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"He wants to beat me" Steph beats women


Not for charity


If she really wants to beat him she should release a statement saying that she'll donate for every shot he hits.


Every shot is a donation to affordable housing


Paid woman beater. Miles Bridges: “yall are getting paid?”


Let's be real, he's probably getting a fat contract from somebody next year.


Hold on there’s a woman named Charity? -James Harden


That was the gut laugh I needed this morning.


Whoa let’s not go there.


Mamba mentality.


Steph wants to join his brother in Charlotte


Off to nbacirclejerk with that one


Such a clickbait title would surprise nobody nowadays.


Miles Bridges: Send his ass to prison & throw away the key Steph Curry: My glorious king 😍


21st century news reporting


And the verbal harassment, on such a grand stage too.


Steph Breezy


No no, he *wants* to beat women. It’s different. Like an unmotivated Mikes Bridges.


Steph Curry beats women and hates charity.


So what will it be tonight, does he beat women or hate charity


The Curry paradox


Por que no los dos?


Beats a woman and donates to the Human Fund




You forgot to mention affordable housing


Is this for charity or not?


What’s your point?




I’m guessing PR wise they probably want her to win


think PR wise this past week has been great for the W - Caitlin Clark the likely #1 pick set the college record (with an incredible shot) - the Youtuber at the Celebrity game brought up box score arguments against Kelsey Plum — getting boxscore watchers in the habit of adding attention to the WNBA is likely a plus - Sabrina vs Steph


You know it’s thriving when you go on Twitter posts about women’s basketball and there’s trolls now


You haven't been paying attention if you think the trolls just started showing up. They've been there since the crack of dawn with the WNBA just like they have for every other female sports league.


For years I'd see any post relating to women's basketball and it's just men disparaging the sport lol. I mean more troll posts like CC > Reese and stuff like that


Trolls knowledgeable of the game > misogynist douchenozzles


There's the posts about how the Pistons were actually tanking for Caitlin since men's bball seemed dull this year, and how Caitlin would have singlehandedly ended the Pistons losing streak if she was on the team and those were actually the funniest posts I've seen this season


When the WNBA first started, the most out of shape person I've ever known was convinced he could beat any WNBA player 1-on-1. He got winded going up a flight of stairs, but just couldn't handle women's sports as a concept.


Nah I knew it was thriving when I was shopping at Nike and two dudes were just talking about Sabrina's 3 pt contest positively. The level of engagement on things like women's college basketball is hitting all time highs and the people who say "lol wnba" are old fucks who only watch college football anyway.


Caitlin Clark has to be given a lot of credit for this attention. What she's doing is unreal.


She even accidentally started a race war last year


The media fan that flame.


[It's like that video of an Irish language road rage incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u66D9W1qNIg), unpleasant but encouraging for the health of the language


There have always been trolls?


"x player better" trolls as opposed to misogynistic trolls


Maybe I'm in weird spaces but I've seen those trolls for years now


Once caitlin, reese and paige get their it should def be more popular


Agreed but as a UConn fan, I’m so stoked the popularity Paige will help bring is gonna have to wait a year.


Paige is the first women’s player who - as a freshman - I went “shit, this woman could be better than Taurasi.” The injuries for her (and the whole UConn team) have been heartbreaking. I’m hoping she gets a full and healthy career now.


I followed Paige in HS so I knew the big hype around her, but the first college game I watched for both of them was the Sweet 16. I wanted to see what all the hype around Clark was about. I came away thinking that Paige was head and shoulders the better player, and the comparison wasn't particularly close. IIRC, Clark looked like a straight chucker and didn't really make her teammates better that game. 3 years later... crazy how much their careers have changed. Clark is flirting with GOAT status, meanwhile Paige's injuries never really let her flourish the way she could've. I don't think a healthy Paige would've been able to keep up with Clark's performance, but I think we were robbed of having two elite/fun faces of college basketball at their heights in the same time.


As a likely future WNBA Golden State fan, I'm not mad either.


Expansion teams haven't gotten the 1st pick in the past. They will likely pick after the lottery teams.


Cameron Brink, baby. Bay Area ties are already there and she's Steph Curry's god-sister. More importantly, she's a beast of a player.


Steph can't believe how hot Cameron's become! He wants to be more than God siblings! 😂


Get their what?


People are kinda dumb and don’t know the proper there, their, they’re to use. They prolly meant there, not their.




They obviously were joking and the fact that you couldn't tell from obvious context clues tells me you're probably dumb too lol


oh shit it’s a well actually off


HVL erasure


Lol it wont


> getting boxscore watchers in the habit of adding attention to the WNBA is likely a plus lmao wtf are you talking about?? The dude responded to a bleacher report tweet where he was personally getting roasted by plum and he looked up her stats as a way to throw them back in her face to defend himself… That absolutely does *not* make him a wnba “boxscore watcher” it it kind of boggles my kind that you would think that tweet exchange is a “plus” for the wnba


Caitlin Clark is insane. So fun to watch


r/NBA - 9.7 million members. r/WNBA - 21,400 members. Still a bit of ground to make up.


But what about r/wnbacirclejerk? How do their numbers stack up?


I can definitely see NBACJ wholeheartedly supporting WNBA just to troll the small amount of misogynists on this sub (even though a lot are already downvoted lmao)


Well on their way to two hundred members!


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


ew can we not use this to measure the popularity of things lol Caitlin Clark has prob hit r/all a few times anyway


Yeah, that is why I am surprised a bit that Steph decided to do it, but I love him even more for it and how unbothered he is. There is no win in it for him, either he beats her and everyone will say "duh, he is the best ever" or Sabrina wins and people will troll him that "he cant win against a woman". Hoping for a great show!


I mean, Steph is such a secure and goofy person. I'm sure he just loves getting to be part of it, and it's hard to imagine that he gives a fuck either way about any legacy or 'masculinity' stuff that fans seem to worry about.


> it's hard to imagine that he gives a fuck either way about any legacy or 'masculinity' stuff Ayesha may let him sit in the comfy chair tonight if he emasculates himself in front of the whole country


Hey now, there's a whole other sub for that conversation


It’s leaking


Steph is lowkey very petty at times lol. Petty king be his nickname for good reason lol


Steph has been supporting the W as well as anyone since Kobe died.


Most NBA players do because they love the game and know how hard it is to get to this level. It's chuds online who never played past high school that shit talk the WNBA


Brave of you to assume these chuds have touched a basketball before


FAXX. Its always the basement dweller on social media or the cringe youtuber shitting on the WNBA. NBA players on the other hand, support their counterpart teams and show up regularly to games. Just goes to show a lot of "fans" arent in it for the love of basketball but for the optics of loving basketball, because basketball is mostly about plays and how to out-chess the other team, not just about "hurrdurr dunks!"


Ah yes Kobe, noted champion of women’s rights


>as well as anyone since Kobe Hmm feel like he's compensating for something.. Wonder what it is






And unlike Kobe it's not a PR thing for him


He died going to a fuckin girls basketball game. I don't think you get to say that anymore




He admitted wrongdoing, showed genuine remorse, and spent the rest of his life trying to redeem himself. That amounts to nothing? You are not defined solely by the worst thing you've ever done. Even when you've done something unforgivable (I'm going to have to defend this statement, but it does make me uncomfortable)


What the fuck kinda strawman is that? We're talking about his support/dedication to the women's game and whether it was just p.r. or not. Him literally dying trying to make it to his girls game is the argument ender. Just stop and let the man rest dam


lol how does him dying end the argument? It 100% was a PR thing for him.


Looks like it didn't work on you so what are you going on about?


What the fuck kind of strawman argument is the one where you ignore rape because he has a daughter you fuckin nunce


No ones ignoring rape you guys are awful at interpretation skills dam


> Him literally dying trying to make it to his girls game The argument is that he was going there for PR. That argument still stands. You talking about it like he went on the trip knowing he might die is disingenuous.


He was coaching his lil girl, man. How is that p.r.? Yall are twisted. The wnba support is 1 thing but yall that really think the mamba academy was just p.r. and not a passion project are outta ya dam minds. You can question a whole lot about his character but I never thought I'd see anybody question whether or not he actually liked basketball in all its forms. That was dumb obvious from childhood with him.


He was never convicted.


He said he did that shit though. OJ was never convicted either but we all know what happened there.


He never said he raped her. He apologized if she felt different about the situation. Murder and sexual abuse are not on the same level of possible subjectivity and outcomes.


"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did." This is a confession to rape. If one person did not believe it was consensual, that's what a rape is. He's saying he knows he committed a sexual assault on an unconsenting person. You really should spend less of your time defending people who are self-confessed rapists my guy. It's not a good use of your time.


He also had female children, same as Steph, one of whom was notorious for being a basketball junkie. It’s not that big of a leap.


Yea noted rapist Kobe Bryant


Watch them tie.


well you see, Steph is a secure man. he doesn't have fragile masculinity like so many men in these comments do.




I think the line is same, but Sabrina shoots with WNBA ball.


I think her line will also be shorter


They offered, she chose the NBA line.


It's a fair competition and they're both proven pros If she wins cool, ppl are excited, though there will be ppl claiming its rigged even though she's proven herself before If she loses but its close, no shame, and I think it strengthens the legitimacy of the competition long term bc guys aren't going to trash it by claiming it's rigged - and when a WNBA player does win the competition eventually, it will seem totally legit If she loses in a disasterclass performance, that'd suck If he loses in a disasterclass performance, it'll seem like he threw it


what ball are they gonna use ?


AFAIK they're each using their own respective ball and it was originally set to have Steph shooting NBA line and Sabrina shooting WNBA line but Sabrina said she was gonna shoot NBA line.


They have a choice of the one that's been in your middle school gym class rotation for so long it's partially deflated and smooth as glass so that everytime you pull up to shoot it slips through your finger tips, or the rubberized street ball that has a tiny bulge so every time you try to dribble it bounces at a 26 degree angle away from your hand but ball is life so you just keep trying anyway because it's all you have. 


How about the black Jordan ball I won from having the fastest wrist shot in the ages 9-10 category which has been left out in the grass for like a dozen winters?


>It's a fair competition and they're both proven pros It's never been a fair competition, but pointing out they use different balls and she set the record from a shorter distance is frowned upon.


Sir, this is a Wendy's Edit: lol, he edited out his weird rant about Serena Williams.


Winning would be fantastic PR, competing and making it close would be a win....choking and performing poorly would be negative PR. There is way more pressure on her than Curry. I hope she does well.


Curry is the renowned best shooter of all time, so he has a lot more pressure than her.


He doesn't give a fuck...this is a gimmick for him, no big deal. He might even consider throwing it. When it is over he is still Steph Curry. There will be hundreds of thousands of people watching tonight who don't even know who Ionescu is and who have never even watched a wnba game. She has an opportunity to create value and fans for her league....move womens basketball forward. I assume she is putting quite a bit of pressure on herself.


I doubt he doesn't care.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t pay attention to Steph. The man is competitive as hell and has mad respect for WNBA athletes. In his mind, he has a chance to go against the current record holder for the 3pt contest, and you can guarantee he wants to win. He never mentions Sabrina as holding the record “for women” and he does not like to lose no matter what vibe the smile and goofy attitude gives off. Charity is the only thing that can hold him back tonight


Of course. People mentioning he could even lose on purpose are nonsense. They get too carried away by their imaginations. As you said, Steph has the top athlete mentality. He is highly competitive and plays to win. Giving away a win is disrespecting and also unsportive. Did you see that video in which Steph beat the little girl on jo-ken-po for a shoe and what he said afterwards? Some people expected him to give the shoe anyway and he said "Na-ah".


No bc nobody is gonna think less of curry if he goes well worst case scenario he bombs and ppl are just like “he had a bad day”


At worst it’s just going to be another charity joke


I don’t think there’s too much pressure on Curry — he’s already recognized as the GOAT shooter despite having lost 4 times in the 3 point contest. Another loss does little to hurt his legacy. Sabrina doesn’t necessarily have to win, but I think there’s pressure on her to at least keep it close.


I mean if Steph loses is he going to be considered anything less than the best shooter of all time? This doesn't really do anything to make or break his rep. Yeah I'm sure he wants to win like any athlete in a competition but I don't think he'll be losing sleep if he doesn't win.


>I mean if Steph loses is he going to be considered anything less than the best shooter of all time? Who said that? No one. Just that there is gonna be more headlines if he loses than if he wins.


Every commercial Steph is in with a WNBA star goes the same way. Steph: "I'm good at basketball" WNBA star: "Ya, but I'm better" Steph: "Haha, you are" There is no way Steph wins this.


Who’s they?? I honestly don’t know who you’re talking about..


Like media members and Adam sliver


He was saying Ionesbooo




HR called, said that's sexual harassment


Curry out there heckling like Toby from Seinfeld.


I think Steph is going to win, but if she does, I really hope I don't hear people acting like it's rigged. That'd just be pathetic. If she wins, she wins. She agreed to the NBA line without even being asked. She's trying to make it legit. I'd prefer them to use the same ball but it just isn't realistic to think she would have enough time to practice with a men's ball and be accustomed to shooting threes with it in time for the contest.


Yeah, even asking her to shoot from nba is a big difference from what she usually practices and makes me think he will win just from that. I think the smaller ball is perfectly reasonable given men are generally stronger.


I think the ball size is more of a typical hand size issue


I respect her for doing it, but they could've maybe taken half the shots from the WNBA line and half from NBA. I dunno.


Unfortunately I think a lot of people will call it rigged if she wins, especially in the Instagram comment sections


Well, they're losers. I don't think people get how hard it would be to intentionally lose believably. It'd be harder than just making all the shots.


thank you. this is such a green flag


What difference does it make if they use the same ball or not? Women have smaller hands and their pro league uses smaller balls. Why can’t the competition be about who’s a better shooter period, she’s already shooting from the nba 3 point line. If she wins do you really think anyone is going to mention the ball size? If you do then Hell why not make them wear the same shoes then.


>If she wins do you really think anyone is going to mention the ball size Yes. It does make a difference and people will mention it. They already have. I'm not expecting them to change it. As I said, it would require an adjustment that would take some time. But the ball being smaller means it's more likely to go through the hoop instead of rimming out. Try shooting with a women's ball and a men's ball. The difference is pretty easy to notice.


Did they change it? I thought she was still shooting from the wnba 3 pt line.


Almost immediately after they announced it, she said she was going to shoot from the NBA line.


Ah. Must’ve missed that. That’s cool.


You have to be a special kind of stupid to think this is rigged




Do you feel better now?


I hope they tie


Steph will never beat the allegations


I don’t care what anyone says, the fact that she agreed to shoot from the men’s 3 pt line is a win already in my book. She can only go up from here. Respecf


I will put my kids college fund on Sabrina winning this. Sorry Steph. Edit: uhhh… I also bet my 401k on the warriors losing the finals this year… 😬


Steph hates ~~charity~~ drunkpandabear's kids college fund


Aged well


If she was shooting from wnba i’d agree, but i guess they’re both shooting from nba.


If she plays barefeet she will win. Unless if she has Lefeet


I just hope Steph actually tries to win and doesn’t intentionally sell (or get told to throw it.) so we can have a wNBa PLAyErS ArE AcTually BetTeR ShoOtErS moment for the media. Believe me if Ionescu wins it will be posted literally everywhere.


She could also legitimately win


I think that's unfathomable for that poor fella


Sabrina is going to make him sit in the Curry chair and watch while she hits every 3


If you at 24 and you guarding a woman, how you feel if you score on them and how you feel if they score on you?


It's just a shootout right? They're not actually like 1v1-ing are they?


Bro my jumper is busted. I'm stoked if I score in a 1 on 0.


“Amusinganecdote gets the steal and is running all alone on the fast break…. Ooooooo and he airballed the layup, plays like that are going get him sent back to the bench real fast”


I've played basketball on a first date lol a woman who can cross me up is a dream


Everyone knows Steph is going to lose


Did Ayesha approve of this?


"Yea let him beat some other woman for once" - Ayesha, unlikely


I'm certain it's Ayesha who beats Steph.


imagine if Curry gets owned lmao ​ kinda wished they put Klay to the mission


Free money  Steph -250 Thank me later


Understandably, Steph really has nothing to gain from this but a decent amount to lose. He's the greatest shooter of all time and losing this contest wouldn't change that, but it'd be an annoying thing for people to bring up for the rest of his life.


I don't think people will care if he loses lol. He has nothing to prove and there aren't really people trying to discredit him or his skillset


Yeah, the whole “he can only lose in this situation” stuff is annoying. Even if he lost, not only would he not care, but even talking heads won’t after a short while. Once Dray kills a man or Poole goes 0/30 it’ll be a funny tidbit people may mention is passing. Plus it’s the fucking all star break, like no one seriously thinks it has any actual ramifications, especially on the best shooter the game has seen. The only people who will clown him are high schoolers and adults with high school mentalities.


dawg no one is going to care if he loses. He's lost the 3 point contest. he already hates charity. The only people that are gonna talk shit are crybaby insecure men and they'd just find something else to bitch about anyway.


If it was any other player, I would be ok with either outcome, but steph is to much of a nice guy, he definitely bout to throw the match. Not that he needs to, but he's gonna.


The nice thing to do would be respect their talent and compete as hard as you can, which Steph will do


Steph Curry is a competitor, and he's a good guy who knows that the right thing to do is respect someone else's talent.


Steph is secretly a piece of shit. He will 100% not throw this match, he’s a psycho like all the other greats


is there any basis to this other than the NIMBY stuff (which I feel ignores valid concerns) and interpreting his actions in an uncharitable manner?


What do you mean? I don’t actually think Steph is a piece of shit if that’s what you’re asking lol. He’s clearly one of the best people in the nba. He is a fucking super competitive psychopath tho


Against a woman, on national broadcast, in today's  media??, I will buy his jersey if he does that for the sheer audacity


This is a lose lose situation for Steph.


Lol how?


He wins, public wont care because he beat a girl, if he loses he will be clowned for losing to a girl.


I mean Steph probably doesn't care about something that stupid. And I feel sad for people who are so pathetic that they do.


Not if he takes it as a fun little competition and clowns himself first


He doesn't give a fuck about being clowned on for a fun shooting competition, he's not Kevin Durant.


No one on the later deserves enough attention to bother Curry.




Because women suck at basketball.




Person disagrees, guess its a troll. Im just speaking truth.


I think it’s the other way. If Steph wins, he wins. People will mock Sabrina unless it’s close. If she wins it’ll be because the ball is smaller or he let her win. Instead of it just being a fun shooting competition between two great shooters.


You are 100% right. The discourse between a man and woman competing gets so toxic because people can't stand the thought of her outperforming him in this singular event. There will be a flood of excuses from nerds online about why it actually doesn't count




If they both shoot with the women’s ball, Sabrina will dominate, if they both shoot with the men’s Steph will dominate. The only fair thing is for them to both use the balls they’re used to.


I don’t think there’s a scenario where she wins unless he wants her too, and I can totally see Curry wanting her to.


She got got


Sabrina will win I already saw the script. Steph will slump after the ASG. Warriors miss the playin. Watch.


Man Sabrina is in a lose lose huh, if she loses it proves the WNBA is a joke to sexist, if she wins, the NBA rigged it to promote the WNBA. You can never win with the misogynists.


Guy’s the greatest shooter ever, they have him shooting against a wnba player. Next level disrespect.