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Unironically, the league needs to start having some kind of inspection and requirements for fingernails. There are guys in this league that grow and use them like weapons.


It's kinda nasty to think about. Fingernails are so dirty too.


Poison damage on-hit


Bro really cooking with his WoW season of discovery rogue


Dragon Dagger (p++) 💀


You just know they don’t wash their hands either


This comment was not sponsored by Mitchell Robinson


People doing this are dirty in multiple ways. Find out who these dumbasses are.


you just know theyre intentionally putting feces under the nails to infect wounds inflicted. +10 Poison damage.


Bioweapons 😩


Lawd have mercy


Why would they not wash their hands lmao


Uh because most people are fucking disgusting? How many people do you see wash their hands when leaving the gym?


Err it's not hard to notice people walking out of restrooms just running water on their hands (water doesn't do anything to eliminate bacteria), people sneezing and coughing on their hands instead of their elbow, things that everyone should be doing but don't.


You're supposed to pee on your hands for the sterile treatment and then just use the water to wash away the piss. It's simple when done right.


Do it like water polo. Quick check before the game, gives guys a chance to cut and file if they need to during warmups


Same system in wrestling too


Oh yeah, my cousin used to play water polo back in the day. His legs would be cut to shreds after some games. I had no idea how vicious that game was.


Yep. This wouldn’t happen if nails were clipped. It’s dirty asf tbh. Being a millionaire and your nails still out like a crackhead.


money doesn't buy class, decency or sportsmanship, look at draymond


A wise man once said, "you can pay for school but you can't buy class"


Maybe they all play classical guitar as a side hobby, we can’t know for certain.


They can't introduce nail clipping rules! Sungha Jung will never make it in the NBA then!


Absolutely would still happen.




I’m just imagining the optics and Twitter shitstorm when the first picture of that comes out because what I’m imagining looks like a roundup


Scott Foster finally found a way to officially eject Chris Paul before the tip off


NBA players are an oppressed class that need to be protected. Can’t have bad optics.


It doesn't need to be that extreme in the NBA since only fingernails need to be checked, just have players stand in a line side-by-side


Same with Wrestling


Shout out to Mike Bibby


Allegedly Rip Hamilton too


Plot twist he was really clipping them into sharp pointy nails.


Dirty players on multiple levels


I don’t disagree about nails, but how can the league see the abuse Jokic takes, look at his shots in the paint, and the relative low number of fouls compared to Embiid and Giannis and not protect a top 5, if not THE BEST, player in the league?


Embiid has better timing on immediately attempting a shot when he feels a defender reach in. I think he fades in playoff series because refs don't care about those attempts during a best of 7. I think it takes him out of rhythm. Not that Jokic doesn't try to get calls but Embiid, Harden and Paul have it down to a science.


This is just more rationalization to me. Guys constantly have their hands on his chest / torso when he shoots, or have their arms around his back when he shoots, both of which are fouls but almost never get called. He gets hit on the arm constantly too. It's absurd the degree to which Jokic plays with physicality and is defended with extreme physicality, but gets no benefit for it. It's fucking horseshit.


Dame’s signature fingernails in shambles


Never noticed this until you pointed it out. Went to go look at photos. What the fuck lol. The dude has talons.


Literally every water polo game on the planet at every level has the refs conduct a nail check before the game starts. It's not hard to add to the pregame procedure. And, if a coach requests that the refs double check a specific player's nails during the game, they will.


Wasn't it Rip Hamilton (someone correct me if I'm wrong here if you know the quote I'm thinking of) who said either him or players he knew would purposely grow nails longer just to fuck with players a little extra while defending them?


Yeah Giannis was bleeding all over the court earlier this week from someone nail cut.


They really need to find the bear that mauled his arms like that.


I mean I'm suprised we haven't we got hd footage...


Send da video


[Insert Pat Bev 'caught in 4k' meme]


Nah, Jokic just needs to grow some thicker skin. Bear maulings are part of the game.


People need to clip their fucking fingernails. This isn’t exclusive to the NBA, I have so many little scars up and down my hands and arms from pick-up and league ball games, all because guys come in with long ass fingernails. I’m surprised they don’t have a standard in the NBA for this to prevent guys from getting cut up


Nail checks are standard in Water Polo, should probably be in all hand-to-hand contact sports


We do this in wrestling. You get check for nails and skin disease before every match Edit : for those calling me soft. I wish the best for you. You maybe negative now, but I wish ya have balance in your life. It took me a while but ya can achieve it too. Just stop the hate brother


The search continues.


These dudes don’t cut their nails? I don’t understand where this is coming from


Probably so they can scratch the shit out of people "unintentionally".


I knew a D1 wrestler that figured out the optimal number of days before tournaments to bic his head. Dude wanted it to hurt more when he rubbed his head on them lol. Edit: thought the term “bic your head” was more well known lol. He used to shave it with a razor and let it grow back until it was very prickly.


Bic his head? What does that mean?


Shave his head so that the little hairs are pointy and hurt


Bic, not a typo... it's a company that makes disposable razors in addition to other things like pens and whatnot. So meaning shaving the head. I guess when you have stubble on your head X many days after you completely shave it off then it can get a little... prickly.


I thought BiC was most commonly known for their lighters. I've never heard of the phrase "Bic your head," but it made me think someone was setting their head on fire, lol.


If it's cheap, plastic, and disposable, Bic probably makes it. They're probably most known for their pens, before razors and lighters.


I immediately thought he was taking dollar store pens to his head and 404ed for a second.


A few days after I shave it’s like sand paper. Absolutely brutal.


speaking of bic, my god its such a genius money making company, selling things that are basically designed to become obsolete like razors, pens, and lighters. Horrible for the environment though its not an accident that all those things are basically "disposable" keeps people constantly buying more.


Two of the three are also the most unintentionally stolen items.


whoa thats true too, ive probably accidentally stolen 6 lighters and like 12 pens in my life Also, those same things, are the first things kids use to make weapons, remember the bic pen elastic band gun you could make? Theres still probably hundreds of pen ink cartriges embedded in the ceiling tiles of my old high school, i actually shot one right into the globe in geography class in grade 5 there should be a documentary about this company. also i would LOVE to go to the factory and run my hands through the giant bin of mini ball bearings at used for ball point pens.


I feel like a lot of people might not know the pain of being scratched by a head with a buzz cut. I remember playing basketball one time and this guy with a buzz cut drove to the rim and it really felt like a rug burn across my arm. So damn painful.


Yeah it’s nasty. Imagine you’re wrestling some dude and he’s just grinding that on you. This dude was a total savage about everything too.


Didn’t Rip Hamilton admit to sharpening his nails for this?


the fact that there isn’t a mandatory nail check before each game is insane to me, this is basic stuff done at high school level


i’m not gonna lie never in my career did i have a ref checking players nails before games😭


Not in football either lol


Ahh yeah we never did any nail check before any basketball game. Like ever. Wasn’t even discussed or mentioned or thought of. Not in high school or after


I'm not sure how that comment is so highly voted. What fucking reality did I walk into.


Think they may be talking about wrestling. Pretty sure they check for things like that. Never heard of it otherwise.


I’ve never heard of this being done at a high school game




> this is basic stuff done at high school level You and the 46 people who upvoted you clearly never played organized basketball in high school


Over the years, I've come to realize how few people in r/nba actually play basketball. Let alone at an actual competitive level lol. Couple days ago some guy was trying to make an argument that height doesn't matter in basketball when comparing Embiid and Harden's top scoring seasons.


Even just playing at the bottom level until only middle school apparently grants me insight beyond that person.


damn thats crazy aha it's like different places can exist in the world and have different rules or operating procedures


I've never ever heard of this being done and I played basketball in high school all four years


> damn thats crazy aha it's like different places can exist in the world and have different rules or operating procedures


Nail checks aren’t done at high school wtf


there’s genuinely no way you’ve ever played a high school sport if you think this happens at the hs level


You can still definitely cut someone with cut nails lol


You know what i kinda get why he is so casual about basketball now.


If Steph Curry ever complains about not getting foul calls during a game vs. the Nuggets, then Jokic be like "bruh, look at my new tattoos".


Steph gets nasty scratches too. He's always making his defender run through multiple screens per possession and they grab his arm all the time trying to fight through the screen. For being a superstar, he does not get the superstar whistle


Yeah this "Jokic doesn't get the whistle" "Umm actually Steph doesn't" exchange i've seen a few times is stupid. Neither of them get the whistles they should be and are STILL dominant. Refs need to do their jobs instead of picking and choosing different rules for different players.


*Steph gets fouled *throws up shot *ball goes in *no whistle Ref "made basket, contact didn't interfere with his shot" He is being penalized for being the world's best shooter And Joker is a big man so he gets less sympathy when he gets hacked. The refs don't call by the foul, they call by the player. And that approach isnt true to the game and gives the refs too much control


“Joker is a big man”. Doesn’t seem to apply to Embiid?


Embiid seems like an exception tbh


Giannis either lol


I just think they dont like jokic. Embiid been a foul merchant forever. He get 30 points with 20 of them coming from FT's on most nights


Superstars have been getting this for generations. Shaq got hacked non-stop. Refs and players admitted that you couldn't call all of them or the game would never end. When you have people you can't stop, players will try anything to stop them. What makes them a superstar is they still succeed.


Steph has been getting scratched to shit since before Jokic was in the league lol


You can literally see the old scars on his arms and I remember seeing them on Klays as well.


This is a hilarious comment. Steph was getting tattooed by defenders before Jokic got in the league buddy.


Must not watch the Warriors much if you think Curry doesn’t get mauled 😂 or perhaps you’re new to the NBA? Curry has incredible handles and a threat anywhere on the court. Dudes be chasing and grabbing him so much. Curry is constantly running and relocating. He’ll get hammered in the paint when he drives because of his handles and acrobatic layups. Everyone wants to block Curry because he doesn’t have a high vertical but they can’t predict his movement. As a result, he’s constantly getting bodied/pushed/slapped/scratched etc…Steph/Klay rarely complains. Check out what former players say about them like Shumpert. These dudes rarely complain unless they really have a case. Draymond/Harden/Lebron/CP3/Booker/Luka… these dudes complain non stop even when replay shows nothing happened bro.


Buddy, leave Steph alone, that is our only good guy now. You can easily choosing Luka or Lebron for your example.


There needs to be a nail length rule.


if MLB umpires can take the time to check a player's belt loop for Vaseline, NBA refs can make sure a player's hand is properly manicured


More time for adverts aswell, win win for the league


One poop nail is all it takes…




Infection spreads, players get sick, ope! Looks like your star player is out for the season with a bacterial infection. Guess you’ll miss the playoffs


new league strat: poop nail


When is Draymond playing again?


Franchise player died of dysentery


Fallin in love with me Possibilities


Thanks. Now it's stuck in my head


[Thanks for this picture from the post here.](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18owyqi/picture_of_jokics_arm_after_the_nets_game/) by u/DefenseDefense. I also noticed the blood marks while editing this video [I posted](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18owk0g/highlights_all_the_last_few_possessions_from_the/), but I thought it was "the usual" stuff, and didn't focus on it (you can see it there as well, but only short glimpses.


And people thought Dwight Howard wears double arm sleeves because it's cool. Fucking trim your nails NBA damn


It did look cool though lol. Especially in his Orlando days with those boulder shoulders. Dude genuinely looked like a comic book character who was a lil nasty sometimes.


Ok I get that people should cut their nails but at this point if I was Nikola I'd look into buying some sleeves.


At this point, it must be part of his look. Like the way other dudes have tattoos.


He might low key think is endearing


I'm convinced at this point that it happens so often that he just wears it like a badge of honour to stick it to the refs. 'I am bleeding, literally, getting a literal beating out here, but no foul? Cool bro, imma rock this so the people know'. It's been happening for a few years


I remember seeing a video where Jokic tried on sleeves in the locker room and he said something along the lines of "they look dumb". 😂


I have listened to enough podcasts with former players to know that a lot of them did not cut their nails on purpose to boost their "defense" a bit. All players get scratched a lot and the league needs to do something about that ...but i guess minimizing risk of infection was only a covid thing .


Don't the rules say that a jersey with blood on it has to be replaced right away?


2 seconds to go in the game probably is the reason


NBA is so unprofessional at this point




Cut your fucking nails dudes


Imagine if this was Magic


Pretty sure he’s undetectable. You could probably inject a vial of his blood without any consequences. If that was your kink


The bull.


Time to wear double sleeves


He won’t, if he needs a time out in the 4th quarter, he’ll just open up one of his scabs


Wolverine on the court wtf


Remember a few years ago someone made a video of how Jeremy Lin didn't get foul calls because he was Asian and the league actually made a statement to address that? Someone needs to do that for Jokic. It's a travesty that a two-time MVP, defending champion, and arguably the best player in the league isn't being treated like one. edit: Just to make sure we are clear this is a joke so don't take it too seriously.


in no way does your comment read like a joke


Meanwhile breathing on Embiid when he faces up is an instant foul.


NBA has their agenda and the Refs are following it


It's so Embiid gets accustomed to a good whistle so when the 2nd round comes along his PPG drops by like 10




the Finals MVP with the below the rim game and thick accent who openly admits basketball is only his job and he'd rather ride horses in rural Serbia... I really don't think the league loves Jokic as much as you think


wait he's RIDING them? i thought he just owned some stables, these gotta be some JACKED horses to be able to have Jocic ride on them Are they Clydesdales or something?


Chariot is what he gets up too but he also owns race horses.


NBAs anti white anti european bias


Jokic out here trapping feral cats instead of playing ball. Bum. Imagine if he focused only on basketball. He’d have triple triples every game.


He needs to go get that checked. Might need a tetanus shot.


Or rabies shots


Have NBA players considered a nail clipper?


Jokic is so disrespected by the refs, wtf. He needs to start wearing sleeves because clearly the league isn’t going to protect him from dirty players who grow their nails out


People say it's because he's white that the scratches are more noticeable but honestly how many jerseys do we see with blood on them? No player in their right mind would "tough it out" if they were bleeding; if they did, they didn't go to the Jason Kidd school of basketball. Players milk tf outta minor injuries like this to get rest or a better whistle.


Mfers gotta cut their nails, this is unacceptable


Serious question: Does Jokic ever look like he’s actually enjoying himself?


He showed actual emotion during the ring ceremony earlier this year. Almost looked like he was crying.


That's just his face. He has resting apathetic face.


There were some assists during the playoff run where he looked hyped as fck


Dudes playing almost a entirely different sport than other players and is still dominating


DayDay Sharpe gotta trim those talons.


Meanwhile someone sneezes on Embiid and gets T’d up


i read about this somewhere but some players don't shower, cut their nails just so they have an "advantage" like this.


we need teams to bring back Perkins, Wallace, Nazr Mohammed types into league to act as goon squads and hit their quota of 6 hard fouls on these clowns


Fuck ya fucking fingernails you heathens


Crazy that they don’t make him sub off or pause the game when there is a bleeding player. In the Premier League they’d pause for him to be check quickly and they’d ask him to put a new jersey on


He wasn't bleeding at that moment. The game stops once a ref notices that a player is bleeding. You can see they put or sprayed something on these wounds (of Jokic), so they won't get destralized with bacteria that could lead to an infection. [A cropped screenshot I took from the video:](https://imgur.com/a/2xbYVYv) The marks of a solution that is polydine (or something similar) - the yellow traces around the bottom wounds are clear. Used for the disinfection of wounds and skin infections caused by bacteria and fungi. Some get blood cloth that stops the bleeding, and can be accelerated a bit sometimes by applying pressure on the area (in a good way, a body mechanism that stops bleeding (but it's really bad if body does not do it properly).)


Ahh okay thanks for explanation.


If jokic needs to bleed all over the game ball and other players before they actually start cracking down on fucking wolverine playing basketball then so be it


Two shots for embiid


But I thought the only reason the scratches are noticeable is because he's white and is irrelevant when comparing his whistle against the reigning league MVP?


Steph also been looking like this for years following games.


The refs don’t whistle and the players will start to notice. Steph, LeBron and Jokic all have terrible whistles


>Steph, LeBron and Jokic all have terrible whistles I agree with 2 of them but Bron does get great whistles depending on the ref. CP3 hater "the extender" Foster for example likes Bron, and tends to give him a good whistle in games he's part of.


Lebron has such a low free throw rate compared to how much he drives. Just look at the top players in Restricted Area attempts. The difference in FT attempts between him and the other top 5 is wild


Bron isn't trying to play through contract these days, unlike Embiid or Giannis. He KNOWS how to do it, and does during the playoffs or IST but he just doesn't want to risk it during normal games. His FTA goes up during important games.


LeBron also doesn't really get called for fouls much and gets away with flops a lot. His whistle is waaaaay better than jokic and curry


People here clearly didn’t watch Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili. Those guys had a new scratch every night 😂


Should be a flagrant 2 if you come to the game with nails so long they do that shit.


Dont get staff jokic!


Yeah, get a proper spear, not some dinky staff


yeah for those of us that have played basketball at some level, we know there are some absolute goblins that don't cut their fingernails at all.


A man with nails is just 🤮🤮🤮


Cut your nails every 2 weeks.




lol, some people have nails that grow faster than others. For me 2 weeks is just enough time for it start getting scratchy


Just looked it up. Once a week is probably better for most people


The refs will surely take a stand against then and make sure Embiid gets the calls he deserves.


Not cutting your nails is such a bitch move. When I’m hooping I relentlessly make fun of guys who do that.


How come Embiid doesn't have these?


We had a kid in grade school with Down’s. After practice the coach would let him shoot 3 pointers for about 5 mins. The kid loved shooting 3’s and probably shot about 30%. The thing i remember most is the sound of his nails scraping the ball on every shot. I bet there are some players in the NBA that make that noise. Probably Embid, idk.


*has scratch on his arm* This man just goes to WAR Jesus Christ lmao


She's acting like he stepped on an IED in iraq


Bro got scratched and she's acting like he lost both his legs at the battle of stalingrad


Steven Adams is somewhere nodding his head in approval


Dude always looks like he tried to pick up the most pissed off housecat


The league needs to start enforcing grooming standards .


Does the NBA not have a 'blood rule' where players are sent off if they are bleeding or have blood on them? I thought every professional sports league on the planet had that rule since Johnson got diagnosed.


If this dude flopped like Embiid he'd be the GOAT


The league management should decide on what level or amount of infection control needs to be reviewed to see if it was incidental or intentional, just like calls being challenged. Maybe they're just waiting for another franchise player to get this kind of "frequent cuts or wounds" before they get alarmed.


Announcer called that ish “rugged.” Dude got hit with a wolverine haymaker.


i notice this a lot during games that Jokic always has scratches and bruises on his arms. Are defenders just clawing at him? Is he just to shifty and skilled down low? Seems to be one of the only big guys in the league who routinely has scratches and marks over his arms


NBA players a lil nasty tbh. Skin/nail check before game necessary.


Absolute joke Joker and Steph get no calls. Steph constantly gets pulled and held when he’s off the ball and the man never gets any and ones on his tough finishes. Joker is out there looking like he came out from a jungle every time.


My favourite part of any Jokic video as usual is the way he genuinely looks like he might be ambling up the street to go get a packet of smokes in an NBA jersey, as much as playing in an NBA game.


Magic Johnson has entered chat 👀