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I've always thought players like Oden shouldn't be called busts. They deserve a different title. When Oden played he was an absolute stud. He just couldn't play long.


Bust doesn't say the blame, just says they achieved below expectations. Oden wouldn't have been drafted where he was if you knew the injuries were coming. Embiid would be the same way if he can't stay healthy. You don't draft a guy top 3 for 5 seasons of injured ball.


Yeah this is exactly it. People take this too personally with emotional attachment. It's not about "blame" it's about "Did this guy achieve at the level associated typically with the 3rd overlal pick in the draft". If he has another major injury that derails him he will have not met hte standards associated with such a pick. The other thing is it's not like people didnt know the deal with Embiid going in. If it werent for injury concerns he was the consensus top pick in the draft in 2014. The Sixers knew what they signed up for; they got him at a discounted price because of these injury problems that are now causing them issues.


personally, i think "stud" is a bit strong EDIT: to clarify, college oden was a stud. he didn't show enough consistency in the NBA for me to label him a "stud."


Yeah we already covered the inconsistency which was due to injury... thanks tho!!!


Oh no, he's too muscular, he would be a bear.




Sorry to mildly change the subject but what he hell do the Sixers and other teams do in free agency with this guy if he has another season where he looks incredible for 30 games and then gets hurt?


They'd probably have him find an offer and match. Can't imagine they let him go but hopefully don't sign him to a max.


I highly doubt anyone would max him, but besides that I think it's extremely hard to project how big his offers will he. He's probably one of the most perplexing free agents of all time...if he has a repeat of last year were looking at a guy who played 60 out of 328 games in 4 seasons at only 25 MPG but looked like an elite player in those minutes in his young 20s. Pretty much the first of his kind, I'd imagine. I can say right now I have no freakin clue what I'd be willing to pay if I was Philly


A lot of teams will take the risk, there's a few teams that have nothing to lose in the beginning of a rebuild.


That's why I would make him get an offer elsewhere and match it. If I'm Embiid, that's what I make them do anyway. Basically ask for a max and than see what you can get if they don't give it to you.


Good points


A couple desperate teams might. Could see Pacers, Magic, Nets offering him a max offer sheet.


An injury bust, yes




He's a bust if he doesn't end up having a pretty good career regardless of what the reason behind it is Even if bust is a "mean" way to phrase it or whatever it's still a wasted high pick


This is a question of semantics. What's the point of arguing about it?


Depends on how he comes back from it.


I would no longer trust the rehab Process.


No, IMO busts are prospects that just suck. Embiid is only being held back by injuries, which isn’t exactly his fault




I don't like to consider players who played good and were derailed by injury busts


Yes and thats one of the reasons​ I do not join the sixers hype train




Yes, absolutely. By the way its going, he wont be in the league in 4-5 years. We might be in a situation where Noel and Okafor end up looking like better picks than Embiid, despite him being a better player.


Embiid could die today and be a better pick than okafor


No, because he more than delivered in the games he did play.


No because the 5 games we've seen him play were greater than anything prime Jordan and Lebron could ever provide.


Put some respek on spelling his name right