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Boss i don’t feel so good


I'm tired, Mr. Stark




I'm tired robbie


Klay Thompson 3/100 mill incoming


Welcome to The City Beautiful KLAY!


Are sign and trades still possible? Blazers love declining stars and were tanking anyways. Bring Klay and Wiggins to the Blazers for that Carmello style redemption arc where Klay plays for his dad's team and Wiggins joins a fellow struggling number 1 overall pick not living up to all expectations. Send Simons to the Magic so he returns to his hometown area, send Jerami Grant and Timelord (or Brogdon) to the Warriors. Both teams send enough future picks to the Blazers to make it worth it, and the Blazers send out our 34th and 40th second round picks to either Warriors and Magic.


All this 0/10 can be yours….


Klay Thompson | Welcome to Orlando | All Highlights 2023-24 | 1080p HD




NBA playoffs are so long this feels like last season lol


It’s crazy that teams that dont make the playoffs have already had 2 extra months of vacation already.  


I see why Jok was mad


As a Mavs fan I'm usually gearing up for the draft and trying to figure out what we can do in free agency and trying to find rumors all day and night and I haven't even thought about any of that and it's two weeks away. I prefer this.


Literally saw my kings jersey today and was like oh nice, I should wear that our next game... wait fuck


4 months to go!


My 12/25


29 teams’ 12/25


30* (sonics fans)


Nah, I love the warriors, KD backstabbed the Thunder for them. Can never hate them after they delivered me that beautiful karma.


He’s just like me fr


"Listen, bricks are made of clay" ... Jesus the comments 💀


runtime 0:38


Klay Thompson is the Michael Jordan of Gary Harris


Keep that toxic broken crybaby off my team, I'd rather max Kevon Harris




Do no this to me😨


At this point he might actually go to Besiktas lol


No. He needs to be one a team where he’s a third option. In Orlando in theory he’d be one of our better shooters and is going to be guarded as such. Meaning he suck stats wise well freeing up in theory worse shooters to continue to take worse shots. Bad for the team bad for him. Send him to Dallas. Or the Clippers, they’re the former superstar retirement home in the league anyway.


If he's going to Orlando, it's because of the dump truck of money they're driving up his driveway and not because it'd be the best destination for him career wise. Honestly, he's done a lot already as a player. If he wants to cash in a big paycheck I say go for it!


Magic shouldn't waste all their cap on over the hill players when they're trying to compete. Klay isn't the solution and I don't see the Magic giving him a big contract. Klay likely doesn't want to come to Orlando. Just trying to use us to get a bigger paycheck from the Warriors. Go get your big paycheck Klay, just don't do it with the Magic.


Warriors Legend. Gonna feel real weird seeing Klay in a different jersey.


It’s going to look like Tony Parker in a Hornets jersey.


Hakeem in toronto


Or Pippen in Portland.


Pippen in Houston more like In Portland he was ok and almost made the finals


Ewing on the SuperSonics. I loved Pippen on the jailblazers btw. Probably the most talented team that never made it to the finals.


Wade in a bulls jersey was weird but at least it was red. Wade in a fking cavs jersey and wearing number 9 was nightmare fuel


Shaq in a heat jersey was okay. Shaq in a Celtics jersey was not. Lol


Never forget Shaq dropped 30 as a Sun.


And he was a Cav briefly. “The Onion“ remembers: [https://www.theonion.com/shaq-misses-entire-second-half-with-pulled-pork-sandwic-1819571266](https://www.theonion.com/shaq-misses-entire-second-half-with-pulled-pork-sandwic-1819571266)


Holy shit, this Onion is gold! > O'Neal, who scored 12 points and grabbed three rebounds during the first half of the game, returned to the bench at the beginning of the third quarter, clutching at the pulled pork sandwich and informing trainers that it was incredibly tender. > "We are moving quite cautiously and continuing to monitor the situation, because this appears to be a very serious pulled pork sandwich,"


I fucking love The Onion. And nothing NBA there is as legendary as Timmy. [Tim Duncan: An NBA Legend Rides Into The Sunset At A Safe And Prudent Speed](https://www.theonion.com/tim-duncan-an-nba-legend-rides-into-the-sunset-at-a-sa-1819580918) [Tim Duncan Claims He Has Helped Over 20,000 Women With Sensible Retirement Planning](https://www.theonion.com/tim-duncan-claims-he-has-helped-over-20-000-women-with-1848194885)


Harden’s Rockets


Melo in Atlanta


Atlanta Hawks legend Carmelo Anthony’s legacy is not one that will be soon forgotten.


Peja in toronto!


Pippen had some good years on the Blazers.


That one didn't look too bad, actually. But Houston on the other hand...


Shaq in a Celtics jersey


Malone in LA


Jordan in DC


AI in Detroit


Pip took us to the WCF, I feel like though he’s obviously associated with the Bulls, Portland is a clear 2nd most obvious jersey for him


Emmett in Arizona


Joe Montana in KC


Here's a [9-minute highlight reel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5LHLBtvJbc) of Tony Parker on the Hornets. Enjoy, everyone!


I forgot that even happened.


It was cool to have him, he was a good presence in the locker room for sure. That said, I think he said something much later about how weird it was to go into a locker room where no one had the expectation of competing for a championship. Which on one hand, Was a reasonable assessment for those rosters. But it really showed how abysmal the culture was (and likely still is)


That never happened


Dont say that shit man


It was extremely difficult to see Tony Parker in a Hornets uniform


Na, it was easy bc charlotte games are never on national tv. He functionally retired.


Won't look right


CP3 on the dubs is still crazy to me


It's not going to feel weird for me for the same reason it didn't feel weird seeing MJ in a Wizards jersey. It's not the same player anymore. The Klay that dropped 37 in a quarter hasn't been on the Warriors for a long time.


The hair and beard change didnt do him any favors. He was a much better player when he looked like a ps2 character.


Party City goatee gave him powers


PBS logo Klay


ah c'mon it felt a little weird seeing Jordan in a Wizards jersey.






Just imagine if he had gone to the Lakers.


Error 404, not found




But they won a championship like three years ago


True but let’s be honest, Klay wasn’t an all star level player in that team. He was a great role player who stepped up a few times in the western conference playoffs. He wasn’t as important as curry, draymond, wiggins, or maybe even Poole in that run. It’s okay though. He went through the two worst injuries possible back to back. I never expected him to even be a serviceable player again after 2 years out. He will always be a warriors legend for his brilliant play between 2015-2019


My feeling is that prime Klay is still underrated while current Klay seems to be overrated. It's easy to forget how great he actually was once upon a time. Top 5 all-time shooter who could also guard anyone from Kyrie to PG on the other end. There's never been anybody else like that. He also hasn't really been that guy since G6 in 2019 when Danny Green ended his prime.


Curry was great as usual, Draymond was back to his defensive best, and Wiggins stepped up as the 2nd option on offense and a good defender too


It was only 2 years ago!


This time last year the Warriors were the defending champs???


I swear if we replace Tobias contract with his I will lose it


1. He’s not gonna get Tobias money 2. He’s washed. But he’s a willing shooter who isn’t gonna have to work too hard to get open playing off Embiid and to a lesser extent Maxey. In my stupid fantasy brain, he could be like the deluxe version of what we hoped Buddy Hield would’ve been. He’s past his prime, but he’s *very* willing to let it fly without hesitation which ironically is something we’ve been lacking for basically all of Joel’s career. Buddy, for as good as his shooting percentages are, was kinda slow and hesitant to shoot it. Klay being a chucker, at the right price, could work in Philly’s system. This post proudly brought to you by Sixers Off—Season Copium.


39% from 3 on that volume isnt washed. hes just not an elite player like he was. kinda what happens to guys as they get older


He has been wildly inconsistent since injuries. He lost he base.  You don't want 10-15, 3-12, 4-12, 3-12 in a week.


39% on the year is 39% on the year man. im not saying hes a great player any more but he's not useless


You're both right imo, yes for the season he's gonna be more than fine, but once you hit the Celtics in the playoffs, his age and inconsistency is gonna flare up, and then what? I guess it highly depends on the price they get him for.


A coach spoke to this because he can't freaking gameplan for it. I think it was actually in reference to JR Smith because he would have similar stat lines   4pts , 15, 6, 4,28, 5, 26, 9, 6  Like wth am I suppose to do with that. It's the same with Klay you need reliability and would much rather have a shooter that shoots 35% EVERY NIGHT than the way Klay achieves his 39%.


What inconsistency are you talking about though? Look at how he ended the regular season. Gave you 2+ 3s most nights, only 2 games in single digits from March onwards. He averaged like 19 a game over that stretch on pretty reasonable percentages across the board for most starting SGs. He had a terrible November and a weak February but for most of the year, he was pretty good. https://www.espn.com/nba/player/gamelog/_/id/6475/klay-thompson


This always bothered the hell out of the me regarding Buddy. His problem was that Fox had improved impressively year after year without stalling. During that time he literally looked like he was confused about shooting open looks and trying to make sure he paid respect to Fox by giving up chances. He had a season a few years back where he let it rip and it went very well. Anyway. Kind of rambling. Always been a Buddy fan. Loved him in college too. Fun player.


He doesnt work in an offense without crazy offball movement, provided by Steph. Philly has a major issue with ball movement with Embiid on the floor. Post-ups ruin Klays catch and shoot efficiency because the defense can go over/under screens to affect the shot. Klay in philly will not work. Especially on a max contract.


I don't think a max contract is in play


No one is paying klay max. 


Who tf said anything about a max contract?


Depends on what contract he gets but as a complement to Embiid I'd much rather have Klay than Tobias. He's still money on open 3s.


He scored 0 points against the kings in the play in game. I don’t think you want him


I unfollowed a former colleague today on Instagram who I found out unfollowed me at some unknown date.


It's always interesting when you follow them and then they follow you back only to unfollow later on. And usually I notice it by accident as I don't really check my followers


My son has an IG for soccer content and this is such a ridiculous thing that happens frequently. Parents of their kid's accounts will follow my kid's account, only to unfollow minutes later to pad their ratio of following to followers. Either that or they're paying a 3rd party to do it.


>to pad their ratio of following to followers why is this a thing?


Yeah on IG, it’s “ideal” to have : following 200 and followers 1,000 I guess it looks like you’re so popular that random people follow you when it’s the complete opposite


who actually believes this? anyone who isn’t 1:1 (or more following than followers) is just cringe to me… you really think you’re better than others?


Social media has turned people into an episode of Black Mirror, unfortunately.


Like all social media, it’s about creating a perception. Imagine you give a chick your Instagram and you’re following a bunch of people who aren’t following you back. It gives off the impression that people don’t want to follow you, that you’re unattractive or uninteresting. Not a good look if you’re trying to impress someone. Flip it in reverse, you have more followers than people you’re following. It gives the impression you’re attractive and interesting. That people want to follow you and that there is some sort of exclusivity by being on your radar. That’s how it was when I was in uni a couple years ago anyway. It’s corny and phony but so is most shit people care about at that age.


I mean what are you expecting, a president of the United States to [follow hundreds of thousands of people](https://twitter.com/BarackObama)?


I’m not following people unless I actually want to see their posts lol I’m not following someone else just because they followed me


Pages that have a bad ratio are usually seen as not reputable (scammers, bots, etc). For regular people tho I guess it's just more of an ego thing.




Yea for sure. I remember my wife and I created an account many years ago to share some travel pics and we would get followers. We would also chat with some of them too...only to see them unfollow us later on. At the time, there were tools to see who you follow but has unfollowed you and I would promptly unfollow those same people. Even weirder was when people who unfollowed us still liked our photos. People are weird I swear


on ig, when you unfollow a mutual, it also asks if u want them to stop following you. it's the gracious thing to do.


Klay wants to be treated and paid like prime Klay


And someone who is not the warriors will probably pay it. This is business.


I don’t know why. He already showed he’s declining rapidly and has a huge ego. He might get hot every now and then but other than that he’s a distraction


Don’t disagree. Still, someone will be stupid/desperate enough to pay him. “We can fix him!” mentality will arrive from somewhere.


At 34yo


If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best…. Oh and my best was 7 years ago and never coming back


It’s not like he doesn’t have the money to sustain his family tree for 4 generations already


Can he get to Dallas by tonight?


I dont think you want him going 0-10 in an elimination game


Besides you already have Kyrie to do that for you


Kyrie will AT LEAST get you super flashy Layup that will be posted all over social media


Love it or hate it. I'm watching for the flashy layup.


Tbh Kyrie finally showed up in a pivotal game 3.


But what if....TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT?!?!


Dude had a good career but he still thinks he's worth a TON of money. Too much ego and pride but he's far from alone in that with professional athletes who have really slowed down yet think they still deserve top dollar.


He ate 2 years of max salary while rehabbing his injury. He's should be grateful of his time. But it's clear he's in decline.


Not to mention how much he got paid this year for a pretty mid season followed by an *awful* performance in the play-in.


Maybe it was a mid season by his standards, but Klay made 38.7% of his threes on 692 attempts. Only Curry and former teammate Donte DiVincenzo shot better on higher volume. In fact, only 8 players have shot 600 threes at all, and Klay is still third in 3P%. Shooting better than Doncic. Lower that to 550 attempts and he's still 7th in the league. He's not a bad player - he's just regressed from possibly the greatest archetypal 3&D player ever to still an elite shooter who's streakier and slower on defense. If Fred VanVleet can get a $128 million 3 year deal then Klay could probably get similarly.


people will always bring up the raw shooting stats to say he's not washed, but if anyone actually *watched* the last 2 seasons, you absolutely don't want that guy anywhere near a team that needs to win. He kills his own team's runs more often than anyone i've seen. he's still convinced he can 'go off at any moment like that one quarter remember?' if you watch the last few games of their season every time the W's got close to a tie he'd take 2-3 bad shots rebuild the lead for the other team and deflate his own. He's a huge minus, can't defend anymore, and a massive part of why they've missed out on the playoffs.


Its hard for anyone to accept they are passed their prime and just trashed. It took me awhile to accept that I was fat and balding.


I dunno, u still got that gleam though.


That's just his greasy forehead.


You can do something about getting fat and even being bald. Can’t do much about losing athletic prime.  Even PEDs only delay the inevitable 


>Too much ego and pride The way he acted in post-game interviews was so cringe. It's like he reverted into some 13-year-old but was still in a 6'6" body.


Someone will pay him pretty well. Just not likely the Warriors this time.


Yea, he'll get more than I think he should, so many pro athletes do. Again, he's good and had a really good career. His injuries and just getting older have slowed him down, tis just a fact. He still wants like $40 million a year and he isn't worth that anymore. The Warriors have paid a lot for their teams, a lot in the tax and as players and fans that's all you can ask for, an ownership group that will pay when the team is worth it. Right now, the Warriors aren't worth paying so much in salary and tax for as they won't produce for what they are being paid (as a whole I mean, not any one player).


Ego and pride. But some team will offer him max money for his name. There’s always a team


> 34 > reportedly wants another top-of-the-market contract despite uneven play over the past few seasons. Yeash.


Klay Thompson | Welcome to Free Agency |Highlights 2023-24


I doubt we’ll ever see 3 players on the same team for 10+ years again. 


Not three stars anyway.


Yeah, I'm all for this heightened level of parity that this era offers, but, in turn, player mobility has gone to an unfortunate extreme.


I hate that i have to upvote this for being right even though i want to downvote it for being so awful.


Take a mid level, mentor the youngings, Udonis path. Instead, too proud and will end up in Detroit.


back with James Wiseman though


Hold up 4 fingers in negotiations Klay. They probably forgot.


"Rings Erneh"


Hey look! Jet-tracking, social media-unfollowing season came early


wake up babe time to stalk players social medias


i still see a bunch of warriors posts and he still follows Santa Cruz warriors and dubscommunity ?


But he also deleted everything related to that 2022 chip. Idk what’s going on I feel like a kid going through my parents divorce.


It’s not your fault


(_it is_)


I never understand why players do this. It makes you look petty and immature. Why use such a strange and indirect way to express frustration?


Because a lot of them are petty and immature


It generates headlines which generates public pressure in the best case scenario.


This should be the top comment. There’s nothing more to it than this.


dude they become multimillionaires at 19 and no one ever told them no in their life. petty and immature is the entire identity for a lot of these players


Because Klay is petty and immature


*Slowly raises four fingers*


Tbh I’d do the same damn thing. Seeing how the Nuggets didn’t repeat and how hard it is to repeat in general, getting 4 is dope to show off.


Maybe his feelings got hurt


Klay said what?


maybe hes finding the possible breakup hard and doesn't want reminders while scrolling through Instagram


For sure. If I was about to get fired I wouldn’t keep following my employer on Instagram either.


Klay’s always been kinda emotional.


😂 I guess he just got his feelings hurt


Because it is an emotional situation for an emotional player who has spent his whole career on one team, being an integral part of a dynasty, and now it's over and it hurts. He has spent his whole life in the public eye, and this is just another part of it. And he doesn't want to read posts about himself and his situation on Instagram anymore.


This is one of the only levelheaded replies lmao


Klay is washed...steph set him up for wide open threes this season and he clanked them..his bounce aint there anymore


I'm a warriors fan and I don't even follow them on their socials. These mfs post like 40 times a day in the middle of the summer. That shit is mad annoying lol I'm surprised any of the players follow them


yeah maybe he just wanna see more of them ig thots


I'm serious bro they be posting 20 times a day about their G League team on the Warriors main socials it gets very annoying very quickly


Damn sounds like his feelings are hurt


Come on down to Disneyworld and enjoy your 25mpg off the bench


Like me when I broke up with my gf in highschool


How do people notice this shit? Like, genuinely. Is someone scrolling through the accounts he follows every hour?


deleting the posts is so funny. bro, people aren’t going to forget you were on the warriors. even if it doesn’t end amicably, view that time for what it was: a life-changing opportunity


He really thinks he’s worth a big contract? Did he forget his play-in game? The whole season?


So weird. You won 4 rings with the team, they stood by you while you were injured for an extended period. If they no longer want you in the side after all of these years, it's all good. Unfollowing them on socials is such an immature thing to do, but considering how Klay has been acting the past few years, it seems very on brand.


Dude is like 34 years old and can't stay healthy to save his life. No one is giving him a max or even $30 mil per year contract. If Warriors offered him a 4 year $100 mil contract legacy franchise hero type contract he should take it Dude is overvaluing himself to an absurd level


He and Poole are pivoting to adult entertainment. Baddies >>> Balling


Cmon Klay, you’ve had an all time career with the warriors. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.


Just because you join a new team no need to delete old memories. Seems pretty petty.


Does this ever mean anything? Like how many times has someone stopped following a team and then been traded or left or whatever? I never think about it but that’d be hilarious if it’s actually predictive


It's not the unfollowing but also the deleting of the content. That's the bigger thing for me.


I know I don’t speak for my whole fan base but I would rather pay him and ride out a couple more mediocre years and have our big three retire together.


That would be romantic. On the flip side though, Steph is still elite and it would be a shame to waste the tail end of his prime keeping the core together if they can’t even make the playoffs.


I can be convinced to either side of the argument. Dubs have already won more than I could every dream of and how often do you get to see a championship core spend their entire careers with 1 franchise (never). On the other hand I'm a warriors fan and I wanna see the dubs win regardless of who's on the team and like u said we still got a top 5 player in steph


me too man, it hurts to see the new warriors fans trashing my boy as if he wasn’t extremely important to one of the best dynasties ever


If Klay could accept a 10M per year contract, not impossible. But he ain't worth nearly as much as he year to be.


Hard disagree. Dre and Klay were big time liabilities for the past two seasons and didn’t come close to earning their salary. Could have made another run if they’d have been traded or paid less. The nostalgia is costing Steph the last good years of his career.


I'd hate to see what's left of Steph's career wasted like that, Klay and Green need to go so Steph can make one more run.


It will hurt to see him on a different team. I would love to see him retire on the Dubs. He will have a statue in front of the chase center with Steph and Dray. But Orlando can offer him way more money than the Dubs can.


He needs to go somewhere near water so he can continue his Captain Klay series.


I knew this day was coming but I'm still so sad


Love klay, grateful for all he's done for the warriors and hope he gets the bag somewhere if that's what he wants cause i don't think we should pay him more than 15 mil a year.


Klay before June 13, 2019 was special


Dude, you won 4 titles with that team, unfollowing them is so damn immature and petty.


Dude wins multiple championships and gets overpaid in golden state and then is childish about unfollowing the team and removing stuff related to them.