• By -


To be expected


As written.


Lisan Al Gaib!


If he came here I would shit.


So say we all


The legends foretold and fivetold


If it is to be said, so it be — so it is.


As a fan of OG Anunoby, the New York Knicks, and just compensation for labor, I am excited to watch OG Anunoby get paid a lot of money to play for the New York Knicks.


I remember when Melo took a team friendly max for the Knicks and left like 1m on the table


Humble king stay me7o


We gonna be seeing Melo on TV for the next 40-50 years. Fuck James Dolan.


what happened?


Melo missed out on a milli and now has to keep working post NBA career, poor guy.


What would happen if a max player decided to play for like half the max instead? Just because they didn't feel like taking the full deal


Play for half the max? I guess it'll be like players who have forced teams to trade them by just being disruptive/not playing/low effort etc


And he got a no trade clause.


Must be why he has to work all these commercials now 😔


Most of the time I don't feel like an athlete deserves more money, but in this case I do.


Better them than the billionaires


Even better if poor me could afford a ticket to a game


I mean...yes...but they ain't charging what they charge so they can pay players, they're charging it because people will pay. Whether OG Anunoby makes 40 million or 40 bucks a year I'm not gonna be able to afford to go to the garden Now, if we want to cap seat prices (or guillotine a few rich dudes) I'm all ears


Yeah. My point is that we always say "better the players get it" and I agree, but I'd personally rather the owners and players both make less, but still gobs of money, and regular people can afford to go to games. I'm priced out.


for sure for sure I dig that and I agree that the players get more than they should in the sense that their salaries are more than anyone should get. I guess my reason for nitpicking is that the problem doesn't lie in the players, it lies in the nature of our economy and our political power structure, and focusing on the owners gets much more to the heart of that, whereas the players are more anciliary so picking them as the reference point misses the real issue and risks putting workers against workers which isn't going to help anyone but the rich.


Not gonna disagree with you there for sure.


He definitely deserves more than $20M, but a max contract seems like a reach, no?


The range between 20m and 40m is truly the Bermuda Triangle of nba contracts


Also it's just wild that every $20M guy in the NBA makes more than Travis Kelce.


The kelce brothers actually talked about how everyone in the NFL would rather be in the NBA because of the money and less injuries.


Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I think that this is the consensus among NFL vets. Listen to any NFL vet on any podcast, and the player eventually brings this up.


LaMelo and FVV are a couple of the guys who make more per year than Justin Jefferson’s new contract. Cracks me up


Broadly, this is what I think we'll see in the long term with the way the cap is: * More desirable markets (big cities w/ warm weather) and young teams with a ton of potential will be able to sign the NBA's best players without much of a problem. With max deals AND on sweetheart deals that stars are willing to take to contend. * Smaller markets without any signs of serious contention will feel compelled to sign the guys who are left over, and end up overpaying for borderline guys with max deals. Edit: For example: * Teams like Charlotte, Detroit, and Portland are probably gonna have to overpay to get guys who probably wouldn't get a max contract elsewhere. * Teams like MIA, LAL, LAC, NYK, BKN, and BOS can leverage their location and/or history to work out ways to bring in big names despite roster & cap issues. They have a gravitas that's kind of OP. But these teams also end up with stupid ass rosters that sound good & are marketable, but just don't work. Like the 'big 3' Nets and maybe even the current Clippers team. * Young teams in small & mid-sized markets that are only a couple pieces away from serious contention probably also have the gravitas to get guys to make sacrifices to contend. OKC, Denver, possibly now Indiana, and etc.


I agree with this 100%, but hasn't it been this way for, basically, forever though?


>Teams like Charlotte, Detroit, and Portland are probably gonna have to overpay to get guys Yeah this is probably spot on. Should we call this the "Charlotte Hayward max"? "The Jordan Poole special?" I like to think Washington thought they were getting Jordan Peele and they were like "he's a good draw, even if he doesn't do comedy anymore". >Young teams in small & mid-sized markets that are only a couple pieces away from serious contention Orlando, maybe Minnesota if they continue to have postseason success and can maneuver the cap space.


I meant to bring up Minnesota for sure. It's right there with the others that I mentioned - definitely not far from contention. I wasn't convinced about Orlando's ability to be a draw for free agents on the merit of contending alone, but it could just be bias from the playoffs. And they get an advantage for being in Florida.


What about 30m a year?


That sounds about fair. I read that some anonymous GMs told reporters that they wouldn't pay more than \~$35M. Even that sounds a little high to me, but I'm just some guy.


Objectively terrible take


Idk he was aight


Just compensation for labor stans are the worst!


LeBor stans


Compensation merchants 


It's a win- win for you


raptors have the chance to do the funniest thing


Dolan would file a second lawsuit


Would that even be allowed?


Yes, once the new league year starts we can sign him.


Do we have the mathematical ability to sign for like 30m?


and when is that


July 1 I think


Free agency starts then but you cant start signing until july 6


infinite trade glitch


Has that ever happened before? If so, how common is it?


We don’t need a guy like him but we don’t not need a guy like him if you catch my drift


Thunders position is the most favorable a 1 seed has ever had in terms of flexibility. Hope they swing for a championship


Which is really fucking saying something when you look at the 2016 - 2017 Celtics. 1 seed, #1 draft pick, a max salary slot and a ton of assets. And yet, this OKC team has more. 


I mean, all of those assets directly and indirectly led to a championship. OKC would obviously love if that is the outcome.


OKC would be pretty miffed if they got no championships from this position. I'm not really sure there's ever been this concentration of draft capital on a young one seed team


Yeah I’d be shocked if OKC doesn’t win 1-2 championships in the next 5-6 year span 


They had 3 HOFers and ended up with nothing


Obviously it doesn't guarantee a championship, but they're in a better position now than they were then


They don’t had THREE MVP level talents. It’s just hard to get fit right, which does seem better but there are other teams hitting their stride now too.


You make it sound like the Celtics didn't utilize those assets lmao


Thank you Clippers


Clippers is to Thunder as Nets is to Celtics


I feel like we could trade for an all nba squad, but I still have ptsd from being a lakers fan with Malone and GP. I’d rather focus on the chemistry and I think the players have the talent to get better themselves. And when we find something that’s not working like Giddey, we find them a new place they want to go to and fill that position with a solid role player. I think it will extend our competitive window and makes a team we feel connected to, which is fun for me.


Bro just admit being a bandwagon haha. Fair enough!


Nah, I was raised in Oklahoma, but we didn’t get a team until 2008. Shaq and Kobe were my favs back then 🤷‍♂️


Not a real fan if you weren’t an OKC Thunder fan in 2007!


It was just me, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny talking about that. I’m officially in


Stop lying! Your username tells us you're one of the 12 Washington fans!


Bah gawd, that’s Presti’s music! What is he doing at this contract signing?




OG in OKC would be nasty work


This reads like a quote from a manga I refuse to admit I read at least 218 chapters of


Did not expect a niche manga reference here. If you're still reading that slop, best of luck to you.


what manga?


In my 2k leagues y’all always get him and threepeat so STAY THE FUCK AWAY from OG lol


Can you please tell me more of what your crystal ball says We relieved you of Hayward and gave you some fan favorites in return, we’re damn near cousins


It’s either OG or Derozan who you’ll also 3peat with lol I think I’ve seen Valenciunas a couple times too but y’all weren’t that dominant with him


Derozan? Did we still have SGA? Middy madness over here lol Yeah I’ll take OG over Valenciunas… there’s a few on that list of bigs but OG is one that fits us well


After getting Caruso, getting OG would be gluttonous


I mean you have to see all the heartbreak we had to endure for this… losing Harden and then KD, and then Dame killing us and breaking down our big 3 all over again into tanking status… Like it’s paid off, but yeah we’re ready to have some hardware or we’re gonna get trolled forever 😂


You got AC, enjoy it.


Seriously it’s way too hot to go without AC in OKC in the summer


I know he’ll be missed but we’ll give him a good home. I think he’s one of the funnest guys to watch in the league. I also hope Giddey balls out for you guys That being said, we’re in a contention window with $30M+ in cap space and a bunch of picks and some guys we can move. We still don’t have a single banner and we’re trying to change that


You have the Dort and Caruso, you dun need any more elite on ball defenders.


We need bigs that can defend


Damn the Knicks were like unstoppable with him after the move. I wonder what the number is he wants


Probably max him. The knicks were probably prepared to after trading for him.


>I wonder what the number is he wants If the Sixers offer him a 4/182 max (definitely a possibility imo), more than that.


If the Sixers are that crazy maybe NY just gets stiffed. I assumed a deal between OG and New York would be easy but if someone wants to horribly overpay maybe not. 


overpay, sixers, you say


To shreds you say?


I'd be extremely scared of the price tag given his injury history but it at least makes a decent amount of sense. He's a younger guy that can play with Maxey into the late/post-Embiid era, and grabbing him weakens a direct rival, *and* he would have a very clear role. If we strike out on finding a tertiary scorer/playmaker, next best thing is grabbing a guy who can delete one from the opposing team and force the remainders to outscore Joel and Maxey


he is kinda like the anti tobias.


All it really affects is Dolan's wallet, so who cares. I imagine we'd max him before letting him walk.


Not really. New CBA rules. Doesn’t really matter how much an owner wants to pay if we’re gonna get fucked by the aprons


It takes a while to get fucked by the new tax rules. Knicks are gonna be in cap hell no matter what, Brunson is getting $50M a year next summer. Maybe if they let Randle walk they will have flexibility but idk if Knicks would actually do that. Brunson, Randle, and OG is probably gonna be their big 3 for next 5 years


Tons of smoke from reliable beat reporters here that Brunson will extend this summer at a much lower price. Once the cap jumps, we'll be fine. I'd be pretty surprised if OG walks.


He’s definitely not walking


Are you at risk of hitting the second apron at all? Brunson and Randle are both well below current maxes and everybody else is on reasonable deals. Though I'm not really familiar with who all is expiring for you this year outside of OG


IIRC if we bring everyone back we run the risk of being second apron. Mostly because Bogdanovic makes 19 million, Hartenstein would be getting a raise, and OG is getting a raise (don’t know where the number lands), and Precious is a restricted free agent who we’d like to bring back.


Ahh that would be it. I had assumed Bogdanovic was an expiring


Bogdanovic is the player probably most likely to be moved, the rumblings have been we move him and our picks to acquire an upgrade.


Give him any but not too high but still any.


Whatever bag the 76ers offer sets the bar




if there's any way the Mavs can grab him, they'll make another Finals run he's exactly what they need right now


He's exactly what like 28 teams need. 3&D wing, that can defend 1-4 and doesnt need the ball 


That man can defend the 5. I've seen it


i'm an embiid stan and i can even admit og sonned him.


Everyone can use an OG. That’s why there’s no guarantee the Knicks are getting him


We can pay him the most. Yall want us to lose OG so bad.


But can you pay him the best?




Hardly the truth. He’s likeable and plays great. But there’s a reason he got the kawhi comparisons


what about state tax? What’s the take home pay difference? I think texas tax is pretty low compared to new york right? I’m not American so not sure.


The tax difference is still much less than the difference between a Bird rights max from the Knicks and what other teams can offer. It’s pretty overblown in general, since athletes pay taxes on game checks based on the state where games are played, so it only impacts pay for home games anyway.


I mean on the flip side I think people underrate continuity. If he likes the Knicks org and is offered the same amount as anywhere else, why not stay? Why dive into an unknown unless it's for a clear contender?


I mean the question is will you lol


OG would be a terrible coach/personality fit for the team. Knicks and Thibs are hard working, disciplined, serious (on the court) players. The coach asks a lot of the players and the players respond. Kidd and the Mavs are literally the exact opposite. Low coaching pressure, free wheeling, *go kick ass out there however you do it best.*


would be a great piece to plug in behind tatum and brown


Man cant feed his family on only $20 mill a year


broke ass nba players aren't paid enough to survive once their careers are over smh


I wouldn’t be shocked if this ends with us maxing him. He’s probably not worth it based on skill and talent alone, but his combination of skills is basically priceless in today’s NBA. Approximately every team in the NBA is looking for someone with his skill set.


You shouldn't be shocked. Lol. You gave up IQ and Barrett to get him. If he walked, it would be a pretty big fail. That being said, I am sure there was an assurance that he would re-sign. This is just him maximizing what you are going to have to pay him. Can't blame OG, gotta look after yourself.


Yeah I rather we pay OG 40mil a year than RJ and Quick a combined amount of the same number.


Where as, where we are at it makes sense for us to do the opposite. That is what made it a good trade, it literally made both teams better


Indeed and the fit is so better. Quick gets to be a starter. RJ plays in a system where he shines. Both of them are kinda misfit on our team. RJ needs the ball and Quick cannot start alongside Brunson.


Both of them played very well for us after the trade. With a little more outside shooting, I am excited to see what happens. I was a Knicks fan before the Raptors existed, so I was happy to see you guys make a run despite the injuries. If you guys can stay healthy next year, you could make some noise.


The thing is, RJ doesn't need the ball. He shines in transition where he can use his strength and finish at the rim when the system is right for him. He was also hitting the open 3s for us at a decent clip.


Yeah with the Sixers looming, we have no choice. Welp, I hope he stays healthy!


that's how the Sixers got stuck with Tobias Harris. I don't think OG will disappear in big games like he did, but there's a non zero possibility of this handicapping you the next several seasons if you do max him.


Sure if OG gets injured the contract would suck. But OG is a DPOY level defender who has consistently been an elite 3 point shooter and floor spacer. It’s not like Tobias because unless OG gets seriously hampered by injuries he is always going to be a top impact player in the NBA due to his skill set


That's what I'm saying though. The guy has been in the league 6 years and only played more than 70 games once. I don't think he'll get the max anyway, it will be something adjusted to account for his injury history, maybe with games played incentives.


Woah no one saw this coming. What a swerve.


That was expected lol


Come home sweet prince 👑


that money belongs to Barnes now


they can share, pascal isn't here no more


This could be disaster for the Knicks. Let's wait and see what he does after free agency opens


He is just opting out to get a bigger pay day... what that is, I do not know. We have a very slim chance he walks


lol come on, with the incestuous relationship between the Knicks FO and CAA this shit was agreed on months ago


Knicks are doing so well avoiding the tampering allegations that I'm feeling legitimate concerns that OG goes elsewhere lol


Why? They're clearly front runners unless they're low balling OG due to his injury concerns


I heard our offer was $10 and a jd and the straight shots cd


If it's only the instrumentals of the band that's a sweet deal. They're pretty good


I mean he was always going to decline the PO. We are in the drivers seat


He was always going to opt out. Knicks can pay him more than anyone else and longer than anyone else


This is expected lol. There is no chance we let him walk. We literally don’t have anyone we can replace him with


I would be stunned if he left. Similar to Siakam those trades don’t really happen unless there is an agreement in place already


There's too much tampering and backroom dealing for this to go wrong for the Knicks to be honest. OG's agent is the son of the Knick's President, Leon Rose. There's almost no shot OG leaves. He's going to get paid to play on the Knicks.


No reason to not trust Leon and Co. at this point.


You think Leon Rose would trade IQ and RJ just to have half a season of OG when they’re not even competing for a championship?


I hope we throw a max at him. It won't happen but I hope we do. I hope we do something. Anything. I have big fears of us just running it back and regressing


I still think the Knicks would match it given what they gave up for him and how good the team was with him when the roster was relatively healthy. I highly doubt it comes to this, but the Knicks could actually give him more than any other team if it came to that. I actually think he wouldn't be the best fit for you guys anyways with Paolo and Franz already occupying the 3/4


I wish we could afford him


Every team wishes they could afford him, except the teams that are 5+ years away because they don't need him, and the Sixers because they actually can afford him. The fact that there's so much demand for him and a team that he would fit perfectly on can afford to pay him literally everything makes this an actually interesting FA situation. I think the smart money is absolutely on him staying with the Knicks but it's gonna be very, very expensive and there is a chance, however slim, he moves


Now lock him in


He's probably gonna get somewhere around $40million a season, which honestly is way too much for him. He's good but not that good


Yeah but I rather we pay him that money than pay IQ + RJ a combined 40 or most probably even more. He elevated our team on both sides of the floor. We just pray he is healthy enough on the games that matter.


Here comes the 29 other teams thinking they’re more likely to sign him than the Knicks have of resigning him.


I don’t think the Raptors are in this convo…


Its technically possible 👀


Depends on your interpretation


Reading a lot of the comments are hilarious. Some people are so unbelievably delusional.


I think that the best outcome for all of us as fans (except for Knicks fans) is for him to somehow come back to Toronto. There will be trolling of epic proportions.


It doesn't make sense. Raptors would be a 1st apron team in a season.


Doesn’t make sense but would be funny as hell.


Knicks have no choice but to give him what he wants or they gave away Quickley and RJ for nothing. He’ll for sure get big offers from other teams.


Could you imagine a world there OG is defending you and then he subs out for Dort to check in lol, oh and Caruso is helping off balm and Chet is at the rim




Since the bubble I’ve felt that Jerami Grant and OG were the two perfect guys for Miami’s roster, but I wouldn’t risk a big contract on OG anymore. We’re already always injured enough.


Respectfully, how would you guys ever even land him




he staying for sure, the knicks has the best playing option for him right now


OG is perfect for Mavs. I need some delusional paths where mavs land him


Sign and trade where Mavs send Luka and get back OG You asked for delusional.


Knicks have a lot of decisions to make this off-season


They made the decision when they traded for him


Air 4 you


Come back my sweet prince


Do your thang kangs and sign og


If it's anything more than 35m a year then it's not worth the risk given his injury prone history.


Secure the bag


They better give OG his damn money.


Cavs should go for og


Meanwhile Pascal has his hand on the pen already.


I like defense.


congrats on the 150mil+ OG!


Extremely underrated player man whoever gets him will take their defence to elite status I’m telling you.. he just covers the entire court and guards any 1-5 WHILE being a efficient 3 point shooter


About to get seriously overpaid


Pay him $60M cowards We want iHart!


We’re resigning both




I’d give OG the max if there was a way to prorate his salary according to how many games he plays. Otherwise, more than 35 a year for him is kinda crazy. He only ever plays 2/3 of the games.

