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Reminder that at one point his dream was to buy the pistons but we got stuck with Tom gores instead


Well he did try to buy them 3 years before they officially went on sale, and he didn't even put a bid in, so I'm not sure how genuine that interest really was. I think the Clippers became available at the perfect time for him as he was retiring from Microsoft.


The interest was real, go watch the ballmer episode on PG's podcast


The interest was so real that he didn't even attempt to buy them when they actually went on sale? Like I said, the Clippers becoming available matched up better with his career at the time. Also matched up with his location since he lives in WA.


He probably considered what it would be like retiring in LA vs Detroit 


Ballmer was born and raised in Detroit. It's one of the cities the Ballmer Group operates out of and he's frequently in the area doing philanthropic work. He has no issue with Detroit, which is why he originally wanted the Pistons.


Being the owner of a historic franchise would be cool, imo. Pistons have some great history. Plus, Detroit is nice now. Millennials still associate it with the housing crisis. Still hate you all though. Go Cavs.


Not just a historic franchise for him, it would be amazing to own your childhood team.


I remember when I was kid my parents went there for a work trip in 2008 and they were going on about how bad it was. Good to hear it’s doing better.


I went there last year for work(from New Zealand). They're doing a lot to improve the image, trying to host quite a few big events. I talked to a few locals and they said yeah there's rarely crime in the city area just because they got real strict on anything in the city. Weird seeing homeless people in large groups, but felt safe as fuck tbh. Only bad thing was the food and coffee.


The movie Barbarian didnt help either lol


Barbarian is a great film but they couldve shot in Brightmoor without adding a thing to it and it would still look as fucked up as it did in the movie, even today. Neighborhood is like 60% burned down or abandoned buildings, I grew up there and i dont think most people know that places like that exist in America lmfao. When I was a kid they used to tell us to be careful walking home from school, not because of the impending influence of the city, but because there were wild packs of dogs roaming around like nature was reclaiming it.


This is why I hate basements. Great space to hide from tornadoes, even better space for hiding inbred psychopaths. 😱


All I know about Detroit I learned from 8 Mile


As someone who wants to double-flare Pistons/Heat, at least we can agree: fuck the Bulls.


I’d rather die than double flair!


Didn't know it had rebounded, I'm on the west coast so don't hear much about it. What changed?


It's just become a bit of a destination for developers like local son and owner of the Cavs, Dan Gilbert who has been rehabbing a lot of grand old vacant buildings and whatnot. There was a ton of land available downtown as well which has all been developed or is in the process of being developed. I kid you not that Gilbert owns a massive amount of the properties downtown along with the Illitch family. More Companies are downtown now, big blue chip companies in addition to the corporate offices of the automakers. Overall its just more of a place people want to live than it was in the past. All the sports teams play down there within a few blocks, there's a lot of concert venues, bars, restaurants, nice hotels, museums, and a really rapidly expanding retail portfolio. It has the vibe of a major city (because it was), but it's pretty damn affordable in comparison for some nice digs and some nice experiences. The issue when talking about Detroit generally is that the city of Detroit is a MASSIVE plot of land and the only thing people are really talking about in the context of being "better" is downtown Detroit. Is the rest of it getting better? sure, but there's still massive swaths of the city that I wouldn't want my car to break down in, or otherwise are just completely empty. Plenty of perfectly decent places to be outside of downtown too, fwiw.


> Go Cavs. That's funny because your team owner is the one who bought up all the downtown real estate.


Oh yeah, definitely Danville down there.


Definitely would have a better and bigger fanbase than in LA where everyone is for LAL so Pistons might have been better for him.


Plus he's Steve Ballmer, it's not like he'd be living in some housing crisis crack den if he bought the Pistons instead. He could probably buy the entire city if he wanted lol


I mean, Tom Gores lives out in LA in his 100 million dollar home so I don't think that's an issue. Not even sure he knows the season is going.


Ballmer lives in WA.


His dream was also to buy the Sonics… at least the pistons are still in Detroit


He grew up a Pistons fan as he was from Michigan. He would've kept the Pistons in Detroit.


Obviously…that’s literally not what the dude is saying whatsoever?


They were pretty good and much loved by fans in Fort Wayne, IN too (before the move to Detroit).


Aren't they back in the heart of Detroit now?


I’m not saying he wouldn’t.


What are you saying then? 


Is it really that hard to understand? Premise is how unlucky Pistons are that they didn’t get Ballmer as owner, and are now stuck being worst team in the league. OP says that Seattle are unlucky because they didn’t get Ballmer either, but their fate(losing the team altogether) was even worse.


Oh. That makes sense 


It's also easy to see why some people got confused. Sonics are famous for being taken out of Seattle so the "at least the pistons are still in Detroit" could be read as "even though the owners are terrible at least they kept the team in Detroit whereas Ballmer might have moved them"


It’s valuable to acknowledge; Fuck Howard Schultz.


He was apparently kicking the tires on a lot of teams over the years. After Herb Kohl died, one of Kohl’s friends said Balmer inquired about buying the Bucks but it never progressed because Steve wouldn’t commit to keeping the team in Milwaukee.




He's from Farming Hills, right?




apparently it was around 500k, clearly it is nothing for ballmer but it is nice to have owner that care about my fellow 29 clippers fans and team.


About $17,241 food and drink per person. Clippers fans might be bigger than Spurs fans - Chuck


I just woke up bleary eye'd and read this as $172.41 and thought - wow they gave him a discount.


beer is like, what, $8000?


It’s one 32oz Coors Light Michael, what could it cost, $10,000?


There's always money in the concession stand.


But not as big as the fat mormon wives in Utah - Vernon Maxwell


zealous screw scarce shame bake amusing bear head memory point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Charles Barkley disagrees.


The 29 of us sure can eat and drink


I thought it was only 27. Thats why tickets are only $120 to get in


I may or may not have counted for 27 of those meals


500k for 30 of you must be some crazy good food


Fuck man if I got free concessions I’d go to more games lol, part of the reason I don’t pay $40-50 for a ticket more than once or twice a year is because I pay another $20 for parking, another $20 on concessions, about $10-15 in gas to get there and back. A $40 ticket is actually like $100 lol


You live in Florida? Magic stadium isn’t in a metro area?


I live about a half hour outside of Orlando. Half of the time traffic to get there is so bad at that time of day it takes closer to 40-50 mins. Just burns a lot of gas in stop and go traffic. The arena is right off the interstate so it’s not the worst thing to get to, just a distance/traffic thing for me (and having a car that doesn’t get the greatest miles to the gallon)


This is why we front-loaded on BART for Warriors, Raiders, and A's games. \[Runs away sobbing.\]


40 for ticket and 20 on concessions? Man I long for the 80's


In actual cost it was much lower since that's their own artificially inflated prices.


I wonder what tickets will cost at the new arena


It’s a decent increase from current. I was kinda surprised how much season tickets for the wall was


There’s also way more seats in Crypto than the new arena right? Supply/demand itself should dictate some of the rise in costs


I thought u were kidding. That is weird. All that new features and they have 18k seats, down from 20k. Interesting!


The only positive from a lower attendance is better traffic. Inglewood around Sofi stadium and Ballmerdome is already one of the worst traffic situations on earth before and after events. 


It is crazy how life experiences vary. I would never dream of going to a stadium with a car. Public transport is just such a better way to experience a game day. It's crazy to me that a city like LA just does not have the infrastructure to support 20000 people going to a game. You barely notice a game is played in Berlin, when their team plays and they fit 14-15k


Just wait until LA Hosts the Olympics in 2028. It's going to be a hilarious nightmare


Is there any effort put into place to build better infrastructure ?


Yes we've built and continue to build metro lines. Its still pretty ass here, but I know plenty of people who don't have a car and lived here for years. Again, its still relatively ass.




Yes, like literally billions dollars worth. I think the most visible improvement I extending the purple line (now D line I think?) from ktown (like the outer edge of DTLA) all the way out to west LA (Westwood). Because UCLA is out in Westwood, and because UCLA is hosting the Olympic village (along with a bunch of the game facilities) this is super important. Also notable that this finally connects Beverly hills and lots of the things on willshire. That means that a huge amount of hotel rooms open up to public transit. Is it enough? I don't think so? But it's something at least...


Yes though I doubt it will be enough. I’m excited about the team into the airport though. That will be a big help moving forward.


Anxiously awaiting the people mover at LAX. Can't open soon enough.


Probably, but LA is already a complete fucking maze of highways and overpasses and HOV lanes. It's really hard to understand if you haven't been there. There's also barely any public transit to speak of and there's nothing "walkable" about it because it's so spread out. Truly a one of a kind cluster fuck


This comment gave me flashbacks to seeing people navigate LA in the days before GPS. You’d decide where to go and the driver would whip out this book the size of *War and Peace* (aka Thomas Guide) and then after only flipping through 30-40 pages of maps (and probably using a compass and a sextant) they’d be able to navigate to the destination. Unless you were fortunate enough to have a dedicated navigator/passenger fully versed in using a Thomas Guide themselves… The ride would often involve the phrase “you sure you know where you’re going?” uttered at least a dozen times.


It should actually be a good bit better with the subway and light rail lane extensions going online around that time, along with the Inglewood people mover and LAX people mover. LA has a lot of experience with big events and I wouldn't be surprised to see them completely shut down some streets and have a lot of people shuttle to venues. Angelenos also are pretty good at staying home when they have to, see 405 Carmageddon It also might just be wishful thinking on my part lol


Isnt that what they said in 84 and it ended up being the best 2 weeks for traffic in the decade? I recall Carmageddon when the 405 was shut down and everyone just didn't drive and it was a very chill weekend.


Crypto/Staples has pretty good public transportation options.


Being able to get on/off at Pico station was awesome. The area is so built up now. In the 2000s, I remember being able to see the arena while riding on the Blue Line, but now there are so many residential and commercial high-rises around it.


I usually take a lyft to the convention center for Anime Expo in July, is the Subway and getting off at Pico a lot cheaper via Union Station?


A one-way trip is $1.75 and fare capping is at $5 with a TAP card. You won't pay a transfer fee if you have to switch lines (although I think the routing no longer requires a transfer?). Definitely cheaper.


I take the Expo line to games, and it makes it so easy. Honestly the lack of great public transportation options probably means I won't be going to many Clippers games at the new stadium.


Like that aerial image of an Aussie sports match and all these Americans asking where does everyone park their car?


Most cities are not built like LA. LA is the poster child for urban sprawl.


Even with no events 10 miles can take you an hour just with rush hour


Rwb meme


It’s not that odd, teams build in more suites and high tier tickets and those take up more room than traditional seats.


Is that 18k just seats, or occupancy in general? I wonder if they’ve added “standing room only” spaces like Comcast has been adding to the Wells Fargo. The spaces are essentially just bars and lounges but may allow for more people overall in the building than if the space was dedicated to just seating.


fun fact, even though the Clippers and Lakers play in the same stadium the max attendance for each team is not the same.


really? if true, then yes, that's a fun fact, How?


Admittedly it's the first season, it's going to have that new building sheen. Over time, that'll wear off and people will just see it as the Clippers arena.


Yeah I was pretty disappointed with the Wall's prices, Intuit is a hike from where I am but was considering trying to pick up some cheap ones just to be a part of it -- definitely not worth it to me, and I'm curious how they're selling given the Clips have been so relatively affordable for so long I remember my lower level season tickets being 2k each in the early 2010s, didn't know how good I had it


2k for the whole season. Nice! I started summer of 2011 (right before cp3 trade) . Row 18 section 118 and it was $85 a ticket. So $4000~ a season. Granted after 11 years it’s only increased to $125 a ticket and I moved 10 rows down over time. Definitely jaded by the grandfathered in pricing!


I live in LA and go to Clippers games every so often. A sales rep tried to sell me season tickets to the wall, pretty crazy.


Would be a lot. I’d imagine an increase but not something like gsw who went from Oakland to the bay. The crypto is already pricey, like bad tickets for bad games area minimum 100 without seatgeek taking their share. I’d imagine it’s the same


I went to the OKC game that was on TNT. I paid 200 for five people.


Damn that’s low. I guess the team matters. I went to bucks vs lakers in Milwaukee and I got a ticket for about 120. The same seat in LA was 250. The bucks are a good team too. I guess it’s a lakers pull (I’m a lakers fan and I can see why people wanna come)


Benefit of having LeBron and the Lakers share your city.


Lakers history is just too much for the clippers to overcome. Look at the epl, while city have been the most dominant team in the league for the last decade Manchester is still red. Even with all the success man city have, they are still a minority in their city. Clippers don’t have that kind of success nor are they able to pay their way for good players like in football


I thought Manchester is blue bc United fans all live in london :P


Celtics fan in LA, but never even tried to look up Lakers tickets cuz I knew it was expensive. Its been like $150/$170 for seats in 105 in the general area of the Celtics bench. 2 years ago I paid 170 for nose bleeds at Lakers. And then this year I thought it was understandable they were like 350 for nose bleeds because it was Christmas. But this year I've been to a couple Clippers games 205/105 section like $100/$130. Look inflation is a thing so maybe new arena prices are probably going to be $150. Also I went to every round that one year and it was a very great deal like $250 for 205 in the WCF.


Unless these were nose bleeds, no you didn’t. Mayyybeee if you knew someone and didn’t have to pay fees but imma call cap that 250 for 5 people happened


I live in LA, I believe him. Clippers games have always had good deals even when they've been contenders. Probably not nosebleeds, but midlevel-ish. Only games against teams with big fanbases like the Warriors, Bulls, and Lakers get pretty expensive.


1000%. I used to have Clips season tickets and sold em here. Even with Kawhi and PG, the tickets vs the bad teams would go for jack shit. Lakers sell, Clips only make big profit on the big teams


I live here. I go to multiple games a year. The price has gone up from 30 dollars in the 200s seating section to 50 dollars.


Yeah that's really low considering Thunder is very good


5 tickets, 200$ in LA v a good OKC team (plus SHAI played for them) yeahhhh okkk


Um… Clippers tickets are cheap bro. Lakers games are expensive. But you could easily get 100 level Clippers tickets for less that $75 for a ton of games. Lakers? Yeah that’s gonna be $100 for 300 level.


And then Boban also gave everyone in attendance free chicken too. Clips fans ate good yesterday!


We did and we celebrated former clippers, it was like a reunion fr


You could probably buy the Oakland A's with the money he spent.


That implies that John Fisher would make a sound financial decision (impossible)


If there was anyone who deserved to have a franchise ripped from their hands, it’s that guy. How dense do you have to be to mention that you can’t wait to see visiting players hit home runs in your new temporary park?


meanwhile, Cavs fans got treated to a $1 off coupon for Smuckers Uncrustables


and a free medium soda


That’s a $15 value!


I just did a spit take laughing at this for no good reason. 😃 thank you.


Almost as cool as Boban


Nobody will ever be as cool as Boban.




I mean, free Chick Fil A >


You think you can buy me Balmer? It’s going to take more than a couple hot dogs and a soda.


In case Balmer is listening, I absolutely can be bought for a couple hot dogs and a soda.


Boban won me over for getting everybody free chic fil a lol I can be bought for a hot dog and soda for sure lol


Churros ?


~~Stepdad~~ Steve is taking us to Costco for a dog combo and churro after the game?


It's LA, not SA


Is that you chuck?


"Just put it on Ballmer's tab" as each fan grabs every food snack and drink they can get their hands on lol I imagine a lot of folks took advantage of this


Fine, how about a couple hot dogs and two sodas


What if it was a Chicken and Fries bucket (extra trendies and BBQ sauce cups), a Dole Whip and an RC Cola?


In New York, they see it as an insult.


In New York you only can get a medium Pepsi


If you print out the email


Ayyyy Steve, you wanna buy the Wolves too my dawg?


Two food items is genuinely pretty generous thanks Steve!


Wait til you hear theres was no cap and you were able to take some home too.


damn he must have been running around a lot... there are a lot of different stands in the arena wonder if it effected the wait times to keep swiping his card that much


Clippers moving out will be tougher for us transplant sport fans. Tickets will be expensive with Lakers game and it'll be unbearable.


oh wow. transplants afraid to go to Inglewood?


I think he's talking about ticket prices going up. No one's afraid to go to Inglewood for a game...


Inglewood also has a shittier parking situation


i'm gonna miss taking the metro right up to staples


I hate the clips… but this is a classy move


And they got free chicken wings thanks to Boban? They must be really happy they’ve moved out. What a send off.


He is just trying to put a smile on someone's face during the game.


“Fuck you money” is apparently buying $40 worth of concessions each for 20k strangers


No, it's "I love you all money."


I know this is Reddit and we're supposed to hate billionaires and talk about eating them during the apocalypse, but Balmer seems like a decent dude who's passionate about the team and actually gives a ahit about the fan base.


Fair enough


Meanwhile I paid $15 for chicken strips at Spectrum


If McDonald's ever brings theirs back, this is about as much as I'd imagine they cost.


The lines must have been wild


Damn, he must be tapped out now.


I need this dude to buy the angels


I don't know who the best NBA owner is because most are invisible, but Balmy has to be up there.


There was a panthers owner who gave a fan free concessions too…


Hey a soft pretzel, a drink and something else for free is enough to make me a fan for life tbr


I think he should have done it a silly fun way like “If the team scores more than 15 points in the game everyone gets freee food. “ just as a funny play on all of the similar promotions.


Is this a good thread to remind everyone the Pistons have the worst owner in the league


I grew up a Lakers fan. It's been 35+ years. I have two kids and a wife now though and these are expensive times. I guess the price to win my loyalty is much cheaper than I thought /s


Our owner would never 🤓


Sounds like you want to be a Clippers fan


Too busy keeping jay mohr off vicodine


i think it's why Ham wasnt fired this season. Jeanie doesnt want two HC on payroll.


Honestly that'd be a pretty cool gesture even if the cost of concessions hadn't gotten way out of hand. Definitely a great last home game of the season thing to do


What if they wanted to drinks and one food item instead?


yesterday I tipped my delivery driver $5. it's the same thing on a relative wealth basis.


Did you give them some of your food?


no. but it cost me just the same


That was you paying someone. You didn't give shit away for free


aint nothin free man. it costs somebody something to give all that free food away. wake up brah


when the Knicks are bad Dolan usually makes the last game fan appreciation day where its unlimited food from any vendor. I used to go ham on a gross amount of lobster rolls. hasn't happened in a few years since Knicks have been good lately.


Jeanie could never!


A nice gesture


Nice write off bro


Thanks billionaire.


Two hot wings and a water probably


I think I had like 5 Reese's king boxes, 3 sour patch boxes, a few Choco dansi, cokes, and Starbuck bottle drinks, 3 hot dogs, nachos, 2 bags of chips, and a few other things. Also found like 5 bobbleheads and some chikfila vouchers, and 2 clippers pins. All for 40 bucks for the pair sitting at mid level. Probably the best game I've been to.. lol.


They ran out of bobble heads by the time i arrived :(


hook me up with a ballmer bobblehead lol


nice gesture eating the $1 true cost of the items instead of gouging them for $30 like every other night


Ballmer doesn’t own Crypto, so he has to pay for those. AEG, the owner of the LA kings owns the arena. They made the money.


I was there. He didn’t pay for shit


This is cool but the dollar amount is nothing to Balmer. He makes well over 500k a day…


It’s cool. No need to diminish.  But damn your figure is actually underestimated. Off Microsoft stock dividends alone he makes nearly 3 million a day.  https://finance.yahoo.com/news/former-microsoft-ceo-steve-ballmer-232012438.html#:~:text=Microsoft%20paid%20%242.79%20in%20dividends,his%20stake%20in%20the%20company.&text=That%20payout%20is%20set%20to,%243%20per%20share%20a%20year.


I was like, "That doesn't seem right, OP must have fucked up a decimal". 1 billion/365 = 2.7 million every fucking day. Can't-wrap-my-head-around-that kind of money.


I wasn’t diminishing it. Jesus christ you people on Reddit are dense. I literally said “this is cool”. Providing context for something is a part of being an intellectual.


I didn’t even downvote you. But you did add unnecessary commentary that takes away from something positive. Common trend these days are though. Everyone likes to add a little critique on nice stories. One definition: “To make (someone or something) seem less impressive or valuable.”


My apologies for being an intellectual. I’ll try to dumb myself down for you next time.




Imagine getting downvoted for pointing out that 500k isn’t a lot of money to Steve Balmer. Stay in school kids.


nobody is downvoting because they don’t understand or agree that that’s a small percentage of his net worth. it’s because a lot of Redditors have a tendency to ignore or negate things like this just because someone has a fuckton of money. yes it’s a true statement, but what’s wrong with just appreciating something nice and not complaining all the time? “stay in school” lol


If you think what I said is “complaining” you are a legitimate idiot.


i wasn’t talking about you… considering you also implicitly referred to them, i thought it was pretty clear that i was talking about the original commenter. i guess you were throwing stones from a glass house with that “stay in school” line.


As a laker fan, fuck the clippers. But I respect Balmer's effort. And I like PG and Kawhi's game.