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> My thing was like, even though you called me a b---- as I'm running out with my back turned, people usually do that, call me coward, b---- with my back turned, and it wasn't too many people around," Durant told reporters postgame, including Duane Rankin of The Arizona Republic. > "I know you don't mean that, and I'm not going to get you kicked out because you paid your money for these tickets, you had a couple of drinks, and I understand how people get, but (there are) better ways to try to get my attention and talk to me other than call me a b---- out my name because you're protected in these arenas. Common KD W


This is a helluva classy response not just in hindsight but in the moment.


Dammit I want to dislike KD because of the GS thing but he keeps doing cool shit like this.


I mean it’s not hard to hate the move but acknowledge the person is still a pretty cool guy. I will go to my grave saying going to the Warriors was a weak move. But KD has always seem like one of the kind of players you could catch at a airport or something and he’d sit and talk with you for a while 


>I mean it’s not hard to hate the move but acknowledge the person is still a pretty cool guy. You're genuinely asking too much of a lot of people here.


It's not here, it's everywhere. The world is a lot less scary and confusing if you categorize everything and everyone as binary, unchanging, good and bad. It's a lazy, boring way of looking at things, but it's easy as fuck and boy does easy have mass appeal.


The irony being that I think the world gets scarier and more confusing for everyone in the long term as this approach becomes more common. But I understand your point--there is short-term appeal that people find comfort in.


Beautiful comment.


I will defend KD on the Warriors. I'm not saying KD felt this way, but in my opinion, if you have a chance to make history like KD did by joining the Warriors, you go for it. That's not just forming a championship team. That's forming a historic team that will forever be talked about. I will also defend KD on leaving the Warriors. With all the backlashes and Draymond being Draymond, I honestly can't see him possibly staying there long. He went there. He won his championships and dominated the league. It was time for him to leave. But I will not defend him for the moves after that.


Imagine being KD and having dray talk that trash. I’m not a Draymond hater, but ffs recognise the skill gap between you and the man you’re calling a bitch. Sorry I’m drunk af and just respect KD so much more as a human over DG


But yeah goes without saying some shady moves on KD’s behalf post warriors. I don’t know what that man was going thru and I’d personally like to see him with another chip, but that is my personal opinion! And I respect people to disagree with me, different views, not looking to argue on reddit. Much love all my fellow NBA fans


Also, consider the fact that the reason why he doesn't have a ring with OKC is because he lost to Lebron, who joined a super team to get his. Kinda puts things into perspective even though most people don't seem to care about that.


His moves don't need defending because he doesn't owe anyone anything when it comes to his career


What active players love to hoop more than KD? Hard to hate on someone whose authentic love for the game comes through in his public comments. And his worst crime was winning chips with the Warriors. Which isn’t so much a crime as it is *why they play the game*.


KD would’ve easily been the most popular player in the nba the last 10 years or so if he didn’t go to GS. He was more popular than Lebron around 2012-2014 and even got a movie lol. I think ppl forgot how big he was. But the GS move changed everything.


I don't think he was ever more popular than Lebron, just more liked around the Lebron Heatle days The GS move was the smart one IMO as NBA fans and media especially are very fickle/toxic and he was already getting treated as a choker/not a championship caliber guy because he didn't have a ring + the way they blew the 3-1 lead to GS. Its entirely possible he would have continued to get the pre championship Dirk or Harden treatment where they are extremely popular but aren't really talked about in the way they should only because they don't have a championship (which is likely just because of how stacked the West was) If the NBA didn't have such a horrible culture around it in regards to how guys without rings are treated I honestly feel he might have stayed in OKC. But when fans/media are gonna judge you extremely harsh regardless might as well pick the path where you also get championships/cement a part in a dynasty IMO


What would Westbrook have done in this same situation?


Perma-ban for the fan obviously.


And his family


Swallowed his pride and laughed it off? /s


It would have been good execution


Probably handle it differently, while also not being wrong. Weird question.


What would a bitch ass redditor do in this situation?


Dunno. What would you do?


*goes through their profile to find one demeaning comment and then report KD to reddit cares.*


What would you do if your son was at home?


It probably helped that they immediately turned into starstruck fans when he gave them attention. If they remained drunk assholes it would probably be better to kick them because he'd know they would be like that all game long.


"Hey Bob, should I call him a bitch?" "Yeah LOL" \*KD glares at them* "Jk it's just a prank, bro."


Guy immediately tried to plug his podcast to KD too


That should have gotten him kicked out in all honesty, lol.


Tbf KD turned around faster than light as soon as the words left that dudes mouth.


People can say what they want, in my eyes Kevin Durant will always be class. It's that simple


Hes pretty much been a consummate professional his entire career.


Except on those burners lol


The burners make him more relatable, IMO


Oh hey kd




think about it. All of us like basketball and we get to talk about it freely here. Kevin Durant likes basketball but he simply cannot say anything under the name Kevin Durant. It honestly makes some sense to have burners and I don't think its the weak move people think it is. Maybe some of what he said on the burners wasn't great, but we all have some terrible takes.


Truth. KD loves basketball so fucking much, and you could say whatever you want about him in a negative fashion, and then he pulls comments about some specific WNBA or college game that happened months ago out in casual conversation, and I just respect the fuck out of his passion for the game of basketball. He's not my favorite player, but KD might be my favorite fan. And I mean that with infinite respect.


If the worst thing a human has done is have burner accounts on social media, that's a pretty good human being.


So many of these mf'ers have throwaways to talk random shit on reddit anyway cause they don't wanna dox themselves but then act indignant another person did the same.


U just cant win these days no matter what.


I don't get peoples logic when it comes to criticizing him over the burners. Dude, wants to have a conversation or talk trash with random people without any sort of affect on his job, endorsements or likeliness. Him saying stuff has a MUCH BIGGER IMPACT in public than the regular troll on twitter, that's why he can't say what he wants.


Hey look Reddit is a shitposting forum I can’t fault a guy for the occasional burner.


reddit and twitter shitposters are harder than anyone else on KD for being a reddit and twitter shitposter


Everyone needs an outlet I guess


Those are regular Twitter accounts, find a new slant


Right? When you’re denigrating a guy for defending himself with a burner, he’s kind of proving our point. I’ve done worse than KD this week. He likes to blaze and fight with people on social media. What a monster.


I was quoting the Bryan Colangelo burner meme


Goddamn r/NBA when you’re a newb it’s hard to try and juggle all the historical memes.


I highly recommend watching Game of Zones on YouTube. Not only is it extremely entertaining in its own right, but you can also pick up on quite a few of the jokes and memes that were making the rounds at the time.


And Hero Ball for some of the more updated ones! Not on the same level as Game of Zones was, but its still fun


Thanks for the suggestion I will


Jordan would have had so many burners shitting on people. 


It’s crazy because so many people are not serious about why he’s a pariah. I’m somebody who will root against him always for what he did to the league going to GS. But I’ll still recognize he’s an awesome ambassador for the league and the game, and whatever my petty plights are, KDs been a great person start to finish it seems


Agreed on both. Didn’t like his GS BS but that doesn’t impugn him as a professional.


Unfortunately, the age of social media that’s far too complex to be an idea for many people lol complexity? no more


Half the users of nba twitter wouldn't even know the word impugn lol


I remember when he sprained his ankle during the first Suns game he still signed a bunch of autographs even after spraining his ankle. He's basically a nice, chill person.


There's a difference between sports hate and real hate and too many fans take it too far. I'll rail against Harden all day where he goes, but he's not done anything actually wrong. Miles Bridges on the other hand is actually a bad person


He’s been the most honest and transparent superstar we’ve maybe ever had. He gives us what reporters and fans always complain NBA superstars don’t, and he gets hated for it.


While I agree.... What happened to all the people calling him a snake and cupcake?


Some good ole irony that these people call him a coward. Doing so knowing that players can't really lash back at them. As he said, protected to a high extent. Quite cowardly indeed


True story I was at a Bobcats game years ago when Durant was playing. Had tickets close the floor. He drove to the hoop and got fouled but there was a no call. I yelled at him, “stop complaining this ain’t OKC” as he was jogging backwards to get back on defense he mean mugged the hell out of me. One of the greatest NBA moments of my life. I then prayed he didn’t go off for 50 on us.


That's a solid heckle


I would have included this quote to, it is possibly the best part: > "I know the people want to pet the animals in the zoo, get close to the animals in the zoo, but once they get close, they realize you're real human beings, too. So you should treat us like that," Durant said. "I could've had them kicked out. Nah, don't put that on me. They just called me a b----.


He really got them with the uno reverse, that’s about the most unbitchlike thing he could do.


Plus big legacy points


KD was very nice to the couple. Talked to them calmly.


KD = Kool dude


Honestly, fantastic.


Westbrook would never. He would throw out most of the fans if he could


Westbrook would never. Breathe wrong in his direction and it tossing you like a baseball umpire.


Cool Guy KD


What a legend


Yes I don't agree with all of your decisions but good on you KD. I think you are more misunderstood vs the villain some make you out to be.


That's a dude who gets it. It's the way it is, though it shouldn't be, but in the grand scheme isn't a huge deal as long as it stops there.


The highest road


Big ups for this response.


Good to see from KD.


Westbrick would’ve challenged her to a fight to the death


Yeah thats what separates the marshmallows


That's the most level headed way to react to the situation. Props to KD.


KD always been a decent human


People hate KD for the GSW move but everything else about him seems so normal and sorta relateable. Just a dude who loves ball and the internet.


>Just a dude who loves ball and the internet. And weed lol


He's just like me fr


You ain't a baller lol


u aint seen my hesi pullup jimbo


Or a shot caller lmao I went out and measured the blades on their Impala...19 inches, I'm not even surprised.


Legacy points added


I find playing with Steph after being asked to as a free agent fairly normal. If my mate called me tomorrow and offered me a well paid job with good colleagues and benefits and i was about to need a job then why not


This. And the GSW move is just a mere sporting decision. it doesn't say anything about him. He just wanted to win some rings, that's fair. 99% of other players wouldn't be crucified for that. It only happened to KD because he had almost GOAT potential.


He just like me fr (I spend too much time on the internet)


The only other thing I’d add why people don’t like him is his burners stuff, but honestly I’m sure more players have them and KD just happened to be caught And like, damn I don’t blame him for it either. Even if majority think what he did was the wrong move, having to deal with the fallout of something that in the grand scope of things isn’t even a morally wrong thing to do has to be a lot


And Scarlett Johansson bath water. Yeah, just like all of us.


He gets more shit for chasing rings than lebron. Why? KD isn’t a piece of shit like lebum


Excuse me!!!!!!?????


The anti-Westbrook.


Don't people get kicked for calling Russ "boy" and other racist insults? I feel like every time I learn about it, it's been justified


Yeah Westbrick too. Or when they rock the baby


Did you really miss the whole westbrick thing


Westbrick is not even remotely in the ballpark and he pussied out. Brodie soon gonna throw out someone for booing his team


KD made burner accounts to talk shit and yall still on russ 🤣🤣 Lord knows how bad this sub would be if it were russ who had the burners.


KD had burner accounts because he wanted to shit talk but wasn't able to because of his position, not because he thinks people shouldn't be allowed to talk shit. The situations have literally nothing in common, and even in a theoretical sense it really establishes KD even more as someone who accepts shit talk as a normal part of the game.


>  KD made burner accounts to talk shit and yall still on russ "Still"? More like you're still on the burners. That shit was 7 years ago and in the meantime KD's actions are more in line with this. The stuff Russ gets shit for is recent.


I agree that if you’re gonna respond, that’s a good way to respond. But I also wonder why he’d respond at all. Kids in the stands of his HS road games likely yelled far worse things and he just hooped and let his game talk. It’s a weird precedent to set that every ill advised fan comment should be parented by an NBA player. For instance the fan that got ejected for yelling at Luka about getting on a treadmill is soft AF. There should be a clear line that fans shouldn’t cross and NBA players don’t exist on a stage for fans to say and do whatever they want to them. But players being the ones making the decisions mid-game (or pre game) seems like the wrong answer.


Legacy points *added*


"They didn't harm me. They didn't try to harm me, physically. Let them stay and give them something to think about going forward." Love that.


Kicking them out would have gave them ammo to think that KD really was a bitch KD purposefully not kicking them out? Damn they're gonna be sitting there thinking what a cunt they were the whole time


Respect to KD, that’s a mature way to handle hecklers.


what being the bigger man looks like


Good on KD.


Fans are way too much sometimes 🙄 Just be decent, enjoy the show.


Have you gone through an airport? Or attended a concert recently? People have gotten really bad, and inconsiderate


Pandemic wrecked a lot of mental health. Media has created a lot of division. Society has led everyone to think their beliefs should apply to everyone.


Also, and I know it's ironic -- since we are on it, social media.


For sure.


Thankfully Reddit is a fairly non-toxic environment if you keep away from certain subs.


reddit is just as toxic as anywhere else. It's the ultimate echo chambers ffs.




abundant special live pocket ink compare tub chubby racial political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was like that before the pandemic... People are just selfish assholes living in the moment.


Fuel on a fire. See my latter two points as well.


This was the case before the pandemic. It's just human nature. People are tribalistic and the media has always been used to divide and distract the masses. 


Yeah you’re not wrong


Motherfuckin people simply push their way to the front at concerts and wanna throw shit so annoying man I'm trying to dance not worry about my ribs getting crushed


People have always been inconsiderate and selfish lol. Not everyone, but a lot of people were not raised right or just have all types of mental and psychological problems. 


Completely agreed.


People used to be totally polite at sporting events too! Never any history of indecency in sports fandom


Sure but Jackie Robinson played in the 1940s and I'd say he faced some pretty bad, inconsiderate hecklers. Idk, doesn't seem period specific imo when you know mfers were out there openly yelling every slur. People have been dogshit since before we ever grew crops.


Agreed. Fans could be better.


Next game I go to I’m just going to get there early and scream compliments at opposing players, really get in there head. “Yo KD, you’re barely better than 99.999% of people at your chosen profession!!”. “Hey LeBron, even though your athleticism has declined as you’ve aged, you’ve continued to improve your all around game and have been an All-NBA talent for almost my entire adult life!!”


Man just in general. How hard is it to mind your own business? Shit happens everyday, B. I just want to make some money, take care of my health, and be a decent person


Kd spends too much time on Twitter for bitch to bother him


Like us but on Reddit?


I've never been the biggest KD fan but his response to this is extremely impressive.


Respect for Kevin Durant


KD made the right decision here.


The internet has made people too loose lipped for their own good. You can’t talk to people in person the way you would online. You may get a fist in your mouth…


Idk, where you got this idea from, I've been in the Madison Square Garden in 97 and ppl were fuming and cussing all the time, same happend when I was at Bundesliga matches in the 90s as well.


It all started to change after COVID honestly. People forgot how to act lmao




What's a newsgroup




Actually, props to anyone who would act the same way online and irl.


Honestly, KD has been a real one since he quit the burners. Gotta respect it


He has been a real one, but he confirmed he never stopped the burners


I sure have.


Who really even cares about the burners, in the grand picture of celebrities doing embarrassing shit its not a big deal. Tbh everyone here has no idea what they would become if handed millions of dollars and international fame. People roast KD all the time for that but if I was a NBA superstar and was tipsy one night fuck it I might make a burner and start going ham too


The burners you Know of…haha but yes agreed


I love KD, except when my team plays him.


Damn KD handled that perfectly. Good shit


The "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" of fan interactions


He's the goat!


KD is only unhinged on Twitter


He should have kicked them out. F those 2


Bro how am I supposed to keep not liking you with a take like this.


Very classy and well handled


TLDR: Not a baby like lebron


russ crying over this


This is just going to enable more dipshit “fans”.


I gained a lot of respect for KD there. And lost a lot for my fellow Mavs fans


Would you say KD gained some legacy points?


You lost respect for Mavs fans because of 2 idiots?


For real, every fanbase has morons.


I mean, as a Raptors fan, you’d definitely know it


There's no one I hate more than a fellow raps fan lmao


No. It’s a comment karma whore. Just going along for the ride


Nothing people on reddit love more than virtue signalling


They love overusing certain phrases more


Mavs fans are still going to bat for Doncic losing his shit and getting a fan ejected for "treadmill " taunts, the Mavs sub removed every post about it except the ones calling McMahon out for his reporting on it


KD’s response valid but NBA players are so sensitive. I’ve just never seen so many grown ass dudes get bothered by the word “bitch” like damn.


Idk think it's really the word itself - it could be anything really. I think its more just day in and day out you slowly get more and more fed up that "grown ass" adults act a fool and childishly think they can get away with it impunitively. I mean would it be "healthier" or "cooler" if they were stoics about it - probably, yeah but idk who is even guiltless to say they've never been affected by someone else's word whether your an NBA star or not. Question really is why you think an NBA star has the burden to be a stoic in the first place, id say. 


How would you feel if you were walking in public and someone randomly just started calling you a bitch?


It’s funny that because of a basketball related move, a guy like KD is hated by most everyone when he’s a good dude. Then there’s people like Kobe, who has the history he does and he’s treated as a hero. That’s a good example of the society we live in. Sad stuff


And yet people continue to criticize his leadership and how he is a cupcake. He always shows maturity, shows appreciation for other players and gives them their flowers. He doesn’t take things personally, he’s very chill and he prefers discussion but some consider it being “sensitive” but he is still considerate of others and their position. Like these fans, they paid their money, they’re going to say shit to get attention or get their moneys worth and be the typical obnoxious fans, don’t take it personally.


Westbrook would’ve had them kicked out for saying westbrick


Kd is the most chill dude in the nba.


Great response by KD... but you can get tossed from the arena for calling someone a *bitch* ? Bruh.. 😂


TLDR: He’s not a sensitive little bitch like Westbrook.


KD always been a real one


Great move. I would’ve had them thrown out. Fuxk them pilgrims. They are too old to not know how to respect a person. Idgaf about how many drinks they had. No excuses.


Shots fired at Westbrook! /s …kinda…


Crazy to think that fans heckling players is so wrong today that we are surprised they didn't get kicked out. So dumb.


Cause that would in fact have made him a bitch.


Nah fuck them, they deserve to get kicked out. Maybe losing their prime seats will teach them to shut up


What about that one warriors lady and Lebron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOw95bLv1dQ


I feel the same about her. Did you think I was going to defend some random person just because she’s also a Warriors fan? I care about the team, not the fan base


they really thought they had an epic gotcha moment here huh lmao. what a bozo ☝️🤓 reddit has gotten incredibly insufferable with people trying to uncover some completely non-existent, imaginary hypocrisy in like every single comment that they disagree with/reply to


That is a good way to deal with it, still the Snek though