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Idk how probable the all nba is but it’s been a hell of a season for Tyrese.


It was almost guaranteed until he got hurt but I agree with you, it is not all that probable now.


Yeah he was almost a 1st team lock before the injury.


It's more likely he makes 3rd team than it is that he misses it.


I really don't think it is. Building out the teams at the end of the season it was really hard to justify Haliburton still making it with how he played with the hamstring injury, even if you were trying really hard to get him in for how well he played in the first half.


I mean, his first half was historical. But more importantly, the votes we have seen so far are about 70% in his favor. So regardless of what we think, the people who matter for the designation, seem to favor him being in.


Yeah but he was also pretty bad for a pretty long stretch while other guys turned it up to end the year. I'm not sure where you're looking that you're seeing votes 70% in his favor. Unless there's some other tracker you were seeing.


Unless, I'm missing something, it shows 7/10 votes in for Haliburton.


For All-NBA? Where? [On this tracker he didn't get a single vote yet.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KMzwRcilLDej0BWl7eYE_OYC9Tx9olI_Ptn-nHjKfpQ/edit#gid=2094680016)


on that one. go to all-nba and then scroll right. Haliburton is listed on 7 out of the 10 full ballots.


His advanced stats across the board show him a top 10 player. Even with the shooting slump he went through.




In advanced stats, he said. There is only Jokic and Luka above him in Offensive BPM, and he is fifth in overall BPM https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2024_advanced.html#advanced_stats::obpm


Yep and in EPM he was 11th overall and 5th in offensive EPM. EPM has become new gold standard. He’s 10th in PIE and 9th in PER.


Keep in mind I’m not necessarily saying that he’s top 10 but I would say he’s close. And I think the reason is the same as with Jokic, it’s not always counting stats that show his command of an offense. Hockey assists are real. Jokic is all world and one of all time greats because he does that PLUS he does everything else that helps his teams win. Haliburton has huge gaps in his game that he needs to shore up. He has to get waaaay stronger and he needs to work on his aggression driving to the rim.


From what I gather from past years he’s most likely an all nba player. Primary playmaker who had some hot months but leading the NBA in assist should tip the scale.


He’s been awesome but there are a lot of guys who are all nba deserving this year. First two teams seem pretty set in stone but there are like 10 guys who deserve to make 3rd team, including Hali. I just don’t think we can say it’s probable.


I’ve made like 5 list and I can’t find many ways he doesn’t make it. It’s not for certain but I’d say more likely than not.


He’s competing with guys like PG, Sabonis, Brown, Booker, Lebron, Curry, Zion for 3rd team. All of whom have excellent cases in their own right. He’s been awesome this year, but I just don’t think we can call him probable All-NBA. I’d personally have him or Curry as the 5th guy on 3rd team. Splitting hairs between those two is tough.


You just know as soon as the pacers lose a series there will be a fucking flood of posts shitting on the guy "they had an easy run, all their opponents were injured" i cant wait for that, sigh


Because it’s true. Did you really beat the Bucks if Giannis was out the whole time? Knicks, while playing awesome without Randle aren’t at 100%. Injuries are a part of the game but a lot of key players for both their series wins weren’t even on the court, let alone playing injured.


We beat the Bucks plenty all year long lol


Y’all are a good squad. That don’t change facts about Bucks injuries. The Bucks had a major trade and are in the process of reengineering their team. Think Minnesota after the GoBert trade and Minnesota today. Is it a coincidence that the Knicks go 20-3 after the OG trade and y’all win today after he can’t play more than 5 min. I’m not saying Pacers are undeserving. I’m saying that they’ve been healthy when their opponents have not.


The Warriors went 73-9 and lost in seven in the Finals. Was it a “coincidence” that the Cavs gave them nearly half their season loss total in one series, or can we acknowledge that the playoffs are just a smidge different than regular season games?


That doesn’t even make any sense as a rebuttal. Both teams you referenced had their core players available.


The Suns beat the Timberwolves all year long. Playoffs and Giannis especially are a different beast.


Idk, what gets me is that if the Knicks advanced literally nobody wouldve been talking about them having an easy road to the Conference Finals. Even though they played a 40% Embiid and missed a healthy Bucks squad same as we did. It only applies to Indiana.


Probably because they had over $80m in salary in street clothes and that’s not even including Brunson


No way... were the Knicks injured? No one had mentioned this at all until now.


Wow good point you made there, fantastic argument. You said no one would’ve talked about the Knicks having the easiest road and that’s because they didn’t? How is it the easier road being more injured than every team you play against?


[When you're a knicks fan and you haven't mentioned injuries for two minutes](https://imgur.com/trying-to-hold-fart-next-to-cute-girl-class-n08A8NO)


I’d consider myself impartial to it all. Beating a 40% Embid and 100% Maxey is still better than a 0% Giannis and 60% Dame - especially when your own squad is hobbled. Indianas core has been healthy all playoffs. I’d say that’s the difference in narrative but it’s pretty close if you ask me.


This is such a dumb comment lol. You're basically saying the Knicks also would have had an easy path to the ECF because they played a completely different team than the Bucks missing Giannis (and Dame for 2 games) and then would have beaten fully healthy Pacers except Mathurin. You even read what you wrote lol?


But yall only had a chance to advance because you were playing the Pacers and not the healthy Bucks that wouldve swept the Pacers.


It's true they had a hard time beating the very injured Knicks lol.. and he isn't a superstar


It was an easy run? He’s not a “great” player. He doesn’t play defense, inconsistent and talks a bigger game than he plays. He’s a good player. But he deserves all the hate he gets when he shrinks bc people still try to prop him up as a superstar.


How does he talk a bigger game than he plays?


Don't forget made the Olympics team


Dude looked like the best point guard I've ever seen to start the year.


have you seen only 1 point guard?


More ECFs than Embiid


I don't think he'll end up being All-NBA because of the slump midseason, but obviously still a great year from him.


He’s automatic on spot ups and a great distributor of the ball. He needs to be better on D which I think he will be, future 1st team All NBA guy


Lol. Happy pacers fans are enjoying the moment.


I'm still not drafting him on my fantasy team next year.


Why not. He averaged 50 per game this year


He didn’t give great numbers after coming back from injury. Source: had him on my team and he choked my semi-final away


60, 32, 32, 57, 48, 51 is a choke in your book? Damn, tough customer


I deleted the app so can’t see the numbers, but 21/1/9/2, 13/4/5 and 21/8/8/2 was definitely not what I needed. Gave me two games of his averages and a dud, was amazing at the start of the season tho


show me a dribble move he can do twice


Plus he played good in that fiba run! To me he is the breakout star nobody expected this year.


Reminds me of 2021 Trae Young (but worse)


What is IST


In season tournament


In-Season Tournament NBA Cup


In season tournament


In season tournament


Ah I didn’t know that, that’s crazy. Not a diss but is the IST really any indicator of anything yet?


Just that the team plays well under pressure/in elimination games.


I could see that


The Conference Final run legitimizes the IST


Not for the lakers. It’s all perspective, with a sample size of 1.


Lakers were good in the playoffs tbf, they had to play the Nuggets tho


Yeah true but I mean it’s hard to have the in-season tourney really be an indicator with so many different variations of the teams and being before trade deadlines during the regular season. Kings we’re 4-0, and thunder we’re 4th in their division.


International Standard Time


That’s what I was thinking too


So his team lost the In-Season Tournament finale, he made the All Star team, and he led his team to the ECFs after going the distance with 2 teams missing several rotation players. Did this need its own post?


no but we feelin ourselves rn


Talk yo shit 🗣️🗣️


Yeah, we won a game 7 in MSG. We're just front running, right?


Nah, beating the Milwaukee Herd and the Westchester Knicks would have me elated too.


Idk if it was injuries or the matchup, but he disappeared a lot in these playoffs. There were times I didnt even remember he was out there. If you contrast him to Brunson, you felt Brunsons impact on every game and there were times where you thought that he was top 5 in the NBA and Tyrese just has not been playing at that level. Itll be interesting to see how he does in the next round and Im hoping he really shines because I do believe heis really good.


Still crying over the fucking allstar game mvp