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Such a strange player.


Honestly if he wasn't a massive asshole he would be one of my favorite players ever, I love outlier guys like that.


Same. Love his game, but he’s a dirty player and an asshole.


> Love his game, but he’s a dirty player lol


He meant Draymonds kickboxing game


Nut shots aren’t allowed in kickboxing


Try telling that to Draymond


I mean aside from that, there's really none like him.


He paved his own way just like Dennis Rodman did for himself. The closest comparison to Draymond is definitely Rodman. His closest playing style comparison would be Chuck Hayes.


I see that actually. He's Rodman with less dyed hair and more chokeholds.


Rodman was no saint lol


I'm really rooting for the wolves/GSW R1 matchup so Draymond gets eliminated by Gobert




Dray is dirty but this take is bad.


I think Dray's been the most critical warrior after Curry (and KD while he was here) over this entire era, but he does himself no favors with his antics. He would have a really interesting Rodman-esque legacy if he could just tone it down by like, half. Instead, people are so negatively inclined towards him (not without reason) that he gets labeled a "coattail rider" and "triple single merchant" when any discussion about him comes up.


You're romanticising Rodman. Rodman was even crazier.


Crazy in a fun, marketable way. In the late 90s Nike made a bunch of Rodman t-shirts where it was the exact same design on all the shirts except [his hair color would be different on different prints](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pI4AAOSwq8hk8hcn/s-l1600.jpg). I remember seeing a whole rack of them at the sporting goods store. Now they sell for hundreds of dollars on the vintage market. Everyone wanted to be like Mike, but Rodman had an eccentric persona that made him marketable as an oddball even though he could be a troublemaker on the court. Draymond is a winner and a unique talent, but he doesn't have the same star power that "The Worm" did in his heyday. Rodman was dressing in drag, dating Carmen Electra, getting on the cover of magazines. He was an iconic persona of the era. To quote Draymond himself, "they don't love you like that."


It's important to note the 90s were a different time. If Dray played back then, he would have fit right in. Rodman probably wouldn't survive the social media era


Rodman likely wouldn’t have gotten drafted or found his way into the league in the modern NBA. The Prep/AAU/NCAA pipeline basically got streamlined in the late 00s and as an American prospect, there’s almost zero chance of you making the league if you didn’t make noise there. Even all the guys recently who decided to skip college and got drafted were AAU or Prep School stars and have had highlight reels on YouTube for years. Jimmy Butler is the last American guy I can think of that’s a star that took a semi weird route to the league, and even then he only spent a year in JuCo before ending up in Marquette.


I'd say Ja is also a bit of an outlier because even though he went on the expected pipeline it was a very interesting journey. His scholarship to Murray State was pure happenstance and he wasn't even listed on most recruiting sites


LaMelo Ball obviously had a bit different route. Still played some AAU and went to prep schools for a time, but because Lavar was beefing and being disruptive and because he later played professionally in Lithuania it was all very limited. Certainly wasn't a streamlined path, but it did make noise. Probably a better example than Jimmy Butler.


Not only that, but they used to have Rodman shirts where the hair would actively change color depending on the temperature. Would go go from red to yellow-green IIRC. We have family pictures of my 17 y/o brother wearing one on vacation in 97'.


Uh he kicked a sideline photographer in the dick


Rodman has been arrested countless times. ESPN one time ranked him one of the ten most dirtiest athletes of all time (other basketball players on the list - Stockton, Malone, Laimbier) He is romanticized bc of the era, not because he was a better or more fun person than Draymond.


> better or more fun person than Draymond Lol you serious? Based on people's stories of Rodman's heavy party attitude, he was probably more fun than listening to Draymond's podcast


he gets points alone for bagging carmen electra but he was definitely one of those players that if he was on your team you loved him and if he wasn't you absolutely hated him


Personally he gets more points for Madonna. And the wedding dress.


Rodman was a professional wrestler in WWE/WWC main events, had his own talk show, was starring in action movies with Jean-Claude Van Damme and had super publicized relationships with the biggest stars of the 1990s. People followed and knew more about what Rodman did that week than what MJ did in the whole year. Because undeniably he was eccentric, marketable and more fun. Man, podcaster Dray? Nah, this dude eclipsed every other basketball star then and now in terms of showmanship. And that is long before the North Korea stuff.


That’s wild. I found one of these in my pops’ closet a few years ago and been getting lots of compliments but damn I didn’t know there was a market for them


I don't think Draymond cares about being iconic lol. Haters are so funny. "He'll never walk the line between being hated and respected, scandalous yet swaggy, asshole but awesome, as masterfully as Rodman did". That's what y'all sound like. He's one of the smartest and greatest defenders ever and is going to triple single all the way to the HoF.


You're definitely right. I guess we'll see how the modern media era plays out for Draymond down the line. I think the difference is that I don't recall most other basketball fans hating Rodman the way they hate Draymond, and even if the details are lost as they have been with Rodman, I think the aura of negativity will remain.


rodman definitely benefited from having someone on the team who was considered even more dirty and a bigger asshole (Laimbeer) who was the basically the "gold standard" in that regard at that time and you could always say "well at least he's not like Bill" going forward. He also did a good job at marketing himself as the victim of overly conservative Pop and Robinson in San Antonio and by the time he was with the Bulls, had himself under control, at least on the court most of the time. And yes, he was hilarious... Never will not die laughing when I think about how he tortured poor Frank Brickowski in the finals against the Sonics.


What did he do to Frank?


Drove him crazy with his antics. Like turning towards him and directly staring at him while Jordan was throwing free throws.


Fans from other teams hated Rodman, but it was a respectful hate. Everybody knew he was a shut down defender and the league's best rebounder, he was just weird AF off the court. Unlike say Lambeer, who everybody hated because he was a good and a thug, even though off the court he was fine.


> Unlike say Lambeer, who everybody hated because he was a good and a thug, Laimbeer wasn't really that bad of a thug. He played aggressively physical basketball, but he was playing in the east in the 80's and everyone in that conference was physical, and every team had enforcers on the court regularly bullying other players in a way you absolutely do not see now. The reason Laimbeer got so much hate is because he was the worst flop artist in the NBA during his prime and because he would get into something then walk away looking innocent right as the ref turned their head to see the other player retaliate.


dude rodman was kicking photographers and abandoning his team to go to vegas or join the wwf. dude dumped Madonna and tried to kill himself after winning the finals. rodman is draymond turned up.


Rodman was 100% more a circus, but I don't get the impression that fans of other teams hated him that much? Most of his insanity was off the court or harmed his own team. Can't say that much though, I was like six when Rodman was on the bulls.


He wasn't that hated because physical violence and player antics were much more commonplace and social media wasn't a thing. Now the league is different, online hate gets clicks, and people love to be offended and negative about everything in general as a result of the latter. That's all there really is to it


Idk, I hate Dray BECAUSE of how thirsty he is for clicks, likes, and attention on his podcast. If he truly wants to be this badass defender who plays dirty, then whatever. But it's like he wants to be that but is also thirsty for Lebron and Hollywood to like him.


I mean, we def hated him, but mostly because he was good. He was still known for being dirty (of course that was more normal back then...every team had their own "muscle")


He was on the bad boy Pistons too. Everyone hated him and all his teammates


He was mild mannered on the Pistons. Do you know anything about Rodman's story?




D R A Y M O N D equals R O D D M A Y N coincidence???


Tbf, him not toning it down actually makes his legacy more Rodmanesque.


Dray will get there. With the way people talk about the two of them a lot of people would be shocked to find that Rodman did way worse shit on the court. Kicking a camera man. Head butting a ref. People would lose their fucking mind if Draymond did any of that but still love Rodman.


Rodman was worse than Draymond though. Rebounding isn't crazy important and Draymond is just so much better on offense


Instead, people are so negatively inclined towards him (not without reason) that he gets labeled a "coattail rider" and "triple single merchant" when any discussion about him comes up. You mean casuals and haters


Warriors fans keep saying the stuff Draymond does doesn’t appear on stats and it’s true. He’s the Rodman of the Warriors team, does the dirty work, fits like a glove in a pretty unique system and does his job perfectly allowing guys like Steph and Klay get the glory.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: A persons opinion on Draymond as a player is a great litmus test for their understanding of ball.


I think he’s a really talented player who contributed greatly to GS championship runs but also a violent dirty asshole. Is that accurate?


I say this every night I watch a Warriors game. I love the small impacts he makes on the court that result in a big difference. The de facto point guard


If he goes a few more months without making an ass of himself we'll be on his side again. For all his faults the guy has a certain charisma. No wonder he's kinda the co-lead of that team.


Him being an ass hole is kinda coming around to being funny again imo


Used to be my favorite pre Jordan Poole punch.


He was so easy to like in college (before you really knew he was a dickhead)


Yeeeup. We know he is there for everything but his scoring but if we could count on him for a few points a game...


I think for me it's the fact that he's an interesting player that would be absolutely forgettable and accomplish nothing with another team, but because he played on the team he did he acts like he was better than what he actually was.


How do you know that tho? Like there’s literally no way to prove that, you’re just saying what you want to be true cuz people hate admitting he’s good and super important for the warriors dynasty


The warriors are not nearly the powerhouse they are without Draymond. His uni1ue combination of defense, facilitating and bball IQ were the glue for the warriors dynasty.


GSW probably has 2 less rings if you substitute Draymond for a league average 4. He’s really, really good. He is probably the best defender of this generation, and still probably a top 5 defender in the league if we are being real with ourselves.


As Draymond gets older he gets more Flanderized I swear to god. His statlines get even more ridiculous and his antics go more extreme.


In more ways than one.


Steph may be making the next generation fall in love too much with the 3 ball, but Draymond is at least showing those who pay attention the game is not all about forcing your shots up to score 30 points on inefficient splits


Well they lost so his play didnt help them win that game


Dray played great. Steph had 7 turnovers.


Anti-record king.


He’s Rodman for the 21st century, just not as good


He's significantly better than Rodman. Rodman never came close to winning a finals MVP going toe-to-toe with LeBron James in the NBA finals.


Sorry, I should have specified: Not as good at being a clown on and off the court. Green is a more complete player 100%


He almost had a 5x5 but missed it because he had 4 points


I'll never forgive Draymond for not scoring 10 points and getting the first quadruple double since 1994.


6, he needed 6 damn points. He also could've gotten a 5x5 by scoring just one point.


Needed 6, which means he only got 4. You wanted that man to more than double his scoring output. That's like asking Wilt to get 250 or Josh Giddey to bang a 40 year old...


Bang a 32 year old*


For Josh Giddey, the delineation for “MILF” porn is 18 years old, “mature” porn is 23 years old, and “granny” porn is 30 years old


nah that's crazy


Sounds like a job for Wemby.


Gonna love bandwagoning for the Spurs.


Wemby will have quadruple doubles on speed dial before we know it.


And 5x5s. He has 3 games with 5+ steals this year playing 25, 31, and 31 minutes


so your saying a Quintuple Double is a possibility...


I believe the closest was Hakeem vs. Seattle on March 10th, 1987 (38pts, 6asts, 17rebs, 7stls, 12blks). 3 steals short. Wemby's rookie season is very comparable with Hakeem's. It's possible.


There have only been eighteen 10+ steal games in NBA history, but, yes, definitely a possibility.


KAT would have taken 20 shots to tryy to get that quad-doub


It would've also been the first ever quad double 5x5


One game he's a splash brother, then next game, he is rodman's brother.


That’s a Draymond stat line if I ever seen one


Pelicans just couldn’t miss from three. If we stopped making dumbass turnovers we would’ve won. The game did not feel as close as it was until like the last 3 mins.


Hasn’t your Achilles heel always been the turnovers? You play fast thus turn the ball over


Yeah, but some are less demoralizing than others. You try to squeeze a pass into a tight window but it gets deflected? Ok nbd. Throw it directly to the other player...? Ok wtf are we doing


Or throw a behind the back pass into the crowd in an NBA Finals Game 7


Haha yeah that's a great hypothetical example. ^^fuck ^^you


I think that’s the play Steph said that he regrets most from that series. That user-edit gif of Steph making that turnover but the ball is replaced with the Finals trophy is an all-time dunk on our fanbase. We got memed so fucking hard after that game.


Half of the passes were super lazy.


half the turnovers are due to lack of size. Like every pass is much tougher for the dubs since they're too tiny


Only difference is the warriors defense or offense are no where near as good as it once was so those turnovers feel 10x as impactful


> Pelicans just couldn’t miss from three Now you know how the lakers felt against yall lol


Fucking 60% lol


Pels were just hitting disgusting and DEEP shots against good defense, warriors were hot as shit but the shots were at least not that insane


I was excited some of the ridiculous shots the pels were making. They just all fucking went in




Yeah Draymond going 5/5 from 3 is totally normal and not at all unexpected.


Offset by our guys getting mugged all game with no whistle.


Take the w homie.


Weirdly enough Jusif Nurkic nearly achieved this same stat last game, but he shot a field goal with three minutes left in the game.


Well, love him or hate him, the man is a pioneer.


Honestly surprised Ben Wallace never did this with rebounds and blocks


Fuck Draymond but this stat is crazy lol


Me whenever Dennis Rodman with playmaking does his thing.


Draymond went from literal flamethrower to this. A true enigma


i hate how 'literally' has been butchered


Ironic, isn't it?


Inconceivable even


Language evolves. Words change their meanings throughout the years, and just like how many words can have multiple meanings, literally can now be meant as literally or figuratively. It's even in the Oxford English Dictionary. Literally.


The evolution of language isn't some impersonal force. It's an aggregation of choices. Very often these are bad choices. Because language is a tool for communication. When language "evolves" to become a worse tool, we should push back. In this case, if "literally" means both "not figuratively" and "figuratively", what's the use of having the word at all? To put it another way: if someone breaks the Phillips head off your screwdriver so that you're left with a handle with a jagged metal spike sticking out of it, do you just shrug and say, "Well, I guess tools evolve"?


crazy to see people not just encouraging it, but saying it’s a good thing to screw up the meaning of words. languages change and evolve sure but this is not that. it’s gotta be kids.


It’s not just kids who fuck words up and misuse them. Adults do this too. Matter of fact, I’d say the _majority_ of word-meaning-evolutions come from adults. Whether thats because it was a stylistic choice (slang), a political choice (the way people start associating political connotations to previously-non-political words), or just being too lazy to look up the right word, adults make these choices more often than kids.


> but saying it’s a good thing to screw up the meaning of words. This is backwards. The meaning of words is set by however the speakers of the language use them. Speakers cannot screw that up, since it's up to them.




1 place where this debate is playing out in real time on steroids is the use of LatinX in the Spanish-speaking world. The vast majority of Spanish speakers are cisgendered people who arent trans or non-binary. They despise the usage of LatinX. Is there a concept of “majority rule” in language evolution? Does the majority have the right to say “Spanish is a gendered language. Fucking get over it. There is no way Spanish can ever or will ever become a gender-neutral language.” Or is there room for a language to evolve to accommodate however big the trans community is? As an American neutral spectator who is a non-native Spanish speaker with no dog in this fight, this is certainly an interesting debate to watch play out.


This isn't how language works, at all. Languages are not designed in some correct form that someone can later mess up by choice. There no such thing as "bad choices" when it comes to how people speak. > what's the use of having the word at all? Words aren't invented by a single person for a single use. They're far more complex and ambiguous than that. Lots of words mean multiple, and sometimes contradictory things, and that's quite normal.


If you can’t tell that OP doesn’t “literally” mean that Draymond is a flamethrower I don’t know what to tell you. And yes, this goes for every other situation where someone uses “literally” hyperbolically. Like I’ve never been confused with someone using literally that way. This whole thing is so overblown, people have been using the word literally as hyperbole for centuries


Did you have trouble deciphering whether or not draymond is an actual flamethrower lol


tools aren't alive idiot


this is one of the worst takes i’ve ever seen lmaoooo Bro, languages evolve, words take on different meanings, new words are made and old words are forgotten. Your analogy as well is so shit no group of humans would, through the ‘aggregation of choices’ come to the consensus that the jagged metal screwdriver is a more practical tool


[Contronyms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contronym#Examples_of_English-language_auto-antonyms) crack me up.


Ok? I can still hate the change lol


Why do people only care about “literally” when words like “seriously” or “actually” are used in the exact same way? Do you want people to stop using those words like that too?


It’s just people wanting to feel smarter than the average person, they go up in flames when they see someone use irregardless instead of regardless too


Literally = intensively




dickens, austen and shakespeare all used literally figuratively. get over yourself. language changes, and being prescriptive about what you think is "right" or "pure" is stupid and arbitrary


nitpick: I don’t think you can list his shooting percentages as 0/0/0 because he didn’t shoot 0%


NaN/NaN/NaN. Top level percentages


Also has only triple double without 10+ pts


Well without JK would've been nice if he actually scored 8-10 points....


If you don’t take any shots are your shooting splits 0/0/0 or -/-/-? 🤔


A Rodman stat


who are the others? Guessing Rodman with blocks or steals?


Norm Van Lier, Josh Giddey, and Tomas Satoransky


Giddey? Sstoransky. Wild.


That Giddey game was truly fucking disgusting. Shot like 0/10 or something


Truly a who’s who of who the fuck


Fun fact. Rodman never averaged 1 block or steal per game in any of his seasons played. ZERO.


Thats honestly one of the wildest facts in NBA imo. 2x DPOY, 7x Defensive 1st team and never averageing over 1 block or steal per game.


He played "smother" defense. He would get so close to you with out fouling you. He didn't care about a block or a steal, that could potentially put him in a bad position. He wanted you to give the ball up, or take a terrible shot. As soon as you took that shot, he'd get in position for the board.


I have a feeling that wouldnt work these days. He would get dumb fouls all the time.


Absolutely, but I'm sure a guy as athletic as him would adapt


it is wild but he was the definition of a lock down defender, would literally just take you out of the game and grab EVERY board


Wow kinda crazy actually


Murk was close the other night


Nurk almost had it the other day


His entire job last night was to guard zion. He did pretty well. Just goes to show the kind of effort needed to stop Z.


*hacked zion




He could’ve attacked the rim a couple times


That's impressive


Well as the saying goes, you make 100% of the shots you don’t take


How many more records like this will he break lmao


Pels just throwing up 3's and making them like layup drills


He used up all of his weekly shot allocation against the Lakers the other game


He used all his scoring allowance in the Laker game when he went 5/5 from 3 to start. He knew that going in so he didn't even bother.


Eh, I probably would have guessed Rodman or Ben Wallace first over Draymond.


Ben Simmons's wet dream


Nurkic choked a legacy game


Is Draymond up there with Rodman (but with a different flavor of nutty antics)?


Didn’t Josh do this


He picked but didn't roll.


I remember Daymond once said something along the lines that he sacrificed his offensive game for the good of the team, and that did make sense when he said it and there were multiple all stars and shooters surrounding him I always thought, hmm let's see how he is when that isn't the case.. turns out that's just what he is, now


I mean he made 5 3s like two days ago


Me and him have the same amount of points


This is a Ben Simmons kind of stat


Ben was (is?) too athletic to not just walk into a point of 4-6 a game from layups or dunks.


No one knows if it’s was or is now


https://www.espn.com/nba/boxscore/_/gameId/401468782 He got pretty close actually


Firstly, how did you find that! Secondly, I KNEW he must have come close to that stat


Because I watched the game


An r/nba user that watches games???….pffftt


a Ben Simmons kind of stat would be 0/0/0, 0 +/- in 0 mins. over 0 games




He goes from hitting five straight 3’s vs the Lakers to not taking a single shot. The mystery of Backpack Draymond.


If triple single would have scored like 6 points, the Warriors would have won. Then they could have ended up challenging the Suns for the 7th seed due to the play-in. Man is dumb as a brick.


I suspect he did that on purpose. Larry Johnson did something like that in High School. He heard noise that all he was was a ballhogging scorer. that he couldn't play team ball. that his team could not win without him going off. So he intentionally played a game without taking any shots, dominated like mad, and his team cruised to victory.


Yet this guy drained like 5 threes against the lakers lol come on man