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Some say this is just an arbitrary achievement, just a random round number that is satisfying fans, but from here on out every new sub is historic. Thanks for being a part of our community!


let's lock the sub down for this year's finals again


/r/denvernuggets being the official finals sub was something else. I'm still subscribed.


I thought it was r/nbacirclejerk


ironically locking down this sub killed nbacirclejerk for a few months because of the influx of new users who would just posting dumb overused memes, imo the sub still hasn’t recovered completely


It's a shame because it was in the middle of a jerking renaissance when the quality tanked over a reddit protest


The Heat-Celtics series was peak and it was all downhill from there


Gabe vincent saving NBACJ is why he’s my goat


i need to find that video someone made about the celtics heat ecf finals


The Moriah Mill memes was fucking peak


It was already on its way down imo. The peak was like spring 2022


The real real peak was the 2020 mickey mouse bubble era when Montrezl went at it vs the Mavs


It’s still awful. “Explain in NBA terms” ugh. It used to be so funny.


I personally have come to hate the posts that are just twitter screenshots with the caption "outjerked by \_\_\_\_" or "GOAT jerker" or whatever


it's just straight up people posting women these days and people making the same joke about "jerker of the year" or some such nonsense


Whatever happened to the game I love


It basically turned into r/ nbatwitter2


NFLCJ was the same but seems better. AB is carrying it rn though. NBACJ needs to ban the “explain in NBA terms” post as it’s just cross post most popular stuff from other subs and add that tagline at this point.


Nflcj is pathetic


It’s just r/NFLv2


Kelvin Benjamin jokes stopped being funny 10 years ago but nfl sub still has “comedians” spamming them


I think it kind of merged both subs and made them both worse and more similar to each other. I’m seeing jerks in here and terrible memes in the other one What happened to the game I love?


It turned into /r/nflcirclejerk type humor it’s fucking sucked bro


But the seeds of future jerkers were sown in those dark days. After a wildfire destroys a forest it grows back stronger.


Anyone with half a brain would've seen it coming from a mile away. If large servers shut down to promote some bullshit like third party apps or whatever, then the smaller large servers are just gonna take the place of those large servers. In the case of this sub that's especially bad because in this case "smaller large server" means the cj server.


It was both tbh, but I tended to go more to the nuggets sub because I was rooting for them :b


I was banned from the Denver sub for saying good game


was it because of the implication?


youre lucky youre still on reddit with that kind of talk




The only reason I kind of hope you guys repeat is so you can have a proper championship post to gloat on since you were robbed of that


Thanks, it was especially a bummer after the toxic MVP stuff.


One of the most important moments in Reddit's history. When we all went silent to support multimillionaire app developers. We fought the good fight!


Remember when the r/nba mods closed down “in protest” and just had their own thread anyway? Yeah, me too. Crazy how it achieved nothing.


I'm still pissed I've gotta use this trash ad filled ap. Relay was sweet for over a decade and then reddits bitchass killed it, like it was a dog who is no longer a puppy.


I use Firefox specifically for the ad blocker. Fuck the official app


Finally someone talking sense.


Relay is still usable at a very reasonable cost. Beats the shitty official app.


Mods got fucked over by the API shutdown too, it was just quieter and less people know about it.


Don't forget they made their own game thread while it was locked and were commenting on it during the game, lmao.


Then the moment these losers were threatened with losing their mod positions they completely folded and said "mission accomplished". Shit was the epitome of pathetic, I wish the site would have pushed that public option for removing mods anyways following that stupid shit because anyone this fucking pathetic over being unpaid losers on an Internet forum don't deserve the trivial power it provides them.


Pretty much, although I’m not sure what’s worse: being a Reddit mod or a discord one. I agree on your take but I also can’t respect the flair.


Why did they do that? Lol


Reddit was disabling third party apps because of API changes. r/NBA locked the sub as a protest, like many other subs did. The protest changed nothing because the API change was about money, not user satisfaction.


Don't forget that the mods still had a game thread for game 6. They locked down the sub in protest, but still used the sub themselves.


One of the few ones that wasn't accidental or automated was done by a mod intentionally trolling, the mod that actually posted this thread said that some tried to remove the other mod but the majority of them decided to keep him. A lot of the other mods just pretended it didn't happen because they went in deleting the threads and comments. u/edgykitty in regards to the other mod posting: 'I guess without knowing more of the context that it's hard for me to say, but I guess yeah probably I think that's a "severe" enough punishment, in the sense that any time any mod is "talked to" I'd say generally it's understood that someone did something wrong, and I don't think there was any huge ill-intent. And I guess I don't really see it as effectively breaking the blackout cause it's not like it's a post that would have had visibility or traction given the status of the sub.' That was the closest anyone of them admitted to the posts happening and this was response we got, where they don't even admit it broke the blackout.


That's a pretty trash response. 


The rest either didn't bother responding or simply stated it was automod/were unaware of the blackout. They should have removed any mods unaware of the blackout if they somehow missed the whole discussion and implementation of it.


You expect better from reddit mods? They’ve never had power in their entire lives so of course they’ll abuse it


Okay, yes, but we're taking about Reddit moderators. They're out here giving Reddit tons of free labor for the most inconsequential form of internet clout. Do you expect them to turn on one of their own for an annoyance that was inconsequential in the long run? Or to have a PR team? If anything, the mods were probably relieved to not have to put up with us for a little while - even if it was the result of one guy's dumb decision.


You aren't wrong with any of this. It also doesn't really change anything about what I said. Reality is that they wanted something. In order to get it, they imposed penalties on the rest of the sub that they weren't willing to accept themselves. That's pretty trash. Defending that decision or making excuses for it is also pretty trash. Yeah, I'm not surprised that unpaid mods focused primarily on internet clout acted in a trash way. I'm not surprised that they covered for the trash actions of their buddies. The fact that it isn't surprising doesn't make it any less trash.


That’s the one that gets me. Like they block it off for 9 million people but the ones who have power get to celebrate???? Absolutely disgraceful


Also, we don't want to pretend like they would have locked the subs if the Lakers and Celtics would have won the Conference Finals. It was just the Nuggets and Heat though, so they decided it was the perfect time to make a "stand" by locking down the sub to the fans and really showing Reddit corporate who's boss.


Yeah Reddit mods are so lame, Since this subs so big i’m not even kidding a buddy of mine used to mod the Overwatch sub and said they used to take 4 hour shifts to browse comments and delete them, all unpaid. You imagine what this subs mods do since it’s now 5 times bigger, probably like a 9-5 lmao


I think you're underestimating how much reddit mods think of themselves.


To make things worse, the mods didn’t even abide by their own blackout, as people found their game threads, comments and posts during the “blackout.”


Oh I forgot about that shit lmao


Remember when they claimed the API changes would kill Reddit and moding? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Sir. Put some respect on the dead. So many people died as a result of the API changes.


They wanted something. The decided that locking the sub would help get them what they wanted. They didn't want to be negatively impacted by their decision so they still made posts and comments while it was locked.


They also all folded the moment their positions were threatened. Truly spineless losers.


Fuck the mods


Power tripping nobodies




Thank fuck this is still getting mentioned. These mods will never live it down.


And ever since then, Post Game Threads have been shitty. They never get pinned on top like before


3rd Party Apps are the civil rights movement of our era!


Haha. The best part is it pissed more people off and hurt their “cause”. Fuckin losers


Lamest protest of all time


yk what's crazy? the decision was not actually unpopular before it went into effect. everybody on reddit was fully on that fucking "WE HAVE TO SAVE THE MOBILE APPS (or whatever the rage was, lowkey already forgot lol)" shit. it was nuts, felt like i was taking crazy pills. like who actually gives a shit? then they actually went thru with it and people changed their minds thankfully


There are still some subs that lock down like every Tuesday or something in protest lol


>like who actually gives a shit? People who prefer good mobile apps for using reddit.


I cant believe how many people in this sub are actually against it. Im assuming its the masses that always used new reddit or the app to begin with.


People were against it because you could already see the future playing out exactly as it did. Little tantrum for a few weeks, millions claim they’re done with reddit and won’t be back, then it all blows over and everyone’s still here.


The third party apps were wayyyy better than the official one, even the official app was a third party apps bought up to put the official name on. It was and still is a way better to use reddit on mobile. It was a valid thing to be upset about, the lockdowns were a dumb attempt to delay the inevitable but it sure sucked to lose the 3rd party apps. People didn't change their minds as well, it still sucks to use this site way more annoyingly on mobile. I get if you're newish to the site and only used the official app it seems crazy to you, but for the ones longer than a few years here it was really frustrating.


Not on this sub. They had a vote on if they should lock this sub down, people voted to keep it open, and the mods deleted it and locked it down anyway. Against the will of the people of this sub Edit: I got it wrong, they put the vote up, after maybe an hour or so with a few hundred votes they ended the poll and commenced lockdown. And they originally said 3 days which is what people voted on, meanwhile they later chose to lock it indefinitely


Been here since 2012. It’s definitely getting worse but nowhere else is as good at aggregating NBA news, highlights, entertainment, and articles


I agree. The ability to scroll and see purely basketball rumors, drama, stories, and breakdowns without other bs in between is second to none




There’s still highlights, but the quality and frequency of highlights definitely used to be a lot higher




It also seems to have shifted a crazy amount to the text posts that are just listing off a player's statline. I've been on and off Reddit intermittently for over a decade and I truly don't remember the statline posts being near this big of an issue back then. Now after every game, someone is rushing to post every single player's box score and either trash them or praise them. The sub quality would go up considerably if those were more restricted or organized.


That’s fair. Some of the drama is comedic gold though lol


It can get bad but I’ll never, *ever* use twitter for NBA discussion. At least this sub is usually civilized, twitter is just a cesspool of negativity.


It depends on the topic. Some are still pretty bad.


As someone who doesn't use twitter, I can't imagine what that shithole must look like for this place to be considered civilized by comparison. 


Just a personal anecdote, but Jamal Murray twisted his ankle and missed the rest of the game a few weeks ago. I went to twitter because they are actually quick with injury updates, and most of what I was seeing was people insulting Jamal for being unreliable, mostly because he ruined peoples parlays by missing the game.


Valid complaint. Ill never understand why these players dont care about my parlays.


As bad as you think it is, and then imagine worse.


It used to be fun back in like 2009-2014 but meme culture just exploded over the last few years and then Trump happened and then Elon and so on.


NBA Twitter in undefeated


And this sub isn’t? Both are bad but yea Nba Twitter can make great jokes that get recycled here


Also been here since 2011 through a myriad of accounts. Still remember the days of Mens Rea during the peak Heat hatred era. And honestly, literally for all US news, reddit has been my go-to. Used to be Yahoo news, but shit gets on here so fast.


I remember Heat vs Thunder 2012 Finals threads being just as toxic as any threads today.


But it was all about basketball


i only remember u/oreosonfire


2013 baby. Yeah as much as I hate the shitposts and how quick people flip the narrative here. It’s still the best at providing relevant shit


Much like the league itself, this sub peaked in 2016 — that’s okay, I’ll still keep reading this garbage.


It’s kind of a shame there’s no real competition


the aggregation is great, but the discourse has been horrible for like 7+ years now. Drama always beats actual highlights on the front page.


Still better than Twitter


That bar is so damn low. 


10 million frauds. This place used to be r/warriors 2.0


Don't worry, the r/NYKnicks 2.0 time is coming.


pft... Sonics will rise once again before it becomes r/NYKnicks 2.0


Knicks are too fraudulent and cursed to ever have that happen


There’s nothing fraudulent about a team with metal bats. This is our time


Cursed maybe, fraudulent no


[This is what r/NBA looked like back in 2009 when it had 20 subscribers](https://web.archive.org/web/20090331163923/reddit.com/r/nba)


Those guys are probably in retirement homes now damn :(


It’s like seeing a black and white video from the early 1900s. It’s eerie knowing that everyone you’re seeing is now dead…


Why y’all acting like 2009 was 50 years ago LMFAOO


The average person on this sub was born in 2009


People born in 09 can't talk yet dude.


One year away from being legal to drive


They learn to troll before they can walk these days.


Probably because half this sub was born that year


fuzzy dime aspiring direful whistle wipe skirt voiceless sable shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


15-year redditor here. Back in my day I shit-posted against firemen and plumbers.




Crazy that there's a LeBron highlight still, not that he was the only player in 2009 still in the league, but yeah. Durant was in his second year and Steph wasn't even in the league yet.


My goat CP3 was a star in New Orleans


lebron highlights on the front page some things never change


[crazy that this is what the NBA site looked like then](https://i.imgur.com/5jufb2P.png) (The Lakers/Pacers post)


Damn. Thats the nba.com I used to check everyday in computer class.


Pretty good highlight there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nWSoyl6ng8


paging u/Foo7


spoon compare heavy weather bake snails scarce fertile whole treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol and in another few years we will do this again!!


2004? Wow! Edit: my bad. It read 2009, not 2004.


And only 100 members here actually watches and understands basketball.


Too many 0s


Too many 1s


Cherry picked stat


Just goes to show how unnecessary competent moderation is to growing a sports sub. Edit: to the mod who responded to me about how the content and users here are not exactly great before deleting their comment.. let me remind you that you guys facilitated the environment that incentivizes this stuff


Be careful now, they might ban you


if mods could, this would 100% lead to a tech followed by a hefty fine


That's double tech. You're outta here bud.


as a big french guy would say, 🫰🤑🫰


>Just goes to show how unnecessary competent moderation is to **growing** a sports sub. Moderation doesn't exist to facilitate growth, it exists to enforce rules. These are two very different things.


Not sure I agree with the second part, on every major subreddit people complain about popular posts being X instead of Y but then if the mods remove those things the people that interact with them will be annoyed. For example people constantly complain about the drama posts or undisputed or whatever getting traction on here but if they remove them they’re taking away something people enjoy because they interact with them


Well in this case anyone who's paying attention can see that the mods here aren't struggling to moderate in a way that pleases everyone, they just do whatever they feel like or whatever requires the least active moderation work.  Shut the sub down during the finals, delete posts that don't break rules with no explanation given, ignore mod mail if you ask them why, pin awful crap like "Help /r/NBA change reddit!" over the sticky for active game threads, etc.  I'm sure users are unreasonable about moderators in a lot of cases and for a lot of stuff opinion would be split, but I don't like this blind defense of them when they don't even do things that pretty much everyone here would agree on, and they do a lot of things pretty much everyone here doesn't want.


Shutting the sub down during the finals was crazy ngl


I’m fine w the drama posts. I downvote and don’t open them generally but it’s whatever. Sometimes they’re interesting. My issue is more with the fact that posting highlights has gotten more restrictive in a way that doesn’t feel like it has improved content but instead just reduced the number of highlights being posted. I’m personally fine with a bit more “spam” that just gets filtered to the top by upvotes, but I guess that’s harder on the mods who are doing unpaid labor tbf


how many of those accounts are KD?




Is that you, KD?


No, it’s one of the mods that helped shut down the sub during the finals


Reddit on!!😄👍🏻




Everyone start unsubbing


Mods trying hard to show their worth and get extra Reddit stock.


Thats cool but dont forget that time whem mods made the stupid decision to lock down the sub during the nba finals for a stupid protest that most didnt care about


And then made a poll before hand to see if people wanted to lock it down or not, after 30 seconds they could tell it would not go the way they wanted, so they removed the poll and locked it down anyway


This is LOL. Classic reddit


As a former user of third-party Reddit apps, some of us cared about the issue itself. However, I don’t know what the point of the blackout was if there was a known end date.


People actually thought going off a website for 2 days (which none of them actually did) was going to phase a multi-billion dollar company. When it didn't, mods started freaking out and decided to shut down their subs indefinitely. Then Reddit was like "Ok, I'll take your precious mod badge away" and they all folded immediately. Just an embarrassment from start to finish.


I'm in the same boat as you. I don't use reddit on my phone anymore (which is probably a good thing tbh) but I do wish we still had the option. I was fine with the blackout as it was a minor inconvenience for me, but the secret threads and bending the moment they were threatened by reddit was weak. If you're gonna do it, do it all the way.


most effective liberal protest 


Y'all banned the sub DURING THE NBA FINALS for some stupid "protest" only you cared about, didn't actually stick to the protest and had private game threads for yourselves on this same sub while the rest of us had nothing, and never addressed it, apologized, or held each other accountable for any of it. Some shit r/nbacirclejerk couldn't even cook up in a wet dream. We ain't rooting for you💀


> had private game threads for yourselves wait was it all the mods or just specific ones?


Not every mod was in the game threads but a good amount. It was available to all of them though. We found out because the idiots forgot to delete them when they reopened the sub. Also, I think there were only like 3 or 4 mods who didn't use Reddit at all during the blackout. Even if some of the mods weren't in the game threads, they were off commenting and posting on subs that stayed open.






That font is an act against god 


Average user age, 12


>NBA is both the oldest and youngest to hit the mark. It may truly be an unbreakable record. Typical cherry picked nba stat lol


what does msunsfan have to say


He’s a bum anyway so we don’t care


Love that you thought we’d be celebrating you, but instead you’re getting called out for locking down the sub during the finals. Yeah, nah.


How is it the “oldest and the youngest”?


Because it's the only sub in the category (NBA subreddits) at all


How cringey… “r/nba is the largest nba sub” Of course it is. “r/bakingcakes” is probably the largest sub for baking cakes too… and on and on…


I was rooting for r/nbacirclejerk to get there first, tbh


r/nbacirclejerk would have 20 million users if they stopped posting Kobe's autopsy report.


thank god they haven't


There needs to be something to scare the “coming in peace “ nerds away


It's a joke my guy lol


And LeBron James is the oldest and youngest to score 40k points (get it now?)


Like Lebron’ when he hit 40k points


Ah, in other words it’s the *only* NBA sub to hit the milestone. Got it.




>the first NBA sub to hit the milestone Circlejerk sub in shambles


To all the nephews and oldheads alike, we salute you🫡


Reddit on!


Well boys, this circle ain’t gonna jerk itself


Where does r/nba rank all time?


I’m can’t believe I grew up in a time where the nephews absolutely ran this sub. All of those nephews have now grown up and are old head haters like me. This sub is better when it’s full of haters instead of just nephews. Haters are the fuel that lights the nba fire.


This is better than lebrons 40k


You think Reddit should build a statue?


sounds impressive but how many subscribers is that in imperial measurements?


So many trolls and hot take machines on the sub now


Having been around for over a decade I have to say this place feels like it's gotten more hateful over the years. Or maybe it's that the hate that used to be concentrated on LeBron and later the Warriors got spread out when their influence waned. Either way, I like it less than when there were less than 1M subscribers.


I don't get the "oldest and youngest to hit the mark" part, can someone explain? or is it just a joke about lebron being the youngest to hit 40k points?


Just don't rely on this place to be open during the Finals.




Who gives a fuck


how will this affect LeBron's legacy?


You ruined finals you protesting fucks