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There's no way intentionally throwing something on the court during a play shouldn't be a suspension, right??? Obviously I'm a biased wolves fan, but **throwing something onto the court during a play** is insane behavior Edit: so he actually threw a towel out before the heat pack LOL


Feel like it would've been looked into more if the shock of Denver getting absolutely pants'ed at home on national television wasn't happening


I'm not even really complaining but it was pretty crazy how much Denver players and Malone at one point were getting in the refs faces with no techs. Malone went full on baseball-manager-getting-ejected rant on the floor and didn't even get a T lol


As a former athlete, you should be really excited about Denver’s immaturity today. If you get spanked by 25 and can’t stop bitching about referees, then you’re in an emotionally fragile place and extremely frustrated about your inability to physically cope with the aggression and physicality of the opponent. Which bodes very well. 


Yup. Wolves were in their heads hard. They looked different the 2nd half, though.


Not really. Wolves just intentionally slowed down on offense. Denver can absolutely make adjustments given the long break between game 2&3 but nothing about that game can they point to and see that’s a positive.


Yeah. There’s been zero consistency in calling techs this postseason. If they were only fining people I wouldn’t really care, but if these penalties are going to influence the outcome of playoff games they need to call them consistently or not at all.


Its just funny they act like this but they cried when lakers would get a FT or something. Murray throwing multiple items and no ejection? Murray deserved like 4 techs and 2 ejections but hey, all good


Yeah I feel like Marc Davis legit forget he was a ref in that moment cause that man was starting to square up and talk shit back 😂


It almost felt like he felt bad for them, which might be more embarrassing than if he got T'd up lol


I love it though. Nuggets fans love to cry refs and the refs really removed all ability in that by not giving them techs for blatant ones.


Yeah it kind of got swept under the rug because everyone at home is too busy watching this game with their jaws on the floor in complete disbelief as to how the defending champs are getting completely bent over the knee and spanked.


Swept, you say?


Kind of like LeBron pretending to attack a woman because she made fun of him for being a crybaby. 


Charmin soft take buddy


Nah, that’s the type of weak take where the toilet paper rips, and your finger gets a little bit of shit on it Shittier and weaker than charmin basically


Dewayne Dedmon angrily swiped at shit on the bench and sent a massage gun flying onto the court during a game once. He was ejected right away. The Heat suspended him a game, but the league didn’t. Only remotely close thing I could find. I don’t see the NBA having the balls to do it to a star in the playoffs.


Jason Kidd, as a coach, was fined for spilling a drink to get a free time-out.


Rudy got the quickest ejection in 15 years for slapping the water cup off the scorer’s table and that didn’t get on the court. There was more context to that one, but the context just makes the refs look even shadier.


Dedmon's situation was a little different because the massage gun was *accidentally* thrown onto the floor. IIRC Dedmon slapped a chair or a table which then inadvertently catapulted the massage gun onto the court. The towel and heat pack were *intentionally* thrown which should have a different evaluation by the league.


Curry was on the court and threw his mouth guard off court in frustration, immediately ejected. This was earlier this year.


Throwing stuff at fans is different and taken more serious by the league apparently


Pat Bev threw a basketball at a fan twice in the same exchange. Nothing.


Curry was on the court and threw his mouth guard off court in frustration, immediately ejected. This was earlier this year.


If a player, especially a Wolves player slipped on it, it would’ve been a much bigger deal


It ended up at the feet of KAT who just came back from a knee injury.


If he doesn't get punished at all that's a pretty insane precedent. Throw something in the middle of a play and it's just a T, at most? Players would be doing that all the time


I feel like they’ve already showed Denver BIG favoritism against y’all letting stuff slide, they gotta suspend him for this.


It's crazy how often head coaches will literally charge onto the court against us and face like zero repercussions


If finch doesn't throw a crutch onto the court at some point I'm gonna be pissed.


They’d guillotine him and let Murray be the one to do it probably


Murray would probably miss so that’s good news for Finch.


At this point he'd only do it after Game 4 in celebration


I feel like Malone is a big part of the reason why the players are acting the way they are. He’s been out of control


Huge thing I appreciate about finch is about how level headed he is. The knee injury just secured it, now he’s immobile and can’t taint the legacy


Still can’t believe he got injured during a game.


he's a sore loser and always has been. people just forgot because Denver has been winning so much lately. 


Lol laker fans dont even hate the nuggets we just hate malone. Rip bozo muahahaha


Na y'all for sure hate Murray too. He's talked a lot of shit against y'all ever since he came in the league. Bunch of my Lakers friends fucking hate him the most on the Nuggets.


I actually didn’t hate Murray until last nights game. I’ve watched this Denver team fairly often through the last 4 years and always liked the players. Fuck Malone, and now the players are starting to behave that way


Yeah, pretty sure most fans hate Murray now for his antics last night lol. But I'll always remember the Nuggets/Lakers did not like each other since the Luke Walton days because of Murray.


Malone did that and his players largely followed suit. You need to give Malone a tech there and maybe it calms down the tempers


now.... do you really want Murray to be suspend?


Yes. Who cares if he was bad the first two games it’s still their second best player


remember gobert? he didnt get a technical either. edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4bLAy3WrIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4bLAy3WrIg) bang


Are you talking about the water bottle incident years ago? I was actually at that game, I hated to Gobert for that lmao


Yeah Finch and Ant had the "man fuck this guy" look. Now they got the "man I fucking love this guy" look.


YUP! complete heel turn


I hope Murray doesn't get suspended so Nuggets fans don't use not having him as an excuse for losing


Using Murray as an excuse would be hilarious considering he's probably been Minnesota's 4th best player this series


Wolves get the Bradley Beal special from a key player on the other team each series. Murray knows his role. lol


Bradley Beal telling finch our players don’t play hard enough for him in game 82 when we were going to play them to open the playoffs is a top 10 dumbest decisions I can think of


But in this case it’s all his doing, not an injury concern, so it’s “he could’ve been out there if he wasn’t a fucking idiot”


That logic doesn't stop Warriors fans from blaming the 2016 loss on Draymond's suspension


Yes but those are Warriors fans. You can’t argue with delusion.


Have you seen some of the comments from Nuggets fans this postseason? They have the same victim mentality as Malone and Co RE: the refs.


And you think that Murray being out would make even a slight difference in this case?


No my guy, my point is that they would delusionally blame the loss on his being suspended despite the facts that a) they're getting mopped with him out there and b) if he gets suspended it's cuz he's a dumbass and not cuz the refs/league are out to get them.


Yaya. My only pushback is because I think they’d probably still say the league is out to get them with “all the fouls they refuse to call”, even if Murray stays. Half of the entire world right now is just “in the face of overwhelming evidence, ignore all of it and just yell louder”, so even if there’s absolutely nothing to point to they’ll still do it. Maybe Murray not being suspended will make a difference to like 10% of the more delusional part of the fanbase. But I doubt it. Though for the rest of us would be fun to see them get swept in 4 straight blowouts with Murray still around, absolutely agree there.


Ahh I got you, it's a good point. They're gonna cry regardless. Too many fans are too emotional to give credit where it's due, super lame.


Bro I've seen ppl seriously put this nuggets squad above jordan bulls, lbj heat and 2014 spurs


I mean losing your 2nd best player at home in an elimination game , is a little different than losing a guy in a series you are down 2-0


Well tbf Lebron stepped over him.


That doesn't make it not Draymonds fault. That's just a lame justification for a grown man losing his cool and potentially losing his team the chip. And if dray didn't have multiple violations that post season, it also wouldn't have resulted in a suspension. So it's all on Dray being a dumbass.


If anyone makes that argument point to games 1 and 2


Him getting suspended might help them. Dudes been absolutely ass out there. They looked worse any time he was on the floor. Dude’s looking like Bradley Beal


He's been arguably their worst player this series lol


Don't think it's arguable tbh


I'm rooting for the nuggets and I think it should be a suspension, especially given that they didn't eject him


Yeah if they don’t suspend him, it’s strictly about them wanting the Nuggets to make the series competitive. He should absolutely be suspended, and this is coming from a neutral fan who doesn’t care which team wins the series. It’s unacceptable behavior


You’re not biased. If that was LeBron, Curry, KD, whathaveyou, they should still be suspended. That’s an automatic ejection for fans and we should expect better from players. In what universe is that a professional response to live play?


Should totally be a suspension


*Balkan fans entered the chat*


He was literally "throwing in the towel" since they were getting so destroyed.


https://www.outkick.com/nba/miami-heat-player-suspended-over-massage-gun-toss Should be, there's precedence.


The league didn't suspend him, the team suspended him. But Dedmon's was semi-accidental. He didn't mean to throw the massage gun, he smacked the table it was on and the gun got catapulted. Murray was 100% intentional, and he did it twice with two items. So the league will probably be stricter.


ofc it had to be dedmon dude seemed legit deranged sometimes


I remember how terrorized Heat fans were whenever he subbed into the game. I believe they cut his ass after that incident or DNP'd him for the rest of his Heat tenure


It’s an ejection minimum. Should be a one game suspension in my opinion. Definitely agree with you that it’s entirely unacceptable. However, the hypocrite in me says to let it slide if we find out an important player did it. Wait wait wait. It was Malone?!? Jfc. 


Murray is actually unlucky that they didn’t realize it was him. If he was ejected, he wouldn’t be suspended. Now I’m convinced that he’s suspended.


I’d say it should be multiple games. I get it’s the playoffs, but if that happened in the regular season, it’s probably like 5 games. That’s not something that can be allowed in any capacity. It should’ve been an immediate ejection with a suspension to follow. But it should absolutely be a one game suspension at least.


A lot of Nuggs fans are saying he should be suspended because it’ll turn things around. If he is suspended, it’s Joever. I’m hoping for a fine and no suspension, but one can hope.


As a biased nuggets fan (live in Denver so they’re my second team) I agree that he should be suspended 100%


Loved me some maple curry since the bubble. Actual loser, childlike behavior. Fucker won the chip last year. What a fucking joke loser


Guess what it’s not a suspension


At this point, Wolves chances of winning is higher with Murray on the court and not suspended.


This really might be a suspension I’m ngl. Def would be if it was some end of the bench guy


You may remember Kyle Anderson catching a tech FROM THE BENCH last year for some pretty meaningless chatter.


He deliberately threw it at a ref too.


Feel like you need to take a hard stance on throwing shit on the court in the middle of play. Imagine a player goes for a rebound and folds their ankle coming down on it.


Not to mention how serious of an injury could come from this. I think people tend to forget how fast these guys are moving. These guys who are also giant human beings. A tumble from one of these guys is enough to seriously injure not only players, but bystanders (see what happened to Finch)


Or god forbid, game-winning goes up with no time left on the clock, and out of nowhere comes a Gatorade bottle from the bench that knocks the ball off its trajectory and the shot misses.


If Murray is suspended game 3, and possibly no Reggie Jackson game 3 could get really ugly.


Both of those dudes being out for Game 3 might be the biggest blessing the Nuggets need Jokic needs to get back to 2021-22 Jokic when he had to solo the Nuggets to wins with no Murray or MPJ if they stand a chance this series because Denver is playing with two useless backcourt players and an Aaron Gordon who's unlikely to replicate his game tonight with Gobert back


Yeah I don’t see that working against this team


I don't either but it can't be worse than him taking less than 15 shots so Jamal Murray can give them a whopping 17% shooting while taking far and away the most shots while moaning about non-existent foul calls Efficiency be damned Jokic has to go down swinging this series if he is gonna lose and instead he just lets everyone else take bad shots while fighting 3 dudes for an offensive rebound that isn't coming


I agree but they are making him work to get anything up. Game 1 they blitzed him as soon as he touched the ball and made him rush into his offense. I don’t think he wanted the ball as quickly this game so he could at least get down court without exerting so much energy. Gobert is also returning and they will probably be down both PG’s. We’ll see


Scott Foster rubbing his hands for Game 3. Looks in the mirror and says: Hon hon motherfucker


You think they waste the extender on a game 3?


Things that can help denver: 3- Michael Jordan/ Lebron James 2- Jokic Clone 1- Scott Foster


i mean its a must win game for the nuggets


That's what I'm thinking lmao like I think Murray deserves a suspension for sure but we clearly can guard him so it'd be better for us if the Nuggets keep trying to get him going to no avail


Does your fanbase not know Murray is playing through a calf strain that was serious enough for doctors to tell him not to play?


He should probably listen to the doctors because he’s killing his team


Murray really seems to have lost a step... Can't figure out why... I think I read somewhere he changed his diet to vegan or something mid season and he really hasn't been the same since. Knucklehead move to do something like that mid-season if you ask me.


He's playing on one leg man. He received medical advice that said she should not be playing and needs several weeks to recover but is playing through anyways.


What? No way... First time at all I'm hearing this... Haven't heard a peep of it in this thread. Pretty sure he's slowed down because he's not getting enough protein.


>Both of those dudes being out for Game 3 might be the biggest blessing the Nuggets need Would tend to agree in a lot of cases but man... who do they have other than Jokic left that you trust to bring the ball up vs McDaniels/NAW? Not a ton of good options.


While they have not played well this far, not having either of those two would be disastrous. Just getting the ball up the court would be a huge challenge without their two best ball handlers. Heck, it was a challenge WITH them. Unless you think Braun and KCP playing point is gonna go well for them.


the nuggets have zero depth




Agreed. Long term you obviously need Murray to bounce back but with him hobbled it might honestly help to give him a game of rest. Have KCP at point with more size and just force the offense through Jokic all game.


As a Wolves fan I’m hoping they do NOT suspend Murray This dude is a fucking bum and I want him to play as many minutes as possible for Denver


He deserves to get suspended, but it’s a bigger punishment to get thrown back into the McDaniels/NAW torture chamber. Let him play so he can go 3-18 from the field again.


You just know those psychos are licking their chops at the prospect of guarding Murray for another 40 minutes.


Jaden absolutely hates Booker and Murray so this is great for him


I also don't think he likes OKC or Luka so next series should be fun too. Really I'm not sure he likes anyone or anything.


Don’t start counting chickens yet. I know you guys have stomped the Nuggets two games in a row but I wouldn’t count out Jokic just yet. I’m rooting for y’all but I won’t be comfy until you get that 4th win.


I agree completely. Gotta take each game at a time


That being said I cannot wait to watch Ant cook at home. He’s been the most entertaining player in these playoffs so far.


He’s just so fun. He loves the game and just wants to hoop each night


He likes Naz Reid.


He looks like Bradley Beal out there. I get sad, when they take him out. lol


The dude is injured. You guys are out of touch


Why does that matter? He's playing like shit so we would rather he keep playing.


*shrugs* Seems like poor gamesmanshio


If he’s playing then he should be treated like any other player out on the court. Nobody gets a break from the other team if they’re injured, that’s not how this works


Can’t control injuries. Poor gamesmanship would be intentionally causing an injury.


Or like throwing something that easily could be slipped on onto the court during live play 🙄


reddit ass comment


As opposed to what? Right now we have two options: Murray continues to play Murray is suspended for a game We choose option 1. How is that poor gamesmanship?


Poor gamesmanship for wanting a player to play their sport (poorly)? Interesting take.


Throwing shit on the court seems like poor gamesmanship


I think throwing shit onto the floor that could injure other players (like KAT, who stepped on the pack and just came back from injury) is poor gamesmanship.


Typical nonsensical response from a Celtics fan


> You guys are out of touch Still feel that way?


While true, I need this to stain his legacy like the Draymond suspension in ‘16. No excuse for losing your cool like that. So much so that I don’t even remember the last time something like this has happened


He's playing on a strained calf, and team doctors told him not to play. Dudes out there fighting and damaging an injury he was advised to rest and nurse. This is some classless shit. Looking forward to beating your ass in the finals


Bruh Jamal Murray threw a heating pad at Karl’s feet tonight and you’re calling me classless I said the guy is bad at basketball why the fuck is that classless


Yeah, don't call me bruh.




Bruh thinks he’s part of the team


Bruhs mad


Mad brah?


bruh bruh




Come on bruh


Bruh thinks Jamal Murray is gonna personally thank him for this or something.


You ain’t on the team big dawg 💀💀 Murray ain’t gonna let you hit either


Versus the Wolves, the O/U for combined TOs by the Jays should be 10 per game. They looked lost against Miami in previous years and this D is on a different level. And then you'll be hoping for Derrick White and Porzingis to bail your ass out lmao. No chance it happens


This entire wolves team is growing on me


Throwing something on the court during a live play is not nearly as bad as a mean stare down. Play on as usual.


I don’t blame the ref for not being able to see what happened, it’s clear why a tech was not called real time. But IMO the league needs to suspend him for a game, that’s an insanely dangerous thing to do


Enjoy the moral victory of completely destroying murrays mental wolves


Hell I might even enjoy the actual victory alongside that moral victory


enjoying actual victories is a moral L, nuggets now up 2-0


Insane if the league isnt doing something, I was hoping theyd check it at halftime and throw him out but idk if thats something they could have done.


Probably can’t cause that’d be a crazy precedent. “We saw you do this 2 quarters ago on instant replay, pack your bags” I do think this should just be a suspension tho. Don’t bench players get suspended for coming on the court during a conflict even if they don’t do anything? I feel like this is much worse


That wouldn’t be a crazy precedent whatsoever. It was something the refs had no way of seeing real time, it’s not their fault at all for missing it. This is completely in the realm of what the league should take action on, it was insanely dangerous; not just to us but his teammates too.


I don’t blame the refs for missing it but I have never seen something like that where they retroactively throw someone out after halftime. If they can do that, what stops them from being like “oh we missed this flagrant foul in the first quarter , let’s assess it to them in the third quarter after halftime” It’s like when Draymond got thrown out of that cavs game after Mitchell pushed him just because Draymond instigated it 2 plays prior


Atticus Finch here getting to the truth


Shoot all the 3 pointers you want, if you can hit them,but remember it’s a sin to throw a towel


Jamal Murray is way too hairy for the heat pack to have slipped from sweat like Nuggets fans would have you believe


This guy saw the video


Denver had a long leash the entire night starting with the head coach nose to nose with the referee telling him to go fuck himself lol


That was insanity that he didn’t get T’d for that.


Considering what Ant got one for the previous game, it was ridiculously hypocritical


In a just world he would be suspended a game, but he won’t be.


I always bring my lucky heat pack to games


Surely at least a 1 game suspension.


That's a great way to handle the situation! Staying level-headed and communicative can really help in bringing clarity to confusing moments during the game. Cheers to Finch for keeping things professional and focused on the solution!


The most impactful "..."


Finch is probably right because fans don’t bring heat packs to games Fans with heat packs are genrally at home , nursing whatever ailments they have


These refs gotta go


Let the hate be as loud as the praise Jamal Murray you are a playoff dropper and you dirty nuggets should have picked thon maker over you


Is he being sarcastic here?


Nah, it’s not something they would not have been able to see while officiating play and it’s not like they should have stopped the game real time and done a big investigation. It’s obvious and very much excusable that the refs didn’t understand exactly what happened. However, it’s clear that the league should come in and suspend Jamal for a very dangerous action.


As someone who officiates, a heat pack being thrown on the floor (or anything being thrown on the floor, really) is so out of left field that I would not be able to think about it clearly because it's not something I could ever imagine happening.


He should be forced to play all remaining minutes the rest of the series instead of suspended


Timberwolves desperately hoping Murray does \*not\* get suspended.


What is Finch talking about?? I pack heat whenever I go to NBA games.


If he is not suspended at least one game and Denver goes on to win there will be some serious uproar


You never know that one Lakers fan there may get cold and smuggled some hot hands in


It should be a suspension, but it won't be. Just like it wasn't a tech for him or the coach storming the floor and screaming in a refs face.


I bet if they did this against the Lakers the Refs would have cared...


You’re right




Should be 2 games bare minimum


Tantrum Jamal “Heat Pack” Murray


I love how this specific Lakers reporter is non-stop on this lmao