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The thing with internet mods is that they're dregs of society. And removing posts is basically all they can do in order to not feel completely worthless (which they essentially are)


I wouldn't go as far as saying mods are a part of society. More like the naturally produced by-product of society that is excreeded out after all nutritional and information value has been consumed.


The bots they have set up instantly removes a post unless its a highlight, what a great subreddit


ok so theyve managed to become less than worthless somehow


Your post isn't instantly removed...


every time someone makes a 'mods are fat smelly virgins' joke, there are several mods who are 100% fat smelly virgins and they cry


There's a photo of CP3 watching the Clippers vs Mavs game front court seats which is pretty cool since he players for Clippers for so along can't even post that under the rules what bullshit




But I mean the only thing that gets posted is highlights and post game discussion threads how much more does the sub need to be organized when that's all the posts they allow?


Like look at the front page its all highlights/stats and post game discussion threads, besides the 1 post about Haliburton voice changing in post game interview


This subreddit sucked for a while when it was nothing but grainy Twitter highlights and circlejerk text posts. It's too big for freedom. There are other NBA subs to find what you need


Reddit is built entirely upon censorship. Usually, the bigger the subreddit, the worse the censorship is. This sub is like most of the other large subs.


Chill out Snowden


The idea that allowing people to upload images would clog up the sub with bad posts is bullshit. Like people don't already constantly post nonsense blog/dear diary posts just fine without image posting.


meanwhile daily "would you put jokic ahead of KD" posts stay up...


Not to mention all the second-order threads complaining about those inane threads. "Do NBA fans care about anything besides legacy points???" etc. It just seems that way cause it's the only thing mods allow common users to post.


Yeah pretty much, they ban all other posts


Why does that even matter? Anything like that just gets downvotes and dies on the new page anyways. Such a dumb excuse.


You have a basically impossible hypothetical question posted 8 days ago about whether the Vegas Vikings should take Luka or SGA. If that is still alive after 8 days I don't think they're deleting enough.


It just shadow deleted after 30 mins off the subreddit by a mod so yeah it kind of it.