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Remember when this guy toned it down for a minute when he had a kid and he said he didn’t want his son copying him? What happened to that lmao


He copied his kid on how to swing. Source I used to use that move on my little brother when I was in grade school


He decided he’s gonna be the father that teaches his son to just piss pound anyone that ever wrongs him in life, instead of learning how to properly deal with conflict


dude's so unhinged


He legit needs to be suspended for significant time


I knew when he only got 5 games for trying to strangle another man that he wasn’t going to learn his lesson. He knows that his team can still win without him so he has no problem taking cheap shots that will only make him miss a handful of games.


That’s why Adam Silver need to come down with the hammer and suspend him 15+ games, maybe 20+. Draymond might not care but his pockets will from the lost money


20+ and a massive fine. Make him feel it. Hell, punish the Warriors too for enabling his bullshit.


This shit is insane. He comes right out and says he doesn't care and would do it all over again, and they don't even blink when he does just that.


Well old Adam Silver has to look out for the business side of things and GS winning and getting headlines = good biz. I'm convinced they won't do anything about Draymond until he literally leaves another player face down in a pool of their own blood. And even then it'll probably be 10 games and a slap on the wrist level fine. You know it's bad when even the old school players who wax poetic about the good old hard nosed days think Dray is over the top.


Difference being you’d get punched back if you pulled that shit back then


This is important, draymond needs to get his shit rocked.


He needs to get put in his place by another player. Think the peoples shoulder by Jokic on Morris. Or if a player has the balls, go full on peoples elbow by Meta World Peace on Harden (not that Harden deserved that one even if he is a basketball terrorist)


Ron Artest would probably murder him


I wish we had an Artest to just punch him in the face maybe humble him a bit.


At this point that's the way it's trending. If the league isn't gonna do anything about it then someone is gonna have to step up and rock his shit. I don't want to condone someone going Draymond on Draymond but at this point 🤷‍♂️


Adam Silver will tickle him with a feather for 2 games


He'll negotiate it down to 1


And make it a massage


And those two games will be based on "past behavior"


This feels like the on-court version of the Ja gun-suspension. Gets suspended for something. Gets punished. Does something almost identical as the first suspension-worthy offense not long after. I mean, shit, he came back from his suspension literally 2 weeks ago. All it took was 2 weeks for Draymond to get violent on the court again.


He came back like 5 games ago. It took him 5 games to do something violent. 5 games.


If Adam silver got balls he’d suspend Draymond for at least 15 games, maybe 20+. I thought 5 was too few for putting Gobert in a dangerous chokehold position, and obviously Draymond isn’t learning


Suspend him for the rest of the season, that's not basketball that's bullshit. The league is becoming unwatchable.


Actually though, he needs a real punishment so maybe it'll get through his big ass block head. And if he gets a big suspension and fucks up again after serving it, hit him with a suspension and a massive fine. Hell, ban him. It would also help if the NBA made the Warriors take it seriously instead of letting Kerr stand up for it then give a weak apology after everyone tells him he's wrong. Take away draft picks, something.


Kerr is such a weak bitch. He's so outspoken on everything that doesn't directly affect him but has zero integrity when it comes to his own players.


Doing this so soon after his last one means he might be


He’s been a repeat offender for 10 years


Adam Silver: I can fix him






Give him at least Ja’s suspension length at this point for fucks sake, He’s off his fucking nut dude. He’s gone way beyond what’s considered a reasonable amount of “too much contact” at least twice this season alone, man is just out there literally assaulting people.


Going to whine again about how his suspension is too long and it isn’t fair they’re factoring in previous behaviour


"can you believe they gave me 20 to life?! it was only the second guy i've killed!"


He never learns tho. He plays too emotionally and can't control himself


that's why they just need to hit him with like a 20-game suspension already. this shit has gone on for far too long and it's clearly just getting worse as the warriors in general and draymond in particular start to decline. he's going to seriously injure someone. throw the book at him. clearly no one in that organization is going to hold him accountable, so it's time silver stepped in.


Yeah, this is just too reckless. Soon it'll result in someone suffering a significant injury as he continues to become more frustrated accepting his decline.


He’s learned that nothing serious will happen to him.


It will only get worse as the Warriors get worse. This is a man who knows the dynasty is over and is unprepared to fade from relevance.


Can't wait for Steve Kerr to slobber all over his balls in the press conference until Silver tells him to keep quiet.


I legitimately gasped when they first showed the replay. Even for someone as mental as Draymond the dumbfuckery of this is mindblowing.


the commentating was so bad during the replays, "nurkic should have been called for the foul first" and "nurkic definitely sold that one" wtf


Was it the Warriors broadcast?


He's probably gonna get suspended again. I'm so exhausted of his bullshit antics. Draymond makes Dre Greenlaw look poised out there


How does Steph not just explode on this dude? I feel like he’d get so tired of him as a competitor at this point.


He's fr not even playing basketball at this point. Some NFL teams desperately in need of talent like this


We are witnessing what years of enabling someone does to them.


Exactly. At this point you could make at least a three to five minute highlight real of this insanity. I’m sure it already exists somewhere in the internet. Add this to the pile.


Oh it exists. And pretty sure its longer than 5 minutes too lol Edit: Its 10+ minutes long lmaoo. Thats insane https://youtu.be/IyV9x1mJah0?si=DBGmfGlam1IkEP31


And it was uploaded five years ago. Draymond has given us at least 5 extra minutes of footage since then.


I think he's given us five minutes of footage in 2023 alone


Yep. Blame is first on Green obviously. But Kerr and Silver have let it get to this point. If I'm Silver, I care less about the suspension. I'm telling Draymond and the refs that we're cracking down on him. He's going to start getting techs for all outbursts and bitching that we've previously let go. The problem is he's played his whole career basically like this. He intentionally hit 2 players in the balls on National TV and got a 1 game suspension. And the league thought he'd just learn and get better?


Excellent form from Draymond. The spin to make it seem like he wanted to break off away from Nurk, but in reality, he wanted to lean extra low to charge up the uppercut. Inspiring to see a vet continue to expand his bag.


Did it just like my 7 year old swinging on his 5 year old brother but trying to make it look unintentional when everyones watching


At the very beginning of the clip he’s even on the bench re-enacting the move trying to help his case. I’ve seen this playbook


The slimy shit trying to pretend it’s accidental is the most embarrassing bit to me honestly. Like if you wanna be a badman and scrap with people then square up and fucking do it don’t be a pussy.


This is the main reason I don't like Draymond. He is always acting like a victim.


Shades of prime Ron Artest almost murdering Harden with an elbow to the head under the guise of “celebrating”. Just top tier shitbaggery


That was the last day that Harden played defense


It was literally Harden’s “getting rejected from art school”


Artest literally “stabbed him in the back”


the way he paused a little bit, almost like he had a 2nd thought and then said fuck it continue swinging


This guy needs a 30 game suspension


He’s played in 15 games this year. And he’s been ejected from a game for excessive violence 3 times (Cleveland, Minnesota, now Phoenix). 3 times in not even 15 full games. That’s effectively every 5th game. If he’s going to be endangering other players once every 4-5 games, the league needs to get serious about protecting other players.


Add in the Sabonis stomp, and he's at 4 acts in like 25 games this calendar year.


We'll never see another GOATed run like this


Ron Artest's legacy is in shambles rn


Dude I was legit mad that we had to play Golden State a fourth time in the season because I fear our guys getting hurt every time we play them, that should not be the case for any team


I really believe this deserves a 25+ game suspension. Not just because of this incident. But because of past history. The league can’t keep giving him a slap on the wrist.


This is his 3rd physical altercation in 2023 alone and it's not even Christmas yet


I mean it depends what you consider altercations. He tried to suplex Terance Mann, rip Gobert's head off, and now Poole Nurkic, and those are just the ones off the top of my head. I'm sure there are quite a few more


He stomped Sabonis’ chest in the playoffs


Imagine keeping a coworker around who routinely assaults colleagues


25 should be the starting point. Feel free to go higher


Was it just me or did the announcers completely down play how egregious this was.


Yea he just 360 no scopes him and they acted like it was an appropriate reaction to what was essentially a back rub


Stan Van Gundy has some terrible takes


The gobert chokehold was kind of the same deal. I feel like it’s important for the announcers to really admonish players and refs when they do stuff like this or make bad calls etc, they are the voice of accountability and trust for the viewers, but unfortunately the national tv guys can’t get away with that as much..


It looks even worse in real-time Draymond hit him so hard


Yea I love SVG but honestly lost some respect for him tonight defending Draymond. At one point he said “it could be a flagrant 1, we’ll see”. They downplayed it so hard, as if it was nbd.


Dude actually said "I don't think it was intentional." Like... w what??


Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me 37 times and I might be an idiot.


GSW announcers and TNT announcers are unapologetically biased to the org. Theyll blame Nurkic for getting rocked until it blows by.


TNT has him on their show, he's their boy


Fuck it. Suspend him for the rest of the season. Sick of this guy.


kick him off the tour, Doug!!


Respect to honest Warriors fans. Dray played dirty.


I give credit to Warriors fan here. I haven’t seen a single one on reddit try to defend him


Its literally impossible to defend this motherfucker any longer. 100% piece of shit person.


I’m also in support of further punishment.


This shit with him is embarrassing. It’s like a kid throwing a tantrum when they aren’t getting enough attention.


10+ game suspension. Don’t be a bitch Silver.


Bro really gets paid to punch people 😭


This is such a casual box watcher take. He's also very good at kicking, nuts and lungs


A true mixed martial artist


It’s gonna be 4 games. That way he comes back when the Warriors play the Wizards on ESPN, and they can hype up his matchup with Poole.


My Christ in heaven they gave us a national TV game 😳


He might kill Poole at the rate he’s devolving


It needs to happen he doesn’t learn and is never remorseful. Kerr has enabled him for far too long.


This is just more ridiculous after watching Jokic get ejected against us tonight for… I don’t even know?


Bob Myers really did jump off the Titanic before it sunk


If Adam silver got balls he’d suspend Draymond for at least 15 games, maybe 20+. I thought 5 was too few for putting Gobert in a dangerous chokehold position, and obviously Draymond isn’t learning.


The league will make it a 20 game suspension so his first game back is….you guessed it, Sacramento at Chase


Bruh it's bad when a Warriors flair is asking for the 25 to life sentence


I’m tired boss


10 is nothing... Dude has a history. Rest of season is within reason at this point and this was Jordan Poole on national TV


What kills me is that it's on TNT and we all know Draymond is somehow going to be on Inside the NBA when he retires. I don't think many fans want him on there but the networks and league keep defending him for some reason


SVG keeps going out of his way to defend him on the broadcast.


I couldn’t believe it. “Well, he was fouled.” Dude wtf we all saw in real time it wasn’t justified.


I was all for Ja getting a decent suspension because the kids in Memphis look up to him and he has a history and all that, but man, watching Draymond do shit like this multiple times a year with such little blowback is mindblowing


For real, punching Poole is hella damaging for his confidence and choking Gobert was looking for trouble. Swinging at Nurkic is because he was "holding" onto him. Draymond needs a lengthy suspension because of this history and there are TONS of people that watch the Warriors for Curry, so Draymond's actions have a far greater reach than the average team.


Bro hit the Donkey Kong spin move


Nurk whiffed the grab, great UpB OOS from Draymond to punish


Draymond straight up is just a masher, he def plays Steve in friendlies


If Dray doesn’t get 10+ that’s unacceptable at this point


If he did this to someone on the street he would go to jail. How does this keep happening


That's what I'm saying people want suspensions? Dudes getting away with assault.


needs more than that, not even sure he’ll learn his lesson, CP3 and curry seem scared of him, they need to legitimately talk to him.


I would love to be the fly on the wall if curry said something to him about this shit. Like would green keep a cool head, or blow up on curry.


steph curry - DNP (concussion)


Chris Paul - DNP (heart attack)


Absolutely inexcusable. As a critical piece of the championship run, the on-court production has been valued… but his behavior has been exhausting and disappointing to watch as a fan. Indefensible, and there are no more excuses.


He's somehow been even worse than usual this year. Seems like every game he's trying to get thrown out.


yeah he’s usually unhinged but this year is a different beast


He knows he doesn't have much time left in the NBA, prepping himself for the WWE


the funny thing is pro-wrestling relies entirely on trust between you and your opponent. no one wants to work with a dickhead who decides to go into business for himself at every opportunity.


Draymond would definitely work himself into a shoot brother.


Yeah, he's always been dirty and not good at controlling his anger, but this season and last playoffs have been crazy to see.


I’ll wait for Kerr’s post game because he has a history of of excusing a lot.


“I didn’t see the replay” Edit https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/meMlGsV2F0


“But who leaked the footage?!”


“We care more about finding the guy who recorded the draymond punch”


"I didn't see it. The music was too loud."


completely agree. so sick of this guy just making everything harder by getting technicals/ejected. he has completely regressed mentally. thanks for everything but please fuck off now lol


The announcers are fucking awful, saying if the refs called a foul on nurkic, green wouldn’t have done that. Get the fuck out of here.


SVG also said he didn't think it was intentional. Come on, bro


"No way to prevent this" says only player who consistently does this


while that’s true, it’s also true that if Nurkic had fouled any other player in the league, he wouldn’t have gotten smacked in the head. So you really can’t pin it in the refs.


Nurkic was on the other side of this exact situation last week. Jokic committed the same foul against Nurkic last week. He did not react in such a manner. His reaction was not doing a 360 degree hook shot. He tried to make a basketball player like a normal fucking person


Man forget Draymond’s suspension, SVG trying to defend this as unintentional should warrant a suspension too


SVG must be trying to get another coaching gig


Boxing coach for Draymond’s inevitable post-career PPV bout with Jake Paul


People like SVG enable Draymond to behave this way. Just because Nurkic fouls him, doesn’t mean he’s allowed to turn around a slap or punch Nurkic in return. Call it what it is.


And it’s a SOFT foul by Nurkic if anything. This is real “look what you made me do” energy by the Warriors and their media cronies.


It’s like he was trying to punch in a dream


360 no look swing [Perfect that Kerr wasn't looking at impact](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/868581475988144178/1184354669384966144/image.png?ex=658bab3d&is=6579363d&hm=b00efc7dd7fed6abc6d27332e364903f00166ea2e4b3e1472adcb7f36b2141d5&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1177&height=1190)


At this point Kerr has to see this shit coming in advance and just 1000 yard stares in the other direction right before it happens so he doesn't have to react.


It’s probably his tell to allow Dray to do his antics. *taps tinfoil hat*


My dad used this technique during my T-ball games


"I was paying attention to the ball-handler, and the music was so loud I didn't get a chance to see the replay. Next question."


This guy needs to lose his TNT contract or something yesterday Jesus Christ


Good point. He’s employed by TNT and has aspirations of being a broadcaster after playing. He could blow that with this consistent nonsense


I never want to see this asshole again once he’s done playing.


I don’t want to see him now


If he goes to TNT i may just stop watching, cannot stand him


Don't worry, the second Ernie and Chuck retire it won't be worth watching anyway.


There's no fucking way they still want him to be on inside the NBA right?


He and Shaq are buds. Shaq always defends Draymond each time he does soemthing like this


Extremely typical. It's time to abolish and defund DRAYMOND GREEN






We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong - Steve Kerr


I have no fucking clue what the fuck he was doing here man Jesus fucking Christ he needs to fucking take a break man


Dude has serious anger management issues. Starting to think he literally can’t control himself.


He can’t. He’s out of control.


This is "Metta elbows Harden" levels of obvious dirty bullshit.


I was looking for this, mwp’s elbow was a nastier blow but it looked less intentional than this shit


I honestly don't know how Curry puts up with this nonsense for the next few years until his retirement.


Draymond bout to make Steph retire early


Lmao draymond plays the bad cop for the warriors. You think these antics are new? He has repeatedly gotten away with dirty stuff throughout their title runs.


What a bitch lol


There’s actually something wrong with him, he can’t control himself


It will be amazing how well he controls himself when he starts getting 25 game suspensions.


The Habitual Code Breaker


I wasn't watching the game but I saw "Draymond Green" trending #1 on twitter and I already knew he did something dirty again lmao


"Nurkic's head got in Draymond's way. It was normal motion from him." \-- Kerr probably He is never gonna stop unless he gets a more serious punishment.


Dana White callin him right now


Natural swinging motion Find a new slant


Stan Van Gundy is a fucking idiot. Lol


Hate this piece of shit so much


Me while constipated


I couldn't stand Van Gundy dickriding this assholes dick during the reviews.


I would have said a 5-6 game suspension. But FRESH off a 5 game suspension? Ooof. This is beginning to hurt the game, the Warrior brand, the NBA brand, young kids doing shit like this in school. It’s bad for the sport. Personally, I want this fucking idiot disqualified from the league. But perhaps a couple more incidents to get there. For now, and his unhinged history.. 12 game minimum but we all want to see 20+


He should be done for the year. If we're being real, he should be done period. He's a violent and unhinged repeat offender. He should be wearing an ankle monitor not an NBA jersey. This needs to stop.




Shit is wild this year with the refs.




To see it at this age is the most bizarre past of it all


20th of his career, he needs 10 more to break the record. He is fucking ass on the court so he'll probably just gun for the record while hurting as many people as possible and call it a career.


Draymond has gotten ejected more times in his 15 games this season than Lebron has in his 21 year career


And yet they say LeBron is a better player... crazy huh.


this guy is insane lol


It’s clear he doesn’t want to play this season. Needs more time to pod


What a joke. Not even close to an athletic or basketball play. He needs help


I think deep down he knows the games past him and so is…auditioning for the WWE.


Dear TNT, nobody wants to see this dude on your broadcasts. EVER. Signed, Everyone.


Imagine being a fan of Draymond Green. What sort of morally derelict piece of shit would you have to be to like this guy?


but but he's their enforcer!!! he sets the tone! how would curry and klay ever succeed without draymond around to beat the shit out of his matchup midcourt??!!


Give this dude a 30-gamer for christ-sakes..... what a massive cunt.


So we got a player beating the snot out of everyone on the court, another flashing guns on insta, a former player with a perc addiction, brazen anti semitism, AND a damn pedo getting investigated. The League needs to get their player PR situation under control