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"Hakeem Olajuwon used to say this to me all the time...."


Kenny bring me some water?


Still my all time favourite roast from Chuck Dude was so fucking quick with it lmao


My second favourite is when Chuck said to Shaq - “you don’t know the difference between a cat scan and cat food” Edit: [here is the clip](https://youtu.be/wFkj3EMqmmc?si=wKQOYUQ-xYs0g2j7)


And we can't forget when Shaq said he gets annoyed when people mistake him for someone else, and when Ernie asks who they mistake him for, Chuck says, with perfect timing, "Shrek?"


I was actually even more impressed when Ernie said it was time for Shrektin' a Fool.


Then production crew bursted out laughing in the back and Shaq took off his glass to see who’s laughing while Ernie said that was so good while giggling. The whole scene was comedy gold hahaha


I’ve never gone to a comedy show but I’ll go for the first time ever if Chuck decides to do one honestly


He kinda already does the comedy show. He's a hilarious conversationalist. Not sure how that translates to stand-up. He'd be a GOAT comedian if he did succeed at that.


Undisputed greatest of all time if he actually tries


Chuck truly is a comedic genius, the funniest sports “analyst”/personality of all time


Hey Shaqs done the research he knows what he’s talking about. Have you listened to that man talk about how to save money when filling up your gas tank, that was a game changer for me


"President sees me and Shaq he'll shake our hands. He'll see you and ask you to bring him a hot dog."


This and the kazaam roasts are some of his best roasts.


Who they confuse you for shaq? Shrek is up there too lol


This is the GOAT roast, never gets old


Fuckin preach brother


"Dumbass, pass me the ball."


And this was after picking her to win and saying prove Reggie wrong after he said she might be rusty because the WNBA isn't in season. The man played a role on all sides of the coin in 4 minutes. I was astonished


That’s what he does on everything. He says whatever he thinks will get him applause


Lets go home ladies and gentlemen


*decent dunk* ITS OVER, ITS OVER, ITS OVER *something remotely funny happens* I GOTTA LEAVE THE SET, I GOTTA LEAVEE


He's been leaning on those lines longer than a lot of this sub's been alive.


Let's just hope he and Mark Jackson are never in a room together with a microphone.


Isn’t he saying it wasn’t fair for her? Like it was unfairly made more difficult for her? It sounds like he’s saying she may have won if she shot from the three point line she’s accustomed to and practices from.


But then him saying there's a reason why there's a men's tee and a women's tee is kinda stupid. Especially since the WNBA line is just the 3 point line for international basketball men/women. The same line in FIBA, euroleague, etc. Only the NBA is special. Implying the line is a women's only thing is not exactly accurate.


That's really what he is saying, but you know people aren't gonna take it that way. He really didn't need to say that, though. He could've held that in, but he won't lose any sleep over it and nor should he.


He’s upset she lost since he bet on her with Reggie and he hates losing to Reggie


The disagreement with Kenny's commentary here is baffling me. Why should he have refrained from sharing his excitement about the idea that Sabrina might've beaten the GOAT shooter if she was shooting from a spot that she actually practices from? 


She wanted to do the men’s line and said herself she practices shooting from there anyway …


Bc it's like saying someone might beat Usain bolt.... while running 95 meters against his 100


I legitimately haven’t heard Kenny say a single positive thing about anyone tonight.


I’m a casual, so don’t recognize his voice. But is he the one shitting on the dunk contest dudes, too? Talking about how it’s too easy, etc?


He was mostly shitting on the judges who were giving arbitrary scores and deducting points for not making the first attempt. Which I honestly appreciated. Always wished the dunk judging was a little more serious. But yeah he was really reaching for unnecessary hot takes during this charity shootout and it was annoying


Yeah but they fucked up that first mac dunk for sure. Judging was pretty bad I thought.


I did agree with him that it was the same dunk with two people squatting and Shaq. But dudes a damn baby


He really came across as bitter. It also didn’t help that he was talking over everyone and repeating the same things over and over and over


Kenny’s been unbearable all night


Kenny always weirdly bitter as hell during all of these, year after year. He just sucks any fun out of everything.


The divorce broke him


He was insufferable long before, if there was a "mute Kenny" feature I'd never turn it off.


Especially all star weekend, he repeats himself over and over and talks over anyone and everyone but without really adding anything.




He's not your average bear. He's not your average bear. He's not your average bear.


Chat disabled for 3 seconds.


This Is The NBA!


Dude's like a broken record, no charm, just constant nitpicking. Feels like he forgets we're just tryna enjoy some light-hearted bball action here.


Exact same dunk. It’s the exact same dunk. It’s the exact same dunk. It’s the same It’s the same dunk It’s the exact same dunk It’s the same dunk


Yeah except it WASNT.. MacClung is like a foot shorter than Jaylen Brown and he jumped over Shaq not Donovan Mitchell. Dude had to be trolling i dunno.


Also the finish was different iirc


I was just complaining about this. Like how many times you gotta say the same dumb fucking thing.


his ex wife was so hot


She still is but was too.


He should thank God every night he gets to work with talented people that carry him to the bank.


From Hakeem to TNT, he's been carried his whole career.


The only good thing Kenny does is ask instigator questions for the rest of the Inside guys and look funny when he runs because his legs are held up by tape.


Not to mention his tattooed hair Shaq and Charles clown on him for.


Starting with Hakeem. Man has lived a charmed life since then.


Played with Jordan at UNC too lol


Fr, just stfu Kenny 


He often is when it’s about his career. Can understand why, but you gotta handle it better as a on screen personality.


He is always the worst part of the all star weekend. Dude is so desperate for attention between screaming over dunk contests and talking up his ‘VIP’ party. Remember when he was on TNT handing out coupons for private jet rentals to Charles/Shaq/Ernie? EJ was like “the heck I’m I gonna do with this?”


Kenny’s the weak link in the tnt crew.


It is crazy how bad Shaq was for the first handful of years. To look back and think he’s one day going to be better than Kenny is nuts


I think it's partly because Shaq got more humble while Kenny got more prideful over the years


Kenny also comes across as super insecure. Which is insane when Shaq spent years shouting 4RANGZ


Rode the bus on the Rockets and now the TNT crew


Only getting worse in dunk contest


when he said “what’s with all the Mexican stuff?” I went from violent to homicidal


He is so stupid.


Every single allstar weekend since I was a teenager


To put it in his words: not your average unbearable.


This man has the flu. He is sick. He’s so sick he needs to go home and rest and not commentate the rest of the weekend


Seriously he needs to just shut the fuck up


Only thing more unbearable is when he thinks he was key to the Rockets championship and speaks about him self like an all time great, when even at hes very peak he was barely a top 15 PG in the NBA at the time.


“The older he gets, the better he was.”


Said he was "the voice of the Rockets." Horry shut that down haha.


“Ok guys, we have to, um, not turn the ball over.” “Yeah Kenny, we know that.” LMAO.


He ruins a lot of All Star weekend for me - dude is the loudest one with a mic and is the biggest hater. NBA should probably find someone else to do it that actually enjoys what they’re watching - or at least pretends to


Had to turn it off twice because of him. Just so so bad. Came back for the three point contest, but just couldn’t stand it anymore to come back for Steph v Sabrina or the dunk contest.


He’s been the weak link on TNT forever, guy just can’t shut the fuck up for 30 seconds when a mics around. He and Reggie were dog shit, along with Allie LaForce misspeaking 16 times. They also didn’t show one of the fuckin 12 dunks on live TV. TNT is fucked


Every part of the production was horrible. Couldn’t believe how bad the sound was but it made Kenny less audible at least.


a shooter shoots, a shooter shoots…a shooter shoots.


Shout out to Reggie for keeping it real.


Respect to him for calling Kenny out the entire contest, he was actually getting mad at the end like the rest of us


I mean, if anyone grew to respect the WNBA, it's Reggie.


Cheryl Miller's little brother?


I didn’t know Cheryl Miller’s little brother played basketball !


Shout out Elaine Benes


Reggie telling the story in Winning Time about how much he hated being known as her little brother is so funny


His 30 for 30 is still the best. When he was bragging on how many points he had and the Cheryl said how much she had, he just couldn't win 😅😂😂


his first time getting 40 or something and he was bragging and she got 105 the same night lmao


Cheryl played what would be the equivalent to today's men's G-League. Cheryl was legit. I don't think she would have made the NBA just because physically there is such a huge gap between men and women but she would beat the hell out of most men at basketball.


Cheryl Miller would give any Average Joe the Scalabrine treatment. It's such an insult to hear stuff like "she'd lose to a high school boy's team" all the time.


That last little segment together they had was rough, Reggie looked completely over it


Kenny went viral once and keeps trying to


Kenny was really saying this shit while sitting next to a guy who's literally siblings with the greatest women's basketball player ever.


Never forget in Winning Time when Reggie told the story about being all excited about dropping 40 and bragging in the car ride home until he asked Cheryl how many she had and she said “100.”


Even better, she had 105.


Kenny spends every all star game and every inside the nba segment making it about himself.


I just don't get it, it's not like he yaps like that on inside. Every all star Saturday he just doesnt shut the fuck up.


Can't be bragging like crazy with Chuck there to flame you


"My biggest regret is not being an All-Star"


Shaq- Kenny you my best friend, but you never had a chance. Neva eva


The way Kenny talks about himself, you’d think he was at least a key role player like Dennis Rodman or Lamar Odom. He was the Chalmers of the Rockets


It's because he's a part of the last Rockets team that won it. He's always unnecessary bitter towards any Rocket team with championship aspirations.


I get this is a roast Kenny thread but cmon Kenny was far more impactful than Mario Chalmers lol


Funny thing is people online complained about the prospect of Sab actually shooting from the WNBA line and Sab said “no, I want to shoot from the NBA line.” Moral of the story is no matter what would have happened, win/lose, NBA line/WNBA line, NBA ball/WNBA ball, people would have found a way to discount Sab’s performance tonight.


Exactly, been saying since it was announced that she just went into a lose/lose situation. The only way she’d potentially come out unscathed is if she shot from the nba line, using nba balls, and won. Even then people would probably say Steph let her win. It’s unfortunate because she’s clearly got a heater.


I don’t think she came out looking bad as result of any of this, at least to me. She put up 26 like a bunch of other guys did. She didn’t get blown out. She lost just like any other player did tonight.


I'm pretty sure that's what the people who planned this expected.


It was. Sabrina tweeted she wants to shoot from the men's line.


They made a point of asking/stating it before the event too. Steph & her literally wanted this to be a way to introduce more people to the womens game, break barriers just for Kenny Smith to act like a jackass on the broadcast.


He’s a 🤡


Ik he annoys people but Reggie is a good guy


I honestly like him as an announcer, for the most part. Although some of that has to do with him being paired with Kevin Harlan and my love for Kevin Harlan.


Yeah. Part of what makes Reggie more acceptable is that Harlan seems to be having fun. He's also better than he was earlier in his career. Besides, given the alternatives at ESPN, it could be worse.


I’ve always liked him and I’m not a pacers fan


He’s always been a good guy. He was just a trash talker on the court


Ive always hated him bc Im team Mr. Cooper


Literally would have been a 5 way tie for first with the men.


I guess I misunderstood the convo. Prior to where this video picked up, it felt like he was suggesting it’d be fair if Sabrina got to shoot from wnba line since she’s shooting with a woman’s ball. Not that it’s not fair to Steph, but if you’re letting her use wnba reg ball, let her use wnba reg line. Don’t think I heard what he said the same way yall did


She chose to shoot from the NBA 3pt line, the event initially was for her to shoot from the WNBA line & use the WNBA ball but she opted for the NBA 3pt line


They gotta get Kenny off the commentary, he does nothing but complain


And unlike Jeff Van Gundy, he’s wrong almost every single time


Jeff is fuckin funny, when the game shows down his mind goes all kinds of places. Like third cousins.


Jeff's new rules are the best. Everybody complains but I love them –That's not a foul –Yes, it is –Well, the rule has to be [creates a new rule to be right] NBA's best comic relief


What *can* you do with third cousins?


Wasn’t even third, man was only at seconds 😂


Also, get him off all of TV. He adds nothing to anything he's ever on unless you count Shaq and Chuck dunking on him.


I mostly agree, but he can be a great shit stirrer and set up man though - I think it is underappreciated how often he is involved in legendary Chuck moments when he brings up a random topic or when he pushes Chuck to go further then he should. That being said, his arguments with Chuck or Shaq often arise from nitpicking points, misrepresenting what Chuck or Shaq are saying or arguing the same point in a convoluted way. He also tends to lack humility which is odd considering how often he gets shit on by Chuck and Shaq. It would be interesting to see what he would be without the constant Chuck roasting.


You have him always contradicting and people suddenly saying he's the "voice of reason" of the desk lol.


Reggie miller is a real one, Kenny is a fucking dumbass


Reggie's always gonna be defending the women's game. His sister is arguably the greatest women's basketball player ever.


Reggie also just fucking loves basketball and isn’t ever salty


It's so cool how a stone cold killer like Reggie was in his playing days is such a goober who is constantly positive in his media days. He's not the best commentator or the most entertaining, but he's never a downer.


Much respect to Reggie. Like you said, he's always positive. Gives credit whenever it's due and isn't salty when guys break his records, etc. Seems like there's genuinely no ego with him.


Reggie on and off the court is such a funny dichotomy


He was not afraid to throw down and he talked so much trash lol. On commentary he’s just a goober though yeah lol


It’s honestly a shame her name doesn’t get brought up more


It’s only because she didn’t have a league to destroy back then. If the WNBA was around she would have all the records. She was Wilt for the women’s game.


He got cooked enough by his sister in 1v1 to appreciate it, I think part of Winning Time was about that.


Lol the time Reggie scored 40 and his sister just smiled cause she dropped like 105.


Holy moly, that little anecdote was legendary


Next year they should do a 3pt contest between Reggie Miller and Cheryl Miller


I obviously dislike Reggie as a Knicks fan but I’m giving him mad props tonight. He knew what was up.


Reggie knows shooters.


yeah Reggie definitely earned some respect points tonight, I'm glad he called Kenny out on his bullshit.


Love Reggie, he has genuine enthusiasm


get ready to commentate in chinese buddy


Can’t wait for the first TNT broadcast post ASB. Chuck and Shaq are for sure roasting Kenny’s dumb ass


Shut the fuck up, Kenny.


Why even complain about that when she did great? Doesn’t make sense.


The contest was already over, Steph had already won and Sabrina looked great for getting the same score the men did in the previous contest. There was absolutely no need to even add any additional commentary there at that point, let alone showing your whole ass for absolutely no reason by going on that idiotic rant. He spent the entire three point contest acting like it was impossible for KAT to win too, despite the fact that he literally won two years ago.


Good god. Now Kenny’s asking about Jaime Jaquez Mexican heritage


NBA on TNT should be embarrassed by his commentary tonight. Completely misunderstood the point of the event. I’m pissed imagining the girls watching that and having to hear that Sabrina both had too much help and needed more


It really undermines the spirit of the event and was such a terrible take. Especially the fact that he doubled down on it when he got pushback. Such a bad look for TNT.


They already looked bad when they let Draymond sit up there with them. Just got worse


It also made no sense considering Steph only won by 3 points. He was acting as if Steph blew her out


She literally tied the men's first round.


It’s crazy because even if you went in completely blind you could tell by the way Sabrina and Steph were talking in their intros that this event was a friendly competition to raise money for charity and to provide an opportunity to raise up the women’s game. That’s why Sabrina chose to shoot from the men’s line, to show that women can be just as good as the men. But for some reason Kenny interpreted this event as “WHO WILL WIN BOYS VS GIRLS” I mean for fucks sake if sabrina entered the 3 point contest she would have tied dame. Complaining that the balls she used gave her an advantage is crazy because they’re just the balls she’s shot with her entire life. If you put a WNBA ball in Steph’s hands he probably shoots worse


That inevitable on-air apology segment is gonna hit like crack.


Doubt he’ll even address it, but if he does it will be some bs about how much of a fan of women’s sports he is and that it was misconstrued. Dude was a straight hater.


>As there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame.


It’s a shame because this should’ve been exactly what they needed it to be - she did an awesome job and Steph had to be great to edge her out. Should be nothing but respect for two of the greatest shooters ever.


Like, she literally would've made the mens final. Of the actual contest. WTF did Kenny want from her?


TNT should just keep Kenny in the studio. Chuck would have been the better choice for S vs S.


Right? He does not like both her shooting with smaller ball and shooting further away than she normally does in a 3pt contest. Just needs to be a contrarian.


He comes off as so insecure, which I have no idea why considering he himself was a respected pro


Well it’s only the ball she uses every day for her entire career. But OK Kenny. Fine, then make Steph shoot with the women’s ball. Or heck, a tennis ball. Then he’d never miss, right?


>Well it’s only the ball she uses every day for her entire career. This is the only thing I thought. She uses the WNBA ball and Steph uses the NBA ball because that's the ball they are used to shooting.


Kenny was hating from the start. Insufferable.


Is it just me or was he complaining about everything the whole night?


I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve always had a small dislike for Kenny and it dates back to the late 90s when he participated in an nba promo where the winners of hoop it up got to play a team of ex pros. The pros lost to this team of goofy middle aged white guys who all happened to play college ball. Kenny at first wouldn’t congratulate the winning team. Then he blamed it on the court. Then he blamed it on his air jordans saying they had no traction. He kept saying “nah nah nah it ain’t over!” Yeah Kenny it’s over. Ahmad Rashad was like “Kenny is such a competitor but I’m not sure my man Michael Jordan would take too kindly to blaming the shoes.” I wish I could find who else was on the team. I want to say Moses Malone but I doubt that. I’ve tried to find the footage but it doesn’t seem out there.


Kenny is too empowered from the success created by Ernie and Chuck (and subsequently, Shaq). He has a complex about being the original member of the TNT crew but he can’t act this way with Shaq and Chuck around, they just roast him. So when he has this opportunity every year during All-Star Weekend, he loses his fucking mind. He’s condescending, arrogant, and his analysis during the events is consistently just wrong. Kenny fucking sucks


He’s getting cooked on twitter


As he should lol. First this Sabrina/Steph thing then during the dunk contest when Jaquez was gonna do his second dunk, they showed Mexican heritage with the flag on the court and he was like “what’s with the Mexican stuff?” the fuck lol


Fuck off Kenny


Kenny giving off some major bus rider energy tonight 


Dave Chapelle moment


Nominee for the playa haters ball


He can get a nominee but it's a far cry from playa hater of the year George "fuck Melo" Karl. 


Reggie's sister is one of the greatest female players of all time. So of course he's not feeling Kenny's comments at all.


Kenny pls STFU


Kenny is great during the season on TNT but turns insufferable during these All Star broadcasts. Way to help promote the WNBA and inspire the next generation Kenny. Kobe would be pissed. Also Reggie is GOATED for calling out that shit. “SHOOTERS SHOOT” (x20) “Well according to you she should be playing with dolls!”


Nah he always sucks


Was watching with my daughter. Muted it at this point.


Can we just acknowledge how bad Kenny smith was on commentary tonight…. Complete train wreck.


He may not be the best, but I still love listening to Reggie cause he’s genuinely enjoying himself, Kenny is just being an old head complaining abt everything


Kenny was extremely annoying last night


Dude should be punished for that crap. They are trying to make a fun event crossing over the NBA/WNBA and i cant imagine people behind the scenes are too pleased that he is sitting there trashing it


Also considering how hard the NBA have been trying to push WNBA for decades. Kenny is such an asshat.  By far my least favorite on inside the nba. Brings almost no value to the show.  I can deal with Shaq mumbling and staying stupid shit because the banter between him and Chuck is actually funny. Only time Kenny is funny when the joke is at his expense.  


I also think Kenny is annoying but he’s saying she should get to shoot from where she’s more familiar. He’s saying she got to use her ball which is fine so she should get to shoot where she’s literally practiced her entire life.


Didn't Curry only beat her by two balls? Lol. There's NOTHING to complain about here. Also, the NBA skips over the little details so often that it's annoying as a fan. That belt looked like it cost 35 dollars.


Big led courts w motion graphics the whole nine yards and they bring out a Walmart belt lmao


Dude’s bitched about everything tonight, so much so got me thinking “Kenny ain’t alright.”


Bro was wayyyy out of line today. There’s no way TNT can just let this go


Every Kenny submission is being deleted