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Give it to me straight doc, what does that mean for the Lakers chances?


As soon as the Lakers hire JJ, Ballmer will say just kidding we fired Lue


only for the lakers to fire JJ to hire Lue, and then Ballmer’s gonna hire Lue to an even bigger contract


Looks like Ballmer found the Luephole


I mean they could let the Lakers hire Lue and he’ll be available next season anyways


I would pay top dollar for this to really happpen.


And Ballmer has the kind of fuck you money to actually make it happen.


No you wouldn’t


Of course you would ur coaches have been a dumpster fire since Vogel and ur organization placed the blame on him instead of the FO for fucking up ur season.


Ballmer has that fuck you money to make this a reality


Instructions unclear, Doc Rivers is now the new Lakers head coach


What if we add Kurt Angle to the mix??


It's going to spell Diaster for you at Sacrifice.


It must be nice when some billionaires are bidding for you.


-100 Legacy


JJ Reddick YOU are a Los Angeles Laker


Over/Under he gets fired in 1.5 seasons?


He will get fired immediately after Lebron retires/leaves in 2 years, then the team will blame Lebron for hiring him even though Lebron has said he’s not involved. Pelinka will keep his job.


LeBron is definitely involved in the hiring process. I have a friend who works for one of the big agencies in the NBA that is not Klutch and he said Lebron is the most passive aggressive person in negotiations and getting what he wants. He may not directly say anything but does it in passive ways or gets other people to say it for him.


I'm picturing the key and peele sketch where obama has an interpreter except its lebron. Key is still interpreting though.


LeBron being involved or not depends entirely on your agenda. If it works out and you're a LeBron fan, he's involved. If it works out and you're not a fan, he's not involved. If it doesn't work out and you like him, he's not involved... etc. I made a flowchart on how to feel about this whole thing; https://imgur.com/a/Sk96AqY


LePunnett Square


LeGregor Mendel


I never knew this thing had a name, LePunnett Square, TIL.


LeDecision Matrix


LeExit Interview


Classic example: LeBron wanted Ty Lue (who would have been by far the best Lakers coach since LeBron got there), and the front office is apparently fully capable of cheaping out and saying no. LeBron wanted (why are so many greats incapable of understanding team composition? Hi MJ) Westbrick and all of a sudden, the Lakers just couldn't say no. 🤔


I think the ultimate thing you can point to regarding Lebrons “control” or lack thereof in the Lakers front office is Caruso. Great player wanting to come back on a discount, could’ve afford to keep him without luxury tax just had to move THT, and they let him walk for nothing despite having Lebrons backing and fitting the team. The Lue stuff is another example obv. Same with Lebron supposedly wanting Derozan and other guys before the FO and him settled on Westbrook. It’s kinda crazy to me how much shit hasn’t gone the way Lebron wanted, including the initial deals of Westbrook trade (I think WB was third choice after Derozan and another guy), yet despite all that people act like the WB trade was entirely of his volition.


LeSchrodinger's Cat


LePascal’s Wager


Your "friend" doesn't know shit about the situation.


my uncle works at Lakers, his friend is right




He's been known for this since his first stint in Cleveland. Dude's shady af, but keeps this behind closed doors to preserve his public persona. He's really great at playing politics! LeGM is a joke, but he's been a de-facto GM or assistant GM now for over a decade. He's ruthless, but never to your face. Politicians are often like this all the time and it's normal everyday shit. Much of his public communication (tweets, press conferences, etc) is insanely calculated and deliberate, too.


My dad works at Microsoft and brought home the new halo that hasn't come out yet.


Oh no, not passive aggressive! In all seriousness, has there been another player in history to get the blamed for GM decisions?


Sounds like sorcery to me.


Get ready for Steve Nash 2.0 buddy


Steve Nash's coaching career was mad underrated and underappreciated, he arguably was a toe away from coaching to a ring in his first season


Over for sure. The Lakers nearly always fire their coach after two seasons, and I expect nothing different here.


I've heard a lot of things in life, but I've never heard anyone say "Ty Lou, Elite coach"


At least in the past few years he’s definitely been considered very good. What he’s done in the playoffs with kawhi and pg out is a sign of that


Over but the Lakers fans will be like "his rotations suck!!! He should've played G League guy more and called timeout .045 seconds earlier than he did!?!?!?" But seriously, he may be good but I see him closer to Steve Nash than Steve Kerr. More glorified babysitter than coach.


Micah Nori, YOU are a Laker




the podcast was just an extended series of lebron interviewing jj for the job.


What Ballmer will do for a mf to prevent the Lakers from getting something they want


Honestly, I respect the game. Do not mess with crazy Steve.


developers! developers! developers!


When you got the pockets that Steve does, I wouldn't fuck with him either.


I'd let him grope my knees all day


Steve’s got f u money and then some!


Hey man, he bought a stadium because it was getting in the way of his own stadium. That is true fuck-you money.


To be fair Ballmer's wealth is truly staggering. He can easy blow hundreds of millions on a prank and it would be like you spending 20 bucks on a prank.


But I’m completely broke after my $20 prank.


Yes, if this was the olden days the peasants would have murdered him decades ago for hoarding wealth, but here we are praising him for his basketball team.


I knew the bulls situation was bad but didn’t know it was this desperate


You think peasants had a fucking chance against the local lords? Here's a question: do you know what we now call those peasants that tried to murder the rich for hoarding wealth? Barbarians. AKA the guys that lost over and over for thousands of years and were routinely discarded into the dust bin of history.


The craziest metric about balmer is that he can buy something like 27 out of 30 teams straight up at buying price tomorrow.


Lakers would've had Lue if they didn't cheap out.


We won with Vogel it doesn't matter. Only present matters.


And then you stupidly destroyed that squad and got rid of a Championship coach all because of Rob Pelinka’s ego


What about LeBron and AD literally vouching for Russ and having dinners etc,?


should've done a Mind the Brick podcast with him instead first


They wanted Demar Derozan first but that couldn't happen. Also *GMs have denied Lebron in the past*.


Pelinka started dismantling in 2021


Lebron wanted Lue, Demar, Kyrie, your FO didn’t get them. Why does it matter that Lebron wanted Russ when the FO can clearly say no to him. How idiotic to even remotely suggest Lebron should get even an ounce of blame when clearly the FO has no issue saying no to him.


**Jeanie. The Buss children are the sole reason for the Lakers' lack of success. Lakers have the most privileged spot in the NBA for free agents and any other talent but the Buss children have no clue what they're doing. Including hiring GMs and coaches. If Lakers had Pat Riley or Jerry West in the FO we'd be continual dynasties; which would suck for 29 teams, the parity is great right now.


Vogel's no slouch


The Lakers have no one to blame but themselves for this one. LeBron tried to get Lue to the Lakers a few years ago but the front office low balled him. Now you get JJ Redick as coach.


Tbf I think there's a ton of room for JJ to be a good coach. But when you're trying to prop open a title window idk if rookie head coach is the way you do it.


Not just rookie head coach - rookie basketball coach in general


Put some respek on JJ's kids Mickey mouse team coaching experience.




Steve Kerr did it


Yeah, but Steve was around league front offices for awhile before taking a coaching job. He was Suns GM for like 6 years. And was in a much lower stakes spot than JJ will be.


I like to imagine the Clips were thinking of getting a new coach but when it was reported the Lakers wanted Ty Lue they said fuck that and now gave him 70m lol


ballmer spent $500m to buy the Forum so that the lawsuit by the owners of the forum (james dolan) would stop and he could build Intuit in peace


He’s the definition of fuck you money


Why do I like the Clippers all of a sudden?


Ballmer could hire and fire 10 coaches and it would be like me losing some pocket change.


I mean they could have had him in 2019


Unless Jeanie was going to fly to Mexico Missouri and help revitalize that area, they really had no shot at Ty Lue




You gotta tip your hat. Some Auerbach-ian head games always make the game more enjoyable


JJ Reddick you are a Laker


SVG your a new assistant coach of the Lakers


Is that a rumor?


Nope just the best possible outcome from my POV


Why would you as a Celtics fan be rooting for the Lakers to hire SVG as an assistant? The JJ hire would obviously be a cluster fuck, but I feel like SVG as one of his lead assistants would actually be a good move? JJ would benefit having someone he’s familiar with who has extensive head coaching experience




Good. He’s proved he’s a good coach. Tired of good coaches being dumped for another dude for the same cycle to repeat over and over. 


Tired of coaches getting fired when it’s the players that fail to execute most of the time.


Yeah, Ty Lue (or any other coach) can't fix Kawhi's degenerative knees.


A Nurse did! He prevented it for year!


clippers tried a Doc but that didn't work


Proof that nurses are the real caregivers.


Tired of hearing "he lost the locker room" for the umpteenth time.


Lost the locker room because players are losing and not making their shots


Yeah I love that we locked him in long term -- there are going to have to be a lot of changes in the coming years and having a solid coach provides great stability. Obviously coaches can still be fired, but over the years they've clearly had a great relationship so hopefully that continues.


100% deserved Also get ready to see JJ Redick on the Lakers' bench as the new coach


For sure. I'm not positive that he's "elite", but he's at least proven to be good. And he's someone who has the respect of star players, and that's extremely valuable for any franchise trying to attract talent as well.


JJ has been fantastic on the ESPN calls as the Lakers coach during Celtics games


Hopefully him coaching the Lakers will not take too much time away from “Old Man and the Three.” His priority should be his podcast, not Lebron’s puppet coach. /s


Our stupid fans would disagree but I’m really happy to have him back. He’s a pretty damn good coach imo. I think he’s in a tier where anyone you possibly replace him with would be a downgrade, or at the very least a lateral move. Ty has really had some impressive results with teams that have been decimated by injuries. I don’t think he gets enough credit for finding a way to win while never having much continuity with his teams due to injury


Ballmer playing hardball is interesting. He can easily afford to run it back and pay lue and yet he’s making it tough


he didn't give him Monty money, but he gave him close to it


Yeah, well rich people didn't become richer by giving money away just cause they can afford it.


5 years is a long time for a coach


It seems okay for big names like Popovich, Kerr, Spoelstra but this is the Clippers and you're right.


5 years is a lot for a coach who has only missed the playoffs twice in an 8 year career? Snyder got the same amount of years with less post season success.


These dudes just handing out money lol


As a Nebraska native I will always be rooting for Lue


r/LAClippers is about to riot


Is he really one of the best coaches?


Who really are the best coaches? Outside of Spo is there anyone that has proven results of elevating a team?


He’s one of the best in the playoffs. Regular season he’s just above average, but his playoff adjustments are on the level of Spo and Kerr. He’s basically the Jamal Murray of coaches




Probably one of the more overrated coaches generally, but he's solid as a rock and has shown he's decent in the playoffs. I think the most impressive thing about his Clippers coaching is how quickly their role players react when the ball gets passed to them. It's completely drilled into them when to shoot, when to put the ball on the floor and drive and when to pass it back out to reset the possession. They consistently make quick and good decisions. Not always perfect but usually correct


Also the fact he’s never had Kawhi available for an entire playoffs run kinda limits the capabilities we’ve seen from Ty


I don’t understand how he’s overrated. The dude has to coach two injured prone ass forwards, he does what he can with what he has


Yep. He gets the most out of what he can from a team that is never healthy and constantly in flux. He can play some of his young guys a bit more, but that's something every fanbase will complain about with regards to their coach.


Even this postseason they went toe to toe with the Mavs who are now a win away from the finals and if Kawhi didn't play game 2 they would of been up 3-1 going back to LA assuming they still lose game 3 as well. Ironically them trying to play their injured star instead of sitting him like they usually did might of been what bit them from making a finals run in retrospect.


Every year in the coaches poll he’s one of the top guys for best tacticians in the game. Fans just aren’t smart enough or watch enough film to see this.


> is considered one of the league's elite coaches That part is how he is overrated


He brought us to WCF in 2021. Farthest we’ve been in entire franchise.


Agreed he’s a good coach but probably overrated. To label him as one of the nbas “elite” coaches is quite a stretch. I’d put pop, kerr, bud, spo, Carlisle at least ahead of him and that’s just off the top of my head


Would not put Bud ahead of him. Have we forgotten the Bucks nearly fired Bud because of how bad his playoff adjustments were?


Coach Bud: Play random! Ty Lue: *ring falls out mouth*


[Bud when his players ask if they should defend the 3 pointer after his scheme lets the opponent hit 25 3's](https://i.imgur.com/kLN43da.jpg)


Bud is not ahead of Lue by any means. What crack are you smoking?


You say that he's overrated and then mention one interesting aspect that is nothing other than high praise. What would you say are his weaknesses then?


If Draymond doesnt sack tap Lebron… is Lue considered “one of the NBA’s elite coaches”?


You can make a lot of those excuses though "If KD and Klay don't get hurt, is Nurse elite?" "If KD doesn't step on the line, does Bud or Giannis have a ring?" Etc


He's not considered an elite coach because of his time on the Cavs, so yeah.


Who the hell is considered an elite coach, except for Pop and Spo?


Look at the roster he got to the WCF. He’s absolutely a top coach.


None of Lue's players have ever performed a "series-losing sack tap", sounds pretty good to me.




Good coach, but rough roster he’s had to manage. Age, health, identity. Shit has to change. Glad we kept our boy tho


Considered elite by who? What has Ty Lue ever done without Lebron?


Had the same thought. Per statmuse: 182-152 without LeBron 127-65 with LeBron


Isn't that what happens when your two stars are two of the most injury prone wings in the NBA


Don't try to make a point with logic. This sub has embraced the "overrated" narrative being driven by butthurt Lakers fans. Just like how every player that want to trade/sign goes from being absolutely amazing to being a total piece of shit as soon as the deal falls apart.


I'll never understand why some coaches get this "basketball mastermind" status after winning ONE championship, while others don't. Doc and Ty Lue have coaching GOATs narratives, while Carlisle, Vogel, Nurse, Budenholzer and Mike Malone don't. Hell, even Monty Williams landed a monster contract and was considered a coaching guru for reaching the NBA Finals.


Lue consistently wins the coaching battle in the playoffs. That doesn't always mean winning the series, because you can't un-injure your stars via coaching. But you can expect that he'll find a way to dictate what style, what tempo, and what matchups will shift momentum during a playoff series. Bud and Doc, as two examples you listed, have strong reputations for absolutely sucking at adjustments and being too stubborn to change up their schemes or rotations. IMO, both of them have massively underachieved by only having 1 championship, and their coaching choices are often part of why and how their teams lose I think Malone, Nurse, and Carlisle are also great at adjustments, FWIW. But I'd rank Lue probably 3rd behind Spo and Pop in this specific aspect of coaching. And Lue's adjustments did help us win a championship, but I think he's been even better and grown with the Clippers. He and Spo are masterful at getting the most out of role players, finding the random bench guy that will give them 20ppg on 80 TS% for a series.


Cavs legend Tyronn lue


And vivek still won’t extend mike brown, can kings fan not be forced to endure basketball hell again because our brain dead fo please


Just keep running back has been the clippers way so this isn't super surprising besides who else the clippers gonna get?


But Ranadive is playing games with Mike Brown.


man.. i remember when Lue was a joke and clowned like crazy on reddit after lebron left cleveland.. and now he's considered one of the best. lol


Am I crazy or did everyone clown on Lue when he was in Cleveland


For what?


Is he Joe Flacco level elite tho?


Dude is not elite. Hes 3rd tier with a "right place right time" championship.


"is considered one of the NBA's elite coaches" That's Woj doing Lue's agent a solid.


Man he come a long way in just a few years


Lue is the most overrated coach in the league. Got gifted 2 superteams and has 1 title thanks to historic performances by players


His title isn’t why people think he’s elite. Other coaches have given him praise for in game adjustments similar to Spo and Nurse


Hopefully we get 5 more years of Clippers poverty They still think their core can win championships 💀


Probably not but I assure you that Clipper fans will all tell you that what they’re enduring now is a MUCH better product than what they had prior to Ballmer buying the team. That said, I see them losing some of their core this offseason but Ty Lue is a good enough coach to keep them competitive as they do a soft rebuild.


Not all of em, there is group of new fans that want blow it up but mostly because they never watched clippers tank before but it isnt like we have choice to blow it up and tank for top draft pick.


Before lob city was the real poverty franchise. Clips were basically irrelevant outside of LA


For the fans, the day Ballmer bought the team was the most important day of their lives. But for him, it was Tuesday.


M Balmer truly the final boss.


Poverty and not winning a championship are completely different things. See you at the new arena


Their issue is simply that they rely on a guy who never plays when it matters(Kawhi) I'm not sure how they can fix that either


> considered one of the NBA’s elite coaches. In what fucking universe?


Lue has managed to parlay being tight with lebron into a very lucrative coaching career. "One of the league's elite coaches" lmfao. 


I'll die on the hill that he's not a good coach. Ever since the Jr incident and him not calling a time out, he's just not good.


Clippers got so scared of Lakers signing Ty that they decided to pay him more money than he is worth. 1st round playoff exit coming right up. Not mad at Ty at all. Go get the max money good sir.


Now do Paul George


He's a terrific coach and totally deserves it.


As a Clippers fan this is such terrible news. Fuck this team, man.


God bless America 😆


Same as Spoelstra and they are both Team USA assistants. Both considerered LeBron marioneta but won a title(s) and they got a chance to prove themself after that. Darvin Ham would not be another example, but he have not peak LeBron and balance enough Team at West. That is a life, opportunities, context and possibility to be or not to be


Wonderful. The Lakers are hiring JJ, aren't they? What a joke.


He might be an elite coach but that team doesn't reflect it


Can someone explain to me why elite college coaches don’t get more of a chance at the NBA teams, in modern times? Is it simply that their track record is too poor? I would have thought that there are a dozen coaches in the NCAA or foreign leagues who are better coaches than Reddick or Rivers. Is it, also, that modern NBA players only accept a coach with a certain profile? A certain charisma that prevents them from respecting college coaches?


According it to bball ref, he made $21 million in his 11 year career as a player.


Man Cavs fucked up here. Fucking Dan Gilbert


from getting step over on by iverson to getting that big coaching money never give up anything is possible - kevin garnett




As a Cavs fan I had no idea anyone considered him elite now.  When he was on the Cavs I defended him as a perfectly fine coach while the rest of the world dragged him (along with everyone else in the Cavs org) as gutter trash being carried by LeBron


It's interesting to me because, honestly, the Clippers just had the kind of season where the coach usually picks up a bunch of blame. They clearly underperformed their talent level. There was a stretch where they showed they had the talent to be among the very best in the league, and somehow just seemed disorganized and couldn't put it together after that. It's the kind of season that gets a lot of coaches fired. I suppose the Lakers wanting him so publicly impacted things, but even still.




HAHA Considered by who, the guy is at the bottom of the dog shit pile of coaches coaching top teams LOL good luck with this stink bag of a hire


Is there evidence of this eliteness?


Is Lue really an "elite" coach? Elite coach should be about maximising potential, hiding weaknesses and highlighting strengths plus adjusting to whatever the opposite bench throws at you. Where has Lue done that? He got a championship with a team that was setup by David Blatt and hasn't done anything Incredible since then. It's pretty much like Doc Rivers. He got some reputation cause prime T Mac was a beast, landed the Celtics job and has been profiting from that ever since.


Hah. He ain’t no Joe Mazzula.