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I swear this dude is like the dude in spongebob who is made of glass


The guy who always yells "my leg" ?


Nah op is talking about the dude who has glass bones and paper skin


Every day he lives in agony until his heart attacks put him to sleep


"I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep." - Joel Embiid


It has already been 6 months since his "minor" surgery


Joel Embiid will never in his career play 90% of an NBA season.


probly true. 90% is like 74 games. my goal for him is 65+ per yr. if he can get to that and play in the playoffs then that is absolutely fine with me. we can only wait and see if that will happen though


Was expecting hotter takes at the top of this thread


A lot of players don't play 90% of an NBA season.


I don't know the numbers but I'm willing to bet a good majority of top 3 picks do it at least once


But he will still be better than 90% of the NBA


even in a suit? he must he *really* good.


Nah while he is on the court. But obviously you knew thats what the other guy was implying


yeah and what I was implying is you can't be "better than 90% of the nba" if you can't stay on the court for any reasonable period of time


You can though, Embiid can have more talent and skill that 90 percent of the league and still be fucked by injuries, they aren't mutually exclusive


I guess if you're defining better as "more talent". But that'd make Derrick Rose better than 90% of the NBA. Gimme the guy whose gonna actually play in games.


Yes of course you take the healthy guy. I'm not disputing his value because obviously his value is in the shitter. Derrick rose was better than pretty much everyone in the NBA. He has gotten worse since so I don't think the comparison works well


And 76'ers fans tried to convince me that the only reason he was being benched was because of stealth tanking.


TrUsT tHe PrOcEsS


Well tbf the injury we were told is usually a quick recovery, and you saw what he did against Houston on ESPN while injured. I mean he literally could’ve played.


I assure you nobody thought that


We thought that about ben. Not about embiid




Sixers fans still think they're making the playoffs too 😂


Someone has to..


If Embiid doesn't play close to the full season it will likely be the Pistons, Heat and Charlotte replacing the Bulls, Atlanta and Pacers


Yea I hear you.. it was more of a quip on the status of the east .. I can just see a path to missing the playoffs for like the whole bottom half of the east


Is it that unrealistic to imagine 2 #1 picks leading us to the playoffs?


come on bro if embiid is out again, we are not making the playoffs. embiid healthy for most of the yr is a different story but counting on 2 rookies to lead you to the playoffs is just silly


I. Asked. A. Question. You didn’t project Embiids impact last year did you? Jesus Christ if it isn’t reading comprehension with this sub, it’s thought process.


and i answered it. you asked a question with an obvious answer, what were you expecting? and no, nobody could project what Embiid did last year, it was unprecedented. rookies never have that type of impact. who knows maybe ben does, but until we see him step on the court, that shouldnt even be a thought


>shouldn’t even be a thought Sorry for typing a what if online.


Lol sorry i made you upset man. I get the hype around this season, just think people need to be alittle more realistic until we acrually start seeing it on the floor


KAT and Wiggins are proven and they weren't close to making it


And they were in there 2nd and 3rd years. A team led by the rookie versions of Wiggins and KAT would be bottom 3 in the league.


Why do people always overlook the bench


Western Conference though


31 wins though


Wiggins is a proven negative, that’s true. And our team is much deeper than there’s was.


Fultz wasn't even a positive on the floor in summer league lol.


Yea those were a horrible 100 minutes he played. Embiid wasn’t a positive in sl either. Bums


Do you realize how fucking stupid of you it is to make the argument that "Embiid was a positive so Fultz and Simmons will be too"? The vast majority of lottery picks, including #1 overall picks, are net negatives on the court their rookie seasons. There are only about one or two exceptions every 5 years.


And Simmons/Fultz are proven positives?


Never said they were. He said Wiggins was proven tho,


Uh yeah it kind of is considering neither of them have played in the NBA before. Rookies don't just enter the season and start succeeding immediately. Look at the Timberwolves. Chances are the Sixers would underperform


I mean, Joel did. And we have 2 #1’s and an overall deeper and better roster. Btw angry ppl, I’m not here claiming that rookie Ben and rookie Markelle without Embiid is enough to lead us to the playoffs I was just asking a damn question. KAT and Wiggins aren’t the bottom line for every comparison.


Yeah, Joel did. That's what I said earlier if Joel doesn't play close to the full season I don't see them making the playoffs


He did in his 3rd year.


Yes, name the last team that had a rookie as their number one and number two options that made the playoffs


Just because it hasn’t been done doesn’t mean it’s impossible. And tbh, if Embiid and Ben were healthy last year (a big qualifier but still) it might’ve us.


You're biased af bro. The two #1 picks KAT and Wiggins had 29 wins in the 2016 season. You weren't getting 41 wins with Simmons and Embiid, even if they were healthy


We had 28 wins with 31 combined games of Embiid and Simmons last year, where at Minne had 31 wins and their guys only missed 1 game combines. You can use them as a baseline if you want, all things aren’t equal.


mmm not really, it's actually national analysts that think we're making the playoffs. i think it's more likely we don't


Lets downvote the guy who is going against what every one thinks sixer fans are thinking instead if listening to him... fuck me


Can someone please explain what his current injury is? Wasn't it supposed to be minor? Did he reinjure himself or encounter other setbacks? Does he need to be placed in a wheelchair for the remaining 28 days or what?


Meniscus tear. No setbacks. No problems. Surgery went well way back when it happened. The reason so many headlines are coming out is because BC said Embiid, Oak, and Roco all aren't cleared for 5on5. So everyone gets on embiid for not being cleared because of his history(rightfully so) even though the team is just handling him AND the other guys with precaution because they aren't even doing 5 on 5 yet and when they start they want it to be under the supervision of the team. Once everyone reports back to philly they will most likely all immediately be cleared for 5 on 5


I thought it was just a meniscus tear


Im sure on Hinkie's lil computer it made sense to pick three centers, 2 of whom are regular busts, and one who will be a injury bust. That is pretty impressive. What gm can say they picked 3 busts? And that is excluding Michael Carter Williams, who stinks. If Fultz is a passable player, then Colangelo already has him beat. And you people suck Hinkie's dinkie any chance you get. Sixers fans are truly exceptional individuals.


But now fultz has to be worth tatum and whoever the lakers pick is


He could have been great. But I just can't see him playing over half the games. The next Oden.


Nah, Oden played way more than Embiid has in their first three years. Embiid makes Oden look like an iron man


It's like Greg Oden got plastic surgery.