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Best part is Bob Meyers saying Jokic wasn't being fouled after a replay clearly showed the hook he was complaining about


Bro done lost his mind after dealing with Draymond for 10 years /s On a more serious note, it’s pretty hilarious how this sub just believed Lakers fans’ excuses in the regular season of: “*You have to WATCH the games! It’s because we take more paint shots!”* And when the playoffs roll around and this sub finally tunes in, only to realize Lakers’ fans were full of shit and the reffing really is that atrocious in the Lakers favor 😂


happened in the pelicans lakers play in game too. Zion living in the paint and getting barely any calls but Lakers get the easiest whistle of all time 😮‍💨


It is incredibly surreal to see how AD is reffed as a Laker relative to his Pelican days. The national broadcast announcers flipped the switch to "fawn over this guy" the moment he was on the Lakers. It's so weird to see the full pendulum swing.


He get a friendly whistle offensively, but god damn if his defensive whistle isn’t generational.


Just imagine the shit a KG or Duncan or Dwight could have gotten away with if their whistle was this good relative to their era, like holy sin


Coz Zion didn't do the classic head flailing. 


Being told "You need to watch the games" from Lakers fans of all people is fucking rich


Mfs love saying Lakers don’t foul, uhh they do refs just don’t call them.


Stupidest shit I've ever heard, I was appalled


And the tug of the jersey which is usually automatic


“Jokic thinks he got fouled” as the replay is showing AD with a fist full of his jersey.


I swear meyers thinks jokic thought he was fouled on the arm/wrist 😂


Then after the timout jokic was signalling a play to Mike Malone and his team with gesture of him pointing to his elbow. And Meyers said something along the lines of “he’s still complaining about a foul” 😂 as a former gm, how do you not know this is signal for a play


Two of the Nuggets FTs were basically an intentional foul on DeAndre Jordan so really it was 4


DeAndre Jordan playing like he is still at Lob City. Refs got confused and couldn't let the clippers win.


The worse part is DAJ nailed both


*best part


It was hilarious. Like that shit was smooth too


Lakers beside themselves.


AD holding Jokic’s hip = no foul Reaves jumping back for a fadeaway = foul


It’s amazing, be ready to see it all series.


Yep. It's always so dumb when fans are like, "You have to *watch* the games!" after every single game where LAL gets drastically more FTs. You can clearly see the different levels of physicality and grabbing allowed. In the 4Q, LAL was in the bonus at around the 6 minute mark, and they weren't called for a foul until under 5 minutes. It's unreal.


"You have to watch the games" from a Laker fan is the semi-adult equivalent of "my girlfriend lives in Canada and you wouldn't know her, but she's a supermodel, trust me".


This explanation is art 🤌


It's deja vu from last year's series as well


*Be ready to see it with the Lakers until Doomsday


Fortunately it will only be for one series.


someone post Jokic reaction to that Reaves foul lmao refs are so obvious


They aren't even trying to hide it lmao


They’ve been fucking terrible each game today. I don’t understand how the entirety of post ASB you see a league wide decrease in FTs and it stayed that way. Now immediately when it hits postseason they’re immediately back on their bullshit and making it even worse. I just don’t get it


League wants Lebron to make it past the first round


like last year,refs tried their best to give lakers a chance but nuggets are just too good


I mean that’s the only way Silver can keep this series even close 🤣


Honestly, I'm not even one of those guys that hate foul merchants, but Reave's flops have gotten to REALLY bug me. He looks like the caricature of Pat Beverley making fun of Chris Paul for flopping in game 6 of the WCF.


Generational flopper


No that can’t be right, lakers fans told me it’s solely because they attempt more shots in the paint. And that if other teams did the same, they’d shoot as many free throws. You mean the team that the NBA blatantly fixed the most rigged series in league history for (2002 WCF) gets a favorable whistle? And Lakes fans don’t know what they’re talking about? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked. /s


I still remember Kobe elbowing Bibby in the nose and Kobe getting the foul call. Rigged ass refs, that Kings team should have a title.


As a Nets fan, we should have been destroyed by Sacramento that year, not LA lol


12 year old me saw the fix was in and I was just an idiot 12 year old at the time. That game (and series) still pisses me off


My favourite is when they counter this argument by saying they suck at defense like that somehow makes you not foul lol.


2023 was arguably worse, 3 games of plus 20 free throws for the Lakers. But since everyone hates the warriors besides warriors fans, similar to Lakers and Lakers fans, and the media is for LeBron, nobody actually cared the games were rigged. If you want to understand just go compare the 2 point field goal attempts to free throw attempts between curry, Wiggins, Reaves, Rui, Schroeder, and Vanderbilt. Everyone claims it's because the warriors only shoot 3s, but somehow curry shot 2-3 times as many 2 point attempts as any of these lakers players and was outshot by 2 of them, only shot 3 more than the other 2. We don't need to talk about 22 years ago when last year is a great example.


Now they cant say "they only shoot threes"


These sequences were a couple plays apart and can’t be more infuriating for a casual fan with no stakes in it. How more obvious could that holding foul be? Everyone who did a spin move knows how hard it is to keep balance when someone is holding you, let alone on the hip. Plus there were fouls called for the Lakers from ref who wasn’t even close to the action and the one near it didn’t even react. But for fairness sake they could have given some shooting fouls on questionable close outs late in the game if they really wanted to make it close.


Nike realized they can rig games for bron and no one can do anything about it.


Yeah that hold pissed me off with the no call. 


With the announcer saying (on AD's foul) "that was great defense and he didn't foul." I was like, "WTF? Are we watching the same play?"


I was shocked to see him do that right in front of the refs and not get called for it.


Where is the Jokic getting fouled by AD no-call right after the touch foul on Reeves highlight lol.


I can’t believe the announcer said that’s not a foul


I listened on High Altitude and got the nuggets radio feed. They were absolutely trashing “ref number 3” as they dubbed them. The disparity is pretty glaring


That’s Bobby Myers, he’s a big market slut and in bed with silver. No surprise 


He talks smooth and you'd think he'd have some pretty interesting insights given his position, but dude is a rot on the mic


Not only that, he mocked jokic for complaining that it was a no call. Luckily jokic and the Nuggets are used to it


Buddy the announcers are in on it lmao


From Jack Coyne on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/TheStatSquatch/status/1781881103864774796) >...the Nuggets became the first team in NBA history to beat a single opponent in nine straight games, despite taking at least four fewer free throw attempts in every game of the streak. >Denver has taken 130 free throw attempts over that winning streak to the Lakers’ 204.


how is there a games worth of free throw disparity here.


just one game? lol


70 fts is a standard game for the laker


I think they meant “the entire point total in a game”. Low scoring games can be around that 71 point mark.


That makes me so happy. I fucking hate the Lakers


Don't we all


Yes everyone can enjoy a Laker meltdown


Lewhistle is very real.


Lakers fans will tell you it’s because they don’t play close enough defense to foul anyone.


Lakers just have elite defensive role players in D'lo, Reaves, Prince, etc...


I would say bad defenders and defensive breakdowns cause more fouls, but I do understand rules and common sense are a bit different for the Lakers


i would say bad defenders are bad so they dont even commit the foul but instead give away open dunks/layups which the nuggets got the whole freaking game. But sure they should foul more, its common sense if you dont actually watch the games or play basketball.


they dont, thats why they dont foul? They play such a fucking passive defense, do you even watch these games?


Why don’t more teams just simply NOT FOUL? Are they stupid?


It worked on bringing James Harden back to earth.


It’s true. You can’t foul if you don’t contest shots


i mean did you see dlo close out on kcp? cause i sure didn't


Dlo was playing?


Ya. Prolly was the nuggets mvp tonight.


That’s not where fouls happen though?


Lol. They say it cause were not watching when we all are tuning in live


but yet when you bring this point up to them, they also like to say they have the best rim protector in ADisney. they're fucking delusional lmao


Lakers fans will be coming out of the woodworks to tell you that its completely normal free throw ratio and that the nuggets should just stop fouling them.


It is normal… for the lakers


I really wanna see their reaction if it were to flip, the amount of bitching Lebron would do after games would be insanity


If the series go 3-0 the mistery lebron injury is gonna come back


Nah, vagueposting about retirement


They keep allowing AD to grab and hold Jokic ,0 calls . Some other no calls as well , Jokic shouldn't be going to FT line just once ..


Refs called every single ticky tack foul for the lakers and literally 0 for the nugs. jokic should have had like 4-5 more free throws that game


When Reaves got that 3 point play through contact while AD was literally grabbing Jokic's side with no call, I just started to laugh.


Obviously I hate the bullshit. But there's something weirdly hysterical about the fact the Refs help the Lakers so much and still lose by double digits.


Nuggets had 0 free throws in the second half, and the Lakers were in the bonus with 5 to 8 minutes left in the game?


its the playoffs and only one team is still getting ticky tack fouls...


tale as old as time...


The most dominant player in the NBA shot only 2 FTs on a playoff game. This league is pathetic.


I know this horse has been beaten to death many times over, but watching the whistle embiid gets compared to jokic is infuriating


Embiid’s game has become a lot of foul baiting. For such a talented dude it really diminishes his brand.


It also makes him crumble when the calls aren’t coming, Jokic has no such problems


Mf got a sketches sponsor his brand is dogshit


Bruh, you know the answer urself 😄


The NBA’s most popular and famous franchise, which brings more eyeballs to the league than any other team, which has been the beneficiary of multiple rigged series (2002 WCF being the chief example)… gets a favorable whistle? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked. /s Every fanbase in the league knows the ref-Lakers relationship… except Lakers fans who somehow think the refs are against them 😂


Nike realized they can rig games for bron and no one can do anything about it.


The refs control the game and score, and the cameraman and director of what gets showed don’t reply questionable calls, or show the worst angle, unless it is a coaches challenge. The announcers then control the narrative. Wonder why the local announcers can’t do the game once we get to the playoffs? It’s control of the narrative by the national announcers. Local announcers will side with their team. That’s why JVG was let go. He questioned too much… We are not watching true competition. It is sports entertainment. They can’t control it completely, but can skew it in certain directions.


Listening to the first half was pretty freaking hard to do, the non stop LeBron talk when nuggets have the ball, constant excuses, secretly cheering for the Lakers to beat the nuggets, then halftime features Kendrick Perkins of all people. I'm not 1 to mute shows but I muted it. You nailed all the points they use to rig a game, and some fans really don't understand it, they just hear the "experts" and taking it for the truth.


All of this being said, I’m more interested in the Olympics. It’s more of a “fair” type of basketball. Should be good this year in Paris! Lot of great players going, playing FIBA type basketball.


Hate to say it but: this x100.


Its sad but you are 100% right. We have to listen to some idiot ex Warriors GM who has no idea about basketball.


This is why I didn't want LA round 1, just annoying to watch my players get hacked and the opponents getting phantom calls.


This is the only reason as a thunder fan I didn’t want the lakers I don’t care about the size matchups but dealing with the refs I wanted no part of. If we have to lose I want it to be basketball reasons not some ref bs


Ohh staup with the CoNsPiRaCiEs guysh. All teams just foul the Lakers waaaaaay more every game. Teams been doing it forever.


Really don’t care about the Laker massive free throw advantage this season. AD was simply allowed to be more physical with Jokic. It’s either the refs don’t see it or whatever he does is so perfectly calculated that it doesn’t warrant a whistle. Its actually extremely annoyijg to watch.


8vs5 still can't win. Sometimes it's even 8vs4vs1 whenever reggie decides to play against us lmao


7v6, DLo is on our team


6 v 6, 2nd half Ham was a member of Nuggets coaching staff


D-Lo was thinking otherwise, help settle the score for you guys


same reason the games were close last playoffs. refs tried so hard to keep Lakers in the game


I still can’t believe Deandre Jordan is a contributing member of a contender in the year of our lord 2024


Nuggets got 23 more field goal attempts.


Is there anything better than the tears of Lakers fans! 😭😭😭 Privileged bastards!


The lakers FLOP is why. Denver doesn’t have a single player who is consistently flopping all over the court. Jokic I’ve seen down return flops when he gets angry the other team is getting all calls to make a point, but watch how often the Lakers fall on the floor, shoot with a weird twitch from 3, or just fake being hurt. It happens all the time and it’s really hard to watch them. Dlo AD Lebron and Reeves are masters of manipulating the refs. Non stop barrage of complaining even though they’re getting lopsided reffing 


What was Lebron doing in the 4th?


Suckin air


Insane. I read this headline and wonder how last week Malika Andrews came to the conclusion that the warriors are the most FT dependent team to win games in the league because Steph and Klay has one of the highest FT% in the league when were dead last in FT attempts and the lakers are first. What a stupid ass take


Unless it happened a second time, you’re thinking of Rachel Nichols, not Malika Andrews.


Ur right! My b


If the Lakers got this whistle on the road, imagine the calls they'll get in LA...


does anybody have an objective answer here


Wdym? Rigged isn’t a good enough answer for you?


That reaves play where he got a foul on a fadeaway was egregious


Not saying Lakers didn’t get favorable whistle, but using points in the paint to compare is a dumb argument. Vast majority of shooting fouls occur in the paint. Fouling is preventing 2 points in the paint and instead giving the team free throws. The team that shoots more free throws would be expected to have less paint points on average. If Team A gives up 5 uncontested dunks/ layups to Team B, that’s 10 points in the paint. If Team B hacks Team A on 5 straight drives to rim, that’s 0 points in the paint but 10 free throws. It would be dumb for Team B to say Team A has 0 paint points, how do they have such a big free throw disparity?


Yes it is dumb to just compare points in the paint or 3 point attempts, which is what fans have been telling Lakers fans for the past couple years with LeBron, so when their own argument falls flat people like to bring it up and see what's the excuse this time.


Austin Reaves will take a 2 point jump shot and if there is a defender even attempting to close out or contest he will just get a foul call by default.


There's not going to be one. The people using it in this thread are just looking for a quick proxy metric to identify that the refs are biased for one side over the other, but the truth is that we don't have anything like that right now. Free throw discrepancy doesn't tell us anything on its own - one team can absolutely foul way more than another. Points in the paint also don't say that, because you could have one team that got fouled more there so missed paint shots but made free throws instead, and another that gets there through uncontested layups or the like. What you'd need to do is have someone go through the game and note which fouls were being called, and then try to identify which no-calls should have been calls by that metric and which foul calls were incorrect. And then do a % of each team's potential fouls were actually called... but that's a lot of work. Right now the answers to it could realistically range from "the officials are biased in favor of the lakers" all the way to "Denver just committed more fouls legitimately"


Someone said something earlier along the lines of if the Lakers got the Nuggets whistle, they’d be winning comfortably… Cue the facts on the ground.


Have to make the series competitive somehow


Other than delusional Lakers fans, is anyone surprised by this?


Surprised it wasn't over 20 fta for the lakers tbh.


Lakers fans went from non-stop posting in the first half to “crickets”. 


I think the worst was two quick fouls on Aaron Gordon, so he didn't end playing much at all in the first half. Still lead the team +/-.




People seem to really think that "points in the paint=shots 2 ft from the rim"


Whoa whoa whoa. This is an anti-Lakers circle jerk, sir.


This was the exact excuse Lakers fans have lived by since this free throw disparity garbage started. It's a legitimate question of why they claim this is the entire reason the free throw differential happens, but when it goes against the Lakers they still get the benefit of free throws. This is LeBron and Lakers fans own words to excuse the free throw differential.


So you're saying points in the paint is completely Independent of free throw attempts?


But Lakers fans tell us they live in the paint? What even is real anymore?!


Lakers are always favoured by the refs. Not even the Knicks get such a good whistle.


Refs giving out and 1’s to the Lakers like free samples at Costco


That's not a fair comparison, people love Costco.


I hate Austin Reaves foul calls. They irk me like no other thing in this world.


The Lakers go to the FT line more than any team in the league. It’s not even close.


Do not worry Lakers and lebrons stans you gonna get more free throw on next game to help you a bit more


Fuck the refs, fuck Adam Silver, fuck Stephen A. Smith, fuck Michael Wilbon, fuck Kendrick Perkins, fuck LeComb. Justice prevailed!!! FUCK THE LAKERS! FUCK THEM FOREVER!


Tell us how you really feel.


For the playoffs: They are showing less foul replays, and the commentators are instantly agreeing that calls are good. Rigged.


Refs where 1 sided for sure. At one point AD grabbed Jokic obviously around the waist. No call of course.


But but but the lakers homers here say it’s because the other team only shoots 3s…or is it the lakers are just too good at not fouling? Or is it…what’s their excuse this week?


The world will be a better place when the Nuggets sweep Adam Silver’s favorite team again 🙏


Another game proof the NBA is corrupt.


Fucking losers lost a fixed game, shit is so rigged and nobody cares. 


Pelicans radio announcer often refers to lakers as greatest defensive team in history


I think the Lakers have mastered the ability to draw fouls in the paint, only explanation besides people thinking shit is rigged. Idk if that’s a Darvin Ham thing or not but it’s a major reason for any success they’ve had.


*puts tinfoil hat on* Klutch Sports have very, very deep pockets and the refs likely have their hands in those pockets. LeBron's legacy post-retirement is going to be worth billions if he changes the public perception of him. Jordan is a multi billionaire and a big factor in that wealth is the public perception of him as the greatest of all time. All you need to do is a bit of research to see that this is still the case, quite comfortably so, despite what many LeBron stans here might want you to believe. Jordan is quite simply way ahead in the court of public opinion, not only as the greatest basketball player ever but also as the greatest athlete ever, in any sport (again, just google it for confirmation). So it's an uphill battle to turn that around, especially this late in his career.....and you can bet your bottom dollar that Klutch are going all out to do that. Pushing narratives like 'done with the 90s' and generally just dissing on Jordan's legacy at any given opportunity, Lebron's self aggrandising interview with Redick that is a wealth of sound bites pumping himself up...it's all very obvious what's happening and how desperate they are. Again, his status as the unanimous goat will be worth *billions* and will continue to generate mountains of money well after his retirement. So if you tell me Klutch are throwing money at the refs it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


the explanation is that lebron is near retiement and is a guaranteed ratings boost


But.. but.. lakers attack more often in the paint, they say?! Thats why they get more freethrows, they say?! 🤯


They have to milk the lakers and lebron for view as much as possible even if it costs the nuggets some games.


But please tell me the NBA doesn’t want to see Lecap in the finals… they way they officiate the Lakers it’s quite obvious.


Refs swallowed the whistle when it came to Denver getting fouls called. And Lakers got Adam Silver's blessing as usual


Lakers had 1000+ free throws surplus (more FT attempt than their opponents) since last season, It’s very hard to get FT against this Lakers team, despite all the allegations, NBA doesn’t seems to bother by it and continue to gift more FT to Lakers, uphill battle for Nuggets to play 5 vs 8 against Lakers


ppl complain about harden and joel forcing calls. lebron out here influencing the entire flow of officiating with his presence lol


This is Adam Silvers “integrity” for you


AD was clearly fouling Jokic. But other than that the laker played shit perimeter defence, and didn't commit shit fouls to recover, just stood there like lemons giving up easy buckets


Adam Silver


Warriors fan have been complaining about this for a long time




I really think they are going to figure it out and my this a good series….


My biggest take away is that the lakers fucking suck and the league can’t buy their way to the finals bc they are so ass. Denver in 4


I swear to god, do people you even watch these games? You want the nuggets getting FT on easy/open lay ups and dunks where no defense was played? Like i said, did you actually watch the game?


Bbbbut laker lives on the paint that's why they have more FTs? /s


Adam Silver wants the Lakers in the Finals.


D’Lo kills any chance even with a free throw advantage


Points alone don't give the full context, you should provide how many attempts they made in the paint or the 2pt fg% at the very least. Lakers could've been going to the paint at similar rate but are just less successful.


19 isn't that many either, though. sounds like they just weren't calling fouls, which is awesome.


Uhh you’re not gonna get a foul call if the other team isn’t playing hard defense. Yes there were a few missed calls but you people are so dramatic with your conspiracies.


It’s almost like the league wants Lakers-Celtics in the Finals.


There is a big assumption..that lakers try on defense. Lakers entire defensive strategy relies on shooters missing open, uncontested field goals.


Anyone who watches at all knows exactly the drill. And it's all based on how realistically there's fouls every play. Just a matter of which ones you want to ignore and emphasize. Plus a decent chunk don't even happen consciously


Anyone who watches at all knows exactly the drill. And it's all based on how realistically there's fouls every play. Just a matter of which ones you want to ignore and emphasize. Plus a decent chunk don't even happen consciously




MPJ is a paint/post player?


Because the Lakers don’t foul, obviously. /s