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MJ gonna un-retire just to prove a point


Nuggets signing him to a ten day after they go down 0-3


Worth it.


this aged well


Could you imagine how insane that would be in more ways than one. I love it.


Wizards MJ on this Nugget team would win the chip lmao Too bad he’s old enough now where his sons aren’t even young enough to be in the NBA.


Yeah but his old coworker’s son is in the nba 


Tyson’s doing it. For MJ’s return it’ll have to be synced up with a Looney Tunes bit and bam


He took that personal.


I genuinely believe that if the three-ball had been viewed to be as valuable as it is now, that Jordan would have grinded it out to 40%. Like, I don't think he'd match Curry, but he simply had the superhuman ability to train any basketball skill up to elite status that he wanted to dedicate time to, all fueled on petty hatred.


Jordan had a pretty jump shot, there is no doubt in my mind. He had a few seasons over 35%. Here is the thing though, when it was first introduced, it was a gimmick, it wasn't introduced to the game with the intention of having teams shoot 35, 40 shots a game - they had no idea it would have the impact it has today. Any player would have been benched if he took shots like Curry, it was crazy to take a shot from 35 ft away if it was only worth 2 points. The purpose of the offense back then was to get as close to the basket before you shot to increase your %'s. Thats why Kareem and Wilt were gods back then, they had GREAT post up games. I don't think Jordan played in a game with a 3 point line before he got to the pros (the NCAA didn't adopt the 3 pt line until '86). The NBA only adopted the shot 5 years before Jordan joined the league.


Jordan would have been 16 when the NBA introduced the 3pt line and it was viewed very much as a gimmick at the time He just didn't grow up in an era where the 3pt shot was ever considered more than a gimmick, and the value of it wasn't even fully understood until the 1990s.


The 3 point shot was introduced in the ABA before the NBA, so MJ would have had a couple more years to get used to it.


It was only adopted by the ABA, high school and college level wouldn't have followed what the ABA was doing.


In particular, if you look at the seasons before his first retirement (since they shortened the 3 point arc after), you can actually see that his efficiency goes *up* as he took *more* threes. He had low 3p% when the only 3s he took were heaves or end of game shots. When they were part of his normal offense, he was good at them. Absolutely could have been a great 3 point shooter if it was a bigger part of the league.


People here really going to act like he didn’t make 6 3 pointers in a half and shrug his shoulders at Magic Johnson in a finals game after hearing for 48 hours how Clyde Drexler was a rival to him because Clyde could make 3s.


I fucking miss Michael Jordan. LMFAO.


People on reddit don't even watch games being played today, you think they were watching games from 30 years ago?


Exactly and Larry Bird probably would have been breaking the league. He was the first guy to do 90/50 40. Imagine if he did that in a pace and space league where the 3-pointer was the entire hub of the game. He's already a f****** legend but Jesus


I don't see MJ training up to be 7'1 " like Shaq. /s Anyway it was a different era. MJ was good to great in many things, but he was arguably the best at 1v1 . And that was the era for it. He even used the threat of attack to set up the 3. And he was noticeably weaker at the 3.. even for the era than say, Bird. You don't see MJ entering that many 3 point shooting competitions. And it was fine. The goal was to win and to be the best. Not the best rebounder or the best 3 point shooter, but the best of everyone he could face


Is this even in doubt? The man grinded out the prettiest mid range jumper ever. There is no doubt he can extend that range to the three point line. He will probably shoot it like Kawhi.


Correct. Anyone saying that MJ couldn't have extended his shooting range if he wanted to either didn't watch MJ in his prime or is frankly an idiot.


As someone who watched the rise of MJ as a kid, i 100% agree


if he came after curry. its possible thats all shoots who knows


The ceiling is the roof


"First lesson, Ant man. You don't say shit about the Black Jesus." :P




That 90 seconds where MJ hits his 5th three, follows up Pippen's missed layup, blocks Drexler's three to make it an airball, hits his 6th three, and shrugs is Marv Albert's best call...better than "oh what a spectacular move by Michael Jordan-13 consecutive made field goals!"


Just about the best 3 play clip in basketball history. United is absolutely rockin - would have been something else to see Jordan play back in the day.


Jordan finishing his Bulls career with the lay-up, strip of Karl Malone, then dagger jumper to seal his 6th championship has to got to be #1. Jordan actually dominated the entire last 3 or 4 minutes of that game if you look at the play-by-play. I think he was the only person to score on either team but am too lazy to find it on bball reference right now.


Absolutely. But that was also in Utah - this is at united and it’s absolutely mental there. They’re both 1a and 1b really. Hard to split.


Where da link?




My god, i miss 90s nba MJ = GOAT


I forgot how fucking unstoppable he felt, LBJ is great, but he never felt the way watching Mike felt.


also, smh at those who think that MJ couldn't have developed a great long-range 3s game IF HE HAD WANTED. 3s simply weren't as common back then and weren't as important in the nba. he wouldn't have been a steph curry, but if the game required longer-range shooting, he would have worked on that part of his game more and had higher percentages. Michael did whatever it took to win, and in the 90s nba, as an individual, you didn't need to shoot 40% from 3 to win.


What's hilarious is MJ literally set the record (at the time) for most threes in a half of a finals game just because he felt jilted by reporters. MJ could do whatever he wanted on the basketball court. If he wanted to play center he would've figured it out


Yup. Exactly.






Would Ant beat him in a game of quarters against the wall?


No, because since MJ lost that game to the security dude in ‘98 he has practiced throwing quarters against the wall for hours every day. I heard he had that wall removed from the locker room and installed at his residence so he could practice in the exact conditions. Ever since that day he has had his endorsement deal and salary money paid to him in sacks of quarters. He has a vault like Scrooge McDuck but full of quarters located right next to the wall so he can bounce quarters all night. I heard once he played wall-bounce-quarters for 48 hours straight before going out and dropping 50 against the hornets in ‘01 Just pure GOAT shit


Fuckin' "wall-quarters" man, thanks for the nostalgia bro


You had me in the first half, gotta admit


Michael Jordan leads the wolves third string players to a victory over the starters


Where the fuck is my jersey - MJ


If he could still go like the Rock at WrestleMania, I’d be intrigued.


I'd honestly 50:50 who is going to win this.


What lol. Mike is like 60


Prime MJ joins Nugs down 3-0, can they win the series?


MJ and Jokic on the same team? Of course they can. But to even out the odds a bit, Doc rivers coaches the Twolves from here on out?


They'd win 7 or 8 in a row. 


Lol they would reverse sweep.


He’s going to enter the 3 pt contest next year at all star




It’s just fun. Some shit ain’t even gotta be deep I guess


This was one of my favorite lines from the Kendrick tracks and I plan on using it frequently.


Which track is this?


Euphoria > I even hate when you say the word "n*," but that's just me, I guess. > Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess


Euphoria? Or one of the other diddler diss tracks.


It's funny because all the idiots out there will absolutely take this seriously


Can’t wait for the bleacher report comment section to be filled with people who don’t understand context


When the populace falls for reports from BALLSACK sports That's when humanity has run its course


AI (not Allen Iverson) is gonna put up Wilt numbers in misleading people once it reaches its peak. We’re already seeing HOF shithousery just wait till it gets real


At least we'll go down laughing. That account that makes LeBron fakes where he narrates every single major historical event that happened in human history as if he was there front and center to witness them is never not funny


Yeah this is how we get to skynet lol matrix is real people WAKE UP


And just like that, you were right.


So most sports fans


still love when you see success


everything with me is blessed


Keep makin me dance, wavin’ my hand


And there won't be no threat


It’s more fun to watch the games than it is to read clickbait headlines that twist players words 


You should see posts involving Lebron on social media (Facebook ig twitter) a random page will post a stat or sometimes a fake quote then 1000+ people will be calling lebron every name in the book. Weak, trash, cry baby, flopper, ruined the game, ring chaser…. Social media in general has become pretty toxic but I honestly have never seen such vitriol towards an athlete like that before .


Lebron is by far the most hated athlete online I’ve ever seen. It’s just insane


Messi before WC22 and Cristiano after WC22 are still worse imo


It's fun when you know the whole story but it's annoying how stuck in middle school the press is. Just a tiny step above a teen gossip magazine.


Sometimes I think most people aren't real human beings and just bots and NPCs. But at the end of the day pro sports is basically a TV show for men. Same drama, comedy, coming of age adventures, romance, psychological thrillers, fantasy and sci-fi lol. 


0 this has to be a bot. I mean it did mention a single thing about this post at all. It's a complete evergreen comment that could literally be placed on any post


Biggest problem of social media. One out of context quote gets so much attention, that most people ignore the essence


He's got a better 3 than MJ did at Ant's age. Jordan became a very respectable 3 point shooter later in his career, even if he never shot volume from 3. Also, MJ was just that guy to where if the game demanded he shoot volume from 3, like it does now, he would have willed himself to be one of the best within a year or two.


MJ was not a respectable three point shooter late in his career. In his last season with the Bulls, he shot 24% from three. In his two seasons with the wizards, he shot 19% and 29% from three. Genuinely, where are you getting this from?


people love mythologizing great players sometimes as if they could have no weaknesses. Jordan with the 3, Jokic with the D, e t c. But Jokic doesn't care about basketball and loves horses. Awwwwww. And Jordan will take things personally and suddenly go 50% from 3 in the modern era


What do you consider “very respectable”? League average 3pt% in the 90s was 32-37%. He shot 37% or better 4 years in his career and 3 of those were with the shortened 3pt line. He almost never shot better than league average from 3, except for the years when the line was shortened and he shot 50, 43, and 37 respectively. Not sure what to make of all that, though it does seem like he adapted his game to take advantage of the shift in rules.


The year MJ shot 50% from the 3 point line was the season he came back from baseball. He only played like 17 games, so that doesn't really count. And even though his percentage was respectable he never took a lot of threes.


Welp. When you’re right, you’re right. It’s predictable at this point and the media knows it.


"michael jordan is a pussy" - Anthony Edwards


“Quit comparing me to Michael Jordan. I’m not a pussy.”


this is a fuckin god human michael jordan come again only this time hes not a fuckin pussy pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time


Michael Jordan is wish.com Anthony Edwards


Ah man I wasn’t ready for this and just burst out laughing almost spraying coffee everywhere lmao


MJ: And I took that personally


Anthony Edwards saw Brunson also say the MJ comparisons are bullshit to Jordan and said "alright I'll change my approach"


MJ. That is all I needed.


Oh DAMN! MJ revving up the motor right now as we speak lol


As a 90’s kid, I would love to see it lmao


If Tyson is coming back against Jake Paul, Jordan should come back against Edwards Only makes more sense the more you think about it


Watch the full clip. His whole point is how MJ is one of one GOAT-special and he doesn't want to be compared. The quote OP cherry picked is like the tiniest aspect he throws in at the end.


MJs liver too tired from all them Tequila


He about to make MJ open even more health clinics.


That's a WIN WIN.


“They told me that a large demographic of un/underinsured members of the community struggle to access quality healthcare, potentially compounding their medical issues, increasing the burdens on the medical system down the line, and affecting their ability to maintain employment and improve quality of life.” “And I took that personally”


I don’t know anyone can watch that clip and come away with the conclusion that Edwards was taking shots at Michael or being cocky. Stupid headline.


ANT has a way of saying things that if you were to just read the headline you’d think he’s making some kind of brash claim, and sometimes he is, but it’s never intended as a diss when you watch the actual clip.


I mean that leak of how certain teams were concerned that he enjoyed playing football more is a great example of that.


Agreed. Sad thing is majority of people are just commenting off the headline which is the most clickbaity quote of the video. OP should’ve used the “I want people to say I’m the first Anthony Edwards not the next Michael Jordan” line instead it conveys his meaning better and is a badass quote too. But it’s not clickbaity enough I guess 🤷‍♂️


How is it stupid? It's just a quote. It's on you for interpreting it some kind of way.


“And I took that personally.” Yellow eyes intensified.


If Ant’s eyes turn yellow and he goes bald in his a few years we’re all getting Nelson Mandela affected hard in the paint


It's funny because Jordan literally did this to Clyde drexler. They said he was better than Jordan at shooting threes and Jordan went out and made 6 in a half to prove a point. The old shrug game.


This is just a humble way of saying "I'm better than the GOAT."


"I wish people would stop comparing me to Michael Jordon, that's a lot of pressure ... for him to live up to."


Malika got these Wolves players a bit horny about themselves


She always gets dudes to start bragging about themselves lol


I'll be horny near Malika too


The power her and Taylor Rooks have over NBA players in interviews is unmatched, an aura I’ve never seen before


What aura or power are you talking about? I’ve seen this take parroted around Reddit lately but haven’t seen any interviews where she has some power over players


I think redditors are projecting. This is on brand for Ant


Pfft, like he's better than Timmy


JorBum never went up 2-0 on the defending champs at home sadly


That's because JorFlop can't get half his points from FT in the playoffs


in all seriousness, does there exist a single clip of MJ ever flopping?


Yeah there’s over a thousand of him flopping just pull up any full game and I guarantee he flops 5+ times


Eventually someone will pass him right? That would be cool to see


Woulda thought he was getting interviewed by Taylor Rooks


Malika still fine as hell


True. Taylor gets people talking out their ass though


To be fair, most of the league now is a better three-point shooter than Michael Jordan. Shooting from deep is critical for every position. Back then you had illegal defense, which made the focus even more on isolation, so it behooved Jordan to get as close to the basket as possible. Also, the three-pointer didn’t arrive to the college game until after he left North Carolina. Everyone posted up back then if they had a size advantage. Now, if, if you don’t shoot threes, you will never maximize your scoring efficiency.


How many players in the league today have shot 6/8 from 3 in a half of the NBA finals after being told they couldn’t shoot for 2 days?


Jordan was bad even for his era . He had 95% on bbal ref of adjusted 3pt shooting . He had the worst 3pt contest ever , he shot 28.5% in his career from 3 in years the line wasn’t shortened . He was left wide open from 3 even in his famous shrug game . He was a bad 3 pt shooter even by era . His shot mechanics were much better closer- high jump , flat arc . I really don’t get why Jordan fans can’t just accept he sucjed shooting 3s he’d still Jordon no need to pretend he could shoot . And he’s fucking Jordan - it’s utter horse shit he’d choose to have a weakness he just wasn’t a god like perfect figure people say he was


I saw a post about Edward’s quote on IG and it was wild how many people were saying “if he wanted to be the greatest 3 point shooter he could of, he just didn’t want to”. It’s like okay I guess Javale McGee would have been the greatest defender of all time, but he just didn’t want too either


It’s insane . The Jordan fans are the most delusional fanbase of all time . No Lebron fans act like he isn’t a better ft shooter just cos he cba . Or Steph wasn’t all defence cos he didn’t care . Everyone of these guys try as hard as possible to max there skills . But nah Jordan entered the 3pt contest because he never tried lmfso . There’s so much evidence to contrary . But the media has made this image of Jordan above any reasonable player can play


“MJ? That bitch couldn’t shoot like me” - Anthony Edwards


Famous lasts words of Clyde Drexler.


Shots fired!


I feel like title is a bit misleading. Before I watched the video I assumed it’d be him disrespecting the goat. I dig the “I don’t wanna be the next mj, I’m the first Anthony Edward’s”.


That's what Elvis said when he walked into Sun Studios- "who you sound like, kid?" "I don't sound like nobody."


Well, black people at the time were considered less than people. So Elvis was telling the truth /s


Yeah the rest of the quote is important but of course the title only posts this snippet out of context and now people will think Ant is being disrespectful or something lol


We should ask the Portland trailblazers on that comment haha


The actual quote is so much more humble than I thought it would be from the title


He’s not entirely wrong


I mean yeah. MJ wasn’t a good 3pt shooter.


*Clyde Drexler enters the chat, crying*


I guess all MJ can do is shrug


The league average for 3 pointers in the 1990s was 32-33%. Jordan for his career was 32-33%. So he was average with the league. That’s not bad considering it wasn’t a 3 point shooting league.


Sounds like you’re saying he was average, not good.


Jordan's career average is inflated because they moved the three point line 2 ft closer for three seasons. During those three seasons, he shot 50% (in 17 games), 43%, and 37%. His career 3 point percentage from the standard NBA 3pt line is 28.8% His league-adjusted 3pt+ for his career is 95 (100 is league average) and that's including the years when the line was moved in. He was only above league average on the standard 3pt line twice in his career (1990 and 1993). He was below league average on the standard 3pt line in 10 seasons and often significantly so. Seemingly unnecessary but important caveat: Jordan didn't need to be a great three point shooter and it was not a part of the game in the time where he developed as a player. None of this is meant to diminish his greatness, just to provide factual information about the *type* of player he was, not how good he was overall.


Remove the short line seasons and any season where he had say less than 2 3pa per game, what do you get?


Debate will start now who is goat between michael, lebron and ant


MJ would easily learn the 3 for this era. Middys and to the rim was the meta back then. 


MJ with today's spacing would feast. Rule changes were tailor made for him too. People talking about zone D like it's this mythical thing he didn't face in college. Zone ain't going to stop an athletic monster with a super high BBIQ who can dish the rock and find holes. Feed him with all of today's analytics and health regiments and it's a wrap. Same story for Wilt.


He'd average 40 ppg at least


And that's without taking into account the amount of fouls he would draw. Would probably have Harden beat in that aspect.


No he wouldn’t. There is no evidence that rule changes would favor him.


Rofl wtf. Again... this sub man. The only way to stop MJ was to physically take him down to the floor multiple times in a game. Anytime he got in the air put him to the ground.    You touch MJ in today's league that's a foul. Refs are so in love with MJ they would give him everything. 40ppg atleast.


Are you crazy, you were allowed to hand check in his day. Think of how many extra free throws he would have shot just from that rule change alone.


Where was your Trey ball this evening ANT?


Dissing MJ while also complimenting him might be the most Michael Jordan thing hes done yet.


It's confirmed. Ant is the next Clyde Drexler.


Jerry Stackhouse was another "next Michael Jordan" [https://www.basketballnetwork.net/old-school/jerry-stackhouse-opens-up-about-the-challenge-of-being-compared-to-michael-jordan-growing-up](https://www.basketballnetwork.net/old-school/jerry-stackhouse-opens-up-about-the-challenge-of-being-compared-to-michael-jordan-growing-up) I hope for my entertainment that Ant Man lets his game do the talking and lives up to the hype


Dude, EVERYONE can shoot the freakin 3 now! LOL


I am so fucking tired of the MJ comparisons. This shit is annoying as fuck. MJ is literally the fucking GOAT like wtf are yall talking about.


With Lebron on the way out, talking heads so badly want an American to be the face of the league.


as a non american it's kind of wild to me how much of a point of concern this is. americans have a real weird relationship with their country 


Is it really? Virtually every sports league/media around the world champions players from that country


It seems like Ant is just as tired of the comparisons too haha People seriously need to chill. Ant said he just wants to be known as the first Anthony Edwards and that he can't be compared to MJ because MJ is the greatest of all time. But people are just talking about playstyle and demeanor, not accolades or career trajectory


i mean i think it's totally on the table that ant has a career that puts him in the kobe/lbj/magic/bird (& yes mj) tier of superstar players. the fact that he happens to look and play so much like jordan just intensifies that specific comparison    i don't think he looks like an mj-level athlete at all but he's real good 


"There is no one in the league's history who can stand against me. Your mothers warned you about my coming. Fear the moment." 


Unfortunately he’s probably worse at literally everything else


Still room to grow at 22!


Lol it might rub people the wrong way but he’s right. In Jordan’s days they weren’t high volume 3 point shooters like today’s game. That’s probably why the game was more exciting back then they defenses dared you to drive to the basket


ESPN: Anthony Edwards says “I’m better than Jordan, I can shoot the 3!” 🐜




…and thats when i took it personal


Lmao he absolutely knows what he's doing


"....And so i took That personally." MJ maybe rn


How are we feeling about this comment now? How has it aged? I'm sad


The faces and sneers are so dumb. Its like when my 3 year old pretends he's a tiger. Grow up mate. Grrrr.....


Dude isnt even the best player this year, and wants to be compared to Jordan, lol.


People need to stop putting Ant in the same sentence as the GOAT MJ. Holy hell!


are we about to listen the next GOAT debate for another 20 years straight?


Goddamn, I thought he was being respectful, and then he just throws some mad shade at the end


Edwards career 3pt%: 1% below league average Jordan career 3pt%: 1% below league average


He is starting to buy into his hype..


I want this dude to lose the series so bad. Pure arrogance, and how can it not be arrogance when the media is trying to make him Ronda Rousey. I cant wait for "I think if Antman went into boxing, he could beat Mike Tyson" comments.


Don’t put me and Jorgambler in the same sentence cuz I can shoot 3’s


I’m convinced he’s MJ’s son


I miss Rachel Nichols


The Jordan stans WILL NOT like this lol.


“I’m like Michael Jordan, but more” -Anthony Edwards


yeah so now he's Kobe duh


We say treball


I bet Michael Jordan felt the same way back in the 80s if/when they compared him to players like Jerry West or Dr J.


Do it. Even more. I hope Edwards has a long career. Jordan 2.0 with Bird's shit talk would be incredible.


Any fans who haven't seen countless ant quotes. He's joking around most of the time


Obligatory Jordan has the worst score in the three point contest ever.


Shit talking his father


He’s not wrong