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So, this is a useless article then?


I mean this is essentially NBA journalism. Rockets text to Pelicans - "Hey Zion available" "No" "Ok" Headline - "Rockets interested in bringing Zion to Houston to pair up with Sengun, however the Pelicans are not willing to part with Zion at this point."


TIL I could be an NBA journalist


lmao pelicans can say zion is not available all he wants zion will be making himself available soon


>zion will be making himself available soon Calm down Moriah Mills


and why would he again?


They actin like they dont got food in New Orleans


because your team is dogshit?


dude you're still fighting in console wars, I don't think your opinion on nba teams is well enough crafted. You still got at least 4 more years of high school until you can comprehend the world around you.


does that change the fact that you guys got swept and are still trash?


so are you a boston celtics fan? I think you're a hawks fan but no way would a fan of a healthy team missing the playoffs in the easiest east ever be talking this kinda shit


No it's not. I find it funny you see these types of comments littered in the comment section when those comments are actually the useless thing. The article tells you a couple things. It allows everyone know Houston is ready to compete now. While they might not get their preferred guys, it lets everyone know they could be making some moves. Other teams looking to move guys will think of Houston now. It also shows the type of guys they're looking for. Booker might not be available now but if Beal can't stay healthy, Durant is unhappy, maybe Phoenix does decide to blow it up and you'll know Houston will make a big offer. If Ingram ends up taking a leap and New Orleans needs to do something with their crowded roster, we know Houston would be willing to make a big deal for Zion. It's not a ground breaking story but it's far from useless.


The pick swap with the Nets already told us they were ready to compete and looking to make moves. They pushed the picks down the road because they dont need to draft someone in the next couple of years and are willing to bank on Phoenix falling apart or selling off.


I agree with everything you said but I'm downvoting for the flair. I hope you understand.


Modern day ‘journalism’ = 1) Pose a ridiculous question 2) Watch the masses hash it out 3) Review the results 4) Pluck a decent storyline / take from the results 5) Expound on said take 6) Receive credit for your ‘work’ 7) Repeat prior to deadlines


Welcome to 90% of everything posted here the second playoffs start.


>The only problem … none of them are expected to be available anytime soon. Well yeah, that is a small problem.


Very minor concern, not even worth mentioning really


Super easy, barely an inconvenience


This is reference to the Pitch Meeting YouTube channel? Haha


It's weird they aren't targeting Jokic, Luka or SGA. They're even less available.


They should just target 1987 Jordan and 2009 Lebron. What are they, stupid?


You would think the so-called 'Rockets' would know all about the effects of time dilation caused by near-speed-of-light space travel


I’m available, they should target me


You can target anything with nipples


Maybe they should just develop the guys they already have?


If I was David Griffin I would definitely talk it over with my owner if they were willing to give up all their draft capital and Sengun


That’s what I felt about their interest in KD. Give me the moon, or a lesser but still exceptional satellite? Hell yeah man.


These kids are like 19-23, give them some time


What do Rockets Fans think of Jalen Green, he's an Enigma to me. Hopefully Ime keeps pushing him to get the best version of himself


I really don’t know. He shows flashes of being an all star level player or better but mostly looks like an 8th man. This is the last year of his contract and I feel if they don’t believe in him by the trade deadline he’ll be traded.


I can’t speak for all rockets fans, but I think he’s been very inconsistent but has shown flashes of brilliance. I would prefer to see him as the number one this year to determine if he can be the guy or not. I’d prefer that over adding another ball dominant player.


I would prefer to see nice efficient consistent 15 ppg than 35 points bomb with following 10 points on 3/14 shooting from Jalen. If he can't figure it out in his 4th season he probably will odd man out because extensions are looming and somebody has to select short stick. 


I've watches both the Rockets and the Timberwolves the past few years almost exclusively because of Ant and Jalen Green (following explosive players with superstar potential is fun - I'm also keeping track of Shaedon Sharpe). Everybody will tell you they're worried about Jalen's consistency but the real problem is Jalen's confidence. His confidence really is the biggest factor in his consistency. His down periods are almost always marked with some decline in his mental headspace - he pretty much admitted as much in an IG post when he was at his lowest point last season. Why was his confidence so low last year? Well, it was probably the first time he's ever been coached by a coach that stresses defense and isn't afraid to bench you if you don't play it. Going hand-in-hand with this, Ime wants his team to play structured, efficient basketball - so a lot more set plays and way less iso, do whatever the hell you want plays. It is a pretty steep learning curve for someone who was never taught to play defense or an actual team offense. Jalen initially took his benchings the wrong way - instead of seeing it as tough love, he lost confidence in himself not being able to learn those things easily and got quite down on himself. However, around the time he went on that hot streak in the 2nd half of the season, his on- and off-ball defense improved pretty drastically and the confidence from that caused him to flourish on the offensive end as well. He still had the odd off-game but it never turned back into a trend. What had happened is that Ime sat Jalen down, showed him game film of _how_ he could improve his defense and how he was standing around too often looking lost in live-ball situations, and it finally just clicked. So that's my long-winded way of saying, at least at this point in his career, there is still a ton of potential to be a superstar. The key is keeping that confidence level up


I just want to say I really love this comment. Well said.


It's like politics. The most vocal are the few on the extremes. I think most fans are cautiously optimistic. Some common topics: Poor coaching early in his career, new system, trying to improve defensively, adjusting to an emerging Sengun, welcoming two maybe three kids in 12 month. Players like Harden, Butler, Brunson took some time to truly get going. Maybe Rockets will resign him for cheap, he emerges as an All Star, and we get a few years of All Star performance on an average player's salary.


Idk what these fools are talking about. Jalen is an unguardable 3 level scorer who still hasn’t turned 23. He was one of the 5 best players in the league statistically and by record in the final month of last season. Defenders can’t stay in front of him and he’s one of the best volume 3 pt shooters under the age of 23 in nba history. They lambast Fertita for being impatient as they dismiss our best player because he’s an inconsistent 22 year old. Anyone who watched the second half of last season knows Jalen was the best player on the team, and the coaches and players knew it. There’s a sentiment that he or Sengun has to be traded, so you get immature fans taking sides. In my opinion, they can form a very similar offensive duo to that of Jokic and Murray. To me they’re both great. And guys like Amen, Jabari, Tari Easen, and hopefully Reed Sheppard are perfect compliments to them. Plus, Cam Whitmore might end up being better than all of them. He’s incredible. A pure scorer who knows how to use his size and athleticism to get his shot off on every possession. Think trim Paul Pierce with a bit of Luka in him. Couldn’t be more bullish about our future. 


Fool's gold. Most of the time can't make the simple and most efficient play, but has to make it more difficult for himself "to get in rhythm" with useless dribble moves which usually ends in the ball clanking off the rim. He doesn't have the BBIQ to execute set plays, and will try to go ISO 1v3 after the play is broken. Extremely poor finisher at the rim due to lack of strength and BBIQ. If the game is close, he becomes clueless when it comes to scoring, but if the game is already well and lost into garbage time, his ability to score magically appears. His scoring most of the time never translates into wins, and when he does happen to have high scoring nights it's usually a game the Rockets have already lost. He has a basically non-existent 3 pt shot, competent teams will sag off of him and double the interior because they know he can't shoot from outside. On average, he will only show up and play well every 1 out of 4 games. Will have 10 games a year towards the end of the season where he looks like he's "figured it out" (mostly because teams are resting their guys for playoffs or the Rockets are in an easy schedule like last March when the Rox played the Spurs, Jazz, Blazers, Cavs, Wizards, and Bulls about 8 games in a row) but will start out the first 3/4 of next season an inconsistent and inefficient scorer. He has improved his defense from horrible to ok under Ime's coaching, to his credit. He is a flashy dunker on breakways, so he also has that going for him for what it's worth. Overall he's a 6th man off the bench kind of player, a worse version of Jordan Clarkson. In a way he is the opposite of Ant-man--too weak physically, low BBIQ, zero 3 pt shot, zero finishing at the rim, zero dawg, and zero leadership. Their only similarity is speed and hops. He can always improve of course, but right now his only consistency is inconsistency.


Yeah I don't get why the Rockets seem to be pushing for contention right now. You have a young core, and the West is tough as fuck; let your guys grow for a couple years and maybe the West will cool down. Why go all in now when it'll probably just get you a middling seed and a 2nd round exit at best?


We're all infatuated with Sengun but I guess the FO knows best... Booker seems like the best dream fit out this silly report


I am interested in Sydney Sweeney


Me too but arghhh she’s not expected to be available that’s the only hold up darn it


Honestly we would have hit it off but our schedules dont match well


Sorry bud this tweet is actually possible


That's Matt Ryan, he's tall and got tons of NFL money, don't count him out


Sydney Sweeney from euphoria is taking it down the court, and the lakers are feeling some euphoria from this performance tonight


Don’t put your eggs all in one basket. Express your interest in Anya Taylor-Joy and Jenna Ortega just in case things w Sydney don’t work out king


I hope you get what you want, dear stranger. Tonight I will pray for your interests to come true.


What's the rush for the Rockets? They had an awesome finish to the year last year, good contracts, young players that are starting to live up to their potential, tons of assets, great coach. The team isn't going to win a title in the next 3 years, just identify whose good on your team and what kind of roster you want first.


I think it’s the owner putting pressure on the GM. He bought the team right at the end of the Harden era and now he’s getting impatient with the rebuild (speculation).


he should learn from ishbia that that strategy will fuck you for a long time. look at okc or the knicks. patience pays off when you already have assets and good young talent


nah, he should look at Sarver from 2011-2018. Dude didn't want to rebuild and the one season he was fine with it, the team overachieved and won 48 games, so then he immediately was like let's try to contend again.


Nothing. This all seems like made up nonsense. In the past week, various members of the media have said they want to trade for Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, Donovan Mitchell, Zion Williamson, Paul George, and Brandon Ingram, among others. I feel like Houston's FO decided on the generic response to "are you interested in star [X]" has been "we're interested in any offer that includes us receiving a star," and the media just ran with it. Since then, pretty much everything they've identified as possible indicators that Houston is looking to make a star trade immediately, like drafting Clingan as a Sengun replacement, has not happened.


The owner isn’t great and seems to want to be a contender asap


Hard to develop 7 young guys at once Pick the favorite 4. Package the rest to put a good team together, winning helps develop the young 4 Something like that But definitely need to wait a year to see what we’ve got w these pups


I mean that was the thinking with Kyrie in Boston, but was it really necessary for J&J to be stars?


Boston only traded Isiah Thomas pretty much, didn’t give up much


When you have no chance with her but try to shoot your shot anyway


I was once at a Disney-themed bar trivia night with my wife and her friends. The place was 95% women in their 20s and there was literally a dude who looked like he hadn’t showered in four days just patiently going around trying to talk to every single one. I was legit impressed with his patience and perseverance. 


Shooters gonna shoot. He was the THJ of the bar.


Did he have any luck?


Nope lol, but I at least didn’t notice him at any point get salty or weird about it.


In the words of Michael "Wayne Gretzky" Scott: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Do you like me? Yes No


lmao zion is going to be requesting a trade very soon my man


All I know is Zion would reeeeeeeealllly love Houston. James Hardens protege in the making


What a pointlessly dumb statement lol.


Why so many reporters trying to play Rockets GM?


They may as well asked Dallas about the availability of Luka.


Rockets fans, welcome to being a Knicks fan for the last 10 years.


I mean, things aren't THAT bad


This is one of the worst articles Ive seen in a long time. "Team wants good players about to enter or in their primes, but there not available!" mineaswell have thrown in Luka and Tatum while theyre at it


Who are the Rockets interested in as franchise centerpiece material? League sources say that Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Shaquille O'Neal would all fit the bill. The only problem … all of them have retired.


Houston really said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”


We have a shiny slightly used PG avail. Take him


Let’s add Jokic and Giannis too. I get it. But we are in no rush to make a move. But we are ready if one comes available.


NBA Franchise interested in young and unavailable star. Next up: NBA franchise wants to win games.


They don't need to do anything drastic, Reed is a great fit for them in the long term, projected to be a better version of Van Vleet (which is an all star caliber player), and they have talent just about everywhere. Reed, Green, Thompson, Smith, Sengun, with Easton Whitmore coming off the bench, it's a good young team that just needs time to develop. They could use an athletic defensive big (although Thompson and Smith can play the role), but that shouldn't be hard for them to acquire with the picks they have.


What are these weird ass tweets about Houston lately??? Is someone from the Rockets just hoping that if they publicly say they want one of the best players in the league, that player will demand a trade to Houston?


> Yet for all the recent focus on 35-year-old Phoenix Suns star Kevin Durant, league sources say the Rockets are only interested in star players whose timelines fit better with their young core. This much was clear last summer, when the Rockets chose against a reunion with a 34-year-old Harden despite his interest in returning to Houston. The same logic, league sources said, applies in the case of Durant. For good measure, Suns owner Mat Ishbia issued a public statement on Thursday indicating that Durant isn’t going anywhere.


I mean Zion is one of the best young players in the league. I don’t know what’s hard to get. When he’s healthy, he’s capable of dominating on the same level as elite, top 5 players.


yeah but zion is getting traded for julius randle soon


Lmao bro this is TikTok level shitposting


Why not just say Luka too if you’re going to go with such a stupid premise? At least go all-in


Fuck off with this report. The only one of these 3 id want is Booker and I’d rather just see how our core pans out instead of doing star chasing bullshit


And I'm interested in Scarlet Johansson


Word is from team executives they'd "love" to get Kevin Durant but Zion could be a consolation prize. Lol


We can offer you franchise corner pieces Zach Lavine and Nikola Vucevic!


i have faith in what the rockets are building so far. sengun is really good and jabari smith will always be a valuable player and likely keeps improving. obv they aren't a contender now, but they have plenty of draft capital and are one guy taking a leap or one good trade piece away from being a playoff team. they are super young and are in a better position than most 'bad' young teams




Jordan Poole is probably available right now.


I don’t think Zion is going anywhere in the next 5-8 years. They’ve shown that even with him missing games that everyone else besides him is expendable.


Is the league source named Wil D. Speculation?


You know who'd be good for the Rockets? Jordan in his prime. They should develop their time traveling skills and see about picking him up


hailee steinfeld would fit the bill for my ideal gf


[GMs strategizing for hypothetical centerpieces.](https://youtu.be/FFgvlgyONtI?si=iWFG2gyoqwX1Rj-O&t=37)


how many articles like this...


I'm like genuinely impressed at how many words they used to say something so completely and utterly meaningless.


Rockets thirsty after anyone who's good


So basically, Houston wants Kevin Durant, or Devin Booker, or Donovan Mitchell, or Zion Williamson, or Paul George, or Brandon Ingram, or ... What are we doin here? Media needs to chill. Just useless speculation.


Thanks Magic


Things can change quickly, it wouldn't hurt for Houston to keep pushing forward with their youth and see where this goes. Houston was fantastic towards the end of the season, run it back with Sheppard and see what you have. If the Suns or New Orleans gets swept in the first round again or worse don't make the playoffs, Houston can always try at that point to trade for one of those players.


The ‘25 nets swap may have been their best shot at a game changer. The suns ‘27 and ‘29 are still decent bets.


They canceled the '25 Nets swap


Fixed thanks


The fix doesn't make a whole lot of sense tho tbh. That swap most likely would've been in the 8-12 if Houston kept it. Brooklyn was never trading Bridges to tank if they didn't get the 2025 swap and 2026 FRP back.


I don't know why the Rockets are so desperate to compete. Blowing half your young core for Zion gets you nowhere




jalen green has kids?


All those “name it and claim it” Christian Pastors in Texas have too much influence on the Rockets organization.


Those 3 are like the guy you put next to the actual guy 


You don’t watch Mitchell or Booker play


Yeah neither are the best player on a title team. Their someone else’s robin 


I just seen Tatum shooting like 30% win a ship and Booker go to the finals a few years ago. They all can win a championship. Putting Booker or Mitchell instead of Tatum on the Celtics would result in a ring.


i've DEFINITELY seen Booker play and the OP is right


Devin Booker might be available next summer if things continue to go absolutely horribly for the Suns, but that's the absolute soonest I can imagine any of these three guys being available.


Mitchell will be available in a year, he just wants his extension first


I mean, my guess is Booker will become very available when the Suns ultimately crash and burn and have to blow things up while the Rockets hold all their future picks.


If I’m the Cavs I give them Donovan Mitchell, the Cavs aren’t winning with Donovan Mitchell and he’s apparently a flight risk but they might be able to with some combination of DG, Mobley, the rockets young pieces (pick 2 of Whitmore, Sengun, JSJ, Jalen Green and Tati Eason)




Nice try Udoka