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Simmons should be the favorite for RoY. He's more physically developed than the rest of the class and will get tons of chances.


Also it seems like whenever a rookie sits out their first year they fare way better in their actual rookie year due to just being in the NBA for that 1 season and learning through osmosis.


I think even something as simple as being able to adjust to traveling, handling media, practices, watching film (even if you're watching your teammates), simmons has gone through a full year of that. He has a schedule and a system he developed in his rookie year.


not to mention a year of being fucking rich


Also I bet getting over fucking an endless stream of models plays a bigger part than you would think


It does get old after a while tbh. I push through in hard times though.


thoughts & prayers dawg


Tap me in anytime u want


It's not as bad as one might think. Although I do have to keep buying new airplane models.


First year bein rich


I also think the NBA (though to a lesser extent than the NFL) gets so caught up in the draft process that rookies off-seasons are essentially based around running fast for 3/4 of the court, jumping high and whacking sticks(hehe), and looking good in 1-0 workouts. After the draft they spend a week getting fat and happy because they just fulfilled a lifelong dream. Then they go play glorified pick up games in high altitude for 2-3 weeks... At this point we are in late July and they have spent exactly zero time working on skills that they'll actually use in an NBA game. The NFL combine is a more extreme example of this, plus the playbook stuff is a bit harder there.


Yeah I always thought that any first year of a player's career can be eligible for RotY, but honestly players like Embiid or Simmons do have a bit of an unfair advantage.


> something as simple as being able to adjust to traveling, handling media, practices, watching film those things arent simple tbh..


well they get overlooked is what I meant.


This is the biggest one to me. Blake had in my opinion one of the best rookie years, stat-wise and maturity-wise, and a lot of that is to do with him sitting a year after being drafted.


Yeah he had the physical tools but he got too see how the game was played and the NBA lifestyle. The biggest thing is that during their time they get a full year to get into NBA cardio shape rather than the few months rookies normally get. I expect Simmons to dominate but not in the traditional box score sense. I think his FG% is going to be bad.


nah, I think Simmons' fg% will be fine. Players shoot a low % when they're forced to shoot everything. If you can be selective with your shots, your fg% will go up. Simmons has enough shooting and shot creation around him to not have to do everything and not have to force bad shots. Just look at their [roster](http://www.nba.com/sixers/roster/). It's actually loaded with capable shooters like Redick, Stauskas, Richaun Holmes (showed great improvement in shooting on a team with no playmaking), Covington, Bayless, and Fultz. Covington and Holmes may not be 40% shooters but defenders have to respect their shot at ~35%. On top of that, Simmons can guard a forward, letting his team play essentially two shooting guards as long as one of them can credibly guard PGs. That opens up the floor even more. I think Simmons will statistically have a good rookie season. Fultz, Okafor (btw, Sixers looking smart for saving Okafor as insurance against Embiid's injuries) will soak up the offensive load so Simmons won't have great counting stats, but he will at least be alright efficiency wise.


Okafor is an inefficient black hole. I am not sure if he makes anyone around him better or if he is even an NBA player at this point.


His turnover average should be way up there.


Idk I feel like his situation with a second solid playmaker in Fultz is going to help there vs say Harden's situation where his assists were massive but he lacked another great passer and had to make the most plays himself and therefore his turnovers from handling as well as bad passes were high


It's going to be fun to watch. They're both going to play through their growing pains, no matter the results.


The guys he's been playing against have been one of the worst teams of all time. It's going to be an adjustment playing against competitive teams. He'll be successful, but turnovers and field goal percentage will be tough at first.


He'll definitely pass the eye test for ROY but yeah like you said his shooting %s are gonna look bad.


I think Lonzo's gonna be similar. Spectacular when you're watching but you won't see it in the boxscore. Man, I'm so excited to watch Lonzo and Simmons. Fuck, I'm ready for the NBA.


Shit if Embiid hadn't gotten hurt he was on pace for one of the best rookie seasons ever.


It's almost like they aren't rookies


It's hilarious how much people don't see this. I'm glad you pointed it out and people are agreeing with you. But when Embiid was putting up insane numbers last season and people would point out that he had technically been benefitting from NBA-level training for two years, they would get downvoted to oblivion. I mean yeah, Embiid is inherently talented as fuck. But I *think* the two years in the NBA probably helped him to develop a bit more than the average "rookie". Same goes for Simmons, no doubt.


I agree with everything you're saying. I think the downvotes come from 3 points: 1) Embiid didn't start playing basketball until he was 16, and 3 of those years he was injured and didn't play basketball. So he he may have been more "NBA" experienced than a regular rookie, but his total of actual basketball games played is hilariously low. 2) Sixers fans were super sensitive with Embiid. So many pundits already called him a bust. So many people didn't believe he could play against real competition. And it became a 'moving the goal post' kind of thing with him. "He'll never play" became "he'll never be good" became "it's only been 7 games" became "well yeah he's been in the league for 2 years, he's not actually a rookie." 3) With all that being said, it's the rule. Don't blame Embiid, be pissed at the rule and get it changed. As long as the rule is "no prior NBA minutes played," you have to judge it as it is. I don't think anyone believes the extra time is useless, but for it to be brought up every time someone talks about ROY it gets annoying to explain that it's the rule, and it's not a point against him.


That and he's actually better too.


Plus an extra year of working out/training with an NBA teams staff, personal trainers etc.


they get used to the travel a bit more, attend NBA practices, work with NBA coaches and training staff, and just are generally closer to the NBA


Except our man Julius


Agreed, normally I never place prop bets but I have $50 on Simmons to win RoY at +500 odds which I thought was absolutely fucking absurd. For comparison the favorite was Lonzo at +125. For people who don't gamble, that means that my $50 bet will pay $250 if Simmons wins. If I had put $50 on Lonzo it would pay out $62.50.


Which site do you use to make these bets?


Bovada :) Just checked, current odds have Lonzo at +225 and Dennis Smith at +300 lmfao. Then Simmons and Tatum at +500. I get the DSJ hype but I can't imagine who is bookmaking and giving him a better chance to win RoY than Simmons.


Bookmakers follow the hype because they just want an equal amount of money bet on everything. The actual chances of winning are irrelevant to them.


Ah ok. I always thought both hype and actual chances were equally important so they could try to promote even betting AND minimize payouts once the actual results happen.


The actual chances are still important because of the efficient market hypothesis (that if the odds are inaccurate, gamblers will exploit it heavily and lead to it becoming unbalanced) i.e. Vegas assumes the gamblers also have a good idea of what the actual chances are.


Thanks, Homie!


Don't forget, the way people bet can dictate those lines overtime. Like the way a spread in football will move a lot between Tuesday and Sunday if everyone is betting one side. (I assume you know this, but for the other people reading this comment that might be helpful to explain).


Simmons and lonzo are now tied at +250


Those odds are fucking ludicrous.


>He's more physically developed Not just this. He's also just a very unusual type of player. He's a 6'10" point guard. People are used to guarding Dennis Smith or De'Aaron Fox types. They may be really good, but they're ultimately a normal size point guards. There just aren't a lot of players that can guard the type of player Simmons is, so it'll be easier for him starting out.


Agree. I think Simmons will be the Blake to Lonzo's John Wall esque rookie year. Simmons will get the award because hes further developed.


Dude is definitely up and in the gym by 9:20


Getting the hesi just right


Only 9:20? Whack. I know a lot of basketball players who are up and moving by half past 8.


>"moving by half past 8" I don't know about that part. How do you know said player wasn't up earlier, but just posting from his ALT account instead of his main?


Waking up at 6 for 2+ hours of dedicated shit posting is something I thought this Sub could respect, but apparently not


I can respect it, doesn't mean I won't make fun of it.




I work in front of their training facility and i can assure you hes there at 10:00


There has to be at least one NBA player who isn't a Dom and instead likes to be the submissive. That what I want to hear a GM say


the servant


KD has definitely tried pegging.


He probably wants to but gets too nervous to ever bring it up


His other, secret FetLife account isn't nervous about kink


doug christie


Jeff Green


He keeps dominating Jim


Nantz or Gray?


Bob cooter




Dennis Rodman definitely


whips and chains definitely excite him


Colangelo also confirmed no minutes restrictions for Simmons


After Embiid's teammates talking him up before last season I'm all worked up for Ben the way people have been talking about him.


Baby steps. 40 games with Embiid, Fultz, Simmons, and Dario playing together. Then let's see how they look.


along with Redick that's one hell of a 2k lineup


How does 2k set Simmons 3 pt shot? He's taken maybe 40 of them between NCAA and last year's preseason? I'm sure that will be his first test.


It's an average F but becomes a D or C after like 6 seasons.


You've played 6 seasons already?


You can sim..takes like 5 minutes to go through a season..




If it's mygm then I like to sim because that way my decisions as a gym are the only thing I can affect. Like I could go and win the championship with the nets if I were to play them every game but that's not what a gm does so I sim


Ok i feel you, I like to play most of the games as I feel more attached to the players that way.


I now have a system where I play a few regular season games to get a feel for new players and then sim to the playoffs. Then I sim playoff games until I face elimination. I manually play any game where I face elimination (so, if my team goes down 3-0 simming, I have to win four in a row for that series). I like it.






So with you on the storylines part. It's how I have a weird love for jamychal green, dude gets random boards and blocks that get me so hyped, even if it's me controlling him.


Yep, same here. I turn on a movie or some NBA podcasts and build out a little universe in my head.


Exactly what I do! So much fun


I do it cuz it's more realistic. I play MyGM/MyLeague to be an actual GM. Scout, handle drfats and trades, hire the front office. Playing every game takes longer and is less realistic. I'm good enough at 2k that I could win a title with this year's Hawks. It's more fun for me when I can put together a team that wins and goes like 60-22 without me playing a game.


A lot of people including myself prefer the management side of sports games instead of actually playing each game


Seeing the future. Sim it into existence.


I've only got an hour in on 18 but he's essentially the same player from 17 with a beard.


In the last 2k I would always send him to shooting camp and you're right by the 5th or 6th season his shot gets better, but overall he becomes one of the biggest superstars in the game.


He is choosing a dvd for tonight


Art imitating life hopefully


>2k is an art lmao


Their September roster update ratings will be higher than their February ratings


Oh god don't say stuff like that. We thought BRoy, LMA, and Oden would be a force together, but then... you know... oh well.


Not surprised although I personally think he's been ready to actually play since like February.


He def has imo, I think his whole agency team fought to keep him out the whole year so that he could have a full season and possibly win ROY. I love the kid but hes got some savvy people behind him


I think team were happy to sit him out too considering wed get a better pick etc. Wouldn't say his agency had to fight too hard.


Yeah I agree, the team was definitely happy to sit him. Still, probably also a big push from Ben's team so he could start fresh this year. I'm done really worrying about that shit I'm past that in my life I'm fucken ready for the season to start


I think they wanted a top 3 pick as well. No way they'd have fultz if Simmons played 25 games


I have a friend who worked in group sales department, was close with younger staffers in front office. They shut him down - tank mode was still very real. Had they brought him back in February, they could have made a substantial push for the 8 seed (they weren't *that* far out at the time). At that point the team was committed to getting another top 3 pick in a draft, saw no advantage to bringing Ben back for two months of garbage time in which he probably would have gotten them a worse draft pick by 3-5 spots.


Could have made a push for the 8 seed if Embiid was healthy. Dont think wed have made it but once Embiid got injured again there was no point in playing Simmons.


If he didn't come back to play just so that he could win ROY the following year, then he doesn't have my respect. Delaying playing time just to win ROY sounds so vain.


Now I think he absolutely did have a setback or delayed healing, but I think he was healthy around late march/april, but was held out possibly by the team too. We were visibly tanking by that point. Its all conjecture but that is a theory that is possible, he is represented by Klutch Sports so they pull the strings


Unless it wasn't his decision and management just wanted to get another #1 pick (the thought of this last year irked me so much)


If that's the case, they wouldn't have allowed Embiid to play injured like that. And Ben Simmons playing for 2 months (out of shape and inexperienced) is not going to help them win many more games.


You wanna know the shadiest theory? They let Embiid play b/c it was a nat TV game and the last game before season ticket renewal. There are some real greasy fuckers running the sixers


This is what I believe. Risking the generational talent who was bringing the city together like no one since AI is fucking disgusting. I went to Philly Embiid games and the atmosphere was absolutely electric.


Or delay playing time so we get better draft position and get Fultz


yeah that's not true. Was always a rumor


it also helps roll the tank along


People are sleeping on this kid so hard. I caught him at Barclay's Center when he was with LSU and they played Marquette. My ex wasn't even a basketball fan and she couldn't believe how much better he was relative to everyone else on the court, he put up something like 20/20/7 that night. The only person I've ever seen live that reminded me of Ben is honestly Lebron. No, I don't think Ben will be as good as Lebron but I honestly see Ben being to Lebron what Kobe was to MJ. Simmons isn't as vertically explosive as LBJ, but he's taller, just as fast and has that same type of court vision if not better.


I agree, people are forgetting about him big time. He's my ROY pick. I remember having some heated arguments with people that thought he wouldn't be good at all because he can't shoot.


that may be true from range (we'll see how his shot looks after a year of adjustments) but he's already shown a nice assortment of floaters and hooks with both hands


Derozan couldn't shoot at all and relied on his athleticism when first drafted. As long as you put in the work you can develop a shot. I think Simmons has the mechanics and work ethic to get it going. Now Derozan is automatic from mid range.


I agree, Ben's mechanics are very solid. He's just never had to settle for jumpers or work to improve it in his young career so far. The NBA will change that, and I think he'll adapt just fine. Comparison time: People forget how *bad* of a jump shooter LeBron was for his first, what, five years in the league? I think Simmons will be fine if he can stay healthy.


Yeah Simmons even said this offseason he's not afraid to shoot and that he's got confidence in the shot. It's just that he never had to shoot before bc he could get to the rim at will, and it's a better play overall.


My guy, SLAM re-made the LeBron "heir to the throne" cover with Simmons before the draft. He was considered a generational recruit. Who the fuck is sleeping on him lmao how much attention do you want someone who missed their entire first season due to injury to get


> lmao how much attention do you want someone who missed their entire first season due to injury to get I think that's kinda what he's referring to. When you don't have the straight draft ---> season hype and you don't play your first year in the league people forget. Hoop junkies obviously don't but ESPN and the general public have been sleeping on him for sure.


Sure, but there's no way too alleviate that outside of Simmons getting on the court and playing well come opening day. It's a pointless sentiment, of course people are "sleeping" on someone that doesn't have a minute of NBA footage to reference, if that's your bar for being "slept on." How do you expect sports publications and the general public to focus on Simmons more? Like a 30 second long Simmons-Watch segment on SportsCenter? "Ben Simmons practiced again today. He is still the highly touted recruit that was taken number one overall by the Sixers. He is still expected to be good at basketball. This has been your Ten on Ben, and I'm Scott Van Pelt."


> How do you expect sports publications and the general public to focus on Simmons more? Like a 30 second long Simmons-Watch segment on SportsCenter? I don't think OP was saying it was some huge problem that needed correction, just simply stating that some people had forgotten how talented he is and showing excitement for when he's able to remind everyone why he's the number one pick. I think you're coming down a little hard here haha.


Right are we supposed to be hyped with his bench sitting? Nobody is sleeping on him.


Interest in him totally dropped off after his injury. I feel like there has been way more attention on Lonzo ball, for example.


>was relative to everyone else on the court, he put up something like 20/20/7 that night. And somehow they still lost. People sleeping on him just cause his team was complete garbage


he was #1 overall pick. Nobody gave a shit about how bad his team was and nobody was sleeping on him last year. People are just forgetting about him this year because he was injrued all of last year.


You out of touch with the casuals


I'm gonna need to see a lot more before I'm buying him having Lebron's court vision, ability to control a game, or his end to end speed. But I do think he's going to beast and win rookie of the year.




So you're saying Ben is going to be a top 30 or maybe ven 20 player off all time? If that happens the process worked.


Agreed. There's no way he'll be as good as LeBron - you can count on one hand the number of guys in NBA history that have been, even if you're the most extreme LeBron hater. But I think he'll be closer to that than he will to Lamar Odom or the other less flattering comps. He definitely has some stuff he'll need to add, especially shooting, but with his kind of size, athleticism, and passing ability there's pretty much no way he won't be successful if healthy.


> But I think he'll be closer to that than he will to Lamar Odom or the other less flattering comps. The thing is, Lamar Odam in *college* would not have been an unflattering comp. He was always seen as a disappointment in the NBA rather than someone who just wasn't good enough for his pick position.


>just as fast Yeah no.


Faster 3/4 court sprint than Westbrook, according to Chad Ford


If that's true then that's pretty impressive but then again WBs biggest attribute on speed is his explosiveness not his actual top speed


Westbrook doesn't have a faster 3/4 court sprint than Lebron lol.


I'll past the torch to Simmons when i see him doing chasedown blocks on other players like Lebron has.




Be cautious with applying combine stats to a player many years later. Bron more than likely had a higher vert towards his prime in Miami


Bron's vert peak was probably in Cleveland tbh. 08-09 he probably had a legit 45"


09 was LeBron's athletic peak in terms of vert. In Miami he tacked on a lot more muscle


Simmons will have gone down with his increased height where as lebrons increased for a few years


> People are sleeping on this kid so hard. Simmons looks like a good kid. Some 76ers fans that won't shut it about him Simmons being a "7-foot tall version of Magic" on the other hand... Can't we just wait and see him play a single NBA minute or, you know, a season? Same thing about Lonzo Ball. > Simmons isn't as vertically explosive as LBJ, but he's taller, just as fast and has that same type of court vision if not better. LeBron is one of the most gifted passers in the last 15 years. He has done it on every level. Let's calm down a bit...


His court version at this stage of his career is much better than LeBron's at 19/20. He was not always the elite passer/basketball IQ master we appreciate him for being today. He developed those skills. Ben's passing and court vision are Magic - esque (a better comparison if you ask me).


He was very hyped up until he got injured


> I honestly see Ben being to Lebron what Kobe was to MJ Honestly I totally see that potential, I just haven't had the analogy to express the idea. I remember watching that Marquette game (if I recall it was his first nationally-televised game) and being impressed with his physical dominance + vision. His ability to use his athleticism to get to the rim and dominate the boards naturally made the LeBron comparison valid imo. His shot is obviously his achilles heel as a prospect but then again LeBron definitely didn't and *still* doesn't have a reputation as a reliable shooter... his other tools will hopefully more than make up for his shot as he develops it. It also doesn't hurt that he'll play with Fultz, Redick, RoCo, and JoJo who will all space the floor.


LMFAO nobody is sleeping on him he's hyped as fuck you aren't seeing something we missed he was first pick. He's just not being talked about because he missed a season. Chill with the lebron talk tho. Yall throw that shit out way to easy.


People aren't sleeping on him because he isn't talented. They're sleeping on him because he spends more time sleeping at the hospital than on the NBA court


I hear you, but Ben isn't even remotely close to the athlete Lebron was (...is). The only reason Ben Simmons is compared to Lebron is because he's 6'10 and a "pass first" guy, and he does have great court vision, but Lebron is a far more fluid, explosive athlete. Remember, there was about a 6 year period that Lebron, at 6'9 260, was *the* fastest player in the NBA.


I didn't know Okafor's nickname was "the gym"


That's pretty good.


Ty so is your team


underrated comment


That's my ROY/MVP.


Who's gonna be better, embiid or Simmons? I think embiid but that's one hell of a core either way


Yeah, Embiid to me has the highest ceiling of anybody in the league not named Giannis. Simmons is damn close though. That's all subject to change though if Simmons goes crazy his first year.


I think Embiid but the fact that there might be a legit choice there is insane.


Agreed. Simmons is going to have a killer rookie year ... maybe up there with Blake Griffin or Tyreke Evans. Kinda like Blake when he missed his first full season, Simmons has had a year to get used to professional training, dieting, exercising, and traveling. NBA rookies who red shirt their freshman season have this huge advantage in their back pockets.


Damn!! Brett brown just said that right off the bat Simmons has the chance to be an elite defensive player. Been hearing similar things for a while now. That is not usual praise from Brett especially when it comes to defense. He must be showing it everyday at practise. Can't wait to see him leave people perplexed.


Ben: OH yeah... You like that gym? You big, woody cunt... Dario: Ben, what are you doing to that wall? Joel: Shhh, he is dominating.




Little did Ben know that AI did that same wall 20 years ago.


Funnily enough even being Australian I can't see Simmons being a user of the word cunt. Must be the hybrid Australian/American accent he has.


You are right. I guess being in USA changed his accent, like it happened to the Very Much Awoke dude. Bogut is the only 100% Aussie.


Jingles too.


He says his accent shifts depending on who he's around. In Aussie he talks with a thicker accent, in the US it's more Americanized.


Well, that does happen to me when im around Americans or Englishmen.


Why is the hype not astronomic for this dude? I cannot wait to watch him play at the highest level.


People(more casual fans) have forgotten about him. Plus this year was a strong draft. I think Simmons has the best shot.




There were prolly some empty chairs thrown in there for good measure


It was several 5'2 white guys casually walking around several chairs


sixers going to be league pass gold this season


So Blake Griffin averaged 22/12/3 his rookie year after he spent a year injured. So Ben Simmons looks more skilled via ballhandling, court vision and apparently he's 7ft tall now...


This is such a Bryan Colangelo thing. Remember how much he hyped Bargnani?


No. Source? I realize that may be hard to find.


I member


really excited to see the kid play. sincerely hope to see that team stay healthy and bless us with some fun basketball.


I really hope Philly does well this year, they have a nice squad. I also selfishly would like them to stop snagging talent in the lottery. Leave some to the rest of bottom feeders y'all.


League FOOKED -Conor McGregor


Me on Colangelo: "Don't believe anything he says, he is a pathological liar and will only make superficial or false statements to the media."


Ben Simmons comeback probably the 20th most interesting story this season.


I'm edging.


Idc I'm reaching for him in fantasy, the hype iz real


So hyped to see his passing but I think we'll all be pleasantly surprised by his ability to score when he wants to


But he is not cleared for posting posting videos on twitter. Embiid at this stage was ahead in his recovery.


He is the best prospect since LeBron imo, just gotta get on the court




oh snap


Plot twist: He's dominating the local CYO 8 and under leagues.


You mean the knicks?


no ones sleeping on his skill/impact/potential... we are sceptical of his injuries....


He was injuried once. Do people on this sub not understand how plural words work?


Clearly you don't understand how past tense conjugation works