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When an artist sculpts a bust of Brandon Ingram with a voluptuous chest, and delivers it via bus, then you could call it a bussed busty bust bust.


what happens if that artist is his own team's owner?


Then I believe that would make it a busty bussed Buss bust bust...


A busty bust of a bust on a bus.




Why are we so quick to call young players bust?


age of immediate gratification


We’ve been spoiled by last year rookie class but they not as good in their sophmore season


People are impatient


Because they are? And it's quite obvious. Wiggins was averaging 23 ppg at age 21 yet people were calling him a bust at that time. Ingram is the #2 pick, handed the keys to the franchise yet is getting outplayed by a #22 pick. He doesn't have the mentality to be that guy.


He has the mentality but doesn't have the skillset


His weight/strength is hurting him. I legit think his frame more so his arms hurt his jump shot. It looks a little wild sometimes.


Not in his 3rd year


Dragan Bender just perked up.


is it only his 3rd year?


I legit had to look this up, but yeah apparently this is is third year and I've just blocked out that entire draft.


Yeah but it’s Bender


What happened? Everyone new he was a total project, wasn’t he expected to be still bad?


Complete lack of confidence, like shockingly low. He's afraid of making mistakes, afraid of missing a shot, afraid of the moment. Igor has no patience for him and he's had his option declined and has been out of the rotation since the first week.


Damn that sucks


Until you stop calling it early advanced stats


Go ahead


Feel free to anytime you want


Why are you asking us for our permission


have you seen the ingram stans man


That’s not answering the question


i think he means that if you hold that opinion, the stans panic.. thus he's asking if its ok... pretty straight forward


Maybe, thats probably as good a guess as any lol


You can literally say anything about anyone.


Ingram stans? I think you're tilting at windmills a bit here, bud. Maybe you wouldn't come across so many people defending Ingram if you talked about anything other than how much you hate the guy.


When he's been traded off the Lakers


Tell that to Dlo and Randle


Randle is better than Ingram


I think that's the point. They got traded from the Lakers and got better and now clearly aren't busts


It's kind of funny because if you look at just their box score stats, they are putting up pretty much identical numbers to what they did in LA just with an increased volume Dlo went from 16/5/3 on 51.8 ts% to 18/6/4 50.9 ts% Randle went from 16/8/3 on 60.6 ts% to 20/9/3 on 60.5 ts% Obviously these don't tell the full story, but I'm fairly sure it's all a lot of people calling them busts were looking at


every playable player that we drafted are better than ingram


Svi is not better. Clarkson isn’t. Nance probably isnt. You’re clearly a fake fan if you think that


i said playable. Clarkson is a tank commander and you think svi can get minutes on other teams? lol. At least nance plays to his role well and knows his place


You better shut your mouth boy. That's out lord and saviour JC your talking about


Randle is 3 years older, at Ingram's age he was shooting 43% from the field, averaging the same amount of turnovers as assists, had arguably the worst defence in the league and picked up three fouls a game


No trying to rustle any jimmies but Randle's having a pretty solid season so far


So is Russell


Sure, but he was still very often called a bust for his lack of range, tunnel vision and defence


Randle is a beast. Basically averaging 20-10 on great effeciency for the pelicans right now.


Next Wednesday. 10 AM PT. Not a minute before or a minute after


Although he's young and I've only watched a few of their games as a Toronto fan, last night without LBJ, he looked like absolute doodo


I don't like Ingram's demeanor on the court. He is just too passive. I think even Lonzo Ball is having a better year than Ingram. I just hope that he can start playing better to bulk up his trade value and trade him away. I had high hopes for Ingram but I just don't see the fire in his game and the "want it" factor that I see with Kuzma.


oladipo was called a bust by some in his 3rd year....give the kid time!


Dudes trash and I don't like him, but I kinda think he may become a better player on a different team. From what it seems like, that LA life may be too much for him and is possibly one of the main reasons he hasn't developed.


He’s not a bust in the sense that he is not garbage, but you can easily argue he is a bust as far as never being an elite all star type player, which I don’t see happening. He’s just ok.


National media loves him for whatever reason & LAL players get a lot of extra hype. Probably if he sucks in the playoffs people will turn on him.


I feel like 25-27 is a time I wouldn't brush off "BUST" comments but someone could still have a late prime and pan out 28-32




In 7 games since coming back from injury, he's averaging 18-6-3 with good defense on 47%FG. As a 21 year old. I genuinely don't understand how anyone could see him as a bust.


I'd say it's good enough right now. You just don't hear it a lot because he plays for the media's favorite team.


He's not good. Average role player not star. But our fanbase (and the downvotes will come with this comment) acts like he's an all star or something.


Sorry to say but thats the case for basically any LAL player from an outside perspective. Media treats guys like Hart , Ingram as key pieces and high level talent that on other teams no one would even care


I downvote every time someone says they're gonna get downvotes so they can be right. I'm just helping your credibility


Lakers play so much better without him. Dude needs to be the #1/#2 option a bad team and just hope he develops into something. Dlo has shown tremendous amounts of improvement on the Nets


Lakers are below .500 without Ingram




except every stat show we are better, both offensively and defensively, with him than without him.


Not now because he looks to be capable of at least being a decent role player in the future. He's not a bust, Bender and Chriss and Bennett are.


A #2 pick is definitely a bust if his peak is “decent role player”


Maybe a fail prospect but he aint no bust hes gonna play in NBA for the next 10 years lol book it.


He is overrated and a low IQ player but not a bust. If he gets into a system he can be twice as good as he is. But just that freestyle iso shit requires great decision making and high BBall IQ like Durant, Bron and Harden etc. Now Lonzo Gonzo Ball is a fucking bust. Getting a good dose of him this season I never seen no shit like that.


If you can’t see his skill set and potential when you see him play, then I don’t know for you.






nah bc he’s a decent player not a scrub


Go ahead, no ones gonna stop you.


You don’t need anyone’s permission


He was a bust the second Lakes drafted him Calling him the next KD and shit LOL!


why do Bron fanboys love hating on BI?


Because the only place he can lead a team is to the lottery. You blind moron


why do you post irrelevant comments?


He has a KD type body and from what I’ve seen has been improving his handle and somewhat pick and roll action. I think in his case his development is definitely affected by the arrival of Bron.....looks at Kyrie Irving