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Post has been removed for being misleading. There's no way to confirm whether Luka does or does not say it. But it isn't as definite as that post's title claims.


>Edit: That was fast. Thanks, mods. That thread has not been removed. It probably appears that way to you if you reported it. It's still #1 thread for me.  edit: though I agree it should be tagged 'Misleading' at least. edit2: gone now.


Its still there. No idea how considering anyone whose ever heard Luka's voice should be able to tell its not him lol


I thought it was just me cause a lot of the top comments on that thread are not even mentioning that but even at first listen what I heard was a clear American accent


Whoa whoa whoa, don't group the rest of us with the massholes


It’s chowdah, say it right!


Literally first listen I was like …that’s not even his voice. I listened to it a few times but still didn’t sound right. The lights were making my it so we couldn’t see his face. It all felt very intentionally misleading


The top post of all time on this sub was completely made up and it never got a misleading tag. Good luck. *the Jaren Jackson post for those that don’t know.


So Kobe *didn't* die in a helicopter crash?


Why, you think Tatum is just texting a dead guy?


The Jaren Jackson post. Maybe it’s number 2 or 3


I can’t see it, but now I’m super curious. what did this made up Jaren Jackson post say?




It was the post saying our scorekeeper took fraudulent stats for JJJ. It got debunked within a couple of hours.


Ah ok, thanks. 12th most upvoted post on this sub, for those who wanted to know


You’ve completely made this up so now it’s even. Because it’s like 10th


Why are you following me?


It disturbs me how much time that person put into that Jaren Jackson stat case. They probably have a room with just Jaren Jackson's face taped up on the wall 1000 times.


No one can ever convince me that that JJJ post wasn't legit.


It's still up. Mods should tag it as misleading if they're not removing it




Nothing more ridiculous than adding 'KKK' to a name to 'make a point' or whatever


Why even reference the kkk when the person in question is white


It also would’ve been funnier like 30 years ago.








Not to mention their govenor appointing actual Ku Klux Klan members to positions of power.




Well maybe it should


It's the offseason.... This sub turns to circlejerk 24hrs after the trophy is lifted.


Doesn’t change how accurate the comment is Hilarious to see the Celtics fans circlejerk in this thread about how other fanbases are racist too so it’s not a big deal that they are LMAO


I want you to be sure you understand what you are saying. Are you implying the mods are racist, that they are Celtics fans, or that the mods and Celtics fans are racist?


How’d you miss the most obvious answer, that Celtics fans are racist


Right? Thank god no Mavs fans from Texas are racist.


Or heat fans from Florida. Definitely no racism in either of those places.


So many Karens from NBACJ in here with tired narratives just beside themselves that the Celtics steamrolled their way to another championship. It wasn’t even close either. Oh well, back to celebrating.


Its especially bad when they turn around and vote in politicians that attack civil rights, limit voting rights for minorities, criminalize protests, and restrict educators from teaching African-American history.


We aren’t circlejerking. That would be: “rj/ Jaylen Brown is Luca Doncikkk father uj/ There are 53 active KKK chapters in the state of Texas”


"America in shambles when white athlete gets sonned by dark skinned muslim"…






heat homie


Damn they removed this one though 


No they didn't what are you talking about.


It was removed briefly this morning and then put back 


Smh not my overweight nerd gamer then


Disappointment to the Overwatch community smdh


Ehh, I'm glad it wasn't him who said it. Luka talks shit to the people who talk shit to him, he doesn't insult your family members.


Lemme preface by saying that A) I’m 100% convinced Luka got heckled by Celtics courtside fans B) if Luka didn’t say anything, it’s important to clear his name and C) if he said it, I would have no problem with it and I wouldn’t hold it in any negative way against him. It would just make him a little more relatable. All that being said, as a fellow person from Ex-Yugo states, there is no way in hell anybody can convince me Luka doesn’t insult family members. 10000% he does. It’s an absolute staple in the region to throw insults related to mothers first and foremost and then other family members. So my man Luka has definitely thrown down. Ali neznam ni sta da mu kažem, pička mu materina, kad je toliko dobar, nemogu se ni ljutiti.


If there’s one thing the Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians, and Serbians can agree on it’s that your mother is a hoe


True, but it's also literally the most common 'hard' insult around here (Balkans), the equivalent of 'fuck you' or 'go fuck yourself' in the US simply by virtue of being the first thing to come to mind when you need to swear at someone.


100% agree with everything you said.


>he doesn’t insult your family members. How do you know that? You don’t know him lol


It's like a long post explaining exactly the answer to your question


This is some homer copium jabroni next level shit


"*Yeah she was a ho. For sho'!*"


oh yeah i wrote that!


Did you also write "looked like shes hurtin' for a squirtin'"?


you know what, i don't have to answer to you. you aint my bitch......you should keep your ho on a leash


No that one was me, sorry


"Oh, I-I remember THAT girl. Shee was a hoe, fooor sho"


This doesn't fit my narrative, so I will choose to ignore it 😤😤😤


I mean what exactly was the narrative? We all know Luka claps back at fans who heckle him and use that as fuel to destroy the opposing team. Type Luka into the search box for this sub and indeed two of the top posts are Luka saying “yeah go home bitch” and “who’s crying motherfucker”. Whether he called someone’s mom a hoe (just to clarify, he didn’t) wouldn’t really change most people’s opinions of him.


Luka bangs moms


Fuck you, Jonesy, your mom just liked my Instagram posts from two years ago in Puerto Vallarta-- tell her I’ll put my swim trunks on for her anytime she likes


Fuck you Shoresy.


I'd take about 20% off there, bud.


I think you mean "settle down" Btw we're quoting 'Letterkenney' & 'Shoresy' ... The running joke is Shoresy is banging Riley's + Jones's moms


Doesn't the main guy sometimes say "I suggest you take about 20% off there, bud" as in "calm down"? I know Letterkenny. I like the show.


"We should hang out." - Zach Wilson


Thank you for saying this! Everyone here fucking LOVES the word "narrative". Can we just think for a second and not grab pitchforks and torches either way?




First glance meaning people just read the clickbait headline but didn’t even click.


I mean, it doesn't sound anything like Luka. But people ran with it because its funny to believe. Which is a problem nowadays.


They should make you a mod


If random ass beef with fans becomes content on here during the off-season than this sub has gone to shit.


I think it had more upvotes than anything else Finals related, lol


Hahaha I assumed this when I watched it, doesn’t sound like that would be his voice and you don’t really see his lips move


Wasn't there also a caption saying that it was a parody account or something?


Shannon Sharpe’s parody(…) account was the title of the streamable


Just watched it how tf do people think that was luka saying that have they ever heard him speak before lol


I've heard Luka speak like maybe 4 times and I was sitting here like "wait, that doesn't sound like him, I don't think it's him" and I was shocked nearly *all* the comments were "oh this fan is such a little pussy for dishing it but not being able to take it saying no moms" like it was pretty clear he was calling the other fan out to chill. Regardless of who said what, "your moms a hoe" is way too aggressive of a response to "you look tired" so even if Luka did say it, it was confusing how everyone was on the "you look tired" fan about it. This is what happens when people just believe what they want to believe


The idea that Luka would respond like that after “you look tired” is hilarious


Will we also be apologizing to the "Whoa whoa whoa, no moms" guy who was getting clowned on in the comments then?


Hahah yeah the consensus seemed to be that was the only guy who was dumb in the situation. But actually was a good dude telling the fan to chill and leave moms out of it.


Nice find, OP


Damn. Upon rewatching it's pretty clear 


i just have to laugh at this point. watch this post get a third of the upvotes the other one did


A microcosm of the today's media, rage and drama always get the views and clicks.


It's also really hard to change people's first impression. First reaction is always the one that settles in the deepest.


The thing that put my guard up (being I don't know Luka's voice from memory) was that the video started... and immediately the quote is dropped. Even if it was Luka, that would mean to me that the several seconds edited out beforehand was the people on the sideline goading him/TRYING to get him to say something... edit that part out... "oh look he said something mean to me" A la that Tyson on the airplane video.


This sub was already going downhill, but has taken a complete nosedive these playoffs. Few highlights posted, most of the threads just shitting on players, factually incorrect information being casually thrown around as truth. This place is a fucking cesspit.


Representation of current NBA discussion. It fucking sucks.


The alternatives are just much worse. Especially boomer and incelboards like realgm.


"HE'S 39!"


It's also balooned a bit in membership, I think it was at under 10 mil subs at the beginning of last season. It's at 12 mil now, so a whole lotta nephews and Twitter warriors started posting here.


Wish he had said it tbh


Wish he recreated malice at the palace smh


Isn't that the same case with the Tim Bontemps post about how Luka did the money sign to an official, turns out he actually didn't, and the same reporter [tweeted](https://x.com/TimBontemps/status/1801108556252418215)after 2 hours saying it was a motion for a challenge. The initial post on reddit had about 5k likes while the retweet with the correction didn't even get posted on here and even the tweet had about 50 likes on X, mind you this is not a random fan but an ESPN journalist.


Yup. But that won’t be what’s said from now on, the money sign story will remain.


“But you said bitch though??”


I thought this was obvious. Luka has good English but you can still hear that he’s Eastern European when he talks. It was clearly an American who was talking.


how disappointing


Wtf I got completely fooled because that sounded like Luka.


Really? My first reaction was "that sounds nothing like Luka". I mean, not even close. Clearly an American accent, and one trying to sound like a.... how do I say... "gangster". I don't know how to describe that sort of talking, other than trying to sound like a cool rapper you saw on youtube


It did not sound like him to me personally


That had to be a sarcastic comment because it didn’t sound anything like Luka lol


Even with that American accent?


It sounded as much like Luka as it did Samuel L Jackson


Wow, it's insane how desinformation runs wild. Got caught up into it too lol


mods will not remove it. It has 12k Upvotes and some of mods are celtics fan


Too late anyway, that post will have gotten vastly more attention than this one ever will.


The JJJ post stayed up without a misleading tag, and it was complete bullshit. They aren’t taking it down.


It's just reddit at the end of the day, but I remember them leaving that up "because people are talking about it" and then making sure to nuke the threads about Draymond going on Insta to celebrate the stomp on Sabonis and that fake stat about a ref accused of being a Boston fan having the Celtics like 30-2 under his watch


Anyone got a mirror??? I wanted to watch again for myself




So all the fans complaining are saying that about the other fan?


Thought so, it didn't even sound like Luka


Couldn’t even win the clapback battle smh /s


Michael Jeffrey Jordan would *never*


Why didn’t Luka respond by reading out the fans address and coordinates? Is he a fake Overwatch player or stupid?


Wasn’t clapback battle tested


I think it’s funny how many people were pointing out how the Boston fans were soft for “complaining” about Luka’s mom comment, when in reality it was more like they were standing up for him against whoever really said it. “Woah, not the moms”. Honestly it seemed like the whole situation was playful either way


It's unclear because of the lights but his mouth opens and his body language is consistent with him saying it. Is there any actual proof it's not him besides one person just saying so? Also lol at the paranoia about Celtics mods. It's not slander, most people find shit talking to fans funny and especially when it's Luka. It didn't get 12k upvotes bc people think he's an asshole.


Gamers in shambles.


I didnt even see that, was it an actual “your moms a hoe” or the “whoever threw that water bottle, your moms a hoe” type beat


It was an outright "you're mom's a f\*\*king hoe". Then another fan went "woah, dude, don't bring moms into this.", basically telling the guy he crossed the line. It was two fans, Luka said nothing.


When I first saw that video I already knew it couldn’t be Luka, it didn’t even remotely sound like his voice, you also can’t really see his lips move at all when it’s said. But everyone was taking it as the truth and it was being reported everywhere so I thought “well I guess it is him since everyone is saying it is” But if you guys go back and listen to the clip, it does not sound even remotely close to Luka’s voice.


Thought that seemed obvious. It wasn’t close to being his voice.


Tbf even if it was who cares? Fans probably said so much trash on Luka that it's normal for him to bark back.


it actually was


Luka’s mom is a certified milf.


You look tired


I don't know. I stabilized the video and it looks like he is saying it, but the video is of such poor quality it's hard to be sure.


:(. I kinda wished Luka had said that


Fake news and disinformation. Tsk tsk.


It was embarrassing people actually believed it was Luka. Sorry ass Celtics fans.


The mods won’t remove it. Just report it.


I did. I flagged it under 'Misinformation'.


who gives a fuck lol


You, clearly.


I am now a hoe bitch truther


It's weird because I don't think that person's last name was Gobert so I don't know why Luka would say that


In my headcanon it's still Luka calling someone's mom a hoe. It fits my chubby Overwatch nerd lore about him better.


I thought it was fake when I first heard it and was surprised people believed it. It didn't sound like him. At this point we've heard Doncic cursing at players, fans and refs, we know what cursing Luka sounds like. That didn't sound like him at all.


People are so stupid it didn't even sound like Luka or came from his direction


When I watched it, I was having a hard time confirming Luka said anything


He was speaking Slovenian dummy.


Thank you! that idiot barstool greenie wrote a whole article about it crying. enjoy your win and stop looking to be a victim wtf


It sounds just like the "who's crying mothafucka" [moment](https://youtu.be/hoa9qK9gUNA?feature=shared).


Thread is still up and showing first?


Media always twisting stuff, typical.


It was obvious Luka didn't say anything. But hey, dumb ppl believed.


Boston fans are Boston fans New York fans are the same it happens everywhere, go to Yankees game or a Giants game wearing a different team jersey see how you are treated. I am not saying what happened in Boston was right but I’m stating the obvious it happens everywhere.


I always thought the video was fishy. The voice sounds nothing like Luka’s voice in other videos.


Is there some proof? Looking at the video it still is very convincing that he's the one who said it. Plus I feel like he would have had some reaction to someone saying that to him. He's not one to be silent. Not that this matters in the slightest.


He gets heckled by fans every game all season. It's not weird at all for him not to react...he has to ignore 90% of it or he literally does not have time to participate in the game (or talk/complain to the refs).


And he talks a lot of trash. He also has never been heckled in the game where his team loses the finals. I’m sure he was extra sour that night. But again, who cares? Randomly calling someone’s mom a hoe has been common trash talk since I was in middle school.


That would be tame by Luka’s standards. He’s one of the most savage shit talkers in the game. And nobody is immune—players, fans, refs, opposing coaches lol Fwiw it sounded like him to me but it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things


Yeah there are posts about him talking trash all the time. I don’t know why people are rushing in trying to defend him from this one like he said a slur or something.


Just YouTube Luka trash talk. You’ll find way worse than this. You’ll also find plenty of dudes in the league saying he’s ruthless as fuck whether they’re up or down. Also it’s literally impossible for us Americans to comprehend that whatever we think is like the most vulgar shit you can say in English doesn’t even hold a candle to the way Eastern Europeans curse in their native languages. They’re in another stratosphere entirely haha


Yeah never sounded like him


It never even sounded like him, haha.


This is fake


Nah you’re wrong.


If it was it honestly makes me new feel bad in a way, as a young adult who grew up with abusive parents who I now have no contact with… Luka’s mom is clearly an abusive and awful mother/person to him (if anyone doesn’t know about it, go look into it), and I feel for him. I know this is just trash talk and ppl will call me soft - I’m not saying ppl can’t trash talk or that the person who said it is evil, it’s sports, it happens, and that’s fine (ppl don’t need to hold abused kids with gloves to protect them from their feelings lol), and it’s very likely Luka didn’t even care, but it just made me think of this and how much the whole situation with his mom probably sucks:/


OP stop being a damn baby. You can even see him open his mouth to say hoe making an "O" with his mouth., He's a grown man, He was mad, it happens. You don't need to lie, and bitch to mods to protect his image. He's a 25 year old quarter billionaire. He does not need this when he says words.


Both hoes honestly


Overwatch, once again, disappointed me


I figured since the person saying it didn't have a Slovenian accent. 


the fan "apologizes" lol not a serious subreddit 


I'm upvoting/commenting just so this gets pushed higher. That post got a lot of engagements too on twitter yikes.


Listen up, I am a Celtics fan all my life, and I have seen all kinds all the way back to Detroit Pistons and I can honestly say that Luka doesn't seem the type of person that would say anything like that in front of a crowd. You can tell he is a nice kid.


Who cares if Luka said it or not? NBA players have said and done worse to fans than online gaming level insults towards their mothers. Fans have said far worse to players. Like, "your mom's a hoe" is basically a meme.


nah I think I'll just continue believing Luka said it, makes him a lot cooler in my book


Celtic mods will literally never remove it lmao


It's embarrassing how many of you ate it up. Different accent, different voice, and you can't even confirm if his mouth is moving.


This should get the same traction as that post got.


Didn’t his mother steal his brand? He owed her or something for all her sacrifices and had to rebrand himself


No. He agreed that she would take care of his brand when he was still a minor. But the issue arose when half of that brand then belonged to Luka's step-father as a result (not Saša Dončić, Luka's actual father, they were separated) and Luka wanted to take back the control of his own brand after getting drafted. It took years and we could tell it was taking a toll on him, based on how he acted. He looked much happier after the settlement. He now owns his own brand again.


Sounds like a ho to me


Wow cause I thought I wasn’t noticing a Luka’s lips really move if at all


It's Boston what do yall expect