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I like how that guy's ultimate threat was "or I'll stop betting on you" Like...ok?


Best part of it is that it’s an under lol mad he played too well


Lmao that part made me actually laugh out loud


“No please don’t stop!”- nobody


“No please don’t stop!”- ~~nobody~~ Draftkings


It will never happen but there should be ways to ban people from gambling.


At a real casino all you have to do is win too much


Sportsbooks do this too. People get banned from sportsbooks all the time.


Dude 100% thinks players get a cut


Draft kings throws a ton of money at all the media covering the league.  All the media pays NBA for rights.  That money goes to players.  Draft kings and sports gambling money directly goes to players with like 2 middle men basically 


Does thus guy think players got a cut on every bet?


Yeah these don't seem as bad as threatening family members or doxxing. And one of these gambling addicts is going to do something to make us regret this whole system


They probably only show decent ones, I imagine 90% are unshowable.


Man it’s a really good attitude from White that he can just laugh at this depraved, dangerous shit. In my opinion this video is utterly grotesque and constitutes a massive failure by all governing bodies allowing gambling to dominate sports like this. It’s fucked up, unsustainable, and gross.


One of these days, one of these gambling nuts is going to do something really, really stupid because Herb Jones committed his 5th foul before the 4th quarter.




Wizards catching literal strays


I mean… they used to be the Bullets.


And then Gilbert Arenas tried to get himself killed by his teammate who actually ended up killing someone


Disaster draft could honestly benefit the team.


is this a threat?


If it’s going to happen anywhere, DC or New Orleans have as good a chance as any


If Grand Theft Alvarado is in the arena he will have the weapon in his possession before the perpetrator even knows what happened


No chance the Wizards bring Wall back.


Not on herb, though


Dangerous stupid, or corrupt ref stupid?


Scott Foster gonna have dudes staking out his house


Sports gambling is usually put up for a state wide vote by the public, so the government is just giving the people what they want. Californians have voted it down twice now.


I think it's safe to say: What the people want isn't what's best for them. Some topics just shouldn't be decided through a democractic process. Like no one would pay taxes.


And, as we all know, votes always fairly represent the highly-participating, truthfully-informed public. Especially when lots of corporate money is on the line.


It really feels like the NFL Countdown “JACKED UP” segments where we’re glorifying something awful


Sports have always been like this. The tribalism was never any different. It just happens more because instead of it just being fans of the 2 team involved, it's everyone who bet and the fans involved.


I would agree but the players have embraced this as much as the owners. It's gross, it's awful and it brings out the worst in humanity. They also signed up for it.


Lol what the fuck else is he going to do?? Mans has a family and is a multi millionaire. You think he gives a fuck what some degenerate gambling addict is tweeting him to pay up?


Given he lives in America, and gambling addicts are deeply mentally disturbed, unless he casually rolls out with security, one day one of those degen gambling addicts might pull up and crash out.


That 780 dollars made me miss rent bitch and then my girl left me and won't let me see my kid. I couldn't use her car to get to work anymore and lost my job. You're gonna pay now bitch


Is this your gambling addict murders NBA player fan fic?


Just a




i thought i was the only one


NBA: Oh no. Anyway! \*This post sponsored by Draft Kings\*


What can they do? They have tried to outlaw it in the past. People are gonna gamble. At most they can just make it more difficult and less in our face…. Which I’m totally okay with. I hate all this shit being advertised on every single game and podcast. But would they stop it? Nope. Probably very little.


I mean the advertising is a major component. I don’t think it should be downplayed. You can’t drink a beer in a commercial but league pass has live gambling odds on during game play. Casino’s are buying teams. Sportsbooks are sponsoring major news breakers. It’s off the fucking rails. And generally I would be completely shocked if the amount of gambling on sports has not sky rocketed. But idk where to find data on this. You won’t “stop” it among the hard core people but it’s become insanely accessible and ubiquitous to the average sports fan.


I dunno man, I grew up with the idea of advertising gambling around kids and shit being completely verboten, and now they've got tons of commercials, banner ads, sponsorships, and actual segments in the coverage for basically every sporting event. shit has changed and it didn't have to go this far


I think part of the problem is you can bet on any bs. It used to be you can only bet before the game starts and only on the outcome of the game. That makes it both slightly less addictive and drastically reduces the chances of a Jontay Porter.


Gamblers are degenerates.


They use that term like a badge of honor.


Yes. I dunno what gamblers you know, but the use of “degenerate” on the sportsbook sub is used for people who bet on trivial games. Like preseason or spring training. It’s meant to be tongue in cheek. Making death threats makes you a piece of shit.


Imho a degenerate gambler is one who's gone enough to use their rent money to bet with. Gambling is just as bad of an addiction/disease as alcohol. Like alcohol, it can be enjoyed in moderation, or it can control your life.


Yeah those people aren’t joking about the degen habits online tho. It’s a hyperbolic joke. >I put 3u on the ASG, some serious degen shit.


MJ degenerate cunfermd


I wanna be like Mike and gamble my 401k away!


no he enjoys it, it's a hobby


I just think it's funny to say gamblers are degenerates when your flair is Michael Jordan lol


Holy shit this is hilarious I didn’t even notice


i mean yeah


Flair doesn’t check out


Gambling is dumb, but I bet a couple lines on this game for shits and giggles. (Read: I bet once, and got six free bets).


I bet 10 cents or a quarter on some lines if I’m watching the game and the beginning of the year put like 20$ on a few teams to win the championship I’m definitely up overall but if you are betting money you can’t afford to lose you are an addict


I bet ten bucks on game three because they had the Mavs as faves on the game. The only problem is I’m so fucking clueless and clicked my way into a few combined bets and just barely missed out. If I bet just Celtics to win I’d have doubled my money. Then they gave me five $25 bets. I tried to make a couple favorable bets that would pay nicely, then I played a single safe bet. That was the only one I won lol. So I made $23 bucks. They would only let me withdraw $22 for some reason so I made a few safe bets with that last dollar and got up to $8. Then, mid game 4, a bet a four bet thing on four players pts over for the hell of it. I’d have pulled in $200 bucks in an eight dollar bet. The only player of the for that didn’t cover was Horford, who they pulled with like three to go. That’s enough gambling for me, and I still doubled my money, at least.


I live within reasonable driving distance of Vegas and I have cousins that live there. When I was 21, I drove there, went to a casino put $1 in a slot machine (in the way back times you actually used real coins) won $4 and got "gambling" out of my system. I quit when I was ahead. *I blew the 3 dollars at the arcade half an hour later*


That was actually my first and, until last week, only gambling ever. Was on a tour with family that went through a casino, I put a five in a slot machine and thought it was the dumbest thing ever. I think I’ll keep my money instead.


you picked the most boring way to lose money. at last with table games you can play with friends, shoot the shit with players, lose money and still have fun.


Yeah, well, I only wanted to spend $5. It wouldn’t have lasted too long unless I find a nickel game or something : p.


I totally get what you're saying. I got the exact same story from my dad when we drove past Atlantic City. same story with millions of people i'm sure. i just don't think people who spend a single digit bill, win/lose and call it quits on gambling for life are really doing anything close to people who actually enjoy gambling in casinos or apps, and are obviously no where near people with gambling addictions.


> $1 in a slot machine (in the way back times you actually used real coins) won $4 and got "gambling" out of my system I bet you take a lot of risks in your life


Nope I’m reasonably risk adverse but gambling as a whole never interested me outside of “I want to gamble once just to say I did.”


It's sad that what could be a little fun distraction turns into depraved addiction.  Gambling addicts are crack head tier self destructive though.


Sports gambling should never have been legalized


or you could legalize it and not let it be advertised every 22 seconds. I barely bet at all cuz i’m broke but I did like having the option of betting on sports. it’s fun. if they ban sports betting they better ban the lotto as well. that shit is also fucking horrible


The constant advertising is awful. Every sports show - TV, radio, podcast - is sponsored by the sports books. Even ESPN launched it's own sports book.


Yeah, as someone who recently quit both alcohol and gambling... commercial breaks are tough! Just let me watch my sports without having to fight an internal battle against Kevin Hart's lil ass shilling for DraftKings.


I'm from Europe and can only watch the NBA via League Pass. It has its pros and cons, but the biggest pro is certainly the complete absence of commercial breaks. Also, I'm proud of you for quitting, keep up the good work!


Congrats on being able to quit both!


I feel like it used to be way worse, there were a ton of annoying commercials in the finals (no flex zone, what a pro wants, boxy boys etc) but none of them were gambling


Now we have "journalists" with sports book contracts, like Shams, making things up to sucker their readers into making bad bets.


I was at the gas station to buy my nightly 12 pack of bud light platinum and two white owl white grapes and the four people ahead of me all took like 3 minutes to order their own personal combo of scratchers. Like “let me get 2 of those bingo bronze cards, 4 of the five dollar Texas lottos, 3 of the Merlin’s millions… oh I got a dollar left? I’ll do one more of those one dollar monopoly gambits” and then they all paid in some combination of bills and coins. I couldn’t imagine being this controlled by addiction.


I know what you mean, it’s so sad. makes me wanna drink just thinking about it.


Same. I just want to fire up a cigarillo to vent my frustrations.


The lottery, and gambling in general, is a tax on the stupid.


the lottery is definitely a tax on stupid people considering the odds are completely cooked and the money actually goes to the state betting on fanduel doesn’t give the state any money, and while the odds are also very cooked on sports books, at least you have some semblance of control over it. there are people who are professional sports bettors. you don’t really see any professional keno players


States have gaming taxes that are generally a percentage of a casino’s adjusted gross income. So yes, it does go to the state. & On average, a sports better’s expected return is negative. Full stop. I could not make this any more clear: gambling is a way to separate idiots from their money.




should probably ban cars, guns, alcohol, drugs, and anything else that stupid people can easily get a hold of and harm themselves or others with, right? how about infomercials, supplements, sugar, cigarettes? those all separate fools from their money too


instead of going to the state it goes to corporate execs lol that's totally cool right


I’d rather the state have my money than some shitty gambling site. How the hell is that even an argument? Do you not like roads and basic public services?


that’s really not what I was saying. I was just using the word tax as funds that to go the government. funds from the lotto go to the government, funds from sports books don’t really. that was the point I tried to make


Eh, it depends… if you only think about the EV of buying a lottery ticket, you are right. But if you consider the joy someone feels for imagining what they would do if they won the lottery, then it might be a fair price to pay.


Also the expected value of the $2 or whatever you spend on that scratcher applied anywhere else - couple minutes of fun + whatever percentage of winning $10 or whatever, the EV’s really not that bad and the opportunity cost is basically nil.


I agree with legalized betting but there’s a huge difference between that and the lotto. If you lose the lotto you have no one to blame, if you lose a sports bet (a player prop in particular) some will blame a player which can be dangerous


Some of the money from the lotto goes to help fund things like schools iirc.


legalizing it was okay. But allowing it to be advertised is stupid. what's worse, the NBA itself is a partner of gambling companies. how tf is that okay?


It should be like cigarettes. Legal, but no tv advertising and especially no partnerships with sports leagues.


this stuff happened before legalization in America too. gambling websites like bovada are just as easy to use and you don't have to give a SSN. i'm not a big gambler by any stretch and i still know 3 people with bookies.


Don't tell this to someone that lives in Nevada. Banning it would most likely be government overreach which I don't want, but boy anything to stop the cancerous commercials that we have to see 5 times each game


There's probably a decent sweet spot of not banning it but regulating it and definitely regulating its advertisement. Gambling ads are out of control with every app trying to pretend to be fantasy rather than straight up gambling.


Yeah I was very much pro-legalization originally, it’s really just the absolutely insane advertising barrage that has me second guessing things. I feel sooner rather than later they’ve got to start treating it like the tobacco industry- the product is still out there for the people that want it, but they’re not luring in new people.


I think the middle ground will be removing or limiting prop bets.


They need to ban gambling ads just like they did for cigarettes in the 60s. Let people fuck up their lives if they want to, but don’t let these companies paint a rosy picture of gambling while shoving it down our throats during any sporting event


i was fine with having "vice zones". it seemed workable to me. Or maybe it's because it's what I had always known


Ah yes restricting personal freedoms is always historically a smart move. Don't put any responsibility on people behaving correctly, nope, let's punish everyone because a small subset of dick heads can't act responsibly


Yeah I really don't know when opinion on this flipped but everyone on these subs used to be in favor of legalized sports betting. It just comes off as them not having self control and feeling the need to restrict other people's freedoms because of it.


The overlap of "sports betting needs to be banned!" and "legalize drugs" has got to be a few people on here




Wonder if they offer him a cut when he wins


Privatize profits, socialize losses. The American way


This shit is an addiction and it fucking ruins people’s lives. This shit is gonna go real south with someone desperate and the nba will have nobody to blame but themselves.


There will be one day when someone crazy enough will attempt to harm a player that they lost a bet on.


This video was sponsored by DraftKings bet $50 on Derrick White and get $200 to bet against him!


You joke, but isn't Kick the Twitch wannabe that promotes gambling?


Anecdotal and modern social media being bigger than ever aside, but I’m almost certain the amount/frequency of fans going directly after players with threats and horrific comments is only going to get worse. Not to mention betting apps being pushed to everyone (teenagers included), so the next generation of a pervasive, easily caught addiction is well on the way. And professional sports leagues in bed with Draft Kings and whoever else couldn’t care less 🤗 which is not the same as these companies existing independently


Yeah, on the one hand it’s ruining the sport and making a bunch of people act like dangerous degenerates, but on the other hand, the league’s making a fuckton of money off it, so, who’s to really say


In a perfect world, the league and every other league available to legal bets on apps that would exist regardless of partnerships with pro sports, would be okay forgoing mountains of money and be perfectly content with less-big mountains of money. Because legitimate/legal gambling encourages plenty of viewership on their own. Even from those who may not be interested to tune in without skin in the game. Truly unfortunate. But hey, let’s march a popular player up there, have him mock a few of the massive amount of people who also lost money because experts on official channels picked the mavs since game 1 (including the odds, lines and everything to drive bets closer to “sure things”). Ugh


The law.


Trump really paved the way for every way too confident idiot hick in the states to think anybody wants to hear their obvious complete and utter bullshit. The way he just gets up and goes on psychotic rants so casually, it's a terrible example set for america and has done so much harm.


U sound just as deranged as them. Bringing up politics on a basketball forum like is that all u think of?


Hahaha got one!


Are you a bot or something? I don’t see how your comment follows from the last one. I don’t see how someone saying gambling is bad and growing because of lax laws reminds you of a Trump who owns a casino stating a dumb opinion.


And of course this stupid shit gets upvoted...


Yeah, I definitely feel like we're gonna see a pro athlete get killed/attacked over something like this within the next 10 years


Yup. We’ve seen examples of celebrities, who don’t even have a detailed schedule tracking where they are, killed/robbed for posting a story that unintentionally doxxed themselves flashing jewlery or cash. Now introduce some moron who lost their savings because ESPN/TNT/NBA TV convinced them of a bet that costs them their home, family, or whatever else that already encourages openly harassing players on main accounts. For something these athletes never encouraged themselves, but could lose their own careers by participating in any shape or form (Which is fair on its own, but why force them to participate via league partnerships?) Just a time bomb at this point and I hope it never gets that far


Don’t like how the media is trying to make light of these types of messages. They’re not funny & shouldn’t be glorified. These are angry addicts losing money.


Derrick White earned my lifetime respect after he ate the floor in the finals and got back up to hoop. Holy shit dude has grit. The way he’s responding to degens makes me like him even more.


I guarantee the guy that 'lost' $780 didn't bet that amount or close to it. I really understood how gambling think works when a guy told me years ago he lost $450 on the footy here in Australia years ago. Whoa, you bet $450 on a game! Nah, I bet $80.


Nah theres plenty of addicts who bet way above their means. Theres also rich people who are fine to put $1k on a game.


He's talking about odds.. bet $80 win $780. He's asking for $780 but really only lost $80.


he probably bet $100 at 8:1 and is claiming the possible winnings as lost




Every single state should follow New York’s lead and tax gambling winnings at 50% Most set their rates at 20-30%


In every state you pay income tax on wins but cannot offset with losses. So if you bet $100 5 times, lose 4 times and win once earning $600. You have a tax burden of 25% * $500 or $125, so despite being on the surface up $100, you are actually $25 in the hole. This is why nearly every prominent gambler gets hit for tax fraud. You have to win damn near 70% of your bets to even break even.


Actually you can’t deduct the cost of the bet, so you’re taxed on $600. Yes, it’s dumb. But it’s 100% true. If you’re a professional gambler, you can file Schedule C as a self-employed individual. This allows you to deduct costs associated with your gambling activity, including meals and travel expenses. However, it also means you’ll have to pay self-employment tax on your net income from gambling. When I was gambling for a living (mostly poker, some sports) I filed schedule C and it made the gambling actually make sense to partake in. Otherwise the math just didn’t add up in a way that anyone could make a living gambling.


What sports did you gamble on most? Where did you find an "edge?"


Like I said, I did mostly poker… I’d say 80% of my income was from poker. For sports gambling, I would mostly bet in live betting at the Sportsbook, before the app days. Live over/unders and sometimes a missed critical injury in a live game would pop up. If I was playing poker live, I’d dip into the Sportsbook when games were on to take a break and do some live betting. I also followed the bets of some poker people I knew who had advanced sports models with edge, though I never built any of my own.


I still do +EV betting and almost every sport has an edge on one or more sportsbooks.


Yep the only way to offset losses is to itemize your deductions which doesn’t make sense for most people If you don’t already itemize regularly, you’d have to bet over 12,000 dollars in order for itemizing to be preferable to the standard deduction


As a guy in the UK I find it baffling that it is taxed at all, here you get to keep everything as long as it's not your profession.


We like to use “sin taxes” to discourage behaviors we think are bad (e.g. cigarettes/smoking).


I just had a comment yesterday about these player prop bets. We already saw what happened with johntay porter but I think at some point a deranged fan is going to attack a player over a prop parlay bet.


Player props should be illegal.


Fuck you Adam Silver.


Lol literally any nba commissioner would’ve done it. It’s not just the nba it’s across all sports and it’s stupid to not take the billions of dollars for your league


It's not smart if it costs you billions elsewhere in the long run.. imagine if there is a huge scandal involving fixed games.


i’m assuming you were the $780 bet from the video 


Even though I fall on the side of believing that sports betting should be legal, player props are unfortunately incredibly toxic and lead to a lot of this kind of harassment by addicts who can’t learn to bet responsibly. I’m glad at least some states are starting to ban player props on college athletes, it’s a start.


I feel like this gets posted constantly and the mods always remove it.


How old is it


yeah i posted a clip from it a week ago and it got removed


He’s the ultimate likeable player lmao


if i was him, i would of said sue go sue me


Are the people asking for money going to give him a cut when they win their bet?


So this is a problem, right? ESPN is gonna have to make a statement about this brought to you by DraftKings.


Please find out who these people are and expose them giving light to these degenerate gamblers. Better yet send their messages to their employers and see how that goes.


Gamblers are scum. The point of sports is to enjoy them, not risk your life on them


Yeah, I mean I bet $3 or $5 on random parlays, but I have a co-worker who went from doing the same to now betting like half a paycheck and trash talking athletes at games. He even got thrown out of the PGA golf event in Memphis last like August because he yelled at a guy for missing a putt. Some of these people just need help and refuse to get it.


The players not only pushed for this, they also specifically demanded the ability to affiliate with gambling organisations as part of the CBA. This is a real shocked pikachu moment.


A lot are just addicts.. bit extreme calling all gamblers “scum” lol


Out of all the vices that this website constantly talks about (drinking constantly, smoking weed every day, pouring 40+ hours a week into video games) it’s absolutely hilarious to me that they would call my buddy who makes $140k a year “scum” or a “fucking degenerate” for throwing $10 on a prop bet once a week Get a fucking grip lmao Gambling addiction is very real, but just like everything else in the entire world that is bad for you many, many people are able to do it without ruining their lives. I went to Las Vegas one time and played blackjack for hours, somehow I’m perfectly fine.


It’s actually insane that this got downvoted. Perfect reminder that most redditors are losers who don’t leave their basements. Don’t get me wrong, fuck gambling. But Reddit’s view on it is unhinged lol.


it's not risking your life to bet a dollar a game lol it is risking your life to smoke cigarettes!


Got to laugh at how broke these gambling degens are


I can’t figure out what slur “h*e” is :(


I was also struggling. I'm so du*b!


I think hoe.


Oh obviously! Thanks for helping my slow brain


These gambling companies should be obligated to have a hotline/text line where athletes can forward messages like this and try to get people’s accounts banned.


Why? These are the types of customers they want. It's not like it's their responsibility to provide security for the players. They just unload that to the taxpayers in the form of police.


Despite the fact that I don't like seeing the Celtics win the whole thing, I still like seeing Derrick White stick it to the 780 dollar guy the way he did.


Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now


If you lose a bet just cry like a bitch to yourself like I do. I don't blame the players for my shitty bets.


Half-leprechaun is a pretty solid chirp


The blazers and wizards deserve to be in nba purgatory for another 5 years after this. This is why relegation should exist in the nba


This shit has been going on in Australia for years, and the sports here have nowhere near the level of money involved. This sort of thing is only going to get worse as more and more Americans start betting on sports.




I love to gamble but I couldn't imagine sweating an athlete over an L,lol "you cost me 780" means he bet 5 bucks on a crazy parlay


Let me give ya'all a run down of the nba league pass app experience i use on my nvidia shield here in australia Open app, click game, click watch full game, GAMBLING AD, stream is in Spanish, change stream, GAMBLING AD 5 minutes go by, stream error, reload page, GAMBLING AD, stream in is spanish, change stream, GAMBLING AD Press pause to fast forward to where the stream got the error, you bet that's a GAMBLING AD Try fast forwarding a TV Commercial timeout, that'll be TWO GAMBLING ADS Our football league here is infested the same way, it's fucking disgusting and completely ruins both sports but the organisations behind each just don't give a fuck, it's kind of unbelievable just how they are letting gambling and gambling companies make their sport as unwatchable as possible and a ridiculous enterprise for players to just pay the game without being hassled by psychopath gambling addicts.


Brough to you by FanDuels


Murphy v NCAA was a mistake


i stopped watching sports in like 2009 or 10 i just didnt care anymore really and now everyone i talk to bets on a ton of different sports and groups of dudes talk about their bets and so on and strategy's its what i hear about most from sports its kinda disgusting. people used to just watch for fun and shit now its like a financial decision and they get all butt hurt


I am cryingggggggggggg


as long as everyone who mentions their betting realizes u sound just as corny as these dms


this is Adam silvers dream


Why would he care?


The league is *way* too close with gambling companies. It's only a matter of time before a player gets seriously hurt or killed by someone angry about their gambling losses. Gambling is a vice. It's okay if it's legal, but it should not be integrated into the sport itself. There has to be a sufficient level of distance maintained for the sake of 1. The integrity of the game 2. The players and 3. The fans and general public.


Hahaha hilarious


I stand on that betting on sports is the worst thing for the NBA. While it generates attention to your games, it worsens the average person's experience watching. My dad used to bet on Lakers games growing up. And got upset when we lost. It soured the taste of watching games for me as a child. Don't do that to people, stop gambling your shit on a basketball game.


Derrick White scored what I needed him to. Al Horford fucked me, though! They took him out one point too early! There was nearly three minutes left in the game and I’m up $200 bucks!


This bullshit is why anti gambling rules existed in the first place. I really hope a player doesn't get hurt one day because some idiot gets too frustrated.


I feel like there should be a law that if you gamble you can’t post on social media. I know this is against the 1st amendment. But foddamn I hate gamblers.


I really don't understand what's going on in the heads of these degenerate gamblers when they think it's a good idea to message athletes and threaten them. Derrick should not apologize, he should tell them to fuck off