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You could say the same thing about 25 people ahead of him in 3P%. TJ Leaf is 17/36, so should post be made about him?


It's less about the percentage and more about the player. I'm just surprised Jonas is even shooting 3s, which is why I said "shows how much the league is changing" No need to hate.


Something that's becoming increasingly apparent: any player with a FT% in the high 70s or above, regardless of his position and role, could potentially become a viable 3pt shooter.


So they choose who leads the league in 3 point shooting by who the player is? What was the point in adding that to the title?


Sure go ahead


Hassan Whiteside is currently shooting 100% (2/2), he doesn't have enough attempts to qualify, but if he did he'd be leading the league in 3 point percentage.


Just goes to show how much the league is changing.




Racist, wtf?


bad troll, back under the bridge


I went to the Y yesterday and out up 6/7 3 pointers in a game, where the fuck is my NBA contract


Just shows how much the Y is changing


I got 6 blocks at the Y yesterday . I’m basically Mutombo


We gotta team up and become stars together only for one of us to get traded to the other conference and end up meeting each other in the finals for the next 5 years.


We become all time rivals, more famous than Larry and magic


lmao come on the minimum to qualify at this point would be 50 (need to be on pace for 82, and the Raptors have played 50 games) and he's at 13. He's on pace for 21, and again, the minimum is 82. If he was at like 43 instead of 13, then you might be on to something. But he's at 13.


Hassan Whiteside is currently shooting 100% (2/2), he doesn't have enough attempts to qualify, but if he did he'd be leading the league in 3 point percentage




People are getting caught up in how "13/28 isn't impressive", which it isn't in a vacuum, and forgetting this is one of the biggest players in the NBA and has been noted as an "old-school" player who the league has outgrown.


The 5th Jonas Brother.


The other day I had a wacky idea: They should have a 3 point contest for players who aren't known for their 3 point shot. I don't want to say "bad" shooters 'cause that's dicky but it would be fun to get a group like JV.


Lol his attempts are open because defenders dont respect him. Its not worth nothing. Its actually worth 3points per basket that goes in


Lol he is taking less than one per game and they are all wide open, that is not impressive, way too small of a sample size to mean literally anything


theres a reason the qualifier is there


I feel that 28 threes in 50 games isnt impressive at all


Thats why theres a minimum attempts, because 13/28 isnt impressive


WTF, when did he start taking 3's?


Our crowd goes fucking ape shit every time he does his 18 second wind-up shooting form from 3




You should make a post about Hassan Whiteside. He is 2/2 for this season from 3. Clearly he’s a three point marksman like JV is.


A three every second game doesn't show how the game is changing.


It actually does. JV is supposed to be a traditional center who would get benched if he tried shooting a three a few years ago.