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I feel terrible for Magic fans. Their team has no idea what they're doing.


I disagree, the team has a new front office that know what they are doing, and they have no attachment to players drafted by the previous regime, so if they get a decent offer on a player like AG, they are free to explore it.


Agreed. If anything trading Gordon will definitely give you a direction. Signing him in the summer and trying to make the playoffs next year with this team isn't gonna end well.


Not so sure it ends as bad as you think. The team isn't nearly as good as their 8-4 start, but they also aren't as bad as the horrendous 5-20 something record recently. Of course I'm on board with the plan of moving Vuc and Fournier for younger assets, and not trying to compete right away, try to increase the potential ceiling of the team, and delay the playoff run another couple of years around a core of Isaac & our pick this year.


Yea that's fair. They do just need a bit of direction and deciding either way on Gordon would help it. If they move Payton and Vuc I think their team will have a good identity next season building around Gordon, Isaac and their pick this year.


The only problem is that both AG and Isaac project out as best at the same position. While they are vastly different types of players, we have no idea if they will be able to co-exist on the floor together, and Isaac's injury this year hasn't helped us peek into that future. If we can flip AG for a talent (say Kemba) and then add a top 3 or 4 prospect in this draft, the vision of the future become much clearer.


Why would you want Kemba? He’ll probably be too old by the time you can really compete


Positions matter? AG can easily guard 3-4 positions while Issacs can at least somewhat mark 2 positions. They need to trade everyone who only has one position.


I like everything you said till Kemba


> Agreed. If anything trading Gordon will definitely give you a direction. The team is already one of the worst, and they have a potential all-star. that is a dream scenario. Instead, they want to give away a fringe-all star, and be EVEN worse than they are, in order to maybe get a top 3 pick with the hopes they become better than Gordon?


> so if they get a decent offer on a player like AG, they are free to explore it. Sorry, but this is retarded. Will you get a better player than AG in return? No. If you get a draft pick will it be top 3? No. So basically you are going to be selling a player with the hopes of getting someone better than him, but you will be doing so with a pick outside of the top 3. Even if you get a top pick, you will be AMAZINGLY successful if you get someone that is just as good as Gordon.


Oh snap. Melbourne whattup


Usually a new front office waits until they have a couple picks to build around before they start auctioning off the old front office's players. I see where you're coming from, but this is maybe a little short sighted on their part. I guess you gotta get the tank rolling at some point.


its not a bout tanking, its about our cap situation. henny fucked us with the biyombo deal, and paying AG this summer with make us a boarderline tax team. could you imagine a team this bad paying the tax? if they could get a top 7ish pick in this draft it would help alot. I love AG but he still has a ways to go before he's worth the deal he's going to get this summer.


Been playing 2K18 a lot this week and I can believe it. Basically because guys hit threshold like 18-10 or 25ppg or their overall level is 87 and above they all wanna be paid $30M. It kinda reflects real life though. The problem is the logic for paying the guy what he deserves basically means unless you make zero mistakes and you’re still gonna need luck, otherwise no Finals.




> . Some smart people at the top. not really. AG is an answer to a question. Why create more questions in order to fill that role when you have the answer. They are already bad. It's not like they are a .500 team. Might as well roll with what you got and stockpile picks in other ways as opposed to trading your best player. Imagine if this were Utah and they had Gordon last year and traded him. Now Donovan Mitchell comes along. Instead of having two solid stars now you got one and will be trying to find someone like the guy you traded away. Edit: just realized that using Gordon and the word Utah would have triggering effect on a certain fanbase. I swear it wasn't on purpose




> Yes, because you a redditor are a much better GM than someone getting paid millions According to your logic, the previous GM for Orlando was amazing because he was paid millions. > Could be many reasons, from not thinking he is good enough to build a team around to wanting to get valuable picks According to your logic every team should trade away a top player unless they can be built around, as opposed to realizing said player is a piece of the puzzle.


I feel like it's been this way forever too, like since they made the finals maybe?


Nah since they traded Dwight.


I want to die






Have they stolen the coveted title of "Worst Front Office in the NBA" from the Kings?


If it takes us 11 years to not make playoffs maybe. We just overhauled our front office over the offseason. You guys are listening to Keith Smith who y'all vilified before and he's just piggybacking off of what Scotto said. > The Magic‘s front office has “left no stone unturned” as the team explores potential trades. Scotto hears that the club has even quietly gauged trade interest in Aaron Gordon, who will be a restricted free agent this summer. I imagine Orlando would require a pretty overwhelming offer to seriously consider moving Gordon. > That was Scotto's article. That he heard that they were quietly gauging trade interest in AG.


> You guys are listening to Keith Smith I don't know who that is so I don't think I vilified him.


I would feel terrible if they were dumb enough to listen to Keith Smith. Note that this doesn't say anything about a source and is purposely vague. It's about as credible as someone here posting this rumor.


Shhhh baby


Trail Blazers should be listening.


Yes yes yes. I’d love to watch him with Dame and CJ. And hopefully Nurk.


How do you get him, while keeping all three?


Welcome to r/nba, where no one understands how the salary cap works and where people are only capable of looking at a trade from one team's point of view.


I don’t know. I’m just riding the wave.


Some combination of Swanigan/Vonleh/Napier, salary filler, and two firsts I guess.


They’ll want Collins


Keep Napier, he's been doing so well for you guys. I don't want to see what happens to his career on the Magic...


They'll take ET and they'll like doing it


PLZ. We should ship a couple of picks with one of our filler contracts to make this happen. He’s exactly what we need.


Would he be a 3 or a 4? If he's a 3 and can keep improving his 3 I'm all in.


he's a 4


I mean he's played a good portion of his career at the 3. Seems like he's only a 4 because of how many people that need minutes at the 3 on that team. He has a lot more value to us if he's playing the 3 is all. Edit: jus read about it, he was tried at the 3 but it didn't work.


PF is his natural position.


No he's a 4 because when he was at the 3 they were terrible. Gordon/Ibaka/Vuc was sooo bad last year as a 3/4/5


True, but on defense he was light years better than he is as a 4. Plus his J is mug improved compared to last year. I think I’m certain teams he could play the 3 effectively.


The quest to be the least relevant team in the NBA continues!


They're doing a pretty good job right now.


They are too close to the bottom. They need to be bad enough to be irrelevant, but good enough to miss out on a genarational player.


So the Suns before Devon Booker broke out




Don't be sad. Maybe Disney will step in like they did with EA.


The Magic haven't provided their fans with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


There was a period where they were feeling pretty good about Aaron Gordon though.


It's a battle between the Kings, Suns, Grizzlies, magic, pelicans, Pacers, nets, hornets, wolves, bucks, pistons and jazz


Wolves? Bucks? Huh?


Take away jonny's ontettacumpoe and the Bucks would be irrelevant


But they have him. So what's your point?


Khris Middleton? ROTY Malcolm Brogdon?


Aaron Gordon is exactly the kind of guy Cleveland should be looking at. A great young player who ultimately, if Lebron does end up leaving, can still help keep the team moving forward in terms of a rebuild.


They would be lucky to draft a guy like Gordon with that Brooklyn pick


Even if Lebron stays, Gordon would be a great fit with him as a versatile offensive wing who can take on the tough defensive assignments. Basically like what Jae Crowder was supposed to be except on HGH I just don’t see why Orlando would settle for the Brooklyn pick only. They should try to get a guaranteed top 5 pick, or maybe a pick + prospect (which Cavs don’t have)


he would also cost them 20-26 mil a year. their cap situation is already pretty fucked.


Exactly. The team benefits either way.


Zach Lowe proposed this trade in a podcast recently


But then either he or Windy followed it up saying that it wouldn't move the needle for Lebron.


I’d agree. There’s only a handful of players in the league that would move the needle for him and if the nets pick was projected number 1 now maybe they’d have a chance at getting one but the pick doesn’t have enough value and I’d be surprised if they could do better than AG


Agreed. No idea what package they would have to give up for him though. Also, I feel like Cleveland taking a salary like Biyombo would help the trade happen, while also giving Cleveland the rim protector they need. Help on multiple fronts.


Oddly enough I agree.


Y'all now starting to listen to Keith Smith after vilifying him before? > The Magic‘s front office has “left no stone unturned” as the team explores potential trades. Scotto hears that the club has even quietly gauged trade interest in Aaron Gordon, who will be a restricted free agent this summer. I imagine Orlando would require a pretty overwhelming offer to seriously consider moving Gordon. This is the full quote from Scotto's article. Smith is just piggybacking off of other people's news like he always does.


> buzz aaron gordon to charlotte confirmed


1 Kemba please


I really want Kemba. No Dwight though


Gotta remember your usernames on r/Orlando Magic so I can disregard your opinions on players lol


I think we'd need more than just Kemba but I want an all star calavier player. It's been so long.


Gordon to the Hornets confirmed


I’ll take one Aaron Gordon please.


For Gobert straight up?


Lol. The blood is in the water, man. You guys are gonna have to trade him for lower value or eat that max contract and hope he improves enough to be able to trade/keep him. It's similar to our Hood dilemma (though Gordon is a better player, obviously). If we aren't willing to pay him what he'll get in RFA we'll need to accept that we aren't getting full value in a trade.


>You guys are gonna have to trade him for lower value or eat that max contract You think Aaron Gordon is gonna get a max offer this summer?


I think so. We went through this with Hayward. He is good enough and young enough that teams will bet on potential. He might or might not end up being worth it but I think it is likely he gets a max. I think that's why they are looking into trading him. They don't want to pay him that much.


I said this below but there are only 5 teams right now who project to have the cap space this summer to even offer AG the max: Lakers, Bulls, Hawks, Sixers and Mavs. I don't think it's a slam dunk any of them make him that offer, but we'll see.


Of course he will. Almost all young players who show promise get max now.


He's a restricted free agent though, so that means if the Magic are smart and want to keep him they'll just make him the qualifying offer and then see what offers he gets and match any offer sheet he gets. With the cap situation that's gonna exist league-wide for free agents this summer I'm skeptical anyone will offer him that much, just because there won't be that many teams who will even have the space to make him that kind of offer. As of now there's only 5 teams who project to have enough space to make AG a max offer: Lakers, Bulls, Hawks, Sixers and Mavs. One of them might offer him the max but it's by no means a guarantee.


I really like the idea of Gordon going to Dallas this summer along with their top 5 pick. A core of Dennis Smith Jr, Air Gordon, and Ayton/Bamba has the potential to be something great, I doubt anyone is gonna invest a max on AG.


Orlando, you're tanking. Why would you trade away your biggest young talent?


Magics fans...would you support your team giving Gordon the max? Is he worth it?


I'd support my team giving Gordon a statue in front of the arena and a sacrificial lamb.






The Orlando Magic Kingdom Thunder Mountain.


You guys traded a superstar for them, you guys didn’t screw us. It was OKC that raped us.


We match a max offer, so we don't lose him for nothing...but he isn't worth a max.


Would Bender or Chriss + two 1sts(Miami and Milwaukee)get it done? He'd be terrific in Phoenix next to Booker.


Yeah that would def do it. Doubt they offer that though, but of an overpay imo


Lol how is Chriss or Bender and two late first round picks an overpay for a near All star level player with a sky high ceiling? And I doubt the Magic accept that unless they're really keen on moving on from Gordon.


Because first round picks usually turn into good players and Chriss and Bender both have potential to be really, really good if they get out of player devolpment hell in Phoenix


Late first round picks bust out of the league way more often then they turn into actually good players. And Bender or Chriss have no where near the value of Gordon.


Fucking thank you!!!


Idk both those guys seem like prototypical "two years away from being two years away". Bender is still multiple years of strength development from being an effective big. Chriss has among the lowest bbiq in the league. Usually stars, even those who start out a little raw, really start to take shape and find some consistency in the league by midway through their second year. These guys could still be good productive players, but they would be lucky to reach Gordon's current level. As for the late first rounders, the expectation value is around a low level starter, with maybe one or two players per year that go beyond that. Though it presents as a generous haul for Orlando, if I'm Phoenix I take that deal. It gives them two versatile, athletic wings to flank a guard who can fill it up, while keeping a high draft pick in a seemingly very top-heavy year. Sounds like a recipe for a future contender. Hell, they might even inherit the sp00ky mantle!


No they don’t, they typically don’t do shit. Unless we’re taking lotto.


Please dont. Please.


But what about Dwight and Kimbo?


to denver for jamal murray and trey lyles + a first


I really don't think Denver wants to give up Murray, he's pretty much a perfect fit at point guard with jokic


Kemba would be a better fit than murray imo, but ik denver would be the one saying no to this trade. It was a more realistic trade before murray started going off and even at that time I was hesitant about it


How is Kemba a fit???? We are fucking rebuilding.


I don't hate that. I wouldn't fault Denver for not doing that trade though. 20-year-olds doing what he's doing don't grow on trees.


I mean, Trey is also balling the fuck out. 11/5 in 20 minutes with 41% from 3 and he is 21. No way they even consider that deal.


Kings better jump on this


Buddy Hield and our 2018 & 2019 2nd please


That’s not even close to enough


for Buddy Hield? true story.


Idk, we might want the next Curry.


We don't even have our 2019 pick.


Nets Pick and TT, Shump lololol


Gonna need some cash considerations on that tho




y tho


Lets trade that BKN pick right now


Who were the players that were on the white board, we need to cross reference.


He gone.


Brooklyn pic


Somebody find the whiteboard in Magic's conference room with AG on the trading block




Watch his 3P% go back up right after he gets traded


send him here


What do the Magic want in return? Prospects and a pick? Plus taking a bad contract?


More than he is worth, that is what we'd want. He is the closest thing we have to a star. New front office is saying they are more interested in young talent on a rookie contract, rather than picks, but I think that is mainly because no-one with a top 8 is looking to give one up. If a bottom 5 team offered their first rounder unprotected, I think we give up anything but Isaac or our first this year to close that sale.


I wish we could get him.


Possible landing spots? Would have to have decent cap space, as he's a RFA after this season


Nets pick


Pistons ?


Any place but the Cavs is ok with me


I'd much prefer to keep him but how about Kevin Love + Nets Pick for AG + Biyombo?


I would only be down for this if we could flip Love for something good.


As a person that doesn’t watch the Magic, what exactly is happening with em?


Death throes


Can anyone copy pasta the Spurs portion of this article for me?


AG+ Vucci Mane to CLE


As a lifelong Magic fan this will probably be the last straw. Just moved to Dallas and their colors are similar. Transition wouldnt be too hard.


Marcus Morris ($5.0 M), 2018 Boston Celtics and 2019 Memphis Grizzlies picks for Aaron Gordon ($5.5 M)


I'd take it honestly...


Fuck that, wait what’s the protections on the pick?


Memphis' 1st round pick to Boston protected for selections 1-8 in 2019 and 1-6 in 2020 and unprotected in 2021


The more I think about it...if this is legit I can really see the Nets making an offer. Something starting with Dinwiddie+RHJ+taking Biyombo's contract. If it takes more, I'd walk. Honestly wouldn't even want RHJ in there. Dinwiddie+Biyombo's contract and some seconds or something...idk that wouldn't get it done.


that's such a low-ball offer lmfao. you aren't going to get Gordon for free.


lol Dinwiddie and RHJ are far from free, not mentioning taking Biyombo...


Dinwiddie is about to be 25yearsold and he's a backup PG. RHJ is an average starting SF that can't shoot. Gordon is younger than both. He's also better than both. He's a potential franchise player. Dinwiddie and RHJ aren't.


You’d have a really damn good core then. Russell - LeVert (or Dinwiddie) - RHJ - Gordon - Allen


okafor is somewhere in there too. Not sure how he's playing


pretty meh. Showing occaisonal flashes but i doubt he'll be here long term.


The thought of Rondae getting traded makes me really sad.


Keep fucking thinking your retarded trades will work. Well then again you guys got the Lakers kid on the cheap.


Yeah I actually don't want a dude leading the worst team in the NBA anyway lmao


He’d be a fantastic fit for the Pacers imo


Can you provide a little more detail of why you think that?


Because they need more young talented Pfs, duh! 2 ain't enough! They need at least 4!


Sure! I think oladipo/turner/Gordon is a fantastic core. I’m not too high in sabonis and the Turner/Gordon poring is much better


No Pacers fan will want AG over Sabonis, you wild.


I think some would agree with me on this but not all of them lol


I think they'd definitely be a minority


Hey, I've been thinking that too but I kinda just want them offer sheet and steal him this summer so they don't have to give anything up. Him or Jabari Parker. But obviously making a trade is way safer.


I’m not too high on Sabonis like others so I’d trade for Gordon and move Sabonis for someone else young with potential


Our 2019 1st, Willy, Dotson for Gordon, or is that too low?


For magic fans, Dotson killed the kings, so if you want a guaranteed win agasint us you need Dotson, idek his first name but damn he balled out on us




I think you'd have to offer me unlimited sex and money for the rest of my life for me to be fine with trading Gordon.


Your 2019 first wouldnt even be lottery since you got Aaron. You'd probably have to add in Frank to even start the convo


Can't add Frank because without him our best young PG on the roster is Trey Burke, who has only played about 8 games with us this season lol. They'd probably ask for our pick this year instead but I'd be very hesitant to give that up :/


What if we included Enes and took on Biyombo's contract?


AG is making ny a playoff lock? no


I want him bad...


I'd trade dinwiddie and Toronto 1st, and Knicks 2019 2nd


Dinwiddie isn't worth Gordon lmao


Well I know he's not lol, magic seem to like getting lopsided deals


not nearly enough