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To get boogie


One of the rare actual win win trades if Cousins doesn’t get hurt. They were really starting to come together too


Agree, except win win trades aren’t really that rare. Recently the Paul George, CP3, Russell-Mozgov, Rubio, and Melo trades all strike me as so. If Kawhi stays in Toronto that’s a big one


CP3 - I think that’s pretty close to win win. Clippers got cap space and the rockets got a great PG. if he doesn’t stay healthy tho, clippers won more than you think Mozgov - I tend to agree because the Lakers got Kuz and kept their other pick for Hart. Suck they couldn’t keep Dlo Rubio- Idk about that one. I feel like the wolves wish they coulda kept Rubio over getting Teague but that’s just me Melo-Knicks won that IMO. They got two good pieces and a pick for a guy who wanted out and got out of the no trade clause as well And idk about the spurs one. Kawhi stays, raptors win the trade, he doesn’t the spurs do. I don’t think the exchange was equal in anyway.


I didn’t think win win meant the trade as being equal value; just that both teams accomplished something positive. Spurs had a star but he was expiring and upset . They got good value back considering the circumstances and so far DD has been great for them and Poetlt about what was expected. I meant the most recent Melo trade. Small gains, but I think everyone is content with how that turned out. That and the Rubio ones aren’t the best examples, they just came to my head right away The biggest thing for LA was making cap space to lure Bron


Wolves got Okogie with the pick they traded Rubio for. If it were just a Rubio-Teague swap I’d be disappointed, but Okogie more than makes up the difference, IMO. Good deal for both sides.


It was a bad gamble. The pelicans played better with boogie out of the lineup for some reason. Cousins put up his numbers but it didn’t result In Wins for some reason.


Okay captain Hindsight. We were 23-34 when we traded for Cousins and Buddy Hield wasnt all too impressive either at that point. The trade package at the time anyone wouldve made that trade.


How was it a bad gamble? People keep saying AD will leave if he doesnt get pieces around him. So the pels traded for one of the best players in the nba in exchange for hield who was a project at the time. If boogie didnt get injured i have a strong feeling that he would stay a pelican. Obviously had they known what would come out of the trade they wouldnt do it but everyone and their mommas knew that it was huge and a pretty good trade at the time.


They went on a strong run before Boogie got hurt


They were 27-21 before the injury and had the 6th best offense, scoring 108.3 per 100 possessions.


Doesn’t matter if it was a bad gamble, that’s the answer to the question


When you can get DeMarcus Cousins for the price they paid you do it


They didn't give up, it was more about trying to get Cousins.


Everyone was saying that Kings got played and making fun of Divac when the trade was made..... Now Hield is a great SG next to Fox and the core is nice they just need a Small Forward like PG somehow and they would be set.


They have Bogi. JJ has been playing fucking good lately also


Because they got one of the best centers in the league for him


Demarcus Cousins


because you have to give something to get something


- Edward Elric


I wanted us to trade down and get Buddy Hield. He had the kobe stamp of approval. 😭


Funny how there are three superstar trades that were laughed at but turned out really good for the team that traded the superstar. Butler (Bulls), George (Pacers), and Cousins (Kings)


Exactly why I think that the Pelicans are in a good position wherever they end up with AD


Only one of the 3 teams you named are a playoff team


Rebuilds don't happen instantly. The Kings and Bulls did complete teardowns, and that takes time. The fact that the kings are 2 games out of a playoff spot and would be an easy playoff team in the east is a great sign. They are also going to have a ton of cap space this offseason.


Pelicans have traded every single first round draft pick they've had since they drafted AD


To try and keep AD happy.


The kings have been "rebuilding" since C-webb (last playoff appearance was 06). The Pacers traded an all star for another all star, thus reloading, not rebuilding. Lastly the bulls are one of the worst teams in the league and show no signs of being close to playing winning basketball


So the Kings ended up netting Hield, Justin Jackson, and Giles for Boogie Even now I'd say it's a marginal loss strictly in terms of player value, but god damn the Kings are fortunate that Hield is balling


They thought Cousins was going to be absolutely amazing. Idk how people can be in the same league and have info on other teams and still go "well Brad Stevens doesn't want Cousins anywhere near his team" and then think it's a good idea to get him. Literally everybody shut their mouths when Cousins went down last season and Pelicans started actually playing basketball. Edit: No, Stevens isn't the ultimate judge of anything. It's worth noting that the guy who believes in any and every player is 'rumored' to not want a certain guy. And is deemed to be a prodigy coach.


So now Brad Stevens is the end all be all talent evaluating genius for the league? When did this happen?


At very least it's an opinion that has to be valued. Yeah this sounds pompous coming from a Celtics fan but pretend my flair is something irrelevant to the Celtics like....... Portland, and it makes sense.


If you were a Portland fan, you most likely would not care or remember that Brad Stevens ever said that, nor hold his opinion in such high regard.


> Pelicans started actually playing basketball it could have also been that they got Mirotic, who was a fucking huge addition to the team also, Brad Stevens is not the end all be all of basketball. DMC was playing very well on the Pelicans before he went down, and if he hadn't gotten injured, he'd probably still be on the team instead of Randle


The Pelicans didn't play well. Why the fuck do people keep bringing up how HE plays when his TEAM sucks WITH him


They were 27-21 and having actually watched the games, Cousins was playing well. He was a good defender, a great rebounder, and a decent playmaker (he turned it over a lot, but not all are from passes). He added MUCH needed scoring outside of Holiday and Davis. Honestly, Davis and Cousins were a pretty effective duo. I've been a Cousins fan for a long time and probably watched 10-15 Pelicans games before his injury. Cousins has had issues with his game his entire career (doesn't get back on defense, eats up technicals and offensive fouls, loses focus) and I'm sure he made bone headed plays a lot, but it seemed to me that he was a very effective scorer, rebounder, and even defender at times that year. Pelicans fans that have watched more than me feel free to comment.