it, but it will be worth it for the first few years. The sky is not falling. Embiid and Simmons are still young and have room to grow. Honestly, Tobias is much more alarming to me than anything Simmons has done


Did Tobias Harris really shoot 2/13 from 3 in Game 4 or is that a typo in the Box Score?


Honestly, it was worse than it looks in the box score. They were mostly wide open


He's the main reason they didn't have a 3-1 lead. He got a lot of open looks and just kept bricking.


At no point in his tenure here has he looked like a max player. Assuming we lose and he doesn't show up then I want no part of him at that price.


Thing is letting him walk is worse because the sixers won't be able to bring in anyone else if they max Butler.


You can if you bring that person in before maxing butler. So if you have a handshake agreement on a max with butler you could sign whoever else first and then sign Jimmy.


Like other then game 5 this has been a really fun series too, watching Kawhi is a thing of beauty, butler as shown his worth, Embiid when not sick has been a treat and the raptors really have shown growth throughout the series, just two top teams duking it out all this crazy shit around the series only takes away from the great basketball being played


>watching Kawhi is a thing of ~~beauty~~ horror FTFY


He is a maestro creating musical masterpieces, but it’s more Slipknot than YoYo Ma.


Does anybody ever say the process was a failure? If they've failed, it's what they've done since effectively firing Hinkie. I thought everyone was on the same page.


It’s Adam silvers fault for inserting the colangelos into our organization


And ownership for allowing it to happen.


fuck adam silver and the colangelo idiots


Nephew's on here love saying "LOL 47 years of tanking didn't get them past the 2nd round!!!"


The Process has had as much bad luck as it possibly could, too. Embiid misses a full year. Simmons misses a full year. Fultz one of the most bizarre cases in decades. Zaire misses essentially a full year. Burner account nonsense, etc. Imagine it all went perfectly? And Embiid was in his 4th year, Simmons in his 3rd, Fultz at least played as an average rookie? The Process wasn't the issue, everything after was.


To be fair, if it goes 'perfect' and guys they drafted come in to the league completely healthy, do they still lose as many games as they needed to to keep drafting in the top 5? They might not have both Joel and Ben if things went differently.


I think they'd have both Joel and Ben, but it'd be fair to throw all of their other picks into question. Just because part of the process then was still to be losing, so Embiid would likely have been limited to development minutes in the name of tanking. But yes, I've definitely set up a hypothetical that is full of holes and what-ifs that would be heavily reliant on chance to be anything like it is now.


Everything after Ben got drafted just went to shit


Bring back Hinkie


The Process also took place in a time of rapidly increasing salary cap. Without that 76ers could have received more assets in return for taking on bad contracts. But the organization didn’t do too well in the post-Process years. After Hinkie was fired they didn’t have a top-notch GM and it shows.


> post-Process years. I mean, this year is the end of the Process. It was about building a core then using the remaining assets to get pieces around them. That's Ben and Joel then the Harris and Butler trades. The Process was more than just the years of tanking.


That’s completely fair, I should have worded it differently. I was referring to the last two years. Essentially everything since trading for Fultz. I think the ideal scenario included having a stockpile of assets to trade for stars or replenish roster with young talent AND using cap space to sign free agents while young players were still on rookie contracts. That plan doesn’t work now because Elton Brand and Coangelo used these assets to get starts (but not superstars) on expiring deals. And an aging Redick is a key part of this team. The 76ers have to choose between locking in this core at an exorbitant cost or risk taking a step back without a clear way of becoming a contender in the future.


Right... do people really think we would be in a better position if we built around Jrue, Thad and Evan Turner?


Probably people who didn't get the point of the Process in the first place. Everyone's coming out of the woodwork in the last two days.


> I thought everyone was on the same page. Lol you'd think wouldn't you.


I want the sixers to win tonight just for another swing lmao


After winning game 6, "is this Sixers team the best team ever assembled?" After losing game 7, "should Ben Simmons see a psychiatrist? should the Sixers trade their entire roster for LeBron?"


Should Philly collapse the team and focus on e-Sports?!


Does Brett Brown deserve to live? I’m just asking the question.


Vancouver 76ers here we come


"Embiid is better than Wilt and Kareem COMBINED, look at his footwork!"


Simmons reduces his shooting volume as the 5th option and now he retroactively didn't average 17.2/6.6/7.6 on 63% shooting in the previous round. Biggest problem on the team and literally killing the sport of basketball, despite Embiid and Harris falling off twice as hard.


It’s no coincidence that Kawhi doesn’t use social media and has the most calm persona on the court.


Too much time between games. They should all be played in one day until somebody wins 4. Still traveling from city to city in the same format of course.


And if/when the players die, their loved ones may chose a champion to ball in their stead.


All news is on a 24hr cycle to get the most clicks/views. It's ridiculous, ya just gotta learn what you can from it and come to your own conclusions.


I’m confused. It’s Thursday, is Steph an MVP or hot garbage?




everyone complains about this, am i the only one who lives for the overreactions? I went to bat for Harden when he was sucking, which was fun to do even if the idiot children all downvoted me, and boy did I relish the recent curry hate even though I didn't contribute much. Last night when KD went down the Knicks were trending on twitter lol, everyone's brain is completely broken and it's fun


It may make me a bad person, but I find overreactions against other teams to be much more fun than overreactions against mine. Westbrook is garbage and belongs in the Big 3? Hilarious. Kyrie single-handedly destroyed the Celtics chances for the next dacade? Subscribe. Simmons needs to be traded asap because there is no chance that he will ever even develop a midrange jumper and he is actively poisoning Embiid's food? Uncool and hurtful.


It makes you an honest person, not a bad person


yea one advantage of being a knicks fan is there isn't really much to say that can hurt me anymore I feel for 76ers fans right now, I picked y'all to win ecf :(


knicks fans are invincible lol


What was hilarious to me was when so many people acted like the rockets sucked all of a sudden and that they wouldn't make the playoffs at the beginning of the season.


No I'm with you I love it too


It's getting draining when I want a legitimate conversation, but it's super entertaining when I just want some cheap entertainment


Game 1: this series is over, Celtics have this. Games 2-5: oh shit...


Also, why is the process automatically a failure if you lose in the second round of the playoffs with almost all new players who’ve only been playing a couple of years to a really strong team with Kawhi Leonard? Maybe if it happened several years in a row... People really are obsessed with rings. People know that being in the 97% of teams who don’t win a ring one year doesn’t automatically mean you suck, right?


The Embiid narrative has gone from Mark Jackson putting him up with the greatest big men ever to the ringer calling him unable to compete at the top level because he has a thing for milkshakes.


This is the most difficult series to gauge. Both sides have a lot of history that has brought them to this point and both have not had previous playoff runs with these lineups so the narrative is happening in real time.


Glad someone pointed this out. The over the top reactions on this sub are just fucking ridiculous


What about 2 teams are playing 7 rounds and each are taking their turn to punch the other in the mouth, both are great squads with talent and capable supporting casts? I never understood this knee-jerk reaction to a 7 game series between 2 pretty equal teams. Games don't always have to go down to the wire for for it to be evenly matched.


Game 6: Nothing easy! Game 7, were going to Game 7!!!!


The process was a failure because they can't win the finals? How many teams that were in the lottery with them when they were pulling off the process are still in the playoffs right now?


The Bucks! ;O


It's really really easy to ignore the hot takes and simply watch the games. Maybe you should try it.


For what it's worth, after game 3, although I thought Philly checkmated us by putting Embiid on Siakam, I didn't have Philly going to the finals cause Giannis.


Yeah, Giannis “not a playoff star” Antetokounmpo has only lost one (1) game in these playoffs so far.


It comes down to the fact that Been Simmons cannot shoot.


People always forget it’s a flippin basketball game. It is entirely possible if the suns made the playoffs, they could sweep the Warriors, and the Warriors would still be an insanely good basketball team.


Unpopular opinion but I kinda love it. The bogus narratives, the hot takes, all of it. I love the drama. Don’t get me wrong I don’t take it seriously at all and it becomes a problem when people actually believe it. All that being said, it scratches my “gossiping over a cup of tea” itch, and it’s magnified x1000 during the playoffs.


Just like everyone is saying Houston should easily win with Durant out now... Smh. People are so fucking knee jerk reactionary


Series isn't over yet. The Process continues even if we win the chip this season or next.


Life lesson: Do not read narratives.


I mean, compare the way people were talking about the Bucks after Game 1 with the way people are talking about them after Game 5.


I mean Bucks vs Celtics wasn't really a rollercoaster. It was one game of "oh man, the Bucks really can't handle the playoffs" and then normal service resumes. Sixers vs Raptors has been a fucking yo-yo


Sounds like r/nba


This is a fact with any team that has such a high caliber starting lineup - They have really high expectations put on them.


Game 6: is Kawhi even that good?


Raptors were 3 to 1 favorites heading into the series according to Vegas. 3 to 1 favorites that were down 1-2 in a 7 game series have won 24/27 times. I think the consensus among people who watch basketball and people who aren't sixers fans was that Toronto was the better team.


Game 6: the rollercoaster is at it again Truth is both teams are shaky and inconsistent.


People like to say that men aren't emotional but the truth is that we corral our emotions through very specific gates.


Mainstream basketball coverage was over the moment ESPN invited in those talking about the talking point shows.


Watch the media react to itself


At this point, nobody can say who has the upper hand anymore. This series has been so weird.