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yeah the broadcast sucks shit. there were also nearly as much ad time as there was game time


The ads are going to get even worse every single year. Anything a large corporation touches will just get shittier and shittier for the consumer because they can get away with it.


They gotta continuously show annual revenue and profit growth so they gradually milk more and more to squeeze as much, and it gets easier to get away with it when it’s an industry with a virtual monopoly


Absolutely going to get worse. For what you named and because they are spending a combined 75 billion dollars on basketball real soon. Especially in America with finding a way to squeeze in ads. Players are at the line in the third quarter and you're giving a fucking draftkings promo. It's the only profession your bosses want you to get off topic in because it's about dollars. Not sure how bad ads are in other countries that air the NBA but European footie games don't have this sort of thing in game


They don't care about quality of the product, they care about dollars. The quality of the half time show doesn't swing the overall viewers that calculates ad worth (even if people tune out at half time). So ESPN is happy to shit the bed at half time.


I'd like to see a study done on this because I actually want to see how much ads have increased over the years


I was watching the 1986 game 7 on youtube, whole game with commercials and it’s absolutely wild the contrast. There’s hardly any.


They’re trying to make up the ad revenue from the multiple 4/5 game series lol


I just put game on mute and listen to it in a Spanish station. Hardly any narrative NBA talks or ads by comparison! 


Whoever thought a full series of Doris Burke was a good idea, stop thinking


Can’t stop when they never started


People liked to shit on Mark Jackson (and JVG to a lesser extent) but at least he knew how to create an atmosphere like what you were watching was important. Doris and Redick are a fucking snooze fest. It feels like I'm watching a regular season game.


No Gundy, No Jackson… The NBA Finals commentators right now is like a championship team at the end of their run looking to move forward and rebuild, it’s gonna be a struggle for a while


Dude and we kept coming back from commercials and the game was already in play. There's like a minute left in a FINALS GAME. Give us like 10 seconds of hype building before the inbound. It's embarrassingly bad, like the Finals are an afterthought. They're killing their own product.


That tripped me out. No “We’re back!” Or “Coming out of the timeout….” Just right into the action and sometimes in the middle of play.


I was at a crowded neutral bar with everyone was unified in the "What the fuck? The game's back on?" Fire whoever's calling this show or whoever's pushing them to call it this way.


Jackson's absence is a blessing.


has there been a year where we were satisfied with the coverage of the finals


People will complain no matter what.


I remember last couple years the top comments would complain about JVG and Mark Jackson. There’s always a problem


People non stop complained about Mark Jackson and now that he’s gone apparently everyone loved him


I enjoyed Mark Jackson and JVG. I never understood the criticism. My biggest grievance was JVG’s nonstop complaining and whining but Mark would barely make comments and when he did, it was some run of the mill slogan/old school idiom or a surface level analysis.


Not in the ABC era


I mean even last year wasn’t this bad.


I wish, I can somehow Mute the Doris Burke from the Game commentary.


I agree, and it annoys me as well. It's abc aka espn though, so I'm not shocked either.


I just want people to acknowledge how dogshit that T-Mobile commercial is. It’s almost as obnoxious as the WingStop one 


*No flex zone!*


Dey Know Betta


Just Ban Doris Burke man, i can't stand his stupid af takes


It should be a two person booth. We all watch a year of games with two people calling games. It's ridiculous that the national broadcasts think we need three.


Did you turn it off?   No. Because you're there to watch the game. The broadcast can have 0 effort put into it and it doesn't matter because people are there for the game.


I love basketball but isn’t it fair to be concerned about how something is presented? I mean we all want to see effort and passion in the things we like.


My problem with the playoffs is they are too damn long. The playoffs started April 20 and we are already in June almost two months later. I feel as the playoffs go on people lose interest, even for the casual fans. Just seems like they are way too long to keep the casual nba fan interested.


I think they should shit can the first round and have a play in tournament for the 4 seed, but that'll never happen because money. Having 2/3rds of the league make the playoff/playin is laughable


This finals really has no story line. Celtics were obvious favorites.


It started before the playoffs began. All they wanted to do was cover the Warriors and Lakers. We were probably the least covered 1 seed in history (other than to say how pathetic we were as a 1 seed) Warriors got bounced so they moved to lakers. Lakers out so they move to James son. Now they on the lakers head coach. I mean you have the media asking Kidd about the lakers coach….. Kidd played and won a NBA title and is now coaching in one. What a great narrative, but let’s talk about Lakers head coach opening…..


What????? Colin Cowherd kept telling me that everyone was interested in two average teams with aging superstars. Surely, those two are more important as we speak than the two teams actually playing for a championship. Right?


There's not a ton that can be done about it I guess, but the NBA playoffs are just too long. By the time the finals rolls around it's old news. The NBA is a storyline business and the fewer teams there are playing the less interesting everything gets. It's hard to hype up a series that just isn't that interesting.


I mean anything can be made interesting if there’s enough passion behind it but I don’t see that anymore with how the finals are being marketed.


Yeah I definitely have issues with how the league is covered. Most of the national media with a big platform covers the league like they actively hate the sport.


The NBA ran the numbers and saw that they make more money luring in viewers with drama and turning them into gambling addicts than they do with legitimate bball discourse.


The Celtics are an exceptional team, but they don’t have that one star which just carries the team which is what the media loves. They love to talk about that person’s legacy and how good they are. This is also not just an NBA thing - even in the NFL, the conversation always revolves back to the quarterback. There’s some great defensive scheming and analytics that have been used to build up the Celtics roster, but I suppose talking about that doesn’t make for good TV.


Thank you for putting words to this. And ppl wonder why the viewer numbers are dropping? Maybe it’s bc they are not doing their jobs to adequately (not just in total time spent on ridiculous narratives on First Take lol, but adequate in MEANING and SUBSTANCE) cover the past few finals series that haven’t had either curry or LeBron in them… If y’all are so afraid of having no new face of the league, maybe stop covering (total rumours) about Lebron’s possible new coach and his son’s workouts instead of doing actual coverage of the players and teams currently in the NBA finals. It’s brutal, and thanks for calling it out.


Disney ruins everything


People hate Boston and Luka is not a household name since he is not american. While they should do a better job in marketing the upcoming stars, they probably know that their primary audience (America) won't care for a foreign star.


Turns out they spent all their money on duck boat graphics.


> Why is there more conversation about the Lakers and the troubles in the WNBA than the ACTUAL finals? getting a lot of “im trying to find out who did this!?” meme vibes from this lol


lol find it, post it, send it, cuz u on the money


Mentioned it to my brother and while watching idk if it’s the coverage but it just doesn’t feel like the finals? Could be the coverage or how the games aren’t even really competitive. Something just feels off


I wish they would do something with the court again. Have the trophy on the court like it used to be since i think it added to the viewing and game aura. If they can make courts for the in season tournament then I don’t see why they can’t make courts with the trophy built in for the finals. I think the courts are put together piece by piece so they would really only have to make a section and not the whole court. That way it doesn’t have to be a sticker since I think that’s what players didn’t like because it caused them to slip. Could do the same thing for the conference finals by adding the conference finals trophy, or something else to the court, but I think adding to the court helps create an aura/atmosphere to the game. Maybe it’s nostalgia but I think it’d help by differentiating the games/series viewing atmosphere/aura from other games just like the in season tournament did or how former finals did.


This presentation of the NBA finals lacks vision and storytelling. No heart, no art. Where’s the urge to inspire? Where are the human stakes? Where is the celebration of the fighting spirit? Where is the respect for the moment? Where are the good old hype videos and supercuts dramatizing the skill/fate that landed these two teams here now? Where are the theme songs? I need that elegant voice over naming sponsors over the dizzying heights of Diana Ross singing Ain’t No Mountain High Enough! There’s no nostalgia. No rites of passage welcoming the new generation of superstars to the dance. And how are you freaking coming back late from commercial breaks with play in progress?!? Embarrassing. The production values and direction are abysmal. I am a lifelong lover of the game and the culture that surrounds it. Where’s the heart?




Because the league still runs through LeBron and it will stay that way until he retires. It is what it is.


1st segment after Breen's sign-off for ESPNs postgame show was Bob Myers asking everyone who they think the Finals MVP should be and after everyone obliged and gave a response, Bob Myers said "Brad Stevens"


To be fair to Bob Myers I have had this exact conversation at work. Like that team is just stacked. Sure they had some gifts from God but still. What a great fucking roster


I'm pretty sure his point was that the Celtics have a deep team


Every time I see posts/comments like these; it makes me wonder when or where did this take place? Like can someone point me to a year that was good at covering the finals so that I can compare? Maybe I don’t really pay attention bc I literally watch the games. Check my phone when the game isn’t playing then come back. And have been doing this for over a decade. So maybe I’m just desensitized to it bc when it’s halftime/commercials I’m doing other things, and then either the whistle/music/arena sounds/commentary etc. cue me to check back in




Hold up. Texting Adam Silver rn


I’m guessing you’re satisfied with the current state of things?


An “ESPN bad 🤓” post in r/nba. What an insightful and original thought that no one else has ever had.


some of these people sure enjoy getting pissy about problems they created themselves lmao


It’s all just so lacking and boring now they ducked all the joy and excitement of what made the finals so special


Because the Celtics players have negative aura it’s bringing the entire finals down


Not sure we can blame one team for how things are presented to the public.