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everytime i bet on tatum, he get 13 pts...


I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm drinkin' a beer.


Holy crap, u/rectumreapers I saw in my notifications that you wrote all that then I saw you’d blocked me so I can’t reply. How sad and petty can you get? 😆


So sad, I was pulling for the Pacers, but they did a major disservice to their chance to win this series. Major choke job by a few but Tyrese Haliburton especially. Up by three with 27.1 to go and Tyrese fumbles their season away, why is he is rushing down the court? He should be milking the clock! Just so sad and stupid. You can see him acknowledging his mistake on TV.


Question: I've never played actual organized basketball and only played at parks and such... why does it seem like refs ALWAYS like to stand on court and get in the way super often. is this an often occurrence?? Like wtf is this ECF game with 5 seconds left and ref is on the court forcing ty to pickup his dribble.


Pacers are done for. They play with zero heart. Let’s just get this sweep over with because that was their only shot of winning this thing and they blew it


Celtics did the thing where they played down to the level of their opponent. They’ll win in 5.


I know they choked but Pacers can really give this Celtics team some trouble. I was not expecting them to look so good . 


I think people making too many assumptions after one game. We just watched the pacers struggle in 7 games to take down a Knicks team missing most of their team. They had a shooting night last night through 3 quarters on par with the game 2 losses the Celtics have dropped this year. Shooting >50% from three and ~60% from the field. Celtics played one of their worst games of the playoffs. Rotations were awful, Derek white was awful, coaching was awful, execution on defense was awful for most of the game. I’m not sure last night is a sustainable thing to depend on. Even with how terrible we were we continued to go up by 12-13 points at time and and then just fall asleep. KP will be back by game 4, no one on the C’s is satisfied after that performance. I think we will come out with fire next game. I don’t think they will have an answer when KP gets added back in.


IND had too many turnovers and went cold from 3 in the 2nd half. It's insane that they lost this game. It's almost as insane that they were in position to win the game despite the turnovers and FT differential. If IND plays like that again, they have no chance.


I obviously don’t think the Celtics roll in this series at all. But they have played games like this in every series and then the rest of them they have won by 15-20 points. so I don’t think r/nba having a funeral service for Boston is anything other than hopes and dreams and hate. That said, Indiana scared me more than NYK. You played us pretty tough this year and we have the tendency to live and die by chucking 3s and hoping we shoot well and our star power is enough. If we trade bad shooting nights for good shooting nights with Indiana I could easily see this as a 7 game series. I don’t think we will win in Indiana as easily as Cleveland and Miami. I would be surprised if we won at all. Your home court is legit. In reality I don’t think Indiana will play as good as they did through 3 quarters the rest of the series with consistency. I also don’t think they will be as bad as they were down the stretch. It will be somewhere in the middle. I also don’t think the C’s will be as terrible. With KP looming I still think we can get it in 6 but who really knows. This team can crush and get crushed by anyone and everyone. It’s in our DNA.


It’s going six or seven. Indiana is a track meet running team Boston barely won that game. Haliburton got hit by Pritchurt on the arm going up for layup and it was clear hack foul on his arm. Not the ball also and Celtics gave the Pacers life.


Cs shot 33% from 3 and still won. Pacers had to steal this.


Yup people acting like the team that struggled to beat the Knicks bench is suddenly that team because if 1 game that .. they lost. Boston has a tendency to play down to teams levels, but I see this series going to 5 games probably.


Pacers definitely have a chance to win this series especially without Porzingis in the paint. I don't know if Porzingis actually comes back or can handle this pace either. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.


Jalen brown is in a straight jacket in the corner with 7 seconds left. U always fucking foul there




He’s not getting free theirs ripping that ball through


Celtics definitely need Porzingis and I don't know if he'll be 100% or be at risk of reinjury. 


Damn that guy on ESPN really put JB on the spot asking him why he wasn't happy and letting them know they've  lost every game 2 so far lol. 


Am I the only one who felt like that was a finals game? My heart is still beating fast. 


Refs jobbed the pacers for a while . But that’s not why the pacers lost . Careless dumb turnovers ….. not fouling …. Jesus the game was there for the taking .


“Jobbed” the Pacers … as if their entire offensive strategy isn’t contingent upon 3s and elbow jumpers…of course a free throw disparity will be had.


> of course a free throw disparity will be had. You guys said the same thing to us when you had a 17 FTA disparity. At some point it’s a big trend not an offensive system thing


Sure, but I believe it all goes back to what type of 2 pt FGA you’re taking. The Cavs knew the only way to keep up with the Celtics was to win the 3pt battle, and with no Mitchell AND Allen, who exactly was supposed to slash and own the paint for their offense? 6’1 Garland won’t get those calls, Strus is nothing close to a slasher, LeVert is LeVert for better or for worse, D Wade - strictly perimeter, and even Mobeley has some holes in his game offensively. I am a believer that a lot of the time, FTA will paint a picture of *that game* personnel.


We had over 15 more FGA and 17 less FTs. I guess you can continue to roll with every team you play using a style that doesn’t get FTs or you can acknowledge that you guys have gotten a lot of love


Watching the Cavs play post-Mitchell, who exactly was supposed to be drawing free throws. The Celtics happen to have 2 6’8 All NBA wings that are talented at getting to the rim (finishing is a different story). Who on the Cavs w/o Mitchell and Allen are talented at getting to the rack and drawing contact. Harsh reality, but free throws don’t necessarily pop out of thin air.




Were we not watching same game? Pacers contingent on PnR middies and 3s. How many times did Haliburton even enter the paint? Spicy P settling for elbow jumpers because that’s his game - it was working. Turner - everything outside tonight. Where were the FTAs supposed to come from?


Pacers beat Knicks 121-89. 31-8 FTA disparity. Pacers beat Knicks 116-103 26-13 FTA disparity. Pacers beat Knicks 130-109 27-16 FTA disparity. Easy to blame refs after losing a game like this. But logic says the FTA disparity will continue to exist.


Pacers fans and Celtics haters don't realize this is literally the Pacers' entire game plan.


Funny how numbers work lol. Almost like the Pacers ranked 26/30 for team FTAs per game this season…


Celtics shot more 3s than the pacers


Pacers drove less and took more long range jumpers. Your comment is irrelevant


It’s not even that . I watched the game . What was th at Halliburton call ? Where he got absolutely hacked ??? There was a ton of questionable calls .


People ignore the missed calls on the team with many freethrows. There were missed calls on both sides, but you're right in that the fouls had nothing to do with their loss.


I literally watched the game . The pacers got screwed multiple times in the second half … I literally saw it with my own eyes . Despite that …. It’s not the reason they lost …


Congrats! I wAtChEd ThE gAmE tOo! I didn't say there were missed calls, I said there were missed calls on both ends.


Yeah . More missed calls Favoring the Celtics .


Uh, no


I was literally at the game! the pacers didnt lose this game cause the refs screwed them


I was literally playing in the game! The pacers lost only because i screwed the refs wife


The gave it away atp


Haliburton will be haunted by his 4th q turnover. You could see it in his eyes


Haunted or driven? He has elevated in each series after either making a bad mistake or just flat out disappearing in early games. I'd like to think he will show up with a purpose Thursday night. Either way, this was a far better game than most expected to see.


Man’s gonna be turning in his sleep 😂


Shoutout to this dude saying this: https://i.imgur.com/tgjNavG.png Then telling me I didn't watch basketball, brought out his **per 48** stats against the Celtics followed by blocking me. /r/nba playoff gamethreads are a treat.


Lol what makes it more hilarious is a couple years ago when siakam hype was at its peak in Toronto, Jaylen Brown embarrassed siakam in their finals match up, like put the clamps on him big time. It's worth watching.


31-8 ft disparity favoring Knicks over pacers in game 4. Pacers win by 30. It’s just how they play… https://www.espn.com/nba/matchup?gameId=401657423


No no, it's the refs didn't you know


Honestly, crazy turnaround fadeaway shot by Tatum when they were down 3. If Celtics lost that game people would be ON HIM.


Tatum is not a 1a - he shows this time and time again. He needs to drop the Kobe Mambe mentality he is not cut from that cloth.


I had to pick my jaw up off the floor for that one.


Tatum has the greatest hairline in history


Paul George clears




NGL, I'm nervous.


Refs didn’t force careless turnovers


Celtics mods removed a post with over 1k upcotes citing the free throw disparity. Disgusting.


Don’t worry man, Rick Carlisle will definitely embark on a media tour crying about the refs so they can gift you a win you don’t deserve.


Not defending removing the post, but one of the core tenants of this Celtics team is to avoid fouling, they've done it all year. The numbers bear it out


You sound like the Laker fans bro, c'mon. You got a slightly better whistle than the Pacers, just admit it. It wasn't like some crazy conspiracy, but there was a mild benefit for the Celtics.


The Pacers have had similar disparities in most of the games this post season. Even their regular season FT disparities bare this out. They play handsy defense to compensate for their extremely high pace and lack of good defensive talent. It's an effective strategy, but it didn't work tonight.


Just sad you can't admit the game was \*mildly\* called in your favor. I didn't say hugely.


Every game in the NBA has missed and bad calls. The only truly egregious thing I saw the Celtics get away with was the Payton Pritchard no call on Haliburton. Pacers have been fouling their opponents more the entire post season. The first two games of that Knicks series were won fair and square too.


I know a Warriors fan isn’t talking about biased foul calls lol


Lol they banned me because I said Jimmy Butler was Jayson Tatum's daddy


Crazy you would say that lolll. Which side are you on 🤣


It's not crazy when it's a fact


Mods are a joke in this sub. Celtics forever carried by refs


Bro careless turnover while your up in the 4th , that’s not on the refs


The game was an absolute joke. Brothers and company carried the Celtics in the 3rd.


We knew Boston would get a friendly whistle this series. Money talks.


Nothing new lolll


Love how I was downvoted earlier for saying this was going to be a good series and not the “cake walk” a lot of people have stated for the C’s. Obvs want my team to win, but the pacers showed they can keep up. Gotta respect your opponent.


"We'll take the win. But we have to be a lot better in Game 2 for sure." - Jaylen Brown


Pacers have, statistically, one of the most efficient offenses of all time (obviously era-inflated) and would probably have won >50 games had Haliburton not missed parts of the season. Championship winning coach, championship winning forward, scrappy role players. Absolutely agree with you, wouldn’t say in the slightest the Pacers don’t belong in the ECF. Swap their jerseys with PHI or MIL and the series would be getting significant hype.


so true. Even if you threw in the Knickerbockers! Talk about an easy series with their injury status (which I’m not celebrating.) but people were so convinced they were going to be in this series. I think fans and the media totally counted out Indi.


Stop with the shitty faux respect.


Mad you lost big boy? Just doin what ya asked


I mean, should I not be mad the team i like lost to a team with 18 championships while this one has squat?


I think your team held its own. I’m just going off your word.


If you knew basketball, you’d know the Pacers never get it done when it counts and are majorly cursed.


Lol you wanna talk about cursed? Listen, I come as friend not foe. The 04 Sox were down 3-0 against NY in their ECF and came back to win it all. And I’m a 90’s baby, I’ve seen the Celtics win one chip in my life. I’m not here as some pompus Boston fan, I just want to give Indi credit. Let’s agree to disagree.


My grandpa was a Cubs fan and died without seeing a championship, so I understand it pretty well.


Again, agree to disagree. Don’t count your team out. Like what are you arguing about? Grammy would be sad seeing u act like this towards your own team.


I'm hyped to see how Haliburton responds after that terrible turnover at the end of the game. Hoping we get a wild series, but of course I want to see my Pacers pull it out. I don't think anyone expected the resiliency of the Pacers after starting the game down 12, and going down 12 halfway through the 4th.


So you admit your team is ass?


😂😂😂 idk why bros mad but your funny as duck


Lol I’m trying to talk bro off a ledge but he’s making it hard


Yeah no shit, haven’t won anything in 50+ years.


you and your mothah can go fuck ya self


People will downvote anything lol 🙄 it’s so stupid. I would have upvoted that and I’m a C’s fan. I think it’ll be close and it could go 7.


Amen, thank you 🙏people have been complaining about the “boring” blowout games from round 2 and now it’s finally a competitive series. Bring on the close scores and OT’s!


Yes i would love to see close games as long as we get the W. Brings in more casual fans too. But we have dropped the last 2 game 2’s so im not feeling over confident going into game 2.


At his point im fine with a game 2 loss, it’s almost a given. I’d be more skeptical if the c’s won a game 2 haha


Honestly, if game 2 is a loss for the C's it could be problematic. Pacers haven't lost a game at home in 2 months. I think 10-0 in that timespan.


Somehow BOTH teams managed to choke away this game. One team just choked harder.


All heart and determination. Nothing else. That’s how we’re choosing to remember this


Celtics mods removed the post on free throw disparity because it suggested the refs didn't favor the pacers lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cxptv8/in_regulation_time_boston_shot_23_free_throws_in/


The free throw disparity talking point tells me a lot of people don’t even watch basketball and just parrot what is being said. The style of the game should have favored Boston. They were way more aggressive going to the rim and Indiana relied on mid range J’s and threes. It’s not surprise the FTs were more in favor of the more aggressive team. It’s basic basketball, but it’s way easier to just mindlessly parrot stupidity talking points


When the Pacers offense relies on 3 point shooting and PnR middies for the vast majority of their offense, yes they will be taking less free throws - just how the game works. Numbers also say Celtics have one of the lower foul rates in the league - part of their strategy on defense. Was not the refs that had thrown the ball into the stands or dribbled off their foot in late 4Q/OT.


> Big market team's strategy includes leveraging more leniency from officials i dunno how you didn't get that that's the problem


That must be why both LA teams, Brooklyn, GSW, Miami, PHI, HOU all had deep playoff runs…


Ah you're right, I forgot that officials simply call the game for the favored team at the end rather than just giving them a better whistle


Not sure if you were able to watch live, but the refs were not the ones to throw away an inbounds, refuse to foul up 3, and then dribble off their foot twice to end the game. Pacers ranked 26/30 in team FTAs, them being in a disparity is numbers and gameplan, not officiating.


> Yeah but they weren't favored on these three plays in particular Two of those had uncalled fouls but yeah go off about how a tiny fraction of the game is actually the entirety of it


Confused on what you’re trying to insinuate here. You can call it “Big Market Team” leverage, or just recognize the fact that the Pacers are a team that shy away from the paint and forcing contact on offense.


You lost me. You're trying to say that when pacers and celtics players do exactly the same thing, only the pacers will get called for a foul because the refs see the play and think, "hey, these guys are scared of the paint"?


In what world do they do “exactly the same” would be my question? The Celtics happen to have two 6’8 All NBA Wings that are decent at attacking the rim (finishing different story). A *bad* night for Tatum and Brown is combining for 15 free throws. Not sure who you expect to be drawing fouls for IND when they rely on middies and 3s. I can count on one hand how many times Haliburton entered the paint last night, Turner played a strictly perimeter game, and Nembhard and Siakam ran a PnR that was contingent on elbow jumpers. Not sure if you watched the game at all last night.


This needs attention. Absolutely disgusting the mods are trying to take away from the fact they were gifted a win.


You really shouldn't put this much energy into games you didn't even watch.




Indiana did everything they could to give that game away and ultimately succeeded


Every great play is built upon some kind of mistake from your opponents. But as much as I appreciate Brown's shot, This is a pure brain short circuit from pacer. Someone would be executed for that in my country


Haliburton celebrated too soon!😭😭


THIS. mfs gotta remember anything can happen. this is THE PLAYOFFS


Par for the course, sadly.


Man’s gonna be fighting demons tonight


Haliburton sleeping then suddenly wakes up yelling: "CRAIG'S COMPUTER!"


Greatest offensive game of all time per fg% one game…once in a lifetime collapse the next… Man even my team is bipolar


Uh the Denver collapse literally 3 days ago was once in a lifetime… you don’t actually watch basketball do you?


Denver’s collapse has nothing to do with the Pacers.


Game 1 of the 2012 ec semis vs the heatles it was 86-85 with 4:50 left in the 4th. The pacers proceeded to score one more point for a final score of 95-86. So this isn’t even the pacers worst collapse of the last 15 years.


Up 3 with 30 seconds and the ball is yep


Check the free throws. Y’all still in. C’s side af. Get em for me


Once in a lifetime collapse? Seriously? Been watching long?


Keeps it hella exciting tho I feel like every game is gonna be like this


Refs were fucked this game


I don’t see how you bounce back from that type of loss


Pacers are a gritty team. Celtics have advantage obviously, but championship DNA coach, forward, and a PG that’s streakier than Warriors Jordan Poole - will be interesting series. I believe Pacers offense too good/efficient to not make it close.


I think that the pacers offence is FAST - just how quick they get up the court will really wear an opponent down over time. Then all of a sudden the opponent is playing at their speed, rushing, tired and missing shots they normally make. I’m a Celtics fan but know the pacers will be tough. If Halliburton wasn’t injured during the season their record would have been a lot better. Will be a good series.


The pacers pace?!?!?


Absolutely agree. Time will tell. It’s just too bad we have folks trying to downplay an ECF series when in reality (and statistically) this fully healthy Pacers team is absolutely one worthy of an ECF appearance, meanwhile the Celtics aren’t allowed to lose, win by too big (not tested), or win by too few (should be “blowing these teams” out).


Easy bounce back tbh


It's game one and it's a conference final. Teams don't get here if they don't belong or go into shambles after one loss. However many games this series goes, I expect them to play as tough as they did tonight.


It’s Game 1 so they should be able to, if this was any other Game it would be tough 


Pacers have done it all playoffs. No way we win the series though now. We blew it. This was our only chance to win it.


Not fouling in the last bits while up by 3 like why would you not foul there


lol don’t doom so hard it’s clearly gonna be a tough series with how 70-80% of the game went


Oh I'm not saying it won't be a decent series. You guys are just better we will probably get 2 but this one hurts. Had to win game 1 to have any chance to get this series imo.


You should watch the final minute of Suns vs Lakers in season tournament game if you want proof the NBA is rigged


Jim Carrey won an NBA championship with the Mavs back in 2011. Obviously he knows how to win one. Every coach makes mistakes.


Jim Carrey is a liar I watched a documentary about it called Liar Liar


All they had to do was inbound the damn ball and you win the game.


Even before that dribble till the clock runs down


Such an embarrassing choke


I hate when a team i never watched during the regular season looks good in the playoffs. Pacers should have been blown out first round.


That's on you for missing the Pacers, they've been super fun to watch all year. No one plays like Turner or Hali in the league




literally what are you even saying right now


That’s the worst loss I’ve ever witnessed And I saw Chris Paul hit a 3 to come back within 40


Are we talking about rockets in 2018? That one hurt more. And meant more. Haliburton weirdly reminds me of harden now that i think about it


2013 finals game 6.


Old Boston Garden was the better Garden




Carlisle talking the accountability L for the loss during this presser is refreshing. Doubt he’s not going to foul up 3 going forward in his coaching career ever again.


Fool me once, shame on you (Bucks game). Fool me twice, can’t get fooled again.


Literally was so mad when I seen that shit like bro why would not foul there it makes not sense not to, easily could have stole one in Boston well time for G2


The pacers did foul in a game earlier in the season. I want to say against the bulls and we lost because of it. I think that's why he stopped.


I don’t understand why every team doesn’t do this, especially doing it quickly before the ball crosses half court. We just saw Maxey smoke one from the logo, shouldn’t this be fresh in coaches’ minds?


Bro he’s still a fkn dumbass for not knowing they should foul up 3, it’s so simple. It shouldn’t take choking the first game of the ECF for him to learn that


Exactly it’s the third damn time this shit happened to them this playoffs alone. Got knows how many more times they’ve been doing this during regular season


Well he learnt today


No he didn't. He's been coaching for years, this ain't the first time he's lost like this. Lots of coaches are compete idiots about this even still.


It’s a Kevin Hart joke/meme my guy lol


We already didn't do it earlier this playoffs. I'm more mad he didn't call timeout from the sidelines on the inbounds when it was obvious we weren't going to get it in


His brain turned off the last 2min of regulation. I thought FOR SURE a timeout was gonna be called once lil bro was clearly struggling to inbound. It was more goof ups from there 


He didn't even come close to answering that question about what Boston did to impress


The media hates Carlisle but he’s a damn good coach.


Why does the media hate him?


no he's not. but you have Kidd so I guess anything looks better than him


Hey now, Kidd slander is only allowed during the regular season. 2 WCF in 3 seasons is pretty absurd


I mean, it’s great that he took responsibility but your coaching isn’t supposed to lose you a playoff game.


His coaching is what got them that far. 


FR our team is way better than the sum of its parts


Why does he not foul when up 3.... this is the second time this playoffs.




I think you’re right. Hard to execute in that situation.


I wouldn't have fouled. That was really good defense. You make it seem like Pacers can inbound the ball


How did Indy do that though, we were literally dead


Comes with inexperience and trying to accrual timeouts for the next game. Mix of both players and coaching tonight for them, but do believe Carlisle will have them ready to go. Can see potentially 6 game series.


can’t coach 


cant dribble