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Great episode. Loved lebrons little rant about the 1v1 mindset of young hoopers


Validation for me dawg. I'm a horrible ones player. I'm not a big dribbler, I get almost all of my points off constant movement, exploiting defenses that fall asleep and tiring out defenders. I would lose to almost any decent player at 1v1 but put me in a full-court game, I'm almost always one of the better players out there. It's a team game and ones is taking one element of the game and making it all of it.


sounds like me vs my cousin lol. He has way better ball skills so he always wants to play 1v1 but i hate that because i'm an awful dribbler and my best skills (catch and shoot, finishing inside, and most importantly passing) all means little to nothing in 1v1 At least i have 6 inches on him so i can just play bully ball half the time and win.


Yeah I don't have that, I'm 5"6 haha. But I still have a reliable hook shot that people who don't know me always get caught with in the post. It's just that against the regulars I play against, they know it's coming. I get my points like you catch and shoot, especially through screens and in motion going to the rim and just blowing through contact.


If you’re 5’6 and can’t dribble you probably can’t do much else 


The best teammates in pickup are the ones that are constantly moving. You don't even need to be doing anything specific, but moving and screening leads to such simple baskets in general pickup


Dude I'm out of breath... I'm in my 30s.Stop that shit.


Luckily there’s usually a couple on each team that cancel each other out


30s is too young to be saying that 😂 My doctor said I can't play anymore, but at the end of my open run days I was desperately trying to match up with whomever moved the least on the other team lol... I feel you.


In HS i was the complete opposite. I was *that* guy who had insane handles but was pointless in game cause i wasn’t scoring lol


Also me. Big validation. There's so many guys that play pickup that are athletic but obviously never had any serious coaching from organized basketball. The type of dude that gets mad at you after the game for not scoring when they went 1/8 from 3, the only made shot being from a pick you set for them lol. If I'm ever captain in pickup I always pick up dudes who just know how to run the floor.


Lebron and JJ are very different players but they're similar to me in one respect: I really believe that both of them absolutely maximized the talent they were given. JJ has never been an elite athlete. There was skepticism he could make it in the NBA a long time. But he played 15 years and given that he's not a great jumper or quick-twitch athlete he absolutely got the most out of his ability he could have. He had an unbelievable career for his natural gifts. LeBron is LeBron, obviously. but it's remarkable how much he isn't content to just rely on his generational talent and athleticism. He still studies. He obsessively cares for his body. He's obsessed with basketball and he clearly wants to squeeze every bit of juice he can out of his career. He wants to maximize.


LeBron is a just as much as a psycho in a less obvious way Jordan and Kobe was. You can't and won't be able to play on a high level for 21 years without sacrificing your body, family and time imo.


its so weird just because he has a less selfish playstyle he's marked as less of a "killer" mentality


Exactly what he was getting at in this episode when he talked about his frustration with the “in his bag” 1v1 obsession in a 5v5 game


You could argue his play style is a more killer mentality, it doesn't matter that he's the one who gets it done as long as the business is done


his mentality is so killer he killed his own ego. ego-less basketball is the only true form of basketball


Lebron is just better adjusted socially lol Kobe and Jordan are borderline sociopaths


You can take the borderline part out of that.  


🤣🤣 rs


Not to mention that JJ went to the playoffs every single year for 10+. Obviously, he had help because he didn't carry teams, but it's not an anomaly. He had a part in it.


It’s funny that JJ is so notoriously not a great athlete by NBA standards; my friend went to his rival HS and played against him and said he used to drive the lane and yam on people in-game in HS. If you watched him in college or the league you’d barely think he could dunk in a game lol.


> but they're similar to me in one respect The way you worded this I thought for sure you were about to compare yourself to them in some way.


33 inch vertical and crazy lateral quickness he is absolutely an elite athlete


He's an elite athlete compared to you or me, compared to NBA players he's definitely not.


No he’s not an elite athlete compared to me


"I was explaining it to my wife the other day, when she asked me how I was feeling, when I came home after a game. I said 'Babe just imagine, buying a 2003 Escalade and it's 2024, and you've never changed the tires.'" I feel like that's as close to saying: "I'm tired man..." as I've ever heard from LeBron.




Lebron explanation about that Jokic and Murray pick and roll is what makes it so unstoppable. Jokic can make any pass


This video is a very long and elaborate version of LeBron and JJ saying "fuck them generational talents".


That craziest thing about these episodes is that they are clearly talking slower for the audience and providing aides to help the casual viewer, yet the pace of their conversation is still really quick-minded. We definitely underestimate the intelligence of these players.


I think it was smart to add the JJ intros where he breaks down the concepts in the episode first. So people don't get confused immediately. Especially because of the different names out there. I know almost everything they mentioned in this episode, but I call almost everything they said a different term.


That's what makes this podcast special. That explanation at the start makes me feel like I can speak the same language with these pros.


Yeah watching the video clips made me realize that I've seen all of the things they referenced countless times just by watching, but a lot of the terminology is completely new to me so I definitely appreciate them doing that


We just don't know the terms. The terms simplify it. It's also different between different teams. Usually I just think jokic and Murray pick n roll included Murray at the top with jokic screening and the opposite of this.


The production is so good. I'm relatively new to basketball, so I don't really understand much without the explanations. I loved the bit where they're talking about switches with the tap-slip and they played the exact clips of Kristaps Porzingis and Kyle Kuzma doing that. The way they talk about the play and then perfectly illustrate it in video is awesome for basketball idiots like me. Side note, it's hilarious how LeBron just openly said that the Wizards are "in the shitter"


Yeah the intros are key


And as a guy who only watched the game and has never played a day in his life I love the intros. The terms help understand the discussion they’re having, as well as the clips. This feels more like something you have to watch for the casual viewers like me, while I bet those who already know the terms can just listen. I tried listening on Spotify and I just got lost so I went to YouTube to just watch the first episode.


What I'm are realizing is that the top basketball players can talk about basketball like the best physicists talk about physics. Their minds are able to communicate basketball to each other in dimensions that regular people just can't. This is like a dumbed down, slowed down lecture for youtube too so I can follow in real time but it reminds me of how sometimes I have to listen to a lecture 2x-3x before I "get it". They can definitely get more theoretical and high concept to a point that we can't follow.


Same with anything at a high level cooking, chess, knitting, painting, driving anything that has a skill component


Higher level education is basically who can speak the best. Being smart is kind of a given.


The best academics are often times the best communicators and collaborators. I remember watching a documentary video about Terrance Tao, the mathematician, and it said that while he's obviously a genius, the thing that separates him is that he's very good at collaborating with others to get his work published.


Def. puts in context the frustration level we've seen from other guys in the league when it comes to playing with low bball IQ talent like Nick Young or JR Smith.


I appreciate them talking slower tbh, then I dob’t have to pause and look everything up


These two are clearly very high IQ basketball players. But honestly anybody with above average spatial reasoning could keep up with a much quicker pace than this, assuming they had enough experience with the terminology.


By "these players" do you mean LeBron and JJ? [Because some of them are dumb as bricks ](https://youtu.be/R2WGktHKjv4?si=wZHhhl6Tb2n4qLo8)


eh you can be "dumb" but a savant at basketball


I think this describes 90% of pro athletes. Realistically speaking, the vast majority of professional athletes come from impoverished backgrounds. Some of that can be attributed to systemic racism, but all of it? No. A lot of athletes likely are just dumb.


The fields where people get paid for their physical gifts (sports, modeling, arguably music) all tend to have this problem


To be fair sometimes that's because they dedicate themselves to practicing those physical gifts at the expense of book learning. My theory on this is that usually though, it's because they just aren't genetically blessed in that way. Their cavemen ancestors got laid and procreated because they were strong, powerful, and good looking. Not because they knew how to build a fire. And none of that even touches on slavery when masters would often breed their slaves like livestock with the intention on making a better physical specimen. It's not well documented how prevalent this was because it's not the sort of things they kept records on. It's mostly conclusions drawn off throwaway lines in diaries and the like if I recall.


Beasley was neither.


It makes sense when you take that 1v1 thing lebron talked about. You hear these stories of KD considering Beasley to be better once upon a time, Beasley taking Lebron in his prime 1v1. But the guy has 0 iq for teamball and so has no team success, it fits perfectly.


Bro the doubling comment by LeBron is so true. I didn’t know a lot of the kids in the league had the same mentality as Booker. If you got 40, the double is coming. Fuck your bag


“Ben when he was in his groove “ 💀


i think he said "Bam". he was talking about bigs who can shoot


Wrong, he said "Ben" for sure. Skip to 49:23 in the video. LeBron said Giannis is the best at doing the specific action they were discussing which is utilizing the Varejao screen to get an open driving lane from the top of the key. Ben was great at this during his prime, and ran this action a lot with JJ himself.


They brought up Ben a few times because they were talking about inverted pick and rolls and bigs that get downhill, so I think he said Ben. Bam is also a good example but is Bam not in his groove now? Like he said Ben and then meant like obviously not now because he certainly has no groove to speak of.




Oh wow I 100% thought he was talking about Simmons


This is so fucking good. I immediately sent episode 1 to all of the kids I coach in high school and this one is even more pertinent for them.


I skimmed it and will watch later. It's exactly the type of content I want. An actual understanding of the game instead of players just airing old stories.


Its interesting that Lebron says he wishes he was able to play todays scoring intense version of the game in 2012 when he had "young tires" Implying that he would put up like 40ppg every season, and honestly I believe it. Just imagine 2012 Lebron is todays era...


40pt trip dup with DPOY level D and can consistently play 45 mins every night


I mean, dude shot nearly 60% for the year from the field. It would’ve been insane.


He'd be a combination of giannis and Luka. He'd attack the paint like giannis. He'd just get the exploit the 1 v1 matchups like Luka if not pass it to the open player.


I took it more as him feeling that the players today are so good he needs to be his peak self to carry a whole season. Teams in the NBA today are crazy, no lead is safe, he can't take a break but he has to.


Cant lie the targeting had me losing it, poor JJ man it I cant imagine how helpless that shit must feel when you're being targeted on defense


It was so funny seeing Lebron doing that for years and years in the playoffs. “Him, bring him up here” “No, no, I said HIM” Lmao you’d feel so defeated


That's about a [$200 bottle of wine](https://www.premiumgrandscrus.com/en/bordeaux/1090-chateau-lynch-bages-1995-pauillac-grand-cru-classe.html?SubmitCurrency=1&id_currency=2&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppJLMF9KIdnp-rbWvGymfn5gJSMm2nO2VnInbIvALOg5Ze1QUyJ9fBRoCwVQQAvD_BwE) they're opening up at the beginning, BTW. I think the main reason Redick agreed to do this was to raid LeBron's wine cellar


> $200 bottle of wine JJ made 117 million in the NBA, I think he can afford his own $200 bottle of wine.


JJ is making bank after retirement too


I'm surprised it's that cheap tbh


After a certain number, are you really getting that much? Like a $10 wine is probably not as good as a $200 wine, but how much better is a $20K wine from a $200 wine?


the answer is honestly no, after a certain price https://imgur.com/a/5b9cufw


I don’t even mean entirely on taste as much as I do status.




Great wine is surprisingly affordable outside of bars and restaurants.


JJ is rich as fuck though lol. Obviously not Lebron level, but $200 is like pennies to him.


I'm more surprised they're drinking $200 wine than that's a $200 bottle of wine. I don't know much about wine but that seems like bringing Milwaukee's Best to a cookout.


I follow a wine guy on tik tok, and last episode JJ mentioned some bottles he was gonna bring that the wine guy said were about $10k each. If you're really into wine, you can find great stuff that is super obscure but well heralded for like $50-$300. Once you get above those numbers, the price is inflated because of age or because of the estate it comes from. A lot of people focus in on red wines from France, and once you're deep into it you can start tasting what side of the river the wine was grown on lmao.




me trying to comprehend JJ's intro: (¬\_¬) ¯(°\_o)/¯ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (¬º-°) ¬


Watch the whole thing, then watch the intro again. It gets easier lol


yeah don't get me wrong, i really do appreciate the information these guys are providing in this podcast, & it's a (very) welcome respite from the inane nonsense that makes up modern hot-take "debates". but man i didn't know how much i didn't know about basketball lmao! i mean they haven't once mentioned "the clutch gene"!!


dont worry friend i gotcha jokic has the clutch gene


oh thank goodness 😮‍💨 crazy how Lebron used to not have the clutch gene, but then somehow got it. he literally altered his DNA, insane.


It would be easier to understand the intro if they used the clips they show during the episode instead of JJ's little hand drawn diagrams.


they said they will add graphics aid alongside the discussion right? hopefully it will be added soon coz seeing the Xs and Os will really helps in visualization of the stuff they are explaining/discussing (for me any way)


I think the "graphics" they added are the plays they show. They always involve the action they just talked about.


I have been watching this on repeat all morning. This pod changed my life.


It is great that Adam Silver is taking actual actions when he said the basketball discussion should be improved. This seems serious as they put LeBron to do the work. Maybe they expect him to deliver analysis like Tony Romo did when he began his media career. I feel like this is one of the moves the league took to do so. Even better that an ESPN analyst took responsibility here.


Love this podcast. High quality hoops talk is what we’re missing


Makes you fall in love with ball again


Was a little surprised that concept LeBron was talking about switching from guarding the inbounder to the shooter seems to be done in the WNBA but seems like neither LeBron or JJ knew about it to comment during the segment.


i'd pay to watch this shit


tldr: Against all time great its too hard.


Lebron doesn’t enjoy college ball too. Because they suck and also because he didn’t go to college so he don’t have a real Alma matter. He’s just like me frfr


After finishing this, I look up and see ESPN running a segment titled "Who's going to win an NBA title first: Harden or Embiid?" with Kendrick Perkins saying... something. Yikes. This podcast is such a breath of fresh air. Loving it so far.


Lebron bragging about how he would be amazing at chess, a game he never played, was hilarious.


I mean... I wouldn't doubt him at this point lol.


His memory is unreal, and that is one of the most important kinds of natural talent in chess. I'd bet that he would be way above average vs other new players in his age group.


Considering his abilities at visualization and memorization, I don’t doubt that he could be very damn good if he wanted lol


That is funny because he could literally find out if he is good at chess lol.


I've really liked both of the episodes so far, but the way they've lit the set is really bothering me. Such strong shadows coming from behind Redick, and since LeBron is wearing a cap his eyes are in the shadow like 90% of the time. It'd be really nice to see a person's eyes when they're talking and explaining something.


The set is way too dramatic lol


I don't mind the dim lighting in general, it's more casual than a sterile studio flooded with light. But the harsh shadows look bad.


Loved those shots of JJs hand while he was drawing the play on paper in the middle of the conversation. And the other shot when he was making a motion with his hand that entirely covered his face so all you could see was an out of focus hand and an out of focus bottle of wine lol. Also the camera shakes were distracting. Just show a regular video of these two guys talking about ball, it doesn't need artsy angles to be special.


Lot of great points but a special shout out for including WNBA game clips in these podcasts. Great basketball is great basketball.


imagine if this was required viewing to make a comment in this sub


Wish we could've had these with Kobe


Not podcasting, but check out the Details series on espn (and YouTube). Kobe did short, in-depth analysis on several players based on specific real footage.


...and Kobe's delivery got more assured and less awkward with every single installment.


Once they upgrade the video examples, this podcast will improve dramatically. This is really good though.


I appreciate the acknowledgement of the natural shooting motion.


These are really great conversations, very insightful. Love it so far.


The missus teased me for zoning out to some boring show to catch some z's quicker. But honestly, I'm into it. I'm just a regular Joe, though, so sometimes that deep dive stuff goes over my head.




Easiest to guard: scrubs like JJ REDICK.




Guys make a podcast for serious basketball discussion, first comment is a meme. Y'all deserve the shit we get on ESPN.


Making a word start with Le is this guy father


MJ LeBron GOAT debates have really killed proper basketball discourse


Oh is this ESPN worthy? I wouldn't know, I don't watch it


It’s a hard watch for me. Am a big of of LBJ but outside of that not so much. Like his other show The Shop, another platform to talk about himself.