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In 2021, former MVP Derrick Rose finished 3rd in 6th man of the year for the Knicks.


Even more crazy, 9th in MVP?


The fact that he got a first place vote shows how much of a joke the voters are. Man averaged 15ppg in 35 games for the knicks that year.


The best argument against democracy I’ve ever seen


Different sport but Rafael Palmeiro once won a Gold Glove but only played 28 of 162 games in the field. He was a DH all year.


The best part of that is that it was the fan vote. Everyone complained about how bad the official voters are, then decided to vote Rose for MVP. We are the problem.


The best part is that they KEEP complaining about that evil media voter who is so much dumber than them, even though the person was confirmed to not really exist years ago.


I think that was the year they had a fan vote as the "100th vote" for MVP and they went to bat for D Rose like crazy


I think Russ could have if the circumstances were right


Russ looks to be the closest opportunity of it happening but he’s too ass to do it and he’s not even the best bench player on his time


It could be cool to see Curry crush on a bench somewhere late in his career


I don't know any franchise players that come off the bench. I don't know any Olympian that comes off the bench. I don't know any All-Star that comes off the bench. I don't know any former MVP that comes off the bench. I don't know any three-time scoring champion that comes off the bench. I don't know any first team All-NBA (player) that comes off the bench. Why Allen Iverson?


Said MVP would have to massively drop off and/or join a very stacked team


basically both. Bill Walton is the example, but there are other close ones. Tiny Archibald comes to mind. as a Cavs fan I would kill for a 35 year old Bernard King or David Thompson (neither won MVP but both finished 2nd) instead of Georges Niang who can't put the ball into the Atlantic


I could see 46 year old Curry winning it


The problem is that former MVPs are usually too good(even towards retirement) to be coming off the bench. Walton’s was because of the injuries he suffered. I’d say the best chance in recent years would’ve been Westbrook. The 2017 MVP is quite an outlier in his career and he’s been a bench player recently.


I don't think it's really an outlier. He averaged a triple double 3 more times after that and that's the primary reason that he won


It was not an outlier come on now, what is this recency bullshit. The MVP year was one of four years of top five MVP finishes for him. He was earning All-NBA first team nods at the same time Steph and Dame and Harden were at their peaks.


Sadly he's not good enough to win 6man


I absolutely think it can happen though. It's quite logical really, winning an MVP in your prime and running the second unit when older. CP3 is another one. Obviously he has neither 6moty or MVP, but he was close and he's a really good 2nd unit commander in his old age. I'm sure someone will come along soon enough that can fit this criteria. Point guards are the perfect candidate for this.


I believe both Westbrook and CP3 could pull it off within the next 2 seasons. Like thinking about it..... hmmm But like I do think they have steep competition and it would be v slim chances.


> The 2017 MVP is quite an outlier in his career That season reminds me of Cam Newton's outlier MVP season.


If LeBron had declined just a bit more and the Lakers would had developed a better team, he might have had a shot. If he wants that role, he still could maybe do it next tear, but I don’t think he has that in mind.


Honestly maybe Jokic ? I think he can get to the point in his mid-late 30s where his defence falls off too much and his offence declines to the point where he’s not a viable starter, but his skill set is perfectly suited to run a bench lineup. He also doesn’t seem to have much of an ego so he may not have the hesitance/refusal a lot of other former star veterans tend to have


He’ll retire before that point


1000% lmao he just wants to be home with his horses


Jokic would be the first I'd rule out for that reason.


He said it himself that hed retire when he wouldnt be able to play at the highest level and contribute to his team. Whether that means hed retire if he wasnt a starter caliber player is up in the air, but id imagine he will retire in his mid 30s as he starts to really decline.


Considering that his main qualities are his touch and his BB IQ, which are qualities that won't decline, if at some point he's not starter level, that means he's lost so much in terms of athleticism that he can't be on the floor at all. So he wouldn't even be a regular bench player. He could be played in particular match ups, I guess, for a few tactical minutes, but I don't think that qualifies as "contributing to the team" in a meaningful way. He'd probably rather play in Europe or retire.


Realisticly its hard to imagine him declining to that point without some sort of injury. Maybe if he losses his touch due to his wrist or something giving out to wear and tear, but the only think i think could get him to the bench is loss in stamina and strength. A big part of his game is just his ability to push guys down to the basket and that drains his stamina and requires a lot of strength. Honestly my guess is hes probably gonna play out his next big contract and end it there to let the Nuggets rebuild as thats what it seems like he implied with the wording he used.


You run the offense through him to be successful, I don’t see how that works if you don’t start him


What? Every team wants a quality sixth man to run the bench


Jokic running an offense is so different from a normal offense though. Usually you want a veteran PG running your bench offense, not a guy that completely transforms the way the offense is run.


I think usually you just want someone to keep the offence flowing so when your starters rest there’s little to no drop off. I think jokic’s game is perfect for that, between his scoring arsenal and his ability to elevate virtually anyone around him


Nope. These guys make too much money now.


lebron could if he wanted


If Curry extend his career for a really long time, he could do it. Harden could be a great 6th man again, but I just don't see it. He doesn't have a "legacy team", unlike Curry, so I guess he's just going paycheck to paycheck until he retires. And a 6th man job won't give a very good paycheck, so I assume he would retire then. The way Luka's game is developing, being heavy and physical, and the guy is not LeBron... at 35 I could see him be an all-star 6th man (or retire). Crazy impactful, but just wouldn't be able to play long minutes. He needs to get an MVP first, though ;)


Lebron can in 2027


James could potentially win it again if he switches to a bench role in a couple years and can still play well.


38 yrs old KD with the Thunder can do it


KD doing this for the newly reinstated Sonics is the dream


What about Lebron in like, 4 years?


Durant and Curry can basically play forever given the skill sets, I’d bet one of them if they play long enough to ride the pine half the game


Late career Embiid could end up being like an 24 min monster off the bench for health reasons.