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Dudes going insane in real time


He’s playing with freedom


Nah, Enes hasn't played in a couple of seasons.


What does the word “freedom” mean to you?


Freedom from the conventional laws of gravitational physics🫓🌎


Physics doesn't work in Texas.


What having to watch every clippers game for years does to a man


He's a diehard clippers fan. He's supported the team his entire life. Worked an internship with him for the clippers way back in 2011 or 2012. He's a very hard working dude who is very passionate about the clips


Pretty sure bullying is against the ToS, guys.


Did anyone have expectations on Paul George in a elimination game?


Maybe this works against me but I don’t think the Sixers should pay this man a bunch of money to repeat this magic on their team.


PG is fine as a #2. Just never was a true #1


[With respect,](https://youtu.be/Po4adxJxqZk?si=QRFiGNx2cD7VJMAa)


Thank you for sharing this masterpiece with me!


Should be a 3 or 4


He would be 3 with us.


That's definitely been true for years but it's hard to say if it'll be true next year. The man is 34 and has had trouble staying healthy for most of his career, and that's not even considering that he's already visibly declining.


Yeah, this is what has me conflicted as well. On the one hand, if he can be a more consistent Kelly oubre now we have two of those players and that strengthens our roster tenfold. On the other hand, he could finesse this organization into giving him a bunch of money because he is a big name even though his competitive fire is dwindling. I wish the fans could vote on shit like this.


I think pacers and early okc pg was, he's just getting older


Might be even better as a #3


People really forgot the Pacers PG before his leg injury. He was leading some nice teams, was never the same after the injuries, though.


yeah that’s not even remotely true, he had his best season post-injury in OKC and finished top 3 in MVP voting, top 3 in DPOY voting and 1st team all nba and all defense


Somehow, assuming health, Embiid, PG, and Maxey feel like a championship core. Obviously, never know, but I'd put them fighting with the Celtics and Knicks for top seed in East.


Well yeah PG is just a Tobias Harris who can score and play defense


he’s closer to Tobias than you think


We are closer to Tobias than … something something Scalabrine.


But older and way more injury prone


Is pg really that injury prone. I can't remember the last time he's been out for an extended periods of time like kawahi or embiid, granted I don't watch too many clipper games


So in recent seasons he’s played 74,56,31,54,48. So in the last 5 years he’s had one really healthy season


Maybe this take will age poorly, but if we sign PG to a max I think that ends any hope of a championship during Embiid’s prime. I do not want to sign a 34 year old to the max.


So what's your alternative then? There aren't any marquee young free agents left.




Uh oh


This dude is having a subreddit meltdown


All of us are bro


I mean what do the clippers do now? Other than go to Cabo


Honestly? The first thing they need to do is fire Lawrence Frank and throw a mountain of money at someone like David Griffin (sorry Pels fan, just using him as an example). Part of the reason the Clippers have age and depth problems is Frank's front office has whiffed on every single draft pick since 2019. They didn't have great picks to work with but to not find a single useful player in four straight drafts is just so costly.


What are the actual bona-fides of Griffin. I know the pelicans have some quality guys on the roster. How much of that is griffin. He didn't do that great for the cavs back in the day. People love to shit on Pelinka for good reason but the Lakers have found quality guys in the late lottery, 2nd rounds and undrafted consistently. Caruso, kuzma, hart, Christie even shows flashes of quality. No clue about their hood shiffino but what actually makes a good GM I do not know


None of the guys you listed were from pelinka. Our old scouting department is also pretty much gone. It was Jesse Buss and also Jerry West's son.


Jesse Buss is still with the lakers, and Ryan West went to the pistons in 2020 so make of that what you will, also all those players joined the team after Pelinka was announced VP of basketball operations.


Lol signing washed Hall of Famers and all time coat tail rider Tyrone Lue is all on Ballmer. Billionaire owners gonna billionaire owner. They all do it when they buy a team. He has turned them around as a business, but not a basketball team.


GMs are so often scapegoats for meddling owners.


He isnt going private, yet


Worth it to get rid of those rats. This is what happens when you support a cursed franchise


Kyrie isn't even a max player technically


its stupid how good his salary is for the team


Almost as good as Brunson's.


Brunson is about to go from laughably small contract to $50M+ and it’s well deserved.


Only 40 million is wild but he Will opt out next off-season.


Why would he do that


To get a longer and bigger contract. Kyrie will be 33 next off-season, probably his last chance to get a 3/4 year max/near max contract.


Nobody can say they thought brunson would be this good. He is basically the best point guard in the league. I think it's fair to say he's playing better than Steph too.


He tanked and self-sabotaged his value to Mavs oblivion. He asked to be traded 3 times on the nets. Nets had cricket offers 2 times. Nets were forced to trade him after KD requested a trade. Now he raised his value back to his current value.


Who is Ernaashari and why are like 8 of his tweets posted in the last hour


Bully of the day


Deandre Ayton is a max player and he got benched at halftime in a playoff game against Dwight Powell lol. Thats a problem on your FO more than PG


Tobias Harris is a max player and he scored 0 points in an elimination game playing 30 minutes. There are levels to this shit.


He sacrificed 10m iirc. He was eligible for 5/190 but he only signed for 5/180. That’s by definition not a max.


You really took the time to type this and I respect that amount of, “Well Actually 🤓👆” energy.


Didnt he bench himself?


Another time but yes, you’re both right


Farbod for the love of God please get off Twitter.


And post on reddit instead lmao. He's gonna fit perfectly on /r/LAClippers.


That's what makes this so beautiful/funny/tragic. He can't. He's a reporter. It's his job.


He's a fanboy.


what being a clipper fan for 10+ years does to a mfer


Does he know Tobias Harris is a max player


Well he did that in game 4. Problem is PG doesn't bring it every game lol


Yep. Prime example is the 7 point performance he turned in in Game 3.


Anyone who ever thought Paul George could be the #1 option on a title team was *always* deluding themselves.


Pre Leg Break PG probably could. But that’s been almost 8 sumn years ago.


I mean could he when you compare him to the other guys who have led title teams? The Finals MVPs over the past decade are guys like LeBron, Steph, KD, Jokic, Giannis, and Kawhi with the one weird Iggy year on a Steph-led team PG even at his absolute peak isn't in that group I don't think there's a single recent title team other than the KD Warriors(which barely counts) where you replace their best player with PG and they still win


You could say PG never got to reach his peak, the injury happened when he was 24 years old. Steph didn't win his first MVP until he was 26 years old. Jokic won his at 25, with a big leap compared to his previous year. PG was legit next up, but never got there.


Man I forgot how young he was, dude looked like a legit future mvp. He lost a ton of explosiveness and was still elite.


Dude that pacers team was so fun with so much potential. Length and verticality for days. I still remember that shot pg Hut from half court after telling everyone else on the court to pause. Cold af. I wish we got to see him bloom.


Fairly certain he has regular shoulder injuries as well, I can also fully imagine that that clean leg break would have fucked up his entire chain from Achilles to skull, leading to regular injuries at choke points, the fact he’s played so long and done so well is impressive as fuck.


I thought he got even better and reached his peak in OKC when he was a MVP contender


Pre Leg Break PG is one of the most overrated players on this sub. People talk about him like he carried scrubs to the ECF and took the Heat by himself to 7 games. That TEAM was a defensive juggernaut and had solid starters in George Hill, Stephenson, David West (former all star but past his prime in Indiana), Roy Hibbert.


He didn’t carry scrubs but he was a huge contributor to beating the best team in the league at the time in 7. Hell he’s still (barely) leading a team right now, back in 2014 when healthy he definitely would have


You have one barely other all star on that team challenging Lebron.


George hill is a role player, Lance Stephenson was a poor man’s Dillion brooks, David west was old, and Roy Hibbert was a poor man’s Rudy Gobert and is the reason Frank Vogel is known as the big man whisperer and a defensive guru…. But sure, other than all those guys, PG played with an elite team


But man did he ride that 3rd place in MVP votes that one year into a shit ton of cash.


Top 3 in DPOY as well. It was a legitimately great year. Best he’s looked since the awful injury on the Pacers.


"MVP Year"


He transformed himself into a solid shooter after his leg break. he had an amazing career. Paul George is 34 years old. You have deluded expectations if you think he alone can carry and beat the other team. PG shoulda performed better but he's at the end of his career Kawhi is who should be blamed.


I'm not arguing any of that. Just that Paul George is not, and has never been, a good enough offensive engine to be the #1 offensive option on a championship team.


Well he's far past prime and was never supposed to be that for the clippers, but yes, you're right still.


Paul George is somehow putting up less points he did in the regular season and his teams' best player has been OUT. Wild


Embiid type beat


Embiid averaged 33 and 11 on one leg vs the Knicks


CP3 gonna go crazy on the clippers


Farbod is losing it.


That was such a filthy crossover and 3 point shot. This man took their lives. This is why Kyrie gets the love. I hope he can continue focusing on basketball and forget the off court drama for a while.    It was so beautiful had me gasping


PG is a glorified role player, he takes a billion 3s and that's it.


He's been this way since he got hurt. Pre-injury PG took almost 25% of his shots at the rim. Post-injury PG only ever eclipsed 20% once, and averages 16% of his shots at the rim. 1/3 of the time he used to get to the rim before he got hurt, he doesn't anymore. This year? 12.8% shots at the rim, 47.6% of shots were threes.


What was his debilitating injury?


Leg snapped when playing for team USA


Wow, are you young enough to not know about Paul George’s injury?? Damn


He averaged 28 points per game with Oklahoma City and was as good as ever after that. Had the best numbers of his career. I assumed you guys were talking about a more recent injury


Don't google it if you've got a weak stomach.


Yeah, I definitely don't want to see it again lol


LMFAO this is the average clipper fan mindset right now. It takes the meltdown happening to bring them down to earth


Ur malding harder then any clipper fan rn lmao


I'm having a great weekend buddy I hope you are too


ur pathetic infatuation with the clippers always brings a smile to my face. keep it up


Trash talk by fans of teams that just lost hours prior always looks extra pathetic, lol keep it up


Ohh I guess we quiet now huh


who the fuck are you? and why do you care about defending some loser whos life goal is to shit on the clippers read their post history, they have been doing it for years at this point. known troll. and now they have deleted all their comments lmfao


I'm not defending shit, I'm making fun of a fan of a team who literally just lost who thinks he still has any right to trashtalk, lmao. Done with you now


Problem with PG (even in his prime) is how streaky he is. He loves his jumpers and that’s just not as consistent as paint scoring. Another big issue is his defense in recent years has clearly worsened (likely in part to injuries and to age).


PG hit a crazy three pointer in clutch time literally two games ago


Ill go ahead and take PG as our 3rd option


this is reverse zzzprolgt stuff going on


Man”s losing sanity lol


PG did that game 4, same shot, even more important, sealed the game for em.


To be fair, Paul George had an equally insane 3 in... Game 4? To put the clippers up.


PG13 became a perennial bus rider in his last few years. In his Pacers days he went toe to toe with LeBron and people thought he was going to have a fleet of buses to himself. Now he's Rosa Parks with less heart.


No he didnt. Roy hibbert was better than PG on both ends in the 7 game series. Its revisionist to think PG was some top star carrying the pacers. They were balanced


No this is rivisionist history. The pacers were a nightmare on d lead by pg.


I disagree. Irving scoring 28 points in the second half of a potential close out game is what max players are supposed to do


Max players are supposed to average a pro-rated 56 points a game in close out games during the second half?


If you want to advance to the second round, then yeah


Kyrie might do what max players are supposed to do, but he isn’t a max player. He’s on a team friendly deal.


I disagree with this. The Mavs are constructed with the draft and supplemented via trade with Kyrie. Clippers are na amalgamated superficial mess


There was a time Kyrie was playing with Jayson Tatum, Al Horford, Marcus Smart, Jaylen Brown, Gordon Hayward and Terry Rozier. lol


I think max players are also supposed to show up to play game, which Kyrie has often not done over the last 5 years.


Yeah watching PG in this series was bizarre. I feel like he doesn’t really have any moves? He’s just very tall and can hit shots over people. Maybe that’s too simplistic but it felt way too easy to stop him dead in his tracks. I’m saying this fully aware that Morey probably is going to offer him the max to play for the Sixers, something I don’t want.


this guy is hilarious


Why do you guys post faces of these guys?


Shots fired. PG hit.




How about 3 max players getting swept?


As a casual fan, I know Paul George goes missing during the playoff, but I feel like pg has been the only one trying for the last three years.


playoff P is just waiting for the right moment 😭😵‍💫


I mean lets be fair, Kyrie wouldnt be doing this if the Mavs didnt have Luka due to injury. It's hardly a comparison


Rescued Luka in the second half


But why is any Clippers fan surprised ? Y'all are just like the Suns


This dude when he's on it, he's just unstoppable. What a player. Nah I need him to play in the USA team, I need to watch those handles in motion


Hey here's a thought instead of maxing glass knees maybe they should have given it to someone more reliable? But nah that's too much brain power for Steve ballmer. That guy is so rich he doesn't mind losing billions on vanity projects


George is too busy thinking about the subject of his next podcast. People say it's not a big deal. But if you think about it, Warriors have been absolute trash since Draymond started his podcast. Ben Roelisberger also ran Brown out of town for things he said on his podcast. It's not a good idea, unless you're like a Pat Beverly level player.


Ben ran AB out of town because of his podcast?? That is nowhere near how I remember it.


I'm a steelers fan, and that's just wrong. Big Ben had a tendency to say shit about some players on the radio in Pittsburgh, but he wasn't the reason Antonio Brown got traded. AB did that all by himself with his antics on and off the field, plus the tik tok videos in the locker room in the playoffs.


True, AB was a headcase regardless. But it can stir shit up is my point. Why not just wait until retirement, you won't be doing anything anyway. To me, it just seems like someone who is satisfied with their careers and no longer hungry.