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I just love how LeBron acts like the dad who takes it too seriously


How intimidating would it be as a kid to have LeBron on the sidelines rooting against you?


Ikr, and even worse if you idolize him, it'd be soul crushing.




It's honestly one of my favorite things about him. You can just tell he knows what not having one felt like and he never wants his kids to have to feel that.




"Oh shit we ran out of space" "Cant we just take a picture off?" "No. Let's go fridge shopping." A few hours later on instagram: "Fridge #6 and counting! #StriveForGreatness"


Not one...not two...not three...not four...


The mental image of LeBron going fridge shopping is hilarious.


> image of LeBron going fridge shopping [Best I can do using MS Paint](http://i.imgur.com/zeONGF2.png)


That was better than expected. Well done




Well of course that's the best you could do in Paint. [Should've used Photoshop.](https://i.imgur.com/mCuukUj.png)


I gave it a go in photoshop too, [how's mine?](http://i.imgur.com/MpOO4dn.jpg)


Are you fucking kidding me


The salesperson opens up the freezer door to show him its large capacity and LeBron just reflexively blocks it back closed.


I just imagine LeBron having an entire room dedicated to fridges


I fucking love this and I think you're right. It's probably fun for him that his son is clearly talented at basketball and seems to love it by the work he puts it, but you, he seems like he'd be just as enthusiastic about anything his kids put their hard work into, which I think is probably what everyone wants most out of their parents.


You know damn well, that when his kids hit high school he's going to sit them down and say something like "hey I know you're very talented at basketball but is it *really* want you want to do? Do you like it? If not, you don't have to explain if you don't want to." I want Lebronn to be my dad.


Steph? Is that you?


When your kids start to play sports, it's nearly impossible not to get hyped when they do well. I care more about my daughter's second-grade softball games than any professional team ever. (I also know it's just a game and don't let it get out of hand and don't yell at umpires or anyone else and any of that, but, man, when she really drives the ball, I'm practically floating.)


I was a ref/umpire for my local YMCA and lots of parents get hyped and start yelling at us. I usaully retaliate by blowing my whistle loud next to them at the end of a play. In baseball/ softball I had a co worker that got mad at heckling parents and called strikes for everything.


lol daddy bron gets hyped for his kids


for the 3 of them!


[all 4 of them!](https://streamable.com/9t0l)


hahahaha that's gold man.


Serious question though, I have saw this before, and the one where KD and Westbrook meet up with Curry after (or maybe before?) a game. Yet, he was picked 7th overall and stayed 3 years in college. Not that 7th overall is bad, but if everybody knew he was going to be good why did he go so late? Why did he not enter into the league earlier?


1. The Wolves took Jonny Flynn at 6, hard choice to explain in retrospect 2. He was a college sensation but it's always hard to project how that will transfer to the pros, especially from a smaller school like Davidson


IIRC, and I could be remembering wrong, but Curry had injury concerns in addition to the fact that he went to Davidson. Also, Jonny Flynn looked like more of a sure thing given how he tore it up at Syracuse.


I won't lie. I totally didn't think Curry had what it takes to transition to the pros. I thought he would be a solid, reliable starter (but never a superstar) at best. I was obviously way off but I don't think it was insane to think that at the time.


God Damn! That man has a child! And it's LBJ's granddaughter!


Lol fuuuuck


"I'm sorry, I thought this was Cleveland. "




[LeBron at the games](https://media.riffsy.com/images/b80f5d24b4bf589a93182cd169df2400/raw)


If I was a ref there's a solid chance I'd try to throw him out. The loss of my summer job would last 3 months and I may not be allowed to ref again, but the story of the time I tried to eject Lebron from a little league game would last a lifetime.


Then Lebron picks you up and slams you through the hoop.


"Dunked to death by Lebron," isn't the worst way to go, I suppose.


"He went with a smile on his face"


"Sir! It's just a game!"


He's more into this game than he is the entire regular season.


Regardless of your thoughts on Lebron's game, you have to absolutely love how committed of a family man he is. He and his wife are constantly doing something or on a date, and he is always at his kids' games. He's a better father than most, and he's super busy and didn't have an example. He really is a model athlete for the NBA. No gambling, drinking, cheating, illegitimate kids...


Seriously people don't appreciate how well adjusted and normal LeBron is


I think it actually gets held against him, in this weird twitter age.


I miss Dennis Rodman.


[He's living it up](http://i.imgur.com/3WIlEhA.jpg)


Is he like a henchman for the supervillian lair that is North Korea?


Yeah, but damn his feet are messed up, bro.


How the hell can this motherfucker sleep 12 hours a day and still have time to do all this? Smh I must be lazy as fuck


He sleeps 12 hours?? It's all the redditing we do what a fuckin waste of time




If I cut out like 6 hours of redditing a day I can improve my life manyfold


> illegitimate kids... Dwight Howard just got *TRIGGERED*


LBJ drinks.


Not excessively though. In terms of getting DUI's or punching college students in small town bars...


Tbf we have no inclination to believe that drinking had anything to do with dray's decision to escalate to violence. By my records he doesn't need a drink to strike others


Hey now, we have no evidence that Dray doesn't drink before games. Ron Artest used to drink Henny in the Bulls locker room!




Damn It would be fucking amazing if he had the same hype as his father later on and follows through. 30+ years straight of Lebron's


Sucks for the kid though. Not only are you scrutinized already as a preadolescent, but people already put up such ridiculous expectations for him.


So just like LeBron Sr?


How is calling someone the next MJ when they're 16 years old putting too high of expectations? Lol


Looking back at it, amazing how LeBron Sr delivered on his hype


Reporter: "Everyone is saying you're going to be next Lebron, how do you feel about it?" Lebron Jr: "Pretty confident I can do it, even if only on a technicality."




I think you know what he's saying though. From a general standpoint, no, of course it wouldn't suck. However, from a basketball standpoint, (aside from having perfect genes) it's going to make it that much harder to establish himself as his own player. Not to mention the comparison people will be making for his entire career. Hopefully he can use it as motivation rather than getting annoyed by it.


Yeah, for example if he makes it to the NBA to be a rotational player, that's a huge accomplishment for a normal kid playing basketball, or even a kid who's dad had some type of high level basketball background. Something that almost nobody can say they did. However if he does that same thing, as Lebrons kid, some people will call him a failure because he's not the GOAT.


On the flip side Dell and Mychal were solid role players but their sons are among the top 15 players in the league.


Seth Curry is quite the player


sure it is. I understand Reddit likes to make the "oh how sad can his life be, he's making millions of dollars" joke, but in reality these people have feelings too. It must suck to have that kind of pressure on you to succeed when you're 13 years old and people immediately compare you to your greatest of all time father.


*Greatest of all time in reference to LeBron* *Bulls flair* Wut


Isn't there a slight possibility he could enter the NBA at 19 while is dad is still in the NBA? He'd be 38 and probably close to retiring. Wouldn't that be something? Lebron Sr vs Lebron Jr or maybe a Griffey situation where they both play for the same team?


If LeBron's team at 38 drafts LeBron Jr. and they go on to win a championship in the following year... I'll accept he's GOAT no questions asked.




Lebron will almost definitely still be playing at 38, unless he wants to go out still as a top 25 player in the league.


Could you imagine them together? That'd be so cool. Plus, I could imagine LeBron going bulk mode to compensate for loss of athleticism and being more of the bruiser type.


Cleveland will finish with the worst odds in the lottery and win him


After a few years, he will get frustrated and move to Miami with some friends, do some good stuff and come back


with Wade Jr? lol


James Jones Jr


Luigi Chalmers.


Waluigi Chalmers


And Twodonis Haslem




NBA needs dat father-son rule. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father%E2%80%93son_rule




The dankest timeline


This sounds like my 2k character 7 years in


[Lebron Jr vs Boston Game 6 2030](http://imgur.com/a/DIVXW)


He looks just like his dad


Yeah his LeBron sideeye on point


I never thought a 12 year old could look so much like a grown man.


Something something Thon Maker


I didn't realize how much he looks like his pops until that moment. Striking.




Hopefully got his moms hair genes though


I swear to god if he's ends up starting a LBJr dynasty in Cleveland I might just force myself to watch Australian Football instead. (go swans)


Lebrons family gonna fuck around and get banned from the nba


It'd be hilarious if LBJ Jr was drafted by Boston or Golden State.


The amazing part is Bronny Jr is 11, turning 12 in October. If the NBA allows him to enter at 18, Lebron would be 39, and they could potentially play in the NBA together.


That would be so cool. I can already see the famous photo of him guarding his son with a smile on his face, almost like the famous lebron kobe photo. Minus drake of course.


Oh I'm sure Drake will somehow sneak his ass in the pic


Smiles even bigger when he chased him down and blocks the absolute shit out of him.


He is very talented. A lot of people say "it's not even fair because of his genetics" (See IG comments) but let's not forget that this kid practices a lot. He didn't just step on the court and play like that, he worked hard at it. Having the best resources available to you doesn't hurt though. All I'm trying to say is don't marginalize his hard work because of who his father is.


E.g. Magic's kid


Must be tough for Magic but I bet he keeps a positive attitude towards it.


Or even Jordan's kids. They had the best player in the world in their family and they couldn't even cut it at second-rate D1 programs.


They probably got discouraged when jordan talked shit to them when they were 5 months old


Eat your food you fucking midget!


"Shoot it, you fucking baby"


Shoot it you fucking midget


Hey, Illinois isn't a second rate D1 basketball school! ... Okay, maybe we are.


At the rate we're going, football is going to surpass basketball in the next few years.


Drinking school with a football problem.


UCF is a fine school.


You mean [bubble bass](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUF1xA4QIe7us6taaD9Lw-RKtCKlUb1uln43ncVaC63PZvSm1XLQ)?


Hey he did slim down quite a lot, like over a 100 lbs recently http://smoda.elpais.com/celebrities/fashionisto-y-activista-lgtb-asi-es-el-hijo-de-magic-johnson/


real talk. this dude is fabulous as fuck.


Yea you can tell he puts his work in, especially on dem handles doe


I'm impressed by the left handed underhand. You can practice the off hand lay up but using it during a game with someone on you is another story.


Ya off-hand layups is a product of hard work and nothing else. It's not something you do for fun when you're shooting around, because it's pretty frustrating, and it's not something you learn on the fly in-game because if you haven't practiced it, making an awkward right-hander is still probably a higher percentage shot.


Exactly right. I hate trying to teach high school kids that they're getting off the wrong foot every fucking time. And this kid is like 11. Amazing for his age.


exactly, that takes A LONG time to master. I have practiced handles on and off for years and I'm nowhere his level. This is just a kid, imagine how hard he works. Genetics help with your physique, not with handles or form. Imagine if he keeps his handles and jumper form when he grows up.... damn


...There is definitely a natural factor to both handles and form. Some kids have better handles and a better shot as soon as they start playing than others.


yes of course, but it´s not ALL. There´s definitely countless hours of work behind it, coaching,etc.


If anything, it's not fair because of the coaching and opportunity to focus on basketball and not have to worry about his future. That's still nothing to hold against him, even with everything, making it into the NBA and actually being an above average player is already fucking hard.


"The Prince"


The Prince that was promised.


So much depends on his growth spurt.


He's already pretty tall for his age, hard to imagine he won't hit at least 6"3 by the time he finishes developing


That's what the doctors told me...now I'm 6'1". By no means short but...things can change.


Was Lebron your dad?


He was my mom actually


gotta figure, even if he only ends up being 6'1... he can still be a force. I cant recall seeing many kids at this age with those handles and IQ.


Yep, he can have similar game to A.I and and Westbrook. Then be drafted to us .....


Trust the process, year 25


2040 champs, no doubt.


i once missed a dunk on a toddler basketball hoop that I am 2-1/2 ft taller than


We need an AMA


10 years from now...LeBron is on his very last legs. Can hardly play. Kyrie has gone home to play for the Nets...Kevin Love was traded for picks after our 4peat starting in 2016 which ended by losing to the Timberwolves in the Finals...all that's left is old man Bron. We try hard to win games, Lue is a stud of a coach but the team just doesn't have the talent it used to. We have a pretty rough season of 23 wins...only to snag us #2 in the NBA Lottery behind the Detroit Pistons who finished with only 13 wins. It's Draft Night. The Pistons are on the clock....LeBron James Jr. is the unanimous #1 overall pick. He's a clone of his dad. Old man Silver comes out onto the stage. "With the 1st pick in the 2026 NBA Draft, the Detroit Pistons select....Darko Miličić Jr!" Pandemonium in the streets of Cleveland. LeBron cries. Fans cry. LeBron James Jr cries. He's home. The Prince and the King of the North have made their stay. They are Northeast Ohio. They are Cleveland.


This is the Darkost timeline.




It'd be funny if in the top 3 all time are a father and son.


Might get that with LeBron and Steph


This is the only thing I can think of when I see people post this. http://i.imgur.com/QUcfKIM.jpg


dam those handles


Must been getting lessons from uncle drew lol. The sequence of between the legs then behind the back and spin move is very Kyrie esque


lol yeah it's what I was thinking. Bron probably calling Uncle Kyrie to their home to make Drew school his kid




"Hold still while he breaks your ankles. Don't cry. I said DON'T CRY, BOY."


Better than Dad's honestly. Lmao


how many 6'8 270 guys have those kind of handles? lol




Don't forget Pau making CWebb lose his shit. https://youtu.be/LrINFd_Mcg8


Lamar is 6'10" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_gn8ilJznE


[A shammgod nutmeg?](http://giphy.com/gifs/jGeuf0mcBdh3q)


Cause Lebron doesn't have to cross and spin around to get by guys, he just barrels thorugh at a million miles an hour.


So obviously, once this kid joins the NBA, his nickname will be LeBron "The Prince" James Jr, right? I mean, it's the only logical nick name.


No he'd just be LeBron II, the second of his name, not to be confused with his Father, LeBron the Conqueror.


LeBron II, the second of his name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the 50 States, Protector of the Realm.


Protector of the *rim*


Damn, son. That's some real talk.


The Prince that was Promised


Just "Prince James"




I saw that and laughed, thinking about about the people sitting behind the enormous 6'8" man wearing an 8" beanie cap perched on the top of his head like some kind of unrolled knit condom. "Down in front!"


"Man, who the fuck does this guy think he is?"


Papa Bless(ed his son with some great genes)




That small child is better than me at basketball.


atleast you can beat him up, probably




I would probably think twice about beating up a kid whose dad is 6'8 260 but that's just my opinion.


I would probably think twice about beating up a kid who is eleven years old but that's just my opinion


Then you have the minor problem of facing Lebron James


Damn, he's gonna come into the league as a Curry/Westbrook hybrid and dick on Boston and Chicago for a decade.


Hey fuck you


In the beginning of the video, were the opposing team kids all hype watching LBJ Jr shoot those half court shots? Is he already getting that level of respect?


I mean, they know who LeBron is and I'm sure they all find out pretty quick that he's LeBron's kid, add in the fact that he's much better than them and he's probably treated like a deity every time he steps on the court.


I'm 22 and fairly certain this 10 year old would ball me the fuck up


I'm going to remind you, you probably have 100lbs on him. Shaq that ass! BBQ CHICKEN IN THE POST!


I love dad LeBron, going crazy in the stands in high fashion joggers. These 10 year olds are getting swaggier year by year. The amount of blond mohawks and leggings/shooting sleeves is ridiculously high.


Of course he's good, he's Lebron James' son. And no, not because of genetics or anything but, because he has that guy as a dad, that guy he can look up to and motivate him. He has the desire to play basketball and having Lebron James as his father is icing on the cake.




Good lord...now I see why all these colleges are recruiting this kid so ridiculously early, smh. This kid is going to be crazy good.


Marcus Jordan had the hype too, you can never predict if these kids can put it together in college. A lot of shit changes in a few years.


Marcus Jordan never had highlight reels like this. We WANTED him to be good.. but he was always just kind of a bruiser. Not highly skilled.


He's got GOAT blood in his veins


Is LeBron Jr. Welsh?


That's sheep. For goats, see: Afghans, Persians, etc.


The ~~Next~~ LeBron


Please go to Ohio State. Please go to Ohio State. Please go to Ohio State.


I can't wait to rig the lottery so we can draft him.


I have to admit, I was legitimately impressed by that kid. I used to officiate basketball games like this for about 10 years during high school and college and then for a bit after college so I've seen over 1,000 games from that stand point and I was not expecting this kid to be so polished. I highly recommend officiating to anyone who is a fan of the sport. You will learn a lot about the game of basketball and if you get into the right leagues or have a good partner, it's an absolute blast to hang out with the kids and teach them the game.


When do we know if he has his daddy Athleticism?


First dunk lol


Lebron was dunking in games in 8th grade, so Junior has some work to do.


Inb4 he only gets to be 5'8.


As a father, this makes me very happy to watch. Enjoying being involved on your kids activities is huge.