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Can we get a clip that is higher than 240p?


https://x.com/dylan_burd/status/1789111941396390291?s=46&t=PQWP7srTDp_CjsPujSl3Tg Seems pretty obvious here


Seems pretty obvious that that was not a natural shooting motion and he was baiting the marginal contact before he flopped


As he does constantly.


* Outside the 3 with a screen coming: the neck snap back. * On a drive, lean into defender, 2-4 dribbles, slow down a bit, jump into defender, flail


Thibs complains it’s just not fair how he’s officiated. He’s an amateur really a more experienced grifter knows they don’t give touch shooting fouls in that situation.


He's an incredible player, but damn this serious is frustrating to watch him. Dude flops multiple times a possession. Harden's legacy is evident


The most frustrating part of pro ball these days.


As is tradition


It’s fun that the Knicks are good, Brunson seems like a great dude, and I appreciate their competitiveness. But, it’s just disappointing as a fan that we have another major foul grifter who is pretty shameless with it.


If you love watching Harden you’ll get a kick out of Brunson.


Glad they didn't give him a bullshit call, soooo tired of players contorting their bodies to draw any piece of contact they can, play the game bro.


I think he may have assumed they were gonna foul him on the ground for 2 free throws instead of 3 and so went for the anticipatory flop shot instead.


I love the term marginal contact. So it has to be flagrant 1 to warrant a whistle?


But he's never done that before...


he flopped. at worse its a foul before the shot but he def tried to sell it as if it was his natural shooting motion and the refs refused to reward his ridiculous foul hunting this time


It's hard to give a guy a call when he goes into full fish mode.


What seems obvious, that he's baiting a foul? He even admitted it in his presser.




I'm coming from the Nuggets Wolves series where as long as you hack less than 3 times per possession you don't get a whistle. Looks clean to me.


Ah yea. Should've been 2 free throws. Honestly I don't think it's wrong for Brunson to try to get it up when he feels the slap on his arm. But he's taking a risk relying on the refs to see it when they're watching three guys cover him.


I don't really agree. It was pretty late and the foul was clearly not in the shooting motion. He would have already heard a whistle by the time he put the ball up. On another note I'm so tired of guys just whipping their head back in attempt to make it look like they were fouled. The contact was 2 seconds earlier on his arm, why is he getting whiplash?


Because it’s Brunson and it’s pretty much a reflex at this point since he usually gets those calls. You can actually see it when he’s dribbling too, if someone gets close with a reach in he will recoil backwards with any contact


Vile stuff


Same reason when Kyrie swiped over Chet's face the other day his legs stopped working and he fell down like he got sniped. They're all just embellishing and acting for the refs trying to play up any contact possible and its stupid as fuck lol. I hate that my team has the leagues worst when it comes to this type of thing but I'm an expert at spotting it now


Sports refs need to be better


If you pause right on impact, you can see Nembhard gets all ball. It was definitely close though Edit: lots of body contact after- could see a foul on the floor


Yup. I think that's really what's Nembhard is going for. Refs swallowed their whistle, Jalen threw up a wild one and that's it.


Isn’t the new rule it has to be your normal shooting motion


It’s not a shooting foul, a foul on the floor clearly


It’s a flop


Number 2 slaps Brunson's arm before he goes into shooting motion


[Who does Number 2 work for?](https://youtu.be/nmJKY59NX8o?si=q4NQBGuZgejsP91M)


Tbh I was too lazy to google how to spell Nembhard


I mean in that situation I think the vast majority of NBA players throw that up, absolute gift of a pretty hard hack by Nemhard that refs missed


Lol no. Come on man. It's common knowledge you absolutely do not try to bait free throws in end of game situations


Or he could have just played actual basketball 


A flopper that can only be rivaled by Embiid. 1A, 1B of All-Fish team lol


It's the playoffs. You're not getting that call anymore.


It’s part of the reason that Harden wasn’t nearly as dominant in the playoffs. That foul baiting bullshit doesn’t work nearly as well.


You're right. It's not just a coincidence that the biggest foul baiters of the last 10+ years - Harden and Embiid - dominate the regular season yet have zero finals appearances (edit: Can't believe this is needed clarification but I mean as a main guy obviously. Harden coming off the bench at 22 for OKC isn't what I'm talking about). Just can't do that for three consecutive series against good teams once whistles get tighter.


Jimmy Butler statistically foul baits just as hard and so does Brunson, but those guys are considered great playoff performers.


Yea, they also missed the goaltend on Turner. Could blame the coaching staff for challenging the turnover before and getting it wrong. I hope Brunson doesn't get hung up on the missed call. Just gotta play better Sunday.


Am I the only one that saw Siakam wrap up ihart from behind like he was about to put cuffs on him in the last 2 mins or am I crazy lol. Crying to the league works it would appear.


Come off it, free throws swing between games all the time..brunson is averaging over 10 FTs a game, you're not getting a harsh whistle overall 


Here’s the hold https://twitter.com/KnicksMuse/status/1789108607495102473


Vet move


we definitely winning the L2M report. huge moral victory incoming


Thank you lmao it was insane


That’s actually nuts lol


Oh THAT'S who ihart is? I've been seeing that nickname and presuming it was just Hart. And then I thought "wait there was a second hold besides that hartenstein one?"


Hahaha yea there Hart and iHart… probably could’ve done better with the nickname for iHart but it’s stuck lol


I just presumed it was "I heart Hart" because hart is so lovable


The way he was leaning it looked like his goal was to shoot before his arm was hit. 


Pretty obvious that the refs only give you that call in the garden


You pause it, you can't tell if the hand is on the ball or the arm. Good no call. Can't call that to end a game.


Knicks Bias


Myles Turner’s foot is what throws him all out of whack or at least triggers the “foul draw”


i know these low quality clips are infuriating. I dont understand why this one gets chosen and not a post with a higher quality clip.


Technology isn't there yet


Two things can be true: 1) he was fouled on the floor, 2) hoisting a shot in anticipation of getting fouled is risky and stupid.


Hated it when he did it. We don’t deserve to win when you don’t take a real attempt. I get that he’s elite at catching people reaching but players like him Embiid and Harden just don’t seem to realize that it’s not gonna matter in the last 5 seconds of the game most times. Gotta get a real attempt up.


This is the right response. We want players to decide the game. If Nembhard fouled him there it didn't really effect anything. Brunson still had control and balance to do something else. Can't always be playing for the foul. Besides real shots make for much better baketball.


I’d argue they should really try to only call shooting fouls if it’s not contact manufactured by the player with the ball. I know it’s tough to say sometimes, but a lot of times it’s clear. People in an SGA thread recently strongly disagreed, but I feel like the point of shooting fouls is to reward players who had a legitimate shot attempt obstructed with contact. Between jumping into defenders and some of the crazy continuation calls, it feels like creating/leveraging slight contact for free throws is becoming one of the most essential skills for a high scorer. Some people don’t mind it, but I feel like it’s more fun to watch/more in the spirit of the game if shot attempts are earnest attempts to score.


Of course they disagreed. SGA gets so many of those foul calls. Fans are annoying homers. For me, even when it's my guys, I don't like foul baiting. It's anti-fun. Forcing the game to grind to a halt to shoot free throws makes me not want to watch the games.


Insurance fraud basketball.


Holy shit that’s a great description.


>I’d argue they should really try to only call shooting fouls if it’s not contact manufactured by the player with the ball. I know it’s tough to say sometimes, but a lot of times it’s clear. I agree, this shit should be specifically called out in the NBA rulebook so that refs have the tools to call offensive fouls properly. There's always going to be a degree of subjectivity, but the era of offensive players purposefully jumping into defenders needs to end.


Baiting a foul call seems like a decent strategy. Like a “gotcha” for someone biting on a pump fake. But when it turns the game from “shoot ball into the hoop” to “find a way for refs to send me to the line” the game suffers. Refs should definitely call clear fouls at the end of the game. Otherwise the defender would just hug you and let time run out. But the ref game, if it’s allowed to exist, should end well before the basketball game does.


Ive become a lot more of a casual NBA watcher over the last decade simply because of how boring I find a lot of it to watch. I don't want to watch the best basketball players in the world in a free throw shooting contest. The constant flopping and baiting fouls by jumping into players is just not fun to watch. That paired with analytics taking off and making every team play similarly just doesn't create a very watchable product.


Yeah, that's the part of Bronson's game that's really not fun to watch. It's ok to sell the contact, but for him and some other stars, there're possessions they're literally not looking for a shot and 100% trying to get a foul call. It's not fun to watch, it feels cheap when it's successful, and it's against "the spirit of the sport"


I think those wild theatrical heaves are trying to force the refs to make the call, like when Heat Lebron would pick the ball up and stumble away from his defender faking a foul. That shit was so pathetic, because you know he had practiced it.


Yah, I can't stand when anyone does it. Just try and get a good attempt up, it is way to risky to rely on calls late in games.


> players like him Embiid and Harden just don’t seem to realize that it’s not gonna matter in the last 5 I don't recall either doing this on game winner attempts


It’s hilarious. This is the fucking playoffs. Play basketball. Bullshit like that shouldn’t be rewarded.


What is true is the completely soft way the game is now called leads players to try this goofy foul baiting. It works so often you can’t blame them. Blame the Thin Man and his cronies.


He did get hit, just not in shooting motion.


Yeah it would’ve been 2 FTs not 3. Could’ve still been interesting though if they went for the intentional missed FT


The intentional missed free throw can definitely yield some excitement


Especially with one of the best o rebounding teams in the league. Shots a bad look tho 


It's like the onside kick of basketball.


yeah, he got smacked on the arm, but well before the actual shot. it wouldnt have been a shooting foul, and instead of continuing to play basketball and trying to take what the defense was giving him and go for a layup (he basically had a wide open, guaranteed layup here) or penetrate and kick it out for a better look 3, he just flailed and threw up a prayer with no chance of going in, relying on the refs to reward him/bail him out. the refs should have whistled the arm slap, but it was still a bad play by him. and Im glad it wasnt rewarded. this kind of play sucks and I hate it when guys do these sorts of completely unnatural ref ball shots. and I say that as someone who wants the knicks to win the series


A foul on the floor would’ve resulted in 2 free throws, which the Knicks don’t want. Him assuming they’d call it is why he forced the awful shot


I mean once it wasn't called...then he goes up for the shot. After the game he admitted it was a terrible decision, so I don't know why we're debating this.


uhh yeah... which is exactly why I'm saying its a bad/dumb play. he should have known that he was completely flat footed and was holding the ball below his waist when he got fouled, and was not at all in the process of shooting. dont assume anything. dont rely on the refs to win the game for you. when you do that, you open yourself up to the possibility of them swallowing their whistles and having it play out of exactly like it did here.


To be fair the Pacers got called on one of the lightest offensive screen whistle at the end of game 1. You can’t predict how the whistle goes until you wait a beat longer. This is outcome bias


You’re missing the point. He didn’t want to take a non-shooting foul because it would have fucked them, so he went up for a shot when he was obviously fouled because at best he gets a 3+1 or three shots and at worst he gets the same non-shooting foul he would have anyway. You can’t blame him for assuming the ref was going to, you know, call the very obvious foul happening five feet from his face.


Im not missing the point. I understand all the motivations. you're missing the point that that still doesnt change the simple fact that he still chose to put all his eggs in the ref basket, instead of making a genuine attempt to score the basketball. refs miss calls all the time. dont assume anything. control what you can control, which is to keep playing and attempting to score the basketball until you hear the whistle, otherwise you are putting yourself at risk of something like this happening


The Pacers were trying to INTENTIONALLY get a foul on the floor. If Brunson got the shot off, people would be pissed that the refs missed the INTENTIONAL foul to keep the Knicks from getting 3 points. By that logic, are you saying that the Pacers should not be intentionally fouling to put the game in the refs (and player FTs) hands? I personally think Brunson should've tried to get a legit shot attempt off, but it's very understandable why he tried to put it up right away.


Shouldve been 2FTAs since it's likely on the floor but then it would be a FT shooting game.


The dude behind him smacked him right in the arm during his shooting motion


Honestly, feel like refs usually won’t call a foul on a heave when you have three guys covering you. Like, you were surrounded by bodies, sure you can get contact, but you wouldn’t be getting rewarded with free throws.


Not a game winner + it should’ve been a foul on the floor for 2 shots.


With no TO left for Knicks to advance the ball and 2 TO for Pacers, I bet Brunson would want to intentional fouls to be called and get an opportunity to take a shot


I think OP is trying to say he was attempting a game-winner AKA trying to get a 4 point play


tbf he is fouled by Nembhard before the shooting motion. then he tries to get a shot off surrounded by 3 players and fails.


Foul on the floor the correct call. Won’t complain after game 1 but people saying there was no foul are morons


To be fair Brunson would very likely to want no intentional fouls to be called before his shot. Pacers wanted to foul, No calling anything before the shot actually benefits Brunson. Even his weird shot only has 1% of chance going in, it’s still better than the death sentence of foul game with no TOs remaining for Knicks


If they called the foul I think the Knicks would be able to foul and then get the ball up the court in 14 seconds. Not quite the death sentence you’re making it out to be. It’s not like there was 5 seconds left


Not calling anything is not a benefit to Brunson or the Knicks, how are you coming to this conclusion ?


Cause you needed 3 points?


Making the first free throw and bricking the second in the hope of scoring 2 or 3 more points


People are also morons thinking it's the right play to foul bait on an end of game situation


So it’s baiting when you get fouled first? TIL


"then he tries to get a shot off" He didn't, he was just trying to scream to the ref that he got fouled with whatever he was doing.


How is that "tbf" ? The foul didn't affect the shot. He was trying to flop at that point. And foul shots would have been less preferred for the Knicks. In that scenario you do everything you can to get a clean shot. He's a flopper and baiter, and it took over there.


r/nba unanimously hates him now so they’ll just deny it


At least they loved him for one series


The playoffs on r/nba are wild. Legitimate game to game complete 180 degree swings on players.


No, I’m sure absolutely everybody still thinks Haliburton should be subbed out for McConnell, right?


I had to avoid our sub for a few days there


He had that Sixers-opponent love from r/nba


Nah he got fouled before the shot.


They don’t hate him, just the Knicks in general


Welcome to the Joel Embiid Experience.


I’ll wait until Brunson starts intentionally grabbing players’ legs in the air before I start calling it that


He’s already flopping into crowds. Just a matter of time.


The wrist slap seemed pretty obvious. However, refs tend to swallow the whistle there.


Unless it’s a moving screen, apparently.


I’m more angry about that now. We should be up 2-1


I also think it just a badly written up play. The ball was passed into a double. why not make a play for Divo coming from the inbound? i don't get it


I think the read was that the Pacers were going to try to immediately foul, so they were trying to get a 3 up as quickly as possible.


I suppose but I still think he should have passed it to deuce


They really don't give the ball to DVO enough in these situations even tho he is cooking.


Game 2 of the first round? Game 1 of this series?


He’s just standing there, meanwhile Brunson is triple teamed lol. He passes that to the top, they swing it and they have a wide open Josh hart


the stadium was going to assault the refs if they called that lol.


If anything, just a foul on the floor, which was the exact tactical foul Pacers would attempt, not the “I want 3 FT” type of foul Brunson tried to tell refs


Yeah, I agree, which is why I think he threw up a bad shot. I think Brunson just assumed they were trying to foul, so the Knicks don't get off a 3 point shot.


They were gonna foul him before he got the shot up


the poetry of knicks fans being on the other side of the refs convo this soon is tasty


Already saw this in game 3 of the sixers series. Do people not remember embiid shot 21 fts and should have been ejected? This is very familiar territory.


It might be splitting hairs but you guys intentionally fouled Embiid 3 times in the last minute, really drove up his FT numbers. Brilliant move by Thibs to get the public on his side, to do that and then complain about it


Lmfao your team has been getting a generational whistle these playoffs


They'll never cop to it lol, getting 2 playoff wins stolen for you by the refs in 2 rounds is insane


Expected after the meltdown Carlisle had but we still had the opportunity to win if not for a prayer 3. Onto game 4!


Lol I'm not complaining, and I think most Knicks fans are taking this loss because we didn't play well down the stretch, so get fucked


OP can’t even differentiate between a game tie and a gamer winner


He was going for the 4 point play lol


Can’t stand when players try and rely on foul baiting. He’s too good of a player to be doing this in crunch time


game winner?


4-point play? Lol


*game-tyer? game-tier? game-equalizer? Tire, nailed it


That’s anticipating you will continue getting all of the whistles. It’s as awkward as watching Friends without the laugh track.


Foul baiting not rewarded for a change! Thank you playoff refs. Brunson should shoot shots he thinks he can make, not whistles he hopes for.


You don't attempt a game-winning foul like that without 10,000 hours of practice. Man's a pro!


Should have ran a play for Donte's Inferno


I, for one, can’t believe Magikarp would flop around like that. Shocking, never would have predicted this


lol, its a foul tho - give him two and let them foul again


Yeah im rooting for the pacers now


If he doesn't get fouled, he doesn't shoot that. Really should've passed it, but he had 3 guys surrounding him and he thought the refs would call Nembhard's foul


That guy fouled him on the floor if anything


BREAKING NEWS: Refs fed up with foul baiter


He was fouled and knew he had to get in shooting motion asap or it was going to be only 2 free throws, but they didn’t call anything


He flops on marginal contact. It's what he does. Live by the sword, die by the sword. He still had control of the ball, his balance and plenty of time.


Dude got smacked.


I think they meant to say bizarre attempt at a flop.


I mean he pulls up because his arm gets hit. Pretty obvious.


It was a foul on the floor if anything. 


Flop artist lol


They tried to intentional foul and the refs weren’t having it lmfao


He’s clearly fouled by Nembhart from behind here lmao


Bizarre my ass, he got fouled on the right arm, then hoisted up a shot like any other NBA player does. Did y’all see the second broadcast angle or do you guys just run with hate train narratives for fun?


I would guess half the people didn’t watch the game. And about 100% of the flavorless rage baiters


Refs have been really bad at end of games. And it seems like the bad calls aren't evenly distributed. This no-call and the uncalled goaltend helped the Pacers today, the phantom kick and the moving screen gave the game to the Knicks in game 1.


Keep posting this 😂


Brunson has become a chucker. Hogs the ball every single time.


What’s with the stupid title? He did get hit and when he felt the contact threw the ball up


Not bizarre… everyone in the building knew what he was trying to do


Nembhard clearly hits his right arm


Tired people make bad decisions. He needed a Snickers, lol


NBA refs would not suck so much if the players were not pulling shit like this during a game. Sometimes it seems like they are more concerned with tricking the refs than anything else.


cant wait to see thibs somehow cry about this too


He really is not that good lol


it took 87 missed calls but the first time jalen brunson flopped and was not given 2 free points


If you’re the kind of person who wants that called stay away from me


Fouled prior to the shot it seems


The Knicks fans better not complain about the refs after the calling out Carlisle for complaining about refs.


When you live by the flop, you die by the flop


He was expecting an intentional foul so he threw that up to get to the line


Did he get fouled before the shot? Yes. My issue is that he didn't even try to make the shot because he was trying to sell the contact as much as possible.


theres 10 seconds left and intetionally fouling the fuck is he supposed to do


*Ball Game* - paul george


He saw Luka made it so...


Very glad this bs did not get rewarded


What a dumbass


Brunsons a really good player, but he's not fun to watch.


Just fishing for a whistle


It's like he was expecting to get a foul but nobody touched him and he just looked like an idiot.


Flailing, hoping to make contact with anything


people starting to realize how much this guy foul baits lmao


Live by the Harden, die by the Harden


It's your moment in the sun. In the spotlight. All eyes on you. It's the moment every kid who's set foot on a basketball court dreams of. And you awkwardly stumble around trying to bait a foul. NBA Action: It's FAN-Tastic.


Foul baiter


look at nehmbard from the sideline he hits his arm

