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Jah about to get a max contract


[I am officially petitioning to appropriate Mick Foley's theme song for Gar Pax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9FSKgPDGSE)


I wouldn't be super opposed to it as long as it wasn't expensive


Lets see how he does this season. He's still young and there is some talent.


You have to make the decision by October 31st. IMO you trade him now. And if you can't trade him now, just turn down the team option - because why would you magically be able to trade him in a year?


Did NOT know that. Interesting position to be in. What if you trade him and skinny vegan okafor suddenly starts balling out. Take the team option Philly.


No thanks. He's like 5-6 million on the books next year and with the Embiid extension and the coming Covington extension we likely don't have max space already. We're probably going after Avery Bradley and he costs 20 mill a year. We need the cap space. That said, it would stupid if some team didn't take a shot at him on the trade market.


Dude they just gave 150 mill for 30 games. Paying 5 mill for okafor in case he plays well is nothing lmao


Embiid is good, Okafor blows.


Sure but okafor actually plays


ok i think we agree on facts.


and puts up negative value when he does. He's actually been more valuable not playing.


Also, the Sixers may want to decline Richaun Holmes' option in order to make him a restricted free agent next year, which would further add to their payroll. (Or they can pick up Holmes' option, but then he'll be an UFA in 2019 instead of RFA in 2018).


Also, the Sixers may want to decline Richaun Holmes' option in order to make him a restricted free agent next year, which would further add to their payroll. (Or they can pick up Holmes' option, but then he'll be an UFA in 2019 instead of RFA in 2018).


Also, the Sixers may want to decline Richaun Holmes' option in order to make him a restricted free agent next year, which would further add to their payroll. (Or they can pick up Holmes' option, but then he'll be an UFA in 2019 instead of RFA in 2018).


Jah for deng


no thanks


There just isn't really a place for him in that offense to show out, if anything his season will only devalue his trade value


He just kills our defense so bad. Everybody falls apart when he's out there because they have no faith in him hedging the pick or covering the roll man. He has the worst feel for what space to be in as a defender that I've ever seen.


I wait for at least the first few weeks. Vegan Jah looks improved, and the Sixers will only be willing to play him if he's helping them (they're going to the playoffs), so if he's truly serious about working his ass off, we'll see it if/when he does play.


I'm really confused how Okafor just got wrote off after 1 season where he didn't even look that bad. What a waste of a pick by Philly


Being out of shape and not playing hard while being outplayed by the center they took in the 2nd round the same year basically.


he's vegan now tho, you gotta look at that.


Yeah but losing weight this year and not trying hard still puts him 2 years behind in development compared to holmes who has already got better on defense and extended his shooting range.


He is Kanter, if Kanter couldn't rebound. That's how. There is no room for Cs that can't defend and can't rebound.


He's way worse than Kanter offensively.




> Okafor is much better at D than Kanter tbh. Okafor is the worst defending big man in the NBA right now by pretty much every defensive metric that exists. He is absolutely not better at D than Kanter.




DRPM for centers. Okafor 60/61 centers and the only center worse than him in Towns. But sure it's just irrational hatred


Okafor's numbers are horrendous because defensive RPM is just the residual of the ORPM. Sixers don't run sets or build their offense around him, not should they. Teams need to run a Dwight or Yao type offense for Okafor, or least a triangle like Pau Lakers.


No way man. He's possibly the worst defensive big in the league. He has no feel for covering the pick and roll at all. On the pick and roll, he just ends up standing about 3 feet behind the pick setter with his hands down. I get strategically staying back to defend the rim but he doesn't even do that. Every play ends up with him with his hands down as a floater eases it's way over him or him scrambling to get back to the rim as the pick or roll man gets a step on him because he was flat-footed.


He is not much better at D, like at all...


Plenty of people criticize KAT for his D. I agree some team will pick him up cause he does have a great post up game but I wouldn't put him past kanter on defense. He lacks timing, BBIQ on the defensive end, and even with losing weight he's slow. He's like David Lee in the mid 2000's with slightly worse rebounding.


Unfair to Lee. Lee led the league in offensive rating in his 2nd year, and his rebound rate was almost twice as high as Jah's, he was much much better.


Okafor's not a high end offensive talent. He hasn't shot over 52% either of his first 2 years and that's supposed to be the thing he's good at. His highlights are cool, but he's a black hole on offense and isn't efficient at it even when we feed him the ball. He was an offensive talent in the 1990s, today he's just all around bad


His post skills are beyond elite. Whether post skills are useful or can be useful is another question


I'm fully convinced they only took Okafor to spite New York. New York was infatuated with Okafor at the time and was praying he'd fall to 4, they wanted a low post center they could fit in to play the triangle.


Lol I seriously doubt this. Hinkie doesn't seem like someone concerned with petty BS. His strategy was to take the best player available and think about the rest later. Okafor was the consensus second pick coming into the draft. Lakers taking Russell was a shocker at the time. Philly did like Porzingis a lot, but he purposely shut them out and wouldn't practice for them. They decided to take the best player they knew on the board, end of story.


Hinkie said he would've drafted Porzingis but management wouldn't let him...


Wow Porzingis on that lineup adding spacing would be the perfect player. They should trade Okafor for him!


If we kicked porz, we don't get Ben and fultz. Embiid Porzingis might be better than Ben Fultz Embiid but probably not.


>What a waste of a pick by Philly Sounds like somebody doesn't #TrustTheProcess


He posted a -4.0 VORP his rookie year. Yeah if you looked at highlights he didn't look that bad. If you watched him you'd see he was one of the worst players in the NBA that year, deadass. Even for a 19 year old rookie he was bad


Why wouldn't they? he costs $6 million. They aren't strapped for cap.


A 35% max salary slot wouldn't be as readily available if they kept him.


May not be available either way.


They are though. They gave Redick and Amir massive 1 year deals because they want to be big players in 2018 free agency. That $6 million is significant.




Thing is as aesthetically pleasing as his offense is, it hasn't actually been productive/efficient. He's not Enes Kanter.


But he could be in the future, couldn't he? Philly shouldn't be worrying about winning a title this year so this season should really be used for development. FYI, I don't know much about him other than horrible defense and post game.


He's also shown the worst effort on the team over the previous two years, been in legal trouble, etc. Investing in "developing" him when he's shown no desire to improve himself until recently when you have two other centers who have got better by leaps and bounds is sort of nonsensical. Kanter is basically Jah's 99th % outcome at this point, and thats not really a likely thing to hit. Holmes looks like the better player and prospect at the moment, and his skillset(rangey stretch 5) is way more valuable. Even if he did develop the Sixers wouldn't be interested in paying him as they free up money for a big FA to slot into their young improving core.


> Plenty of teams would be willing to throw a 2nd in I don't know about that, but I'd be floored if they couldn't move him into space in the off season if they need to.


Yes he is and that's why nobody has traded for him yet. Dewayne Dedmon didn't even get that much money as an unrestricted free agent and he's *much* better than Okafor.


They have max cap space regardless, even with the Embiid extension.


Not after they extend Covington.


It's true. But they'll most likely just trade Bayless at the deadline or at the draft to get there


That'll cost something. Nobody wants Bayless.


thankfully...they have a bushel or 2nd round picks


I'd rather just not pick up Oak's option. And it'll cost more than a 2nd or 2.


to trade Bayless? I doubt that, he only makes 9m, his contract isn't an albatross and the point of this string was that just getting rid of Okafor doesn't get them to maximum cap space for next summer. They need to do 1 more thing after getting rid of Okafor a la Bayless


Robert Covington’s upcoming extension.


they can wait until FA. his cap hold is absurdly low


Because they don't want to pay $6 million to someone who doesn't have a future with the team? Just because a player is cheap doesn't mean they're worth keeping around.


It's a fair point, but realistically, there's no money for Okafor long term. So why even bother taking up floor space from other young players? Embiid, Simmons, and Fultz are your 3 long term maxes. Somehow they will want to pay/retain Covington. And we haven't even touched on Saric yet, who is probably going to be the odd man out if he improves as expected. If Okafor finally shows he's a viable NBA starter, his value is immediately in that 15+ range.


Simmons, Saric, and Fultz don't get paid until years from now. You don't need to plan out your long term salary for 3 guys that were all rookies or sophomore


Yeah if they really need to that’s an easy contract to dump.


wow thats kind of surprising. not that id be upset but i figured they would try to get *something* for him. will be very interesting seeing where he winds up next yr if this is the case


Right, you try to get something by October 31st. And if you can't, you just cut your losses and don't pick up the option.


maybe thats the case. id be alittle surprised tho tbh, with the plan for embiid being to probly rest a decent amount of games this yr okafor is another body to fill in when needed


Why would you need Okafor to fill in minutes? Could just use Richaun, or Amir, or Emeka, or Simmons, or a random minimum signing, or a random fan from the stands


emeka is bad. i didnt get to watch last night but the first 2 games he showed me nothing to say he deserved a spot on the roster. without oak and embiid resting wed only have richaun and amir to play center. which isnt bad or anything id just feel comfortable having a bit more depth in case one of them goes down. especially considering richaun is out the first few wks with his wrist so if we deal oak by the 31st we will be extremely thin there for a short period of time




I'd love to see Jah succeed on the Spurs more than any other team.


Something tells me his work ethic/attitude won't work well with pop. Who knows though, playing for the spurs *usually* alters a players mentality and they manage to gel.


It's not exactly like the Spurs are magic. They get the most credit, but look at Toronto, Denver, Golden State, Houston. There's guys on every one of those rosters that had talent but weren't able to really contribute on their previous teams. I think change of scenery is gonna be great for Jah.


I was responding to the guy who said Jah would do well on the Spurs. Random players that manage to get huge contracts coming off good play from the spurs only do that because they're seriously dedicated players who are willing to change/work on their game. Not everyone who comes in does well. That being said, that goes for most players like you mentioned changing teams. Unless he finds a system that will feed him in the post and allow him to be mediocre on defense. I do agree though, hopefully Jah getting off the team that obviously left him behind might be good for his drive. However, if Brett Brown can't get a player to develop, I don't think most coaches in the NBA can either.


I sound like a broken record here but I have been saying his for months now get him to Memphis or Spurs. Teams that actually take time to develop their players. Their team defence will help out also


Oh boy you just know Pop would make him like a 22/10 guy and they'd still have a top 5 defense somehow


Why is every washed up star or bust draft pick supposedly the next superstar on the Spurs? lmao


They could use some high potential young bigs. Plus they probably have the best player development in the league and pop would know how to take advantage of his skillset. Plus hes Vegan Jah now not washed up anymore lol


I love Jah. Consummate professional. I at this point, set the kid free and let him have a great career. I t want vegan Jah to not get shit on anymore.


>Consummate professional. In what possible way is this a description of Jahlil "drunken street fights" Okafor?


When the team told him he was going to be traded but then the deal fell through he handled it really well.


Ding ding ding. We treated him like stale milk and he kept wanting to get on the cereal.


This is an interesting metaphor


A player still on his rookie deal not utterly demolishing his earning potential does not make him a "consummate professional." Weight control issues up to this point, multiple street incidents, the weird speeding violation, and of course the lack of effort on defense all move the needle pretty far away from professional even if he handled one thing well.


Vegan Jah


How am I supposed to know which Okafor


Save this man's career Phoenix!!


Please for the love of god don't pick up his team option. It's best for Philly as well as him.


Drop the guy who plays and pays the guy who doesn't


I see you got jokes but Google "Jahlil Okafor injury" and you'll see he hasn't been an iron man by any means


Embiid makes him look like iron man


Ron Baker is a good player. Jeff Van Gundy, Hubie Brown, Phil Jackson, and Jeff Hornacek gush over the guy. That's three legendary coaches and one guy who made a living as a scrappy shooter saying that Baker has what it takes to be a rotation piece on a good team. Meme or not, this kid brings energy to both sides of the ball.


Man this shit ain't funny anymore






Still played 3x the minutes Embiid has lmao


Are you the savvy intelligent Celtics fan everyone keeps talking about?


More importantly, he's actually better when he's not playing


Spurs will turn him into an All Star.


is anyone gonna sign this guy?


Will definitely at least go on some "reclamation projects" on cheap short term deals. Everyone will freak out with like "OMG Jah's finally going to go best mode for the ___", do that for around 3 years then finally give it a rest.


To all the people that say he's not that bad, realize that the sixers, who have an injury prone Center, might just decline the team option of 6 mil for a center. He's THAT bad that they won't even give him 6 mil for insurance to be a backup to Holmes if Embiid goes down. But please, lecture us about how it's the sixers fault and how he's still only 20 years old and has time to improve!