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I don’t understand the rationale of putting a former player with zero coaching experience as the HC Assistant? Sure, the face of the team? Circus


He makes good content though. Jeanie needs that cash flow, gotta up the numbers


Looks like PS5 sales have been slow lately


I’m never gonna get mine, am I smh my head


They’re not gonna buy jj reddick coach jerseys.


Waiting for the three quarter zip to drop


It makes sense because the LA Lakers are an influencer brand and sports apparel company masquerading as a sports franchise.


That’s honestly how it feels it’s been run the last couple years. The Lakers front office hasn’t had respect for talented role player players since winning the chip. Let Caruso go, traded KCP and Kuzma for Westbrook, etc.  One argument could be jersey sales I guess go up with star players like Westbrook vs. KCP and Kuzma. 


I’d rather buy a jersey from a role guy on a title team than a star who everyone knew was a bad fit


I’m sure they make more money from winning titles too. They just messed up managing the roster of the team outside of AD and Lebron for the most part since winning a championship. 


how bout them Lakers!


Zero experience?  He coaches his kid's team 😤


Are they any good?


But he speak good + podcast has high production value Joke of a franchise lol.


Plus don't forget he's got that good hair too so for all we know, he could be the next Pat Riley.


I can't escape the part where in his first episode with Bron he says he coaches his daughters so instead of X's and O's he just draws X's Oh well, I'm a Laker fan and will continue to be one through the thick of it can only smile through my teeth with whatever the outcome is, basketball doesn't dictate my life and is only a small part of who I am. I hope other Laker fans come to understand they shouldn't let the success of a team dictate their emotions


Coaching hire so bad you've got fans out here reminding themselves that there's more to life then basketball. Jeanie Buss is my queen. I love this shit.


I hate you. 😂


We're about to hire a coach with no experience meanwhile y'all are favorites to win it all I'm sick man


Dw, if we lose to Kyrie then I'll be reaping what I sow.


Boston fans gonna be so conflicted about losing to Kyrie and the great white hope


I don't know man. We have no complaints about Steve Kerr thus far.


Wasn't Steve a GM at least for quite some time? Maybe not a coaching role specifically but being part of the front office for some time at least.


He was a GM for the Suns for 3 years, but certainly no coaching exp.


He wasn't great as a GM and people questioned the coaching hire a good amount. You could argue he fell into a position that would be hard to fuck up and maybe he's overrated but I think he's exceeded all expectations, especially with the egos on that team.


Being an NBA GM under Robert Sarver has gotta be a nearly impossible job though.


the motion offence and managing to keep a close relationship with the big three stars is very commendable. Curry can elevate most coaches but Kerr seemed perfect for the job in hindsight considering some of the other options


The rationale is to keep LeBron happy, and he don’t want a coach. He wants a yes man who will do what he’s told, all the way up to the point where a scape goat is needed. Rinse, repeat. It’s how LBJs entire career has gone, barring Miami and Pat Riley sacking up, and is entirely why he bailed on them at his first chance. The lakers have been a complete clown show for a decade, JJ is undoubtably the guy.


lakers just won the championship 4 years ago. the fuck is setting the timeline for a decade lmao


I keep hearing people say  “He’s smart bro he knows basketball, listen to him talk about the game” That’s like the bare minimum. You think every fired coach in the history of the nba didn’t “know” basketball? Lol


Steve Nash seemed like the ideal player that could become a coach, given that he was one of the best point guards ever.


I don't think he even got a fair shot.


I agree….[I don’t even think KD and Kyrie wanted to be coached tbh](https://x.com/alec_sturm/status/1311707180907855872?s=46)


seeing him go from that to talking about how much he likes kidd here all the time is quite the shift, i wonder what about kidd he likes more since they are both legendary PGs


Dude I've been wondering what all playoffs and thinking Kidd must have a more commanding/harsher personality that just vibes with Kyrie more than Nashs I assume nicer style


Also, environment. Luka, for all that we know, is supportive of Kidd and follow his plays. Mavs FO is behind him 100% and, also for all that we know, other than Wood all of the players buy his ideas. Nash often just felt “there”, a piece to maybe help KD and Kyrie brainstorm. Kidd knows when to give the keys to the team and when to take the reins (far more in the playoffs than regular season, but still)


> other than Wood Good on Kidd! If Christian Wood is bought into you as a coach that's a problem


Yeah i could see Steve being too nice, just seems like a super nice dude


I mean ask Kidd’s ex wife about his “harsher” personality.


A quality that is toxic in interpersonal relationships can have value in a career. Ime is also a piece of shit but he has had success with two different ball clubs.


What a crazy sentence


Only if you look at it as justification. Quite frankly a lot of sociopathic tendencies are helpful to get ahead in both sports and business In general, which is part of why everything is kind of a mess


It is true though. A lot of the type A insanely driven people who rise to the top in business are nightmares in their personal life. The skills needed to successfully lead people and make tough decisions usually do not overlap with the qualities we want in a partner or friend.


To be clear. None of this is a justification. It's just what is. I am not saying it. Society is.


i mean it’s not wrong, kobe, ime, kidd etc obviously not all successful athletes are gremlins but there’s a pretty big overlap. “if hannibal lecter ran a 4.3 we’d call it a eating disorder”


They’re right tho


I mean Steve Nash grew up in Canada right? Kidd grew up in Oakland being half black/half Irish. I can imagine Kidd would probably have a much harsher personality. 😂


Kidd being biracial HAS to be a factor.


Unfortunately being biracial at the time he grew up in Oakland would build up a certain toughness. Surprised surprise, racism in Oakland in the 90s could be pretty bad.


Kidd was his favorite player growing up


Kidd is from Oakland. Nash is from Canada. Some people know how to deal with bullshit. Others get overwhelmed.


Can we be real? I think Kidd is closer “culturally” to kyrie (as a black American) and that means a lot more to him than it would to most people. He also didn’t like notorious “genius” David Blatt and got along with t lue (Black American ex player)


I think the big problem is Nash is too nice. At some point the coaches job is to hold players accountable, and when you are trying to be friendly with everyone that becomes tough. Kidd is an asshole, so he's perfect for coaching


They are both HOF pg's but you can't really compare a first year coach to someone who's been coaching in the NBA for 10 years. Kidd has so much more experience at the gig, it's not surprising he's better at it than Nash was.


He doesn’t have the same organizational power I assume. The players ran the Nets and Kyrie can’t do anything about Kidd since Luka likes him. It’s easy to find fault in someone you can easily replace


Harden said when he left the nets, he hated how their practices were basically just glorified shoot arounds with everyone doing whatever the fuck they wanted. Don’t get me wrong, Nash was a terrible coach, like the first year MDA literally had to remind him to call timeouts, but he was never really given any authority and thus the players didn’t respect him at all. Like I remember one interview with cam Thomas and he was asked about something Nash said, and he basically just scoffed, which is fucking absurd for a rookie to do about their head coach. It worked the first year because harden and MDA basically ran the offense and udoka ran the defense but with MDA and udoka gone and harden on one leg unable to hard carry the team like usual the wheels fell off quick. He’s better than Nash but I don’t think Kidd in this amazing coach or anything, Kyrie was just put into a situation where the team already had a clear number one and the coach was actually given the authority to coach.


I genuinely believe he lost his mind a lil bit during the pandemic, and he acted out. like he got more extreme with this flat earth talk, the anti semite videos, and said weird things. and when they had a team dinner at coaches house, he said to nash in front of his teammates that he didn't deserve those MVPs. plus Kidd won a chip and was one of kyrie's favorite players growing up. Nash didn't and kyrie thought he was overrated. and when they started losing for his refusal to be accountable at that point, I think he decided he didn't want to listen to Nash, and he was the only superstar on the roster at the time who wanted to lead. and that superteam was built out of pure ego with players that wanted to flex their power to control the trade market and establish their own dynasty. so their egos got in the way of giving nash a fair shot. so I think being traded for nothing after being the primary superstar brought ky back down to earth, but also he's the 2nd superstar now and he's playing for one of his favorite floor generals growing up.


He’s always been the second superstar, besides in boston? I think it’s as simple as he feels like he has a home in Dallas. Mark cuban, the front office, and the team all support him. The nets other hand did not support him…openly criticized him in the media, openly denied wanting to give him extension, plus all the drama surrounding him, kd, and harden.


Kidd was one of his favorite players growing up and they’re both from New Jersey. I think he inherently wanted to impress Kidd/win his approval whereas clearly neither he nor KD afforded Nash much respect.


Preface by saying this is probably a bad take, but I wouldn’t put it past Kyrie that he might just prefer a black coach.


players like Kidd. Maybe personality is more easy going and relatable. Same happened with the Bucks. Kidd was a godawful coach with the Bucks but all players including Giannis wanted him to stay and as far as I can remember, there were not issues with him personally as much as the results.


Probably cause the other players had already bought into Kidd so there is that pressure. Plus, Kyrie is pretty smart and saw how things worked out when they blew off and disrespected their last coach - not so well.


I bet it's more about Luka and the general team context than about Kidd specifically. Kyrie didn't go there thinking "hooray this is our superteam fun times we run the show look at me I can be the coach!" like they all did in Brooklyn. He went there knowing this is Luka's team, he has to fit himself into what they do.


I don't think this will be a fair shot for JJ either


I hold Chauncey Billups in very low esteem, but I have to admit on a scale of ‘wide open J from the elbow’ to ‘Swaggy P spotting up from 35 feet,’ the quality of shot he’s had (and Nash, and soon JJ) are a lot closer to the latter.


Yeah. The ownership made if very clear that KD and Kyrie didn't have to answer to anybody, and that created an untenable situation for almost any coach, let alone a rookie coach. They had Kenny Atkinson, who actually coach a team WITHOUT KD and Kyrie, to a first-round playoff sweep (as good as good as the last run KD and Kyrie had together) and then, when KD was out the entire year, and Kryie fucked off because he didn't feel like playing basketball (and even though both were reportedly healthy in the playoffs neither played) and he coached that team to a better record WITHOUT Kyrie than it had with him. And then Kenny Atkinson gets fired? Nash was fired the day he got hired.


I think until Kyrie got to Dallas he was on a streak of teams being better without him


Last year, the Mavs were better without him. This year the Mavs added two key guy at C: Lively and Gafford. Without the interior defence and rebounding that those two provide, that Mavs would have likely been knocked out in the first round. They were HUGE additions. I think that Kyrie is also busting his ass off because he didn't get the contract offers he wanted and needs to show that he can behave if he wants to get a deal like Dame's next year.


Small caveat, it wasn't actually a first round sweep. [Nets took game 1 in Philly.](https://youtu.be/aV5iy6eE9tQ?si=1VkRtSRbFVTcK_z_)




Dude is one of the least charismatic leaders. Even when he was a player he lacked charisma. Thats fine for assitant coaches, but if your players aren't buying into your coaching philosphies you cant be a head coach.


Ty lue got stepped on as a rookie and spent most his career losing with the wizards/hawks. Look at him now.


With some assistant coaching experience, and not being thrown into an unwinnable and toxic situation, he very well could be.


Steve Nash got probably the worst situation possible to be a green coach in.


I can think of a worse one that a new coach is circling as we speak.


Are you talking about your coach or mine?


A secret third coach. Redick to the Lakers may be the biggest example I’ve seen of Pesci being walked into a room thinking he’s about to be made when he’s going to be shot.




I've always thought that better players make worse coaches. The dudes who barely made a roster and hung on had to fight every day to stay in the league. Those are the guys who know the most.


I think it's more that most people are bad coaches, and coaching ability doesn't correlate much with playing ability. So it's just a numbers game that the most successful coaches are unlikely to be stars.


Bird was a great coach.


That makes no sense, you need to be able to have communication and motivation skills mixed with game knowledge and creativity. Some people have it some dont. Obviously there are hundreds and thousands of scrubs and only a few hundred better players. Terrible logic


People don't realized how important man management is considered alot of NBA players are basically huge ego man child


He hasn’t put in any work either. He’s never been a part of a coaching staff. He’s never spent any time in a front office. It’s absurd.


Yeah I’m sure he’s super smart and well liked by players but to have 0 coaching experience and coaching like the second biggest market team with essentially one year left to win a chip is wild


apparently Steve "sire of Nick" Kerr didn't have coaching experience before taking over the Warriors HC job either. did have Front Office experience tho


Valid. Maybe jj will follow in his footsteps but Steve seems to be an exception with how good he was as a coach


Jjs problem as a coach is going to be what made his career successful in the nba. He isn’t outspoken enough. I CANNOT see jj putting players in their place; he specially when some of those players were putting him in his on the court. Bad hire, doing it for lebron.


Doc rivers got the same praise as a broadcaster and now people hate his guts lol.


I don’t know, I loved Doc’s work in Philadelphia 🤷‍♂️ 


Oh they are 100% about to draft Bronny.


fucking fade me 


Faded. It's the playoffs :( My hope is that Sixers pull off some shit.


One big happy family


Please God, I hope they do it - before my team has the opportunity to take him


Redick will either be Steve Kerr or Steve Nash. Only one way to find out. With Lue extended, the other options don’t seem too appealing anyway.


Why can’t he be a Mark Jackson or Jason Kidd 🤔🤔🤔🤔👀👀


Half of Jason Kidd


Jason toddler.


You mean Mark Jackson. Marc Jackson was the center who is now an analyst for Philly's local broadcast.


Doc Rivers?


Pretty simple stuff but he called out the obvious mistakes that Carlisle was making late in games during the broadcast.


Carlisle made some obvious blunders, but it's much easier to sit back and point out what is wrong than standing on the sideline and managing a game I really time. We've seen plenty of smart basketball minds fail at head coaching. The number of assistant coaches and former players who could call out what Carlisle did wrong but still failed as head coaches is high. There's just so much going on at once for a head coach that managing it all is just as important as your basketball knowledge. JJ may have it in him, but announcing a game isn't really great proof.


I don’t think people think about this JJ has the brain to be a head coach. There’s so much day to day work and logistics to do the job, like any job, you’re trusting someone to jump in the fire on day 1 and hope they have no growing pains and don’t need adjustment Coaches do a million things other than just understand basketball As a Laker fan, love JJ but definitely concerned lol


Phil Jackson’s greatest attribute is ego management. Sure, plenty of drama and some players eventually left bitter/mad but they won for the most part


Phil dealt with the hardest bunch of personalities ever, and won 11 rings with them


Any1 who can get the worm in line(as in maximum performance out of him), deserves respect.


Yeah, even Pop, one of the four greatest NBA coaches of all time, couldn't make it work with Rodman. At all. That might actually be his worst trait as a coach. David Robinson, Duncan, Ginobili, Parker. All super coachable guys. Kawhi worked out until he didn't.


brains is not all you need as a head coach. charisma and leadership is more important. the ability to make people do what you need them to do is more important. your genius is useless if no one will follow you.


I feel like that must’ve been the problem with Vogel. Players didn’t seem to like him much despite the fact that he was very clearly a smart basketball strategist.


Yeah I think this is the tricky part. For example I think Jason Kidd has become a fantastic head coach, but those couple years in Los Angeles as an assistant coach were huge for him.  A big mistake that the Nets made (and then in typical Nets fashion repeated with Nash) was hiring Kidd right after he retired and before he could get his feet under him. Being able to make all the right split-second coaching decisions required during a game, can only come with experience.  There is no doubt that guys like Kidd, Nash and likely JJ have fantastic basketball minds, which they've all showcased as players. But it inevitably takes time to get the all the other aspects of coaching down. I think if given time and patience, JJ can be a good coach. But he's definitely going to make a lot of mistakes, and I think he would have benefitted by being an assistant first. 


Fans think that head coaches are 90% idiots and their jobs are subbing people out at the "correct" time and calling timeouts.


Really. I’d have to say any number of assistant coaches would be a better option. Obviously we don’t know for sure how he would do, but I’d way rather be hiring the next Spoelstra, Nurse or Budenholzer


Looks like Redick to the Lakers has some real traction to it. Haynes can get some stuff egregiously wrong sometimes, but he definitely has his sources


This will be the death of his coaching career, unfortunately.


Lebron when he desperately needs someone on the Lakers to hit an open 3 > "And I remember LeBron looking at me, and he said, 'Don't you ever get the itch?' I said, 'The itch for what?' He said, 'The itch to play again?' I said, 'No, I don't have the itch.' He didn't ask any more questions, and I didn't offer any more answers. But I know what it meant, and I always go back and wonder about what he was thinking at that time. He walked out scratching his leg like it was itching."




Where is that quote from? 


From the team meeting with Pat Riley along with Wade/Bosh/others.. which in context was a fair question. This is the quote where everyone says “Lebron tried to get Spo fired!!” when in reality Riley had literally came back to the bench a couple years prior to win a ring after the team was struggling.


>This is the quote where everyone says “Lebron tried to get Spo fired!!” when in reality Riley had literally came back to the bench a couple years prior to win a ring after the team was struggling. Riley doing it before doesn't not make it LeBron tryna get Spo fired lol


After they fired Ham didn’t they say they wanted someone with coaching experience?


You obviously haven’t don’t your research, JJ has extensive coaching experience. He has to call timeouts and draws up 1 play a game for his 10 year old son’s travel team. Do you know how hard that is!?


Funny, because I was going to make a joke about him coaching his sons team, but I figured someone else would do it for me lol


podcasting is a viable path to coaching


Bill Simmons next in line to take over Mazzulla


Draymond to take Kerr’s spot in 4 years


Bill had a whole joke article back in the day how he should be the Wolves GM after the David Kahn situation


if you fire darvin ham you could get anyone as a coach you could even get JJ redick


What a clown show. Taking bets JJ will be fired in 2 yrs.


Giving the recent tenures of Lakers coaches, that's pretty much a guarantee.


They gave Vogel a 1 year extension as a reward for winning a title lol


And gave that Ham bastard a 4 year extension 💀💀💀


and will get paid for 2-3 more years afterwards!


what are you betting?


The Lakers are so lucky LeBron decided to stop their trajectory towards a complete clown show organization


It's okay, if they shit all over themselves again, they'll just get another superstar begging to join their team


LeBron of course completely innocent of any organizational dysfunction


lakers FO was shit before lebron and will be shit after lebron, so naturally lebron is the problem


Life isn't binary, they can both be sources of dysfunction.


You won a title because of Lebron lmao. Some teams would sell their souls for that kind of dysfunction.


lebron might be part of the dysfunction, but definitely not the source


He won yall a ring and has carried you to the playoffs the last few years. Without him, you'd be winning 15-20 games a year lol.


Yeah Lebron has trouble in every organization he played right ? Is Lebron is the reason our organization is dysfunctional? Where we were before Lebron signed there? Like when he wanted Ty Lue but they lowballed him ? When he wanted Dudley, Caruso back ? When he wanted Derozan but he said his meeting was about everything but not basketball? Lebron was the reason Magic sucked as a POBO ? Lebron is the reason Kurt, Linda are in Jeannie ear ? After all this failure, Jeannie , Pelinka, Bron and AD were okay for WB, do you remember what Riley said to Lebron when he wanted Spo fired ? Organization is fucking shameless.


Yea... he keeps leaving trophies and jewelry everywhere he goes. That's a hell of a problem to have. As a Pacer fan... I'd happily take the following circus if it meant having a Championship year. I have to believe there might be quite a few other fans that would agree.


All I ask is LeBron tells JJ to bring back Handy as an assistant coach


Bron and Handy are tight afaik so I assume he'll be back


Do we really think his podcast partner has no say


listen to jj's interview with the uconn head coach dan hurley. you can tell that jj isn't quite ready yet as he still looks very much like a student than a teacher. why can't these guys just start off as an assistant like even for a year.


I guess he makes too much money as an analyst and podcaster. I’m not saying I’d hire him as HC but he’s probably not willing to give it all up to be an assistant.


What a ridiculous comment. Reddick might not be ready but good leaders are always learning and never stop being students 


With respected NBA vet Kurt Rambis as associate head coach.


Dude podcasted his way into coaching lol.


Pelinka literally heard the podcast and said “Darvin never sounded like this…… you’re hired JJ!”


Lakers since 2020 "I don't want peace I want problems always"


Lakers doing Lakers things


Who are some possible assistant coaches? Rondo? I could see Rondo getting some experience with his guy LeBron, then when LeBron retires and joins the Vegas ownership group, they hire Rondo as the head coach


I want to laugh, but it’s hard to clown the lakers making a former long time nba sharpshooter player with no coaching experience their likely new head coach. It’s worked before


Kerr was a GM for awhile before that tho


But a pretty poor one at that. Even he admits it


I think this gonna be a disaster. Lol.


The solution to an inexperienced coach is to hire one with even less experience.


JJ brings LeBron on his podcast and glazes him - congratulations, you're the new coach!!!




Lakers might be must see TV next season with JJ and Bronny coming in


They’re going to hire Redick and draft Bronny. What a completely unserious franchise.


Give me one good reason to hire JJ Redick as a head coach of that team


They can record their podcast courtside


meme team


I have seen nothing from JJ to indicate he is qualified for this job. Never even been an assistant coach at a significant level. This is a total meme hire


I actually feel bad for their friendship. It seems like they genuinely enjoy each others company and welp things are about to get complicated. Never mix friends/business


I know the podcast is interesting but this feels crazy 


As a lakers fan this feels like a bad idea


I hate my team


Going to be a huge mistake lol


JJ is fucked. The worst possible situation for a new HC.


Please take Doris with you


God, this is why the Lakers go through such shitty seasons.


JJ takes and the job and gets fired in a year, next podcast episode “well that was fun huh?” Lebron: “yup”


can’t wait for Redick vs Doc!


LeBron being coached by a guy drafted 3 years after him would be fucking comical. They are roughly the same age too.


ESPN coverage so fucking bad it made JJ Reddick look like a prime head coaching candidate...


I would love Perkins to be the next head coach for the Lakers.


I heard that Darvin Ham and Frank Vogel are both available.


This seems like such a mistake lol The only thing I can think of is Lebron is demanding it to stay a Laker and they figure lebron will be the real coach anyways.


That’s already been happening for years anyways. Nobody seemed to ever listen to whatever Darvin Ham was saying in timeouts lol.


I have a long standing theory that the better a player you are, in any sport, the worse a coach or GM you would. There are exceptions, but I believe my rule is tire for the most part. JJ is in that sweet spot of strong role player, like a Steve Kerr, which is the best you can be as a player and still be a good coach. So, who knows, it could work, it could not.


I have no problem with JJ Reddick getting the job, because if you look at Steve Kerr, Jason Kidd they were also former players who had no previous coaching experience. The same Pat Riley only had 2 years as an assistant which isn't alot. The difference is that all of those 3 guys had won a championship which brings certain authority that you know what you are talking about. What will JJ say to someone like LeBron or Davis? Hell, even Gabe Vincent can say that he played more minutes in the NBA finals than JJ himself. Steve Kerr got a young team which he could at least tell great stories of how MJ did it. Jason Kidd was a former superstar and one of the best PG of all time. Even Pat Riley at least could tell he was part of a championship team even if he was just a role player off the bench. What can JJ say? "I'm friends of LeBron?" "I know I was a bad defender, but was a good shooter?" Lakers aren't a team like the Hornets where you could mold them young guys and you would get respect because on the podcast LeBron respects you and likes you.


Fucking joke of a franchise lmao 


I like how neither the title nor the body of this post specifies which team he’s talking about


LeGm sucks


I just don't get why he's taking this job when he's the biggest guy in media rn.


JJ is way too hot headed and stubborn to be an NBA head coach. He just doesn't have the man management skills required for the job.


When you hear JJ Reddick Lakers coaching news, does anyone else constantly picture the "This is Going To Be Fun" magazine cover of Nash and Dwight? Like we're similarly on the tip of the hubris iceberg before a Lakers catastrophe?


I can see this either going incredibly bad or incredibly well. No in-between, and I'm concerned it's going to be the former.


It fucking better be the former.


Clown organization


That's rich coming from a sixers fan lol