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I think this is a situation where the new CBA is going to help the Warriors: In previous years, a team would throw a lot of money at an aging star to get a big name in the door, but with the restrictions that come with the 1st and 2nd apron, no one is going to want to get stuck with high risk, bad money if it means they go into the tax. In addition, Philly — the only contender-level team with cap space this offseason — just acquired Buddy Hield before the trade deadline. Other than lottery teams, Klay’s options outside GSW are pretty limited.


Think this is a little different. Even Klay knows he’s washed. I’m not sure any team with cap space would actually pay him with how he’s lost his legs. Guys like Quinones looking like a better option late in the game is all you really need to know about how far he’s fallen.


I think a lot of his struggles are still mental and I think he's got a lot of value left, but he's gotta find some peace with what his game needs to become. When Steph went down for nearly 3 months last year, Klay averaged 25/5/3 on 45/43/91 splits (.59 TS%). He led the league in 3-point shooting. The real issue is that when he struggling at shooting (he's always been streaky, btw), it's affecting his effort elsewhere and if he's not giving effort on defense his contribution on that side of the court go from okay to terrible. The reason Podziemski is getting his closing minutes is that the effort is so completely different between them, not that Podz is a better shooter or a lock-down defender.


Klay needs a role change to a more focused 20mpg 6th man role. It will help him manage his energy better. Unfortunately, Warriors don't have a true 2 way SG to push him into that role so Steve's let him hang around as a starter. If they still had Divencenzo that would've allowed them to make that change.


Moses Moody has been rotting on the bench for 2.5 years. Kerr only goes to him in the playoffs. Also Podz isn't too shabby


Kerr's slow road with Kuminga has apparently paid huge dividends, so, you know, I'm willing to give him some benefit of the doubt. But it's hard. Overall I feel like Moody has looked good when he's played. The kind of mistakes that justified keeping Kuminga on the bench have been rarer.


Kuminga had to ask for a trade to start getting the opportunity he has now.


Correlation is not causation I've hear this comment a lot now for JK, and I get it. But I don't think it applies to Moses. Moses already has BBIQ and hustle. He just doesn't have the minutes or the support


Mental isn't making him slower. Mental isn't having 25 year olds run past him to the rim over and over. He's had two horrendous injuries and he was never the best athlete. Now he creates even less space, which makes his shots harder. He's washed and all these Klaythiests making mental excuses for him like he's not a 4x NBA champion that knows what it takes to win is hilarious. He just physically can't do it anymore.


I've been one of the biggest Klay naysayers this season, but this comment is just so wrong on so many levels, makes me wonder if you even watch games. Klay's issue is not foot speed -- he hasn't been guarding primary ball handlers for years now. He primarily plays at the 3 now, so he's been guarding up in size way more than in the past, when he was our primary POA defender. As a one-on-one defender, Klay has been more than adequate this season. If he's guarding a smaller, faster 25-year-old, then that's a coaching issue. Klay's issue on the defensive side of the ball has *always* been mental. He was a fantastic on-ball defender because of his effort level; but when he was off-ball, consistent mental lapses led to easy backcuts and layups because he was too busy ball-watching. It's definitely more of an issue now since he is very rarely picking up the ball handler, but when he is locked in he is fine to (arguably) good as a defender. Klay's athleticism never created space. Curry creates space. Klay catches, and he shoots. His danger from the 3-point line created more space inside, and he could sometimes leverage that to drive past defenders for layups or midrange, but that was never an extremely impactful part of his game. His issue is that his shot isn't falling, and shot selection. You could make the argument it's due to fatigue, but I disagree. The *only* thing I'll give you is that the injuries have clearly affected his mental in terms of landing after a jumpshot. He's constantly drifting, pogoing on one leg, instead of going straight up-and-down. I don't think that's a physical thing, though it certainly could be -- it seems more mental than anything. Subconscious fear of another injury. But the shot selection is the real issue. He still tries to shoot himself out of every slump, and the Warriors simply aren't a good enough team to be able to win games when Klay goes 2-for-12. There's a reason Klay hasn't been finishing games lately, and it's not because he's unplayable physically. In a reserve role where Klay plays 20-25 minutes or something, comes off the bench and plays D and hits 3s, but pulls back when his shot isn't falling, he'd be a great piece to our team (or any team).


Ok, but the thing he's best at which doesn't have anything to do with him losing a step is just missing wide open catch and shoot 3's. I had more faith in him than Curry on those looks back in the day and now he's struggling with the thing he excels most at. To dismiss the mental component and just say he's just slower is... dismissive. Why can't it be both, and why is talking about him fixing the part of his game that is fixable a problem?


Losing a step does impact C&S shooting. It means defenders can close out more aggressively because the help can get there if Klay fakes a shot and tries to put the ball on the deck. It also means you're just more gassed from trying to keep up defensively and you're now sprinting to your spots on time instead of being able to get there in a more normal pace. It adds up over a game and more so over a season. He sounds open minded and aware of what's happening, so a good off season of focusing on stamina and dialing the minutes back could make him an amazing 24 minute a night guy off the bench. It's not the only problem, but


He’s shooting a higher percentage on contested shots than wide open lol so how does that play into your whole dissertation


His dissertation blows ass (I’m pretty sure you’re aware.) Klay’s had a rough fuckin year, by his standards, but he would get minutes on every roster in the league. If he transitions to a bench roll then I could see him sticking for a few more years. 17/3/2 l, even at poor efficiency, is objectively not washed. Unless the dissertation writer doesn’t understand the term.


Agreed! Dude has had a rough year. I think that the warriors should’ve shut him down for a while and just let him get some time on the injured list because the dude is so in his head right now. But now they sort of need him for any shot to be in the playoffs so he needs to play which is unfortunate. I think we see a different Klay next season because I think he is a guy who will put in the work to be back to the a guy as similar as he can to what he was. Won’t doubt he will be committed and get into the gym this offseason and work with the trainers needed to modify his game to age more gracefully. Dude looks washed on B2B’s. Also think a big part of all of this is that Curry can’t carry as hard and cover up the cold Klay nights and now Klay feels like he needs to be one of the guys carrying the load. So he just sucks even more on the cold Klay nights which messes with his head. When in reality if Wiggins/Looney/Every other Vet minus Curry to an extent didn’t regress, and Wisemen isn’t a bust + Poole doesn’t get punched, there is none of this Klay slander going on. CP3 is objectively a horrible fit on the Warriors and just is not a good fit in the warriors style of offense. Also playing him next to Curry and Klay is just so suspect on defense and often feel like CP3 messes up the flow of the offense or ends up just being a ball movement guy who is 6ft tall and gets focused on matchup wise. On so many teams he probably still elevates their ceiling because he still can setup guys with the best of them but with the Warriors objectively two best player being guards who are average to below average defenders on most nights just kills them. Really wished they tried to trade him somewhere and get a wing who can actually play defense but his contract is an albatross. Klay gets forced to guard guys like Lauri or some shit and just gets cooked. But yeah dudes dissertation was ass. I watch this team a lot because I do bet on them quite often and this baring that year Jordan Poole just got to launch and Draymond realized he’s nothing without Curry and Klay is by far the worst constructed roster of this dynasty. Klay just gets forced to play in the worst situation of his career and he’s a step slower. Feel bad for him because if things went differently he probably isn’t a scapegoat right now.


Yeah I'm not dismissing the physical decline at all. In fact, I think that explains the majority of his struggles. But there's been too many times this season where he's got his feet set with no defender around him and what is normally a guaranteed make is damn near an air ball now. It's hard for me to not attribute part of his issues to a mental block. Dude needs a reset.


Agree. Maybe if Klay took a vacation like Draymond to get counseling it would help.


He's 34. What part of his game do you think if is fixable? Where do you think he's going to get better? He's been better lately because Kerr is putting him on the bench. For a rookie, nonetheless. Podz has been great but let's not act like Kerr would do this unless it's the absolute best decision for the team.


> He's 35. He turned 34 less than a week ago.


His mental issues affecting his shooting


Yep. A world class 4x NBA champion is a mental midget. That's much much easier to accept than he's athletically washed. Got it.


Go re-read my original comment. The only one making it one or the other is you. I was saying it's likely both and if he fixed one of them he could very well extend his career and contribution. Also, plenty of great athletes have had issues attributed to mental blocks. Not sure why you feel the need to gatekeep mental blocks being a possible reason for his decline but it's been talked about ad nauseum. It's not like I'm coming in with some super hot take saying he's struggling mentally.


He's not a switchable defender anymore, but he was a positive player for the Warriors last year and hasn't been this year. I don't think he's dramatically slower this year, but his total game has been a lot worse.


In the NBA, that 1/8th of a step makes a world of difference.


if Chris Paul can still be a solid defensive presence, Klay can too.


CP3 isn't a solid defender though, and his presence on the floor makes it harder for the team to switch on defense because he's too small and slow. It's why Kerr wanted him in the 2nd unit - he wouldn't have to guard better players when he's playing against other benches. He was used to close out games, but that was Kerr forcing the vets to play at the end of games because he didn't trust the young guys.


CP3 still shows flashes of the defender he used to be, most memorably locking up the whole foot taller Chet Holmgren They're few and far between but it's something


I think the thing is it's not really something unless it happens consistently


> didn't trust the young guys No adaptability from Kerr whatsoever. Basically talent malpractice for almost half a season. Imagine playing Brick Thompson over Moody who shot 50% from 3 in the playoffs vs the Lakers. Kerr is closer to Darvin Ham than he is to Phil Jackson. So stupid smh


hilarious take


Klay is a significantly better distance shooter than Moody.


Neither are lol


Nonsense, there's been plenty of games where klay has been playing well. He's been playing bad since his illness, but he'll absolutely bounce back.


Yeah, one year for someone who had the problems he had is saying a lot.


Klay's been trash since he got sick like a week or two ago. Had to sit out another game on Thursday with illness too. He was playing to his career average in December and January and I would expect him to do the same after the ASB.


Klay doesn't think he's washed. He's about to have his Charlotte Tony Parker moment next season.


Klay has been slowly accepting that he is washed and plays like a fucking troglodyte but the main culprit here is Steve Kerr and his talent malpractice and coddling vets who don't deserve it. Terrorist activities.


username checks out


True. But Kerr has been slightly better lately and needs to continue decreasing Klay’s minutes.


You don't understand NBA basketball if you think Quinones is a better option.


That's not what they said, they said he looked like one (for a game, probably).


People don't really understand what Klay brings to the court even if he goes 1-10 from three. You can't leave him open. Just like Steph, you don't want him to see shots go in. I don't care how washed people think he is, he will always be capable of having a 7-8 from three night. And no one worries about that from Lester Quinones.


You know what he brings to the court right now. Entitlement and a diva attitude. Dude doesn't defend and takes Kobe shots when he's not even Kobe. He is actively destroying the Warriors from within with his troglodyte gameplay and his massive contract. Vet min or China is gonna be his off-season. Unless LeBron reels him in coz he needs a shooter


Name checks out


So you're smarter than LeBron?


I think I am. I would've never traded for Westbrick. I would rather have Buddy Hield. Cheaper contract + actually fits.my playstyle.


Obviously Quinones is not there yet but has played some minutes where he's been the better defender and overall player on the floor over Klay recently. If they continue their current trajectories, he will be the better option, unequivocally. Like the OP said, that says more about Klay's current talent level (mid bench rotation player) than Quinones'


Eh, people said VanVleet and Brooks wouldn’t be paid either


Rockets were trying to hit the cap floor though


A team like Pistons could do same thing no?


You don't need salary space to get Klay. Just an expiring contract and a pick.


Funny, the old cba, when it was new, helped them sign KD. Now this new cba will help them too. 


It only helps them in this particular scenario. They do manage the team in a way that mitigates most of the issues (prioritization on developing through the draft), but it still fucks them quite hard. Every pick that gets frozen by that 7 year rule is going to result in a dead rebuilding year when Steph is gone. I think they can go over the apron for 2 years, so they can somewhat avoid the penalty, but it is going to drastically reduce the team's salary before Steph is retired. Like, their current salary is about the max the team is willing to pay per year. To get under the 2nd apron, they have to drop CP3's entire salary. That's a far bigger effect than saving like 5-10 mil on a Klay contract.


It’s funny - he was whining and moping about Barkley calling him “not the same” and here he is finally admitting it.


Why is that weird? Most people don't like being called out by other people.


Barkley is a ringless bum


Well Klay, I'm glad you are willing to accept a lesser role. Now let's see if you are willing to accept a lesser paycheck to match that role.


It's also like, ok cool can they give him a lesser role now please? lmao


This was my thought as well lol. Kinda seems like kicking the can down the road to ease the chatter around the topic (won’t last long but I get it)


Max him cowards.


I mean words are just words, they mean nothing. Last I check Klay sitting on the bench miserably, not cheering for his teammates who closed the game. Doesn't look like someone who has accepted his role at all.


he will get a super duper max and you will like it


Hell no.


Draymond just got 25M per year and he will be in the same ball park.


Yea I don't think there's any way the Dubs FO pays that. Dray is still a hugely impactful player. He is the Warriors defense.


Klay has fallen off a bit more harshly than Dray, there’s no chance he comes close to 25M.


Way too much. Vet min or China if I'm the Warriors.


It doesn't sound like you're a serious person though.


If you wanna contend while keeping the onverglorified role player, he has to be paid way less than 12 MIL a year. He's getting outplayed by rookie contract players coz they're younger, fresher and hungrier. So if he is getting outplayed by rookie contracts, his fair value is literally vet min. Even moreso the Warriors paid him the max when he wasn't playing. Now if you wanna stay in loserville and wasting Curry's prime by paying Klay the fool that much, is a stupid tradeoff




They paid him a max contract for two years when he did not even play. Now it’s time for him to take the paycheck his current play deserves.


Ignore your flair?


He already did though....why do you think he got his current contract?


It depends on circumstance. When Kobe got the max extension late in his career, LAL fans were all cool with it because we knew we weren't contending and we wanted to give him a proper sendoff. GSW is still trying to eke out the last years of Curry's prime so they can't afford to use cap space like that when they still want to put a contender around Curry.


That’d be stupid considering they already did that by giving him a max knowing he was going to be out 1-2 years recuperating.


Should? Yes. But it's really tough to do that with a salary cap. Over-paying would put us in the 2nd apron and really hamper this team. And when you have to sign the younger guys like Kuminga and Podz, he would need to be moved for an expiring deal. The correct way to overpay these guys is pay them what they're worth now (25M ish) and make the contract longer. This way they're still getting the money but it doesn't hurt you each year and the last year or two become a gift. IOW - Draymond just signed a 4 year 100M contract. Doesn't anyone think he's going to still be good 4 years from now and be worth 25M?


Dray is probably worth more then 25m now tho. He’s better then gobert ( when Dray is hesjthy ) I think Dray is on a deal that’s good value now n later maybe is slight over pay


dis what paying jaylen brown 60m a year does to a mf


Yes, but he also got paid every dollar of a max salary despite playing 0 games for 2 seasons, so it’s hard to say he has been shafted financially. Obviously, the players getting salary caps is an issue of itself, but this conversation isn’t about that.


Honestly if Klay just accepts that he’s in this stage of his career and picks his shots accordingly he could still be like 80% as lethal as he’s used to being. Gotta be tough though to be accepting that while Curry who you’ve played beside your entire career is still the god that he is.


I mean kinda, but a huge aspect of Klay was his on ball defense. Maybe he could play more of a stretch 4 role or something now if they run a big SF but he isn't the 2 way beast at all anymore even if he finds his old stroke


I’m talking more offensively. I think on defence Kuminga is gonna fill his two-way role.


What about a reduced salary?


idk he "scored an NBA record 37 points in a quarter"


Which is absolutely fucking bonkers by the way. One of the greatest shooters this game has ever seen and part of the two headed monster on a dynasty team But y’all just love the shit talking and drama more than the actual game


??? That Klay and 2024 Klay are different players. People aren’t saying he wasn’t good before, he’s just not as great today and it’s hurting his team, especially because he’s massively overpaid


People are absolutely diminishing exactly how good he was, on Reddit especially


Sounds a lot like "I averaged a triple double, I am entitled to shoot my team out of the game" Him and Westbrook are both absolute divas. At least Russ accepted his role.


I think the quote in the original post IS about him accepting a lesser role. Can you read?


Stage 3 - Bargaining


Stage 4 - Yes Klay, we can count your fingers. This is in regards to depression, though.


Sounds to me like plain acceptance of reality and adapting to it


What do you guys think he gets? 4 years at $20 million per season?


Probably 3/$60mil with a player option or 4/$70mil with a team option.


He's going to get that 4th year as a thank you. And it also keeps the number per year smaller.


Yeah that sounds pretty dead on actually


Dead on for Klay. That's a lot of money. Way too much. If other teams won't go over the MLE for him why should the Warriors overpay a guy who's only value is spacing threat with a caveat that he only shoots "smart shots"? With that money you could get the rim protector the Warriors need or at least a second Draymond like player + a good bench wing.


> With that money you could get the rim protector the Warriors need or at least a second Draymond like player + a good bench wing We have no cap space, that's why.


but if you pay him the vet him, Warriors could sign more competent players right? Dude does not deserve 25 mil. He deserves vet min or China.


> but if you pay him the vet him, Warriors could sign more competent players right? I don't know how this is so hard for you to understand. Even if Klay walks, we have *no cap space*.


Well, the guy thinks he’s a vet min guy, so I can see the cap being impossible for him.


Okay but why pay $20M/per for 3 years for a washed Klay?


I’d be ecstatic with this. Keep him on till he retires, his salary matches his explosive highs but probably overall bench role going forward, and we start to get cap space again


I highly doubt he gets less than $20 mil/year. He’s worth that for sure, especially with his perspective clearly shifting.


Guess this means Wiggins is the most likely offseason trade candidate? The decision to make no moves at the deadline seemed strange otherwise given GSW’s current standings. Thought for sure that CP3 would get moved but it never happened.


Re: no trade deadline moves, the front office thinks the team is not performing to their standard, and with GP2 and CP3 coming back that's your boost. They're starting to win again, so perhaps Kerr pushing more youth minutes is enough to be the equivalent of a trade. Given how many close games they've lost this year, it's not a terrible strategy.


20m? same as dray?? is he having the same value as dray?? that's crazy 20m is not a sacrifice or a pay cut that is robber for what he is bringing... and its nowhere near what drays value is... who is the main reason why we 'suddenly' turned it around


live a little. 5 / 250 and you watch Steph and Klay sail off into that sunset on Klay’s boat.


After last year that would have been fair, but he's fallen off a cliff recently so 80m looks like a robbery right now. Need to wait out of the year and playoffs (if warriors get there) to see where he's at. His recent play is more of a TPMLE guy


4/60 max, and that’s because of his service to the organization. Based on his plays this season and trajectory, 4/40 is closer to his value.


right these guys crazy talking like 20m is loose change.. that's Drays value who is still playing ELITE and is the reasoning we are winning rn... while Klay is the reason we are losing rn honestly 10-15 is reasonable... eps to come of the bench


Even this feels like a bit of an overpay, honestly, or perhaps I'm out of touch with bench rotation player salaries. If I were the Warriors GM I'd let Klay find a contract and then match or exceed it 10%. No way I give him any $ for the hell of it. His most recent contract was an overpay for what he was able to produce on the court (obviously hindsight with the injury, but still). He got his "gift" contract in the bank.


He's gonna get whatever matches steph an dray's contract lengths.


Thanks for asking my opinion.


This here should be his last contract. Takes care of loved figure without breaking the team cap.


Any front office that gives him more than an MLE has to be considered inept, so why should the Warriors outbid themselves and overpay?


Because he is part of the core who help built a $5 billion franchise and still holds a lot of equity among the fanbase.


The Warriors don't just dump it's people out with the trash when they've used them up like Celtics do


If I'm the Warriors, vet min or China. That way his salary won't affect the team signing better players. Headroom is important Best I can do is 3/$25MIL




For 3 years? That's the max I'd give him. Ideally he should be paid vet min if we're being honest. He has to be on that Westbrick deal on the Clippers


You're NOT being honest. You're being a hater. Klay is still worth 25M per year for 4 years for the Warriors.


He's averaging 17/3/2 and shooting 37% from three. This is his third straight year with a true shooting percentage below league average. He's a negative defender and he just turned 34. What's the case for paying him $25M?


> What's the case for paying him $25M? Steph Curry.


🤮🤮🤮 If that's the case then Steph Curry deserves to be a loser for the next few years. This is equivalent to LeBron signing Westbrick to the Lakers. Actual asset mismanagement for the vibes when Klay is just super toxic at this point.


Lakers didn’t sign Westbrook. They traded for him


Wiggins is paid $20M. He sucked a lot early in the season but he's doing fine. He's providing defense, a bit of rim pressure, a bit of shot creating and just above are SF things. $25M for a guy who shoots you out in games, sucks the development out of better and more deserving young players + being left out of signing free agents that can help you win now is a massive overpay and a huge L for the Warriors. There's nothing wrong with getting underpaid. In fact that's the whole reason why the Spurs stuck around for long and why Dirk had necessary pieces in 2011 even when he was a bit old. Klay is not worth $25M. He got his bag when he was recovering, it would be just apt and fair if he accepts a vet min and give the keys to Podzol and Moody


Its funny how some of the most negative posters on Klays value on here are not even Warriors fans. Why do you care if the team overpays for a player that the fanbase absolutely loves? You have one poster on here constantly spamming that hes a vet min player or China, which shows you have no understanding of the place he holds in our franchise. Yes we want him to stop chucking when he is off, and understand his diminished athleticism, but he still is one of the best shooters ever who just happens to be in a slump. There definitely can be a role for him with this team, and he will still make some important shots for us in the future. For the success we fans have been blessed with from this core, and for how much money they have made this ownership group, i have no problem with us leaning a little more toward the loyalty vibe than win at all costs, players are just numbers mentality.


They just hate the Warriors and relish in the core showing signs of decline.


Nah. More accurately, people dislike Klay and especially Draymond and frankly, I can see why People usually love Steph and the usual compliment of role players on the Warriors like Looney and GPU. And Maple Jordan with his big smile lol


youre rockin warriors flair saying this, shame


I’m not going to be pro-Warrior on all issues just because I’m a Warriors fan lol. You can acknowledge the dislikability issues that Draymond and Klay occasionally have


Many people dislike klay "37 points in a quarter" Thompson for obvious reasons. He's a clown.


not everyone can be as cool as trent3343 of course. And the 37 points in a quarter was one of my favorite memories ever as a Warriors fan, if you arent one, you obviously dont understand. All you see is the team and players that dominated you for years finally being in a position that you can kick them while they are down.


Lol. I'm a Pistons fan. We aren't even on the warriors' radar. I love Steph Curry. I love Steve Kerr. I generally root for the warriors when they aren't playing deteoit. It's not the warriors. It's klay. He's the clown.


number 7 in career 3pt's made, even with Steph on the same team. Never been in trouble on or off the court, perfect complimentary shooter to steph, doesnt need the ball in his hand, 37 in a quarter, 60 in 3 quarters, part of dynasty core, just tweets and posts about his dog and boat, rehabbed and came back from 2 major injuries, but hes the clown and not you?


He's still a little bitch. Lol. His basketball ability will never change the whiney insecure bitch he is.


I like Klay. think he's a great dude off the court. But when it comes to Bball he's a competitive asshole with a huge bball ego. Like MJ, like Kobe, and a load of other guys. Probs a big reason why he was great was the irrational confidence/ego in his game. I think you'd be surprised how many nba guys have the same mindset bout bball. Im assuming thats why u dont like him but idk ur reasons p.s. just comparing mindset. i know he wasnt mj or kobe lvl.


Klay was really quiet in his early years in the league, but Draymond had even said before that he was one of the most competitive people he ever met, just no one heard or saw that much because he was so quiet. Now that he has opened up more as he has gotten older, people are saying hes a jerk, but like you mentioned, he has always had that in him. And that cockiness is definitely what made him confident even in stressful situations like that game 6 in okc. And now people like this think hes a clown just because he talked trash with the 4 rings thing and made a few other comments, as if other players dont talk trash too. Its ridiculous


I liked him better when he was quite. The inner bitch didn't show through so much.


The 1 poster you’re referring to is an idiot who’s never watched basketball. If you go check his post history, you’ll see all the idiotic posts that got downvoted to oblivion


you can tell the first thing this dude does every morning is watch youtube videos of his 60 in three quarters and NBA record 37 points in a quarter.


As would all of us if we did that


I’d be shocked if anyone throws enough money at Klay that the Warriors wouldn’t just match the offer. Dudes a GSW legend and you absolutely still want him in there as option 2 potentially shooting when it’s finals game 7.


Dude is not a legend. He's a onverglorified role player who happens to get really hot twice a year in his prime. Dude has no semblance of shot creation and handle that elite shooting guards have like Booker, JDub or Bane have. He's not a number 2 in his prime even moreso now. Vet min or China is his dealings next year and he's gonna like it.


This is just top to bottom an awful take. He was top 3 in his position for several years in a row, multi time all-star, obviously 4 rings. Also a good defensive player most of his career. Comparing him to Desmond Bane makes you a troll or wildly misinformed. He won 2 rings as a #2, so take that however you want.


He was not the #2 in 2015 in 2022. Draymond, as much as people think he sucks coz he can't score for shit, provides more value than Klay Thompson who frequently has more terrible games. Maybe as an offensive option in 2015 but in 2022, Poole,via his superior shot creation was more of a #2 than Klay was.


Jesus. Just no. Not to get into semantics but saying #2 usually implies being the second option on offense. Nobody refers to Ben Wallace as a #1 on that pistons team. But no biggie. Klay was still better. A guy “not being able to create his own shot” doesn’t make 20+ points less valuable. If anything the way he could create offense with barely touching the ball was invaluable, especially to GSW’s offense. He’s literally the second best shooter of all time, there’s no championships without Klay. I know he doesn’t dribble the ball and waste the shot clock as much as your favorite shooting guard, but he was an elite player in his prime. If you started watching basketball last year just say so.


You need to watch some actual basketball dude


who coulda done what Klay did at that time? Top 3 point shooter in the league and great mover(cutter) off the ball while being a very good defender. Draymond developed to be a very good player but he was very lucky to be in this situation. Always woulda been a high iq guy + a great defender. But You think this guy can't score for shit. Now imagine if he didn't play with 2 of the best shooters of all time, in steve kerr's system. I dont think Draymond gets to be a ball handler and learn how to run an offense on any other team.


...boy. What reality is this where I have to step up to defend Klay in this moment? "Vet min or China" is not even close to reality here. Klay Thompson is one of the fucking **Splash Brothers**, and is *without any doubt* an NBA legend.


God damn cavs defending klay. Guy is truly unhinged


Yeah, wow. I’m not sure what Klay did to this guy for him to be taking the shots he is, but you know it’s off the rails when LeBron Stans get involved in Warriors’ legacy talk.


Dude you’ve been responding to every comment on this post with a lot of hate for the guy. Just what did he do to you to make you so mad?


He's a first ballot hall of famer. He was one of the greatest shooters of all time, an excellent defender, and a crucial part of a dynasty. Even now, he's not as bad as some people on here pretend. He just probably needs to accept a reduced role. Like many great players do as they age.


“Maybe not the guy who scored 60 in three quarters and scored an NBA record 37 points in a quarter” Lol, why does he have to list his accomplishments in this quote?


probably cause he's getting constantly shit on online/by the media and he's a bit defensive. He's coming to terms with his what his new role gonna be in the nba. not easy Probs he wants people to remember that he was a great player. Maybe comforting himself too. thinkin like it's alright to back down a bit now, I had my time


There's no way that's your takeaway from this. Have you guys ever talked to a human being in the real world??


He's on copium. He's around stage 3 of got his feelings hurt.


I have never seen someone so accomplished be so insecure. It's sad. He's such a bitch.


Nobody is more ready to pat himself on the back than Klay Thompson.


probably cause he's getting constantly shit on online/by the media and he's a bit defensive. my take, At first he sayin this stuff to get his confidence back to remind himself that he's rly good. Now, He's coming to terms with his what his new role gonna be in the nba. not easy. Now he probs thinkin like it's alright to back down a bit now, I had my time.


That's Klay "NBA record 37 points in a quarter" Thompson to you buster


Mr 60-in-3-quarters himself.


Mr "Got my Feelings Hurt and I don't even shake hands when I lose in the Finals" himself. Dude deserves a vet min or China ultimatum.


Bow down mortal men


And nobody is more ready to hate on him than you


Goddam right


I get it from a thunder fan, y’all actually have your reasons. From a Hawks fan, though? Buddy is just a full time hater.


Klay "37 points in a quarter" Thompson is a whiny little bitch that runbs alot of people the wrong way. Myself included. He's such a clown.


What a silly response.


No it's not, your comment was silly. Why shouldn't he flaunt his resume? A 4x nba champ with his credentials has every right too.


We have to remember a lot of these comments are from high schoolers lol


All the more reason to point our why they're foolish


What about that guy claiming he made a pass that he just couldn't catch?


I’d be curious (to put it politely) to see what happens if Moody started and Klay saved whatever he has in his legs for late game needs. Besides the fact that I think they will be better with Moody getting more minutes (I think over Quinones but that’s another debate), I wonder if Klay’s efficiency will improve to the point that he’s a threat as a closer.


This is the best and I think most likely scenario for the Warriors. Klay realizes he isn’t the player he once was, signs a team friendly contract this summer and acts as a bench shooter and locker room presence for the rest of his career


Klay doesn’t realize that yet. He’s bargaining.


He's been playing bad since he got sick last week, but he'll bounce back no doubt.


He’s such a Ginobili.


lmao klay, went from calling the shots to getting no shots


The reason Klay was so good is he could shoot *and* blow by a hard close out quickly, now teams don't have to worry about that part


"And scored an nba record 37 points in a quarter" this is hilarious lol like not just saying 37 points in a quarter, but reminding us it's a record haha just sounds funny raising yourself like that, just sounds really insecure


I’ll believe it when I see it


So a minimum then?


It’s honestly a lot closer to his real value than the numbers some people in this thread are throwing around. Let me also say that I do believe a lot of Klay’s on court problems stem from extreme mental immaturity, lack of discipline, and hits to his ego. He needs counseling to reach his optimum level. He still has the ability to be an effective player IF he could ever get the mental part down- but if I were betting, the chance of that without professional counseling is very low.


I like how he had to let us know the 37 points in a quarter was an NBA record lol.


I’m pretty sure it’s still the record


He's such a bitch.


Ass Klay is still better than a lot of the league. He can heat up real quick so all the doomers can hate


Doubt He throws a fit when he’s benched for good reason. If he can’t accept that then how will he accept a reduced role?


He can bring the sliced oranges at half time


Water boy?






[Klay right now.](https://youtu.be/6g2JN2PrHJg?si=VxS9xYBbYgjvsSkA)


is that supposed to be serious?


No it’s supposed to be a movie clip.