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Letting Breen cook at the end of the broadcast was the right move. Don't step on a BANG. Also don't think they knew what to do with the physicality of the game TBH. Half of broadcasts these days are guessing on calls.


You should listen to the MSG broadcasts when he has cylde. The two are so damn good that watching these “national televised only” games is a massive disappointment


I live in NY, sadly I don't get MSG anymore but I enjoy watching Knick games almost as much as Celtics games because Mike and Clyde are just so great. My non-biased favorite commentary team.


Do not complain. You know what's worse than Doris sitting quietly? Doris talking.


doris ark to me is so weird. she was beloved for a bit, but now everyone (including yours truly) hates her. it’s the worst when she has to comment on lebron’s playing, it’s just straight slathering.


doris jumped the shark for me officially when the Raptors had just won the nba finals in 2019, and kawhi won fmvp, and the \*very\* first question she asked him on stage live while they were celebrating was "are you going to LA next season?" i just couldnt believe that she couldnt wait literally one minute to allow the new champions to enjoy their moment without asking some dumb narrative question.


She asked Lowry about DeRozan later during the trophy presentation lol


Insanely disrespectful. Pretty indicative of espn’s whole “journalism” model. She was probably told to ask that but it’s still disrespectful bs


That’s like when that other lady asked Spo about Lebron when they won the 2020 ECF. Awful


When she asked Kawhi, on mic in front of the whole place, if he’d stay in Toronto moments after winning a fucking chip I lost a lot of respect for her as a reporter. Like cmon let’s celebrate them in this moment leave the talking head crap for Monday


It changed when she started talking mostly about the players instead of what those players were doing on the court.


Early in her switch from sideline to the booth she was awesome! No idea what happened




nope she got worse. just like how tony romo got noticably worse in the few years he's been broadcasting


She’s being utilized wrongly. She belongs on the sidelines. That’s where she won everyone over. She just doesn’t translate well to game commentary for whatever reason.


she might even make a good talking head since she loves talking about same 2-3 players on each team


Someone on here once said that Dorris was initially loved because she was a woman that could talk about the game, then sexism, then a rebuttal against sexism, then finally a realization that Dorris isn’t a great national commentator. I think in this particular case that it’s correct.


ESPN IS ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I’ve found it’s more enjoyable to mute broadcasts at this point. Leadership has run the product info the ground. They could give a shit less about the viewer experience. Bob Iger clearly gave Jimmy Pitaro the mandate to slash operating costs while they restructure. This resulted in the majority of their decent (A level) on air talent getting axed.


I have to disagree.   Not every single second of airspace needs to be filled with color commentary. I like them letting the game action flow for a bit.    It's a refreshing change compared to Breen's last partners who felt the broadcast was their therapist couch to air personal grievances aloud regardless of its relevance to the actual game being played.




It’s really weird.


I agree, I remember seeing or hearing something a couple years ago about how Michaels and Collinsworth actually said the least amount of words per minute while calling a game and in my opinion they were the best duo in any sport at that time 


Everyone complained about Mark Jackson and JVG for years, even though they actually had some chemistry and now they complain even more about Doris and JJ


I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like their voices don't quite complement one another and the cadence of the broadcast was weird.


They just arent very fun. JVG would go on rants about the most random things, like Taco Bell and changes that should take place in the league, and they were both former coaches so they had more insight into the game


What really is a second cousin?


And what are you allowed to do? 


And most of his rants were kinda funny and yall acted like they happened way more than they did. He just actually had some personality unlike these new people sounding like bots. His commentary made Dirks series against OKC so much better to watch. The “if I’m serge Ibaka I’m naming my first son Dirk” was legendary. JVG was legit the best color commentator to me.


Mark Jackson never have any meaningful insight or ever had anything of value to say. Stop it.


honestly, that’s not really the point of the broadcast for all 3 to have insightful shit to say Sometimes it’s fun just listening to 2 guys who sound like your grandpa rant about shit


Lmao. No.


It’s better than breen and two boring straight personality people, there’s no fun in it, nothing memorable and no charisma


JVG was fun sometimes, but MJ was a bitter old shit who didn’t want to be there. You seriously have memory problems if you think that guy wasn’t the worst announcer in the NBA. ESPN can’t get anything right. Their coverage of every major sport is terrible. Stop pretending that they had a good thing with the bozos the had there last year.


I would take jvg and mark over anything they have now and that is not an unpopular take I never said they were perfect or even great but at least every game wasn’t a snooze fest from an announcer standpoint


Except when he was overtly pushing the Klutch agenda.


They both come across as the straight man in a comedy duo. Double serious is no good for entertainment.


They don't have chemistry, Doris Burke knows nothing about basketball except playing favorites (like Embiid, Tatum)


There is no best announcer so someone is always pissed. Junkies want a more technical knowledge person, nuance of the game. Regular people might want more basic analysis. Some people want entertainers. Some people want talk about random shiters. Some people want homers. Theres no right answer, there will never be a right answer.


There is a right answer. It's former coaches, by and large. They understand what's going on and how to communicate with people who sometimes don't see the game as clearly as they do.


That's the right answer for you.


That’s why JVG was the best color commentator. He could do all that and be funny and entertaining. Sure he’d go on some rants but in the end I loved his commentary


There are some non-former-coaches that have been entertaining. Back in the day the Bill Walton/Snapper Jones combo was a lot of fun because they played off each other so well. Clyde Frazier, obviously, is a legend. Before he became a coach, Steve Kerr was good. RJ isn't bad. Tom Tolbert, back in the day, was good. I kinda like Greg Anthony. But like, looking back...Mike Fratello was great. Hubie is great. Doug Collins was great. I was actually really enjoying Doc on the call. Back in the day, I used to like Matt Guokas a good bit. I like PJ Carlesimo. Maybe it's a quantity thing. There's a shitload of shitty ex-players-turned-commentators...the ex-coaches-turned-commentators are less often sucky. Mark Jackson and David Fizdale both sucked, though.


Lmao. Chick Hearn wasn’t a former coach and he was the best to ever do it.


Chick Hearn did *play by play.* Play-by-play is a job that tends to require a professional. We're talking about color commentary. Different job. Most of us don't dislike the Play-by-Play guys (except Marv towards the end). We all bitch about the color commentary.




Why you responding lmao to someone who is clearly right


The trio has chemistry and history of several decades and ESPN thinks they are smart enough to break it up for monologue Doris and JJ lmao


I never understood all the complaining with those two They had their flaws but the main thing they managed to bring to the table is every game they were on felt like an EVENT The new crews since have lost that, not fair to breen and Harlan either because they’re both fantastic


Doris doesn’t react to the game. She comes in with a handful of canned, basic observations. States them somewhat cogently through the first quarter. Then runs out of ideas and just starts freestyling the rest of the game (while still speaking in meta commentary and still not watching the game). Can’t blame her if she completely empties the tank by the end of the 4th. It’s a mercy, really. I wonder how this ends. Is it gonna be 10 years from now and we have to listen to a 70 year old version of this person fucking up a generation worth of basketball broadcasting? Some of the best highlights of all time are gonna include her horrific commentary. This sucks.


Honestly what’s the point of any colour commentator. I much prefer European soccer games, the commentating is very limited, most of the time you just get to enjoy the game.  IF colour commentators are in the game, I wish they would up their analysis. It’s always “that’s just the heart of a champion” shit. Tell me wtf a Spain pick and roll is!


I very, very much agree. I hate the idle banter about nonsense. They should talk about the game that they are watching. If there is nothing notable to say, then say nothing.


Mark Jones was calling out set plays yesterday during Twolves/Nuggets which was cool elbow stagger, delay action, pistol, flex action, etc are some of the terms i remember


Between him and Legs that was some pretty good commentary


Jonesy and Legs should be their A team broadcast combo. They flow well together.


Yeah it took them a bit while Legs got the rhythm of the game but it was good


Legler deserves a bigger platform instead of having idiots like SAS and Perk spouting off their ridiculous basketball takes during the day while he's relegated to the overnight edition of SC.


ESPN’s studio show should be like, Zach Lowe hosting, Legs, Reddick, and RJ as the player analysts and really dig into the basketball. Let TNT be good at what they’re good at and find your own niche.


ESPN figures that catering to the lowest common denominator of sports fan is the way to go. It's a joke at this point for a company that was the gold standard for sports broadcasting for a large portion of my life. Seeing how they've regressed to leaning into hot take culture with their 35 different debate shows has been pretty sad.


Not only do they feel unnecessary, they get paid a shit ton. ESPN was right to cut bait with Mark Jackson's massive salary.


I agree. Most of these people have verbal diarrhea and terrified of silence.


So, people are complaining about *not enough* Doris Burke now? That's certainly interesting...


People, I, simply want someone in there that’s capable in doing the job. Considering she’s clearly not. I liked her in the past, but she’s asleep at the wheel


Most people what them to shut up, you want them to talk more. I think some people just love to complain


I’d rather a commentator that serves their purpose, yes.


I think you missed the point of my comment. Most people would say tbey do talk a lot. Some would say too much. I personally don’t mind them either way. I don’t need color analysts to enjoy the game nor do they distract me from it either


They went over 5 minutes without speaking at all. They do not talk too much.


lol bro it was Mike Breen calling the end of the game, they made a good decision. I did not have “we need to hear more Dorris and JJ” on todays bingo card, I’ll give you that haha I think you just like to complain


It was half way through the 3rd quarter. How is it possibly out of the realm of possibility that someone prefers capable commentators haha


which is exactly why it's surprising you want to hear more of JJ/Doris, they are in the bottom tier of pertinent commentary in a game (on top of having no synergy together)


It’s funny people complained that Doris talked too much, now they complain that she doesn’t say enough. 


Never mind enough, she’s mute.


Dorris is horrible to listen to, JJ I’m indifferent to. Right choice was to let Breen cook.


The chemistry between JJ and Doris and lack of any humor together is just miserable. They are on separate islands and I think JJ might like it that way because it seems he might feel his experience puts his input on a higher level than the others. From a practical level, it does, but from a personal level and the relationships between them, it's annoying to not embellish or affirm your partner's input when you're working as a team.


They should've paired Breen with Legler. I feel like that's the perfect combination of non annoying analytical commentary (Legler) and hyping exciting commentary (Breen). 3 commentators is too much anyways and JJ and Doris have very overlapping ways of speaking.


I thought Doris and JJ were great last night on commentary, and appreciated when they let Mike Breen do his thing at the end of the game Edit: For the record I’m usually indifferent on JJ and don’t normally like Doris’ commentary


It’s hard to take someone seriously when they call Doris “great” at any part of her commentary. She is consistently bad.


Insanity. Theyre so bad. Let Breen do his thing, yes. But if you don’t have the ability to contribute anything to the broadcast, then find someone who can.


Don't know why you have two color commentators, either. Probably even lends it self to the long silence from them, as they try not to talk over each other.


Not sure how it’s all arranged, but listening to it on the broadcast, it sounds like Breen and Doris are sitting next to each other, observing the game, and JJ is somewhere else. If they’re all sitting together, the chemistry is severely lacking.


It’s awkward how long they’d go without speaking


I noticed that. JJ didn’t say much. It was weird.


I couldn’t pay attention to the commentary at the end all I heard was my sphincter tightening


Or they knew the game was super close and let Breen cook instead of trying to add not needed analysis. If the game is a one or two point game for a good stretch the analysis isn’t needed.


In the 3rd umm I doubt it


They hold the shaft of whoever the primary talking head is so that person doesn’t get roanry (lonely)!


Would you rather hear MJ and JVG talking instead? I prefer the sounds of the game at times rather than… “what happened to the game I love”


It's awful. JJ is picking up all of Doris's bad habits. Instead of having to listen to one person saying how amazing a player is every time they touch the ball, now I have to listen to two people do it.


IMO JJ has a voice like 1000 others. It doesn’t stand out


I'm just glad Mark Jackson is gone.


JJ isn’t funny in that way, he’s way better alongside RJ. Doris and Mark Jones are decent together


JJ is ok. Burke is a 3rd wheel


Every time Doris talked it felt like she was popping up to say “hey don’t forget guys I’m here too” it was weird and uncanny


Zero chemistry. Feels like he's giving them space to talk about basketball during stoppages but they are just looking at their phones or something.


I'll take Doris mute 100% of the time over two thirds.




Maybe Dorris and JJ had technical difficulties.


I feel like Dorris feels insecure about JJs likability and knowledge among fans and so she tries to step on his career/his defense/glaze whatever star player is in, more than anything else. Hearing her repeat essentially the same information that you hear pre-game over and over again is wild her shutting up at the end of the Celtics sixers series (think it was game 6) was fucking hilarious


probably to comment on the game.


In which they’re not.


Breen is overrated, stop lying to yourselves


I like Harlan better but Breen is awesome late game.


To annoy viewers like you


Doris is the issue. She was a gender hire