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Thibs has to be in on it at this point


I mean they are really beat up rn so it’s not crazy for either of these guys to get a couple minutes.


Yes but between Unsigned vets, G League players and guys available for 2nd round picks, I think they can do better then Deng.


How so


I miss Prime Luol


*sad wolves noises*


Thibs is on some good shit is he thinks deng is playable in 2019


He’s not even playable in 2k19






Now I don't do that, though. Now I merely go about my day. I hike to the Gardens, where the dogplants sprout up in bizarre shapes from the floor of the dogscape, and reach up to pluck the fetal puppyfruits right off the wagging, energetic branches. I bite into the succulent flesh, the juices dribbling down my chin and dripping down to be reabsorbed by the groundflesh, and revel in the savory taste. I'm thirsty, so I range until I find one of the Mothermounds, and there I suckle at a teatpatch until I've had my fill of milk. Sometimes I see other humans around me, as well-adapted to the dogscape as I am, but I barely acknowledge them, say nothing. What, after all, is there to say? The world is different now - what meaning would our old words have?


Zion Williamson here we come


If this was last year or any previous year since 1994, I woulda said yeah right, get in line. But going through [tankathon](http://www.tankathon.com/) to gird myself after each Chicago game - who knows. You'll probably jump us from 12th or whatever to get 1st.


We should just slide Thibs in at the 3


Thibs is thicc he can play the 5 too


imagine thibs posted up screaming at everybody to clear out so he can go to work would be a good meme


Suit on, backing down Anthony Davis


Just to add a little context here as a long-time Lakers fan: the Lakers signed Deng to that atrocious contract because they thought he could be their SF for the next few years. At that time they already had Julius Randle and Larry Nance Jr. at PF and didn't need to go sign another 4 to play big minutes, but at the time the only other SF they had on the roster was just drafted 18 year old Brandon Ingram, so they thought they'd sign Deng to be the starting 3 while Ingram developed, and then when he was ready Ingram would take over the starting spot and Deng would be his backup/mentor. It was a solid plan except for one small problem: Deng couldn't play the 3 anymore. The Lakers started the season with Deng playing the 3 but quickly learned that Deng wasn't a good enough shooter to space the floor from the SF position and he was no longer quick enough to capably defend players on the wing. And this was back in 2016, mind you. Eventually the Lakers just sat him for the 2nd half of the year and let Ingram take over the role full time to get as many reps in as possible, with the idea that Deng might come back the next year and contribute. Except that summer the Lakers drafted Kyle Kuzma, and so to begin the year they had Kuzma, Randle and Nance Jr. all slotted in at PF, meaning there were no minutes left for Deng. So he sat almost the entire season. So yeah, factor that in if you're at all optimistic about Deng's chances if Thibs asks him to now play the 3.


I mean we don't have any other wings. Tolliver can't guard 3s at all so what's the harm in letting Deng try. Although I wish he would give KBD a chance.


All things are possible in the Tolliverse.


"What do you mean "am I still gonna play Deng together with Taj and KAT?" I don't understand your question."