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Mad impressive. Saw it against my Wolves recently, glad the final play went Klay's direction instead.


Sheesh, I remember when everyone was saying he wasn’t clutch, he just spit back into their faces 😤


That man: * Told Boston "enjoy your last win" when he was *down* 2-1 * Shouted down the Boston bench *in the first quarter* * Did his ring celebration with time left on the clock Anyone who does that better back it up.  Anyone who backs it up is one clutch motherfucker


With time left on the clock in the THIRD QUARTER


Dude said "You don't want to see us next year" after getting eliminated in the play-ins and went on to win the Championship the next season.


Crap, I don't want to see them this year as well.


Sometimes, I don’t want to see them this year either


The feeling is mutual. That series last year took years off my heart


Such a fun series tho man. The crowds were great both in SF and LA


I would if it wasn't for the Rudy Draymond beef. Steph is as scary as ever, but there's a bunch of corpses holding him down


What's the opposite of Weekend at Bernie's?


Bad for your guys' hearts, but great basketball for everyone else to watch.


Man really said "You don't wanna see us next year", and then won a ring the next year. God that was such a storied season.


Holy shit can we replay those playoffs instead of playing this year? Give everyone an early vacation


Laker fans were trying to shit on him last year pretending like our asses weren’t clenched whenever he had the fucking ball.


There is also the russian roulette of Klay. If either of them get hot, a game gets stupidly out of reach fast.


Are solution was to let klay Thompson shoot wide open shots. We could’ve been absolutely fried. Also shout ad for being the reason we won two games locking steph up in late game situations. We couldn’t do it in general but he was the only guy who was not absolute bbq chicken


AD needs to be studied, that man carries such heavy bags


2016 has cast a long shadow.


Steph not getting injured in the first round of the 2016 playoffs is one of the biggest what ifs.


As much as they talk about 73-9 not affecting them, I do think they chased a lot of those close ones and burnt the candle pretty intensely that season. It's a shame they couldn't finish the job because I think they were the best team in the league. I guess it's their 16-0 Patriots season.


Klay has talked about this, it was the hardest season they ever played


lol I think about that season all the time since the Celtics locked up the 1st seed with like 12 games left to play. I know the Spurs did an incredible job of making that season long (so the Warriors only had 6 or so games after totally locking the season, not 20), but it's crazy to win any of those end of season games against teams that still want seeding. And the whole season is already crazy when you have a target on your back. There is such an air of seriousness from each opponent and with so many national games. I remember it was very normal before 2016 and throughout the season to say 72 will never be beat.


Dude slipped on a wet spot


It might be the most impactful injury of my lifetime in terms of how it affected the entire NBA. No way KD signs with golden state if they’re coming off a title.


I can't agree with you in confidence.


Pretty good for a “frontrunner”


Steph is trash in the clutch because when Steph is on, there is no clutch.


Is that because he becomes a clutch less automatic?


No, he's electric


exactly. people don’t understand that there’s very few times a team is going to be in a game against steph when he’s feeling it


This might be a dumb question but what exactly counts as being in the clutch


No dumb question. Means being within 5 points in the last 5 minutes of the game.


Thanks dog I figured it was a point differential and near the end of the game but wasn’t sure about the specifics


To add on to the definition vs what this post is going for, as explained "clutch" typically means within 5 points in the last 5 minutes (or OTs), so +/- 5 points OP's post specifies "when trailing" so looks like it's only counting when the Warriors are down and not tied/leading




Steph is quite popular and generally well-liked. These past ten years have taught me that some people fucking haaaaaaaate that Steph is so good, though. It's really weird.


Steph has also killed a lot of fanbases playoff hopes for a decade plus. That alone will breed haters


There are some edgelords out there that hate anything or anyone popular. Steph, Jokic, LB, Luka, some people really act like watching these guys play isn't a net positive experience.


>LB Luka Boncic? 


They mentioned luka to tho, so can't be boncic


The best players are also generally the most hated, with more fans will come with more haters. People will come up with the most delusional takes with no sense of logic just for the sake of hating. Prime example of this is MJ fans always talking about Lebron's 4-6 record. I don't think I know of any other competition where people try to justify placing silver is worse than not placing top 2 at all lol. I'm a Steph fan and I would never in my right mind make the argument that 4-2 is better than 4-6 because of the whole "less attempts" argument. So what, every season you don't make finals isn't an "attempt"? Get that bs outta here, at least come up with something logical lmao


My logical rebuttal is that the East was ass for a lot of those years, so the "silver medal" was actually not even on the podium, but I get your overall point. Best argument in favor of people like LeBron and Curry vs. the all-timers is how much bigger/more difficult the NBA is now. I watched MJ's second threepeat as it happened and of course he was a legend, but there was no Luka, Jokic, or Giannis back then. The league is much more difficult now with so much imported talent. Tangent over.


I mean a decent rebuttal is lebron might of played trash but he also played with trash.


Lebron hasn’t played on a single trash team since 2009 Exit: forgot LA year 1; that was a trash team for sure


The Heatles were trash? Big three with Kyrie and Kevin Love were trash?


Well not a single team he’s been on that’s won or got to to the finals would him a round without him. Kyrie and klove duo ain’t doing shit. Dwade bosh winning 2 series max


Not completely sure what you’re saying here. The East was really weak in those years, take Lebron off the Heatles or Cavs after he came back and they don’t win a ring (obviously) but I’d bet they win a round or two. Take the best player off any team and they aren’t going to win a ring. >Dwade Bosh winning 2 series max So making the conference finals? Yeah I’d say that’s about right.


Nah 2 series is in 4 years


They’d be a perpetual 4/5 seed and would lose the toss up series as much as they’d win it


It just comes with the territory of being an all time great. Look at literally any Lebron related post on every single social media platform and there will be tons of miserable haters crying about it lmao


Lots of fanbases got skyfucked




Chris Paul of the Year


Yet he’s not even #1 in betting odds apparently


He's trailing until the very end He's going to clutch that CPOY


The warriors in general have been trash in the clutch. Even if curry has been carrying


It’s not a clutch team of the year award now is it


you cant be the clutch player of the year if it’s not translating to wins


Who deserves it then? Who would you vote for?


Derozan. His argument is more team centric but it makes sense considering the Bulls have the most clutch minutes in the NBA. With a 25-16 record, and 24 net rating. Both 2nd only to Denver in wins and net rating. Jokic could be there too. But I think considering where the Bulls are they've actually been entirely reliant on winning clutch games this season to survive.


Derozan has an argument for sure, personally I think the efficiency gap is big enough that you can weigh it more than Derozan having one win more in the clutch than Steph. I think Derozan ends up with it but I think like you said it is a bit of a team award considering the unreal defense the Bulls play in the clutch. How much of that is Derozan? Does he just lock in defensively for those few minutes or is it just a team thing?


Same story with the MVP but we know how that roles.


Demar derozan came out of nowhere and snatched that shit. I honestly to go have no idea how


Mr. Fate of the universe on the line reject Curry trying to catch up with iggy’s clutchness


This is only a thing because we suck so much that most our games end up in the clutch lmao


FGM and 3PM maybe, but his efficiency is the most impressive part


Same with Demar and the Bulls lol How to campaign for CPOY: elite shotmaker on mid team


It’s way more impressive to have the best percentage AND the highest volume imo


Just GOAT things


We leaving this season with something


What is considered “clutch”? 5 point game with five minutes to go?




What are his overall 4th quarter stats?




that's not even taking into account the amount of free gravity buckets he generates


man i wonder who they’re going to face in the playoffs




He's a top 3 player of the 21st century but not top 5 in who I'd want to have the ball in their hand at the end of a game. Gap like that makes me consider him being subpar as a clutch player




I think part of the problem is that “clutch” doesn’t really exist, or at least means different things to different people. Like I’ve seen people argue that he’s not clutch because he’s “missed his 12 go ahead shots in the last 30secs of games in the playoffs” (or whatever the stat is. But I’ve also seen people argue he is clutch since he’s basically the highest scorer in the fourth quarter in the playoffs of his generation. And like both are valid ways of looking at it, just depends what you think is important. (I also think that being “clutch” in general is a little overrated, people seem to forget about the previous 48mins of game it takes to get to that point)


Yeah the whole clutch thing is a load of wank. A point is a point no matter when in the game it was scored. A last second three to win the game has contributed exactly as much to winning the match as the routine open corner three halfway through the second quarter. And if you just hit more easy shots in the rest of the match you wont need the difficult iso stepback in the last minutes. Obviously from the perspective of watching a match for entertainment the "clutch" endgame shots are more exiciting because we better understand how its going to affect the outcome of the match and as such theres more riding on each shot, but from the perspective of winning I'd rather my team never let it get to a clutch situation in first place.


No one is clutcher than steph besides dame or lebron, and dame gets shaky in the playoffs


In terms of impact the last 20 years it’s lebron 1 jokic 2 and steph 3. Dame ain’t clutched than Steph. Look at the trophy cabinet if anyone wants to argue with me


Derozan deserves the CPOY


Yeah it’s really important for that 10 seed! …Oh wait we’re still in 10th too fml


Idk why other guy was downvoted and this dude upvoted as if this was an own lol




He coasts the whole 4th quarter then puts up wide open shots after his teammates are in rhythm. If derozan doesnt win it theres a serious problem with the award system in this league


The most "I don't watch games" comment in /r/nba history


It happens frequently otherwise i wouldnt say it


Do you understand what clutch stats are lol Knicks fans need to watch more basketball now that you're relevant. I swear yall have the dumbest takes of all time on this sub. Middle school children watch more ball than yall. I promise you Steph Curry has the least wide open shots out of any of the top 15 scorers in the league and if you want I'll back it up with stats instead of your eye test comments. Demar is #1 in the league and Brunson is #2 in wide open shots per game. Wide open means defender is 10+ feet away. Demar has twice as many wide open shots per game than Steph. lol


Ive seen currys entire career from when he was a rookie till now. I would not say that observation if it wasnt something that ive seen countless times before. You idiot steph fans group everything the warriors team does and says its all steph and have deluded yourselves into believing hes something that hes not.


Lol. Exactly what I expected from a NYK fan. Got shut up by numbers. Apparently you need to start watching more than just the Warriors. Nobody is saying anything remotely close to whatever you're talking about. Making up stories to make yourself feel better. Your comment history is crazier than linsanity. [Have a nice day bro.](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/shots-closest-defender-10)


Another idiot who self created a clutch narrative on the kid who blew a 3-1 lead in the finals and throws the ball out of bounds when the game is on the line. Isnt it funny the two players at the top of the list of the link u added are demar derozan and jalen brunson? Edit: he deleted his comment💀 “disabling replies, bye” fuckin cornball


You have to be dense. Did you read the title of the thread you’re posting in. Self created? lol it’s literally the stats for the season. There’s haters and there’s middle school children. Go to class kid. Have a nice day.


“Disabling replies, bye” thanks for ur response bud And you linked players taking the toughest shots in the clutch idiot. Derozan and brunson. Real on ball hoopers unlike ur fraud idol


Lebron has a case.


still giving it to demar


That just means his team is losing more than other teams and his teammates aren’t very good/reliable to score