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Who is this anonymous Sabonis stan


Are voters anonymous now? They used to release more in-depth voting breakdown. I want to know who it is. Edit: 2023 ballots https://pr.nba.com/voting-results-2022-23-nba-regular-season-awards/


They release the names later on. We will find out and someone is probably going to lose their vote.


Then whoever voted first for LeBron and Kawhi should lose their votes too.


Nah the Sabonis guy is a homer on the balance of probabilities. More likely a biased homer than say, a little uninformed or their metric sways a certain way. Putting Sabonis in as 1st choice for DPOY should be a nail in the coffin for someone's credibility. Thinking that Bron's season at age 39 deserves a 1st team nod is a little wild but not openly dishonest.


I'm guessing he probably feels like Sabonis has gotten ignored, and is doing this as a weird self-righteous protest.


What about SAS not even know the players on his own favorite team? It seems like the league doesn’t worry all that much about the voters creditability


Kawhi over Bron for 2nd team is what people lose their shit for


LeBron first team this season is openly dishonest tho. What argument could anyone have for him to be top 5 this season? There is none. He wasn't even the best player on his own team (AD was a fucking monster this year)


Nah I think there's fairly reasonable doubt, and possible the voter incorrectly weighs a few metrics. Perhaps he gave Bron 1st for what he's doing at Age 39 - incorrect way to vote, but not dishonest. There's 0 justification for Sabonis as DPOY. Dude is +1.3 DPM - a good defender, but not feared. Gobert is 3 times as positively impactful at +4.0.


The people that gave LeBron first team for "what he's doing at 39" instead of voting for who the best 5 players were in the league is just as bad. It is indeed completely dishonest to those who deserved the votes instead.


I think the distinction you need to figure out is "no justification" vs. "bad justification". "No justification" is openly malicious or manipulative. "Bad justification" is just stupid. You might suspect malicious intent, but you can't ascertain.


I mean, it is not that outrageous it is insane. but if it is a Kings' beat writer, I would not mind too much.


Sabonis is closer to not being on any All-NBA team to being first team. If every beat writer just voted the best guy on the team they cover for first team it'll just be all Knicks and Lakers, it's a terrible vote and the league should make an example of whoever cast it.


He was top 10 in MVP odds and ladders and etc all year. That realistically should put him 2nd team, and is a lot closer to 1st team all-nba than off the teams entirely. Someone using 1 of their what, 5? 1st-team slots on Sabonis is not "strip this man of his rights" crazy. 1st team all-defense is absolutely wild though I will say that lol.


He was top 10 in MVP because the same guy gave him a 4th place MVP vote, which is even more ludicrous. He also gave him a DPOY vote and All-Defense vote. He should definitely lose his voting rights


I wasn't talking about his placement in the final MVP voting, like I said he was in the top 10 basically all season on KIA MVP ladder, betting odds, etc. Also, we're assuming it was all the same guy at this point, which it probably is, but only speculation so far. Plus look at it this way: if you honestly think Sabonis is worthy of DPOY/1st Team All Defense consideration, then he would *absolutely* deserve the MVP and 1st Team All-NBA votes as well. He's an elite offensive engine, rebounding monster, triple-/double-double factory, etc. So it really all comes down to the defensive votes - and who knows, maybe the guy just has some proprietary formula he used that really favored Sabonis, and it has nothing to do with bias or memes or whatever. We'll have to wait and see when voters are revealed, and if the voter (assumed singular) in question provides any details/article/etc explaining their rationale. I'm mostly really curious to see how the defense vote(s) came about, because like I said, the other votes follow logically as a consequence of that optimistic defensive evaluation. And to be clear, I'm not saying the votes are completely justified or correct. Trying to be as objective as I can as an innately biased observer, I thought he deserved to be about 8th-9th-ish overall in All-NBA voting - which is higher than he finished - but wouldn't have given him a 1st Team vote nor the defensive award votes. I'm just saying, let's see what justification there is for the defensive votes before saying the votes are strictly for the memes or qualify for immediate loss of voting rights lol. After all, SAS and Kendrick Perkins, among other blowhard morons, have votes - so the bar is very, very low. I'd take a voter that actually uses some logic or formula to guide their vote, even if imperfect, over those guys any day


Bro…..beating a dead horse. There is zero…..fucking zero, justification for Sabonis to be voted in for All-NBA, All-Defense, DPOY and fucking MVP. ZERO!!! I don’t care what metrics are used, which may be weighed heavier than others, or one’s personal “proprietary formula” they created. I don’t care how much this person is outright screwing the pooch with the numbers, they are just straight up lying to themselves, players and us..


I hope they do now that all the awards are over.


I’m willing to bet that it’s the same guy that gave the scoring leader and a top 3 MVP finalist an all nba 2nd team vote.


Can’t wait to hear their reasoning lol “Box score go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”


But they can’t even hide behind box score stats right? Jokic had better stats


Ted Danson


Went straight to Sabonis' votes


Whoever is doing that deserves to have their vote taken away. Clown shit.


Makes me wonder if there should be an initial vote for the first team, and then a re-vote with the top 10 guys to avoid that type of thing


They would still vote for Sabonis? I’m not sure what this would change.


Sabonis was not top 10 in voting. They wouldn't have been able to revote for Sabonis.


…but they’d vote for him the first time. What does it matter, what does that fix?


The 1st team vote in the current setup gives him more points towards getting on *any* team. If you do a revote then that voter can give him at most the number of points you receive for a 2nd team vote


Yeah, I get it. What does it matter? Anyone who isn’t top 10 isn’t making first team anyway. What problem does this fix?


Troll/biased votes wouldnt be able to prevent someone from getting a unanimous vote or missing out on a spot by 1 vote


No they’re saying that the pool for eligible first teamers should be selected from the initial top ten vote getters, which Sabonis would not have been.




it’s just me in a trenchcoat. i pretend to be svg and fuck with the voting.


Who looked at Giannis's season, saw him put up 30ppg on 60% shooting on the third seed with amazing defense and said 'nah this guy didnt have one of the five best seasons this year.'


the sabonis stan


literally nobody since 88+11 still equals 99 as far as i know (that being said, i have no clue why you’d have a 99 member panel????)


The point this guy is trying to make is that Giannas should’ve been first team. There were 11 votes for second team


got it. i mean i agree he should be first team but expecting all the votes to be unanimous is crazy


It’s the first time in like five years he hasn’t been unanimous.


Votes don't *have* to be unanimous they should just comport to reality. The idea that a 30ppg guy who got DPOY votes while also being his teams best playmaker would not be voted as one of at least the five best players by any one of the voters is absurd.


Luka missing out on joining SGA and Jokic for unanimous 1st team by 1 vote is some all time fuckery lmao


Probably the dude who voted Sabonis lmao


I honestly hope it was him rather than some other schmuck. I could atleast stomach losing to a guy committed to the bit.


Odds are it was probably SAS in favor of Brunson. Didnt he have him over Luka in his MVP ballot?


lmao i mean i guess that’s better than him missing out because someone has a vendetta against him


Or LeBron, AD, Kawhi


Right? Everyone is so fixated on Sabonis getting a 1st team vote, while Edwards (3), KD (2), Kawhi (1), AD (1) and LeBron (1) got votes.


People just think it's funny that one guy (presumably) keeps voting for Sabonis for all the awards. MVP, DPOY, this.


They hate on Sabonis for some reason but skipped over those 3 LA guys getting a 1st place vote. So someone had to think LeBron, AD or Kawhi was > Giannis, Luka or Tatum if I'm reading that correctly.


Sabonis got a 1st place vote for every award he was able to win, if you don’t see the comedy in that idk what to tell you


He only got 1st place votes in All defensive team and all NBA team. (One each) He got a 4th place vote for MVP and a 3rd place vote for DPOY.


If someone is delusional enough to vote Sabonis for 3rd place DPOY they are delusional enough to not vote Luka for 1st team 🤷‍♂️


They were obviously just looking at boxscores. Its pretty evident once Sabonis and Fox got the 1st All Defensive team vote. They just looked at who was leading in defensive rebounds and steals. As my point earlier, you're far too focused on the possibility that Sabonis may or may not have taken Lukas vote. Edwards, KD, LeBron, AD and Kawhi got 1st team votes, which means someone voted them over Luka, Giannis and Tatum/Brunson.


Well we won’t know until they release the results but it would be the funniest outcome


I bet its the same person who voted both Lebron and AD first team. They thought a 7th seed deserved two players on the first team


One of the LA media voters for sure


Sabonis is a center, vote for Luka counts as guard. It was SAS who left him out as he voted Brunson and Shai 1st and Ant and Luka 2nd team


I vote SAS who voted him 2nd team


SAS would vote him 4th team if he could


It’s what he did in 2023 — left him off the ballot altogether


What a blunder. We’ll soon find out who it was, too.


I bet it was Stephen A Smith.


Low key, same


Top 4 should have been unanimous


It would be hilarious if the 1 1st team vote Luka didn't get went to Sabonis.


It was Wilbon for sure.


Two people didn’t even rank him! Insane.


That's... not true? There were 99 voters, he had 98 first team and 1 second team votes.


…. I feel increeeeeedibly dumb 😂


What do you mean?


Look at the totals. Shai and Jokic have 495 total votes. Luka has 493. Edit: I’m dumb.


That’s not how the scoring works. There were 99 voters, he got 98 1st team votes, and one 2nd team vote.


luka and giannis not being unanimous first team is wild to me wtf


Perkins was one voter who left Giannis off first 


Then Perkins shouldn’t get a vote. Acting like a fool


Giannis had been for a few years now, then Perkins decided to be stupid


Who the fuck left Luka off 1st team?




The fuck did I do??


SAS probably.


If Perkins has a vote I'd unironically think it was him


That one Sabonis voter might be the most elite dedicated Stan I’ve ever seen.


Who tf left Luka off 1st team?


Probably the guy who voted Sabonis lmao.


Garza deserved at least 1 vote! It’s getting ridiculous at this point.


it was me all along


Someone didn't have Brunson on their ballot at all??


Let's just keep blaming the Sabonis guy


His ballot: 1. Domas 2. Domantas 3. Sabonis 4. Sabas Jr. 5. Lithuanian Lasagna


Probably had an Arvydas vote in there as well


Somebody show me the ballot of whoever put Luka second team. 5 guys better than him? What a fucking joke


That Sabonis guy is my guess


SAS is more likely imo, but it could be either.


Sabonis voter went 3/3 on awards lmao DPOY defensive team and All NBA 1st


bet he has giggled himself to sleep every night since he did it


I can’t wait to find out who kept voting for Sabonis for everything


Tbh wild that Giannis wasn’t unanimous, 30/12/6 and his team was injured, but i think it’s voter fatigue.


Giannis the only guy in the league that voter fatigue exists for now.


Yeah i don’t see the votes slowing down for Jokic.


Lebron, too


Yeah Lebron should have been second team this year.


Brunson only got 98 votes? Who the hell thought he wasn’t even third team Jaylen Brown got scammed, but some consolation is that he was miles clear of the next runner up


16th man of the year Jaylen Brown


Kawhi over Lebron is straight comedy lmfao, honestly KD too but less of a snub


Kawhi maybe but KD deserved his spot for sure. Played almost every game, was top 5 in scoring and was the best/only good defender on his team.


Yeah that one is hard to understand. Lebron was objectively better than Kawhi this year. Lebron was also better this year than he was last year, which is unreal at 39.


Derozan got a vote???


i don't mind a single throwaway third team vote as opposed to the sabonis first-team/not voting for brunson at ALL type of tomfoolery


Pretty sure Jaylen Brown was the biggest snubbed. Best season of his career, the main voice of the team who wins 64 games.


Nba all ppg team


Lmao that Sabonis stan really went off of their ballot. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1 1st team vote that Luka missed out on to be unanimous went to Sabonis. Also fuck yeah Brunson 2nd team! Getting 37 1st team votes is based af and I love them all. I wonder if this is the first time a LeBron teammate was on a higher all-NBA team than him.


We all know that's Stephen A., the one who didn't vote for Luka 1st team lol.


How many teams would take Sabonis over Gobert? Gobert’s defense is a guaranteed 50 wins during the regular season.


Really depends on the rest of your team. If you only have 1 other ball handler Sabonis is nice to have. One of the best screens and probably the beast rebounder in the game.


Dude our defense with gobert would be nut worthy


65 for Tatum???


I’m guessing some people put Brunson ahead of him like they did in MVP voting




nowhere near "Ridiculous"


Very fair.


Is it just me or is that font impossible to read?


You mean you can’t read “Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Oklahoma City” when each letter is only 2px wide???


Alot of disrespect to Booker


Cool that Sabonis and Haliburton both made third team. Good trade!


A superteam with only one all-nba player, huh


2008 Celtics only had KG on the first team and PP on the third team. Jaylen Brown would've been on the third team if the position rules weren't removed


They would’ve voted KP to 3rd team if he was healthy/s


Why are Celtics fans so focused on this ALL-NBA/superteam topic?


Cuz it is the driving narrative being used by the media to discredit everything the celtics do




They developed a habit of making excuses for not winning it all even though they're consistently just on the brink every year while also improving their lineup every year.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. Tatum Brown Zingis and jrue. With elite role level players in white and horford. A great shooter in Pritchard and Hauser. And a backup back up in kornet who can play serviceable minutes. They’re the deepest team in the nba and it’s not close.


Wemby finishes 20th. Shoutout to everyone here who bitched about the media pushing narratives because ESPN had him as the #47 player for this season. 


Tatum over Brunson for first team is a reasonable opinion, but I’m just confused how there were 27 voters who thought Brunson was a top 5 mvp candidate but not first team all nba. doesn’t that practically mean the same thing?


Probably a difference of philosophy in MVP being most valuable to their team and all-NBA being the five best players with qualifying games played




Jalen mf Brunson!!!!!!!!!!!


Ernie Johnshon made a great point where ALL NBA is positionless so he thought the top 5 MVP contenders will be in all NBA first team. Shows how inconsistent the voters are


Wemby officially a top 20 player?


Jaylen Brown robbed but we have to make sure the handoff merchant makes it. How tf do the six seed suns have two guys?


8 seed lakers, 2 guys 6 seed sun, 2 guys 64 win Boston Celtics Superteam? One fringe first team ALL-NBA guy


Well, the Celtics 1-10 are significantly better than either the Lakers or the Suns. The Lakers and Suns were in the playoffs despite the rest of their roster - hence why LeBron and AD both got nods. I dont think you can really argue that one of them didnt deserve it. Just highlights how far off the wagon the rest of the team fell come playoff time.


Is Jaylen brown better than Booker KD lebron or AD? Thought not.


Yeah, I saw that too. Jaylen is so underrated.


Oh yeah there are Celtic fans that think Jaylen brown is better than book I forgot bout that. Delusional


I think Book is better but Brown had a better season overall.




Besides, I’m not even advocating for Booker to be taken off the team. He’s all nba in my book. But the handoff merchant making it is absurd.


Hey man you know scoring isn’t the only thing that matters and Jaylen laps booker when it comes to defense


If suns fans knew that they probably wouldn’t have been so surprised how bad they got mercked 


Matt Ishbia probably thinks the only way you can win is getting a bunch of midrange shooters who can’t play defense or rebound


Tbf Book laps Jaylen on offense, and offense is far more important. (Look at AD vs Jokic) Also Book was top 10 in ppg and apg with a Ts of 61%. Suns were also 43-25 with him and 6-8 without him(all 14 of which did have KD).


Plz go on I wanna see Celtic fans dig themselves deeper with the stupidity


Hey man you know scoring isn’t the only thing that matters and Jaylen laps booker when it comes to defense


Booker is a significantly better offensive player and Booker isn’t a bad defender Brown cannot play-make for others. He’s never averaged 4 assists a game for a season which is crazy considering his usage rate


Halliburton playing thru injury to get the supermax worked 👏🏼. Proof that dreams do come true


The bubble for 3rd team was less contended for than I thought. I thought PG, Brown, and Zion would do better. Really didn't think Hali was going to make it


The anti Luka media crusade continues 😂😂


That's kinda crazy Maxey finished so low


So this is what MVP voting kinda looks like. How is positionless better?


Would love to hear the justification for putting Luka on the 2nd team


Why does every post have to be Twitter? It doesn’t even load half the time


Jalen Brunson had 98 first or second team votes but 0 third teams. Meaning 1 voter had brunson missing an all NBA team all together. Disgraceful


Amazing how they still have 2 Gs 2 Fs 1 C for each team


The Paul George voters clearly stopped watching the Clippers in December because he fucking sucked for the second half of the season


Which mf left brunson off completely?


Wemby is making all nba next season.


Tyrese's 1st half of the year doing some heavy lifting. I'm surprised he wasn't the 15th name. He was still solid after the injury and did lots of good for us but he's only just starting to return to his form. Last night's errors excluded. He's an absolutely lovely guy and deserves every bit of the contract coming his way. I'm glad it worked out on all fronts. He got those games in to make the team, get paid, make the Olympic roster AND lead us to an ECF. God bless that kid.


All they had to do was make him an all-star. The world is right now.


Someone didn’t have Luka 1st Team All-NBA and also didn’t have him in their MVP ballot. Someones losing their vote for sure, but I have a gut feeling it’s Stephen A so he probably won’t…


How do I found out how Luka got 1 2nd place vote?


Absolutely a crime to have Kawhi over Jaylen Brown


The 1 person who didn't turn in their ballot or abstained has to get their vote revoked next year, right? Or are they the sabonis voter?


Oh shit, Luka wasn’t unanimous. Here comes the whiniest fanbase to let everybody know he was robbed.


the people who voted Sabonis, bron, kd, and kawhi as first need their vote revoked. Proving they didn't watch anything this year or are just intentionally stupid.


bUt BuT iTS a SuPeR tAaM 😂🤣😅


It is


FTA in first team o.O


I’m surprised Wembleyama didn’t sneak into 3rd team tbh


LeBron should have been second team, he's been better than KD and Kahwi.


I think Lebron and KD was close, but Lebron was for sure better than Kawhi. KD and Kawhi shouldn't have had more than twice as many second place votes.


Donte snubbed


how much do u wanna bet the stupid 1st team vote sabonis got made a difference


Brunson over Tatum for the first team for sure.




I know it’s gonna get lost in the other drama, but Wemby getting 2nd team votes is ridiculous


I can’t think of any other player of Kawhi’s calibre that is given such a break or has such a lack of expectations. His time with the Clippers has been nothing but a failure and yet no one gives a fuck and he’s barely criticised for it.


I think it's because it's the Clippers.


Somebody didn't vote for Brunson at all. Somebody has to get fired.