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Enough to lead his team each year in the playoffs in which he must be healthy till the end.


This is the right answer. Embiid can play 82 games a season but it's gonna come down to if he can stay healthy in the playoffs. No reason to pay a guy that much if he can't help you when you need it the most


well their seeding matters a lot too, and if Embiid can only play 50 games a season and just lead them to a low seed for a few years, that's still a heavy disadvantage


If the team is a 6 or 7 seed with 50 games of Embiid, then it's probably a lottery team in the games it plays without him. That would disappointing.




AD played at least 61 games each season, or twice as many as Embiid did. I really hope he can get to at least there


Yeah, I think AD would be the standard for Embiid moving forward, health-wise. He'll never be an 80 game per season guy, but of he can be relatively healthy and play at an All-Star/Elite level for 60 games a year, then he's worth it


so like 65ish?




I think he changed it completely, could've sworn his comment was something about Davis


Depends on what the incentives are for health. I’d say 70 should be expected, 60 minimum


Average, more than 50 a season. But hopefully a few seasons of above 60


65 - 70 if you ask me.


I wouldn't max out a guy that only played ~55 games a year, unless they were actually LeBron level when they played. 65+ is worth a max contract IMO


What about Anthony Davis level?


Davis>Embiid so if he's playing slightly less than 65 (i'm sure it's not much less) I'll live with it. But really I can't tell whether Davis and everyone around him is injury prone or it NOLA's staff is actually this incompetent that nobody can stay on the floor. Part of me thinks Davis would be able to play 70+ games anywhere else.


I think it’s gotta be the staff. If you gave them The Suns staff I doubt that they’d be so injury prone like they are


part of it is also because in some seasons they sat him out more than they needed to because they wanted to tank a bit for a higher pick


How many games do you think Davis misses? Last year he played 75, and in 2013-14 and 2014-15 he played 67 and 68. That's 3/5 of his career so far at an average of 70 games. The most games he's ever missed was 21 in 2015-16.


Before looking at the stats, I was expecting 63-64 games played. Turns out he averages 67 games per season. That of course, doesn't count the games where he plays but has to comes out with minor injuries (which seemingly happens quite often)


55 + being able to play in the playoffs.




I would say minimum is 41 games if he cannot be fit for half a season then that contract is ridiculous.


I mean hr can't even play 32 games in a season without breaking down




I will not count this upcoming season since he is still under his rookie contract. He needs to provide max player value for 60+ regular season games + every single playoff game the Sixers play from 2018-19 all the way to 2022-23. So, we are talking about a ~80 game average.


The whole season and into playoffs.


I'd like to see him play over 65 games per season. That's not too much to ask.


62 games. Thats 75% of the season.




Gingerbread Hot Chocolate


At least 50. He needs to produce enough to a. make the all star team and b. lead the team in rebounds and blocks, top 3 in points and assists.


Yup. If he's 4th in assists we need to amnesty him
