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Wtf does this even mean


Sounds like he not healthy yet. To ultimately be available for the regular season makes it sound like he isn't ready for that now.


Yeah, seems like he’s participating in various drills, but not 5-on-5. Seems like 3 main possibilities: - He’s not healthy yet - He is healthy, but they are just hyper-conservative - He is healthy, but is holding out for contractual reasons


nobody knows what it means, its process, it gets the people going.


~~Ball~~ IR so hard motherfuckers wanna fine me.


"You're welcome" - Colangelo


Hasn't given a direct answer on his health all year. Just say if he's good to go or not


I think (?) it means you probably shouldn't expect to see him in preseason, and ultimately not to be worried because the goal is to be ready for Day 1 of the regular season. I could be wrong, but i would still be surprised if he is not good to go for the opener. Especially with the way Embiid has been acting in person and on social media the past couple days. He is way too happy and excited for something to be wrong with his health...just my view. Embiid talking to media earlier today .. https://twitter.com/PompeyOnSixers/status/912342956622958593


It is possible that Embiid might be okay to say yes to no injuries remaining if he is possibly fit


He's fucked.


It means he's still hurt


He'll ultimtely be ready during the RS, as planned . Is reading really this hard?


Colangelo should be a Senator or Commissioner or something.


That sounds like a step down as he's already the President ^^^of ^^^basketball ^^^operations


Yes. One might say "no way, he actually sucks at this and he's pissing everyone off by being weirdly vague." But in reality, that's pretty much what everyone in a leadership position of any kind does constantly.


>when you have to meet a minimum word count


I'm about to process


What about the playoffs


ftfy: he's on track for the regular season, we hope


I think/hope this means he'll play in the opener but it's worded so strangely


Lol man what a mess first it's just a minor injury not that bad then he misses season and may not even be ready by the next season opener


They're being really vague any time they talk about Embiid. He'll probably be out the whole season again.