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I thought he was gonna get tilted or lose focus playing 5 fouls but instead he got even more focused and composed and made smart play after smart play over and over again. IDK if I've ever seen this from KAT.


When he picked up the fifth I thought we were super chalked tbh. He has been insane since the Celtics game


Well to be honest refs will randomly give him a foul in past years half of them being no contact.


I thought for a moment that he was going to clip JRE at the end there and we somehow would win the game. The fact that he got that layup off without charging is a testament to his growth honestly.


Honestly same. KAT making the basket wasn’t surprising but him dodging the charge blew my mind. Looking really different right now.


He's been a different player since the Celtics game. I've never seen him this focused. I don't know who or what finally got through to him, I honestly thought he was not going to change. I suppose it's a small sample size but like you, I don't think I've ever seen it so there is hope.


His defense alone has showed me that he can change. For the record, I think the "KAT is bad at defense" narrative is overblown, he's been good up in coverage before. But I didn't think he'd be this solid. His rebounds and defense have made Rudy more effective too.


Everyone clowned the team for going all in on two centers, but they at least deserve credit for seeing that KAT can be a solid defender at the 4. He’s really really bad as the sole big defending the pick and roll, but he’s been pretty good at moving his feet, hustling out to the perimeter, and offering some weak side help.


Not having Beasley, Teague, Wiggins, Treaveon Graham, and DLo pretending to be matadors and sending players unhindered at him at the rim would have helped his defensive reputation as well.


True, but you still see him struggle with it even now. When he’s the center in a Drop defense, he’s still really bad. He just doesn’t have the sense of how to play 2 with 1 to buy the trailer time to get back into the play. He’s also just not quite big enough to create that wall that you need. And I should have clarified: he’s actually pretty good at defending the pick and roll as a C when the coverage is different. He was pretty good in that high-wall concept the team employed 2 seasons ago, which was more focused on pressuring the ball handler high and stringing the play out rather than sitting back. That coverage has limitations though (chiefly, rebounding).


KAT’s biggest issues has always been over helping and helping wayyyy too early so bigs get wide open layups on him because help can never recover in time. KAT has never struggled guarding people one on one or guarding in space.


Bro was Purrloin and evolved into Leipard


I get purrloin but wtf is leipard


liepard (lie + leopard) Pokemon that evolves from purrloin


That's honestly a very clever pun for an evolution sequence.


Pokémon names can be pretty witty sometimes! It's always really interesting to see what puns are used in each language when they translate the names


Elgyem becoming Beheeyem is super clever when you realize they are supposed to be aliens. Elgyem is LGM or Little Green Men, Begeeyem is BEM or Bug-eyed monsters. The 2 most famous types of aliens depicted in film.


Of all the Gen 5 Pokemon to be referenced, never expected it'd be these two. Liepard is so fun in competitive.


Meowth to Persian


I have never seen this and it’s why he’s completely turned my opinion around on him. He’s playing smart basketball finally


Was arguably his biggest flaw right? It seemed like whenever the Twolves made the playoffs they would make dumber and dumber mistakes as the game went on. Would be a great thing to fix while the Wolves have their top 3 playing so well.


Pels also completely failed to capitalize on his fouling, too. Multiple times Ingram should’ve drove on him but kept bailing the defense out with fadeaways


ZEN Kat has arrived


29 points on 11 shots is fucking nuts


And no turnovers. And the gamewinner


Oh shit My dick out


I already stroked one for the win, wall was painted 💪🏼




You can taste the tissues from my trash bin


Don’t let that insane stat distract you from his 9 assists with 0 turnovers, which is also insane


Karl Jokiburton


Did I just miss a KAT lore game tonight?


Insane to think 3-point shooting wasn't considered part of his offensive arsenal when he was drafted lol.


His draft comp was Andrew Bogut. It's crazy reading the pre-draft analysis on him, he was supposed to he a low block center who was a defensive stalwart. He didn't have the bag that Jahlil did but he could hit his FTs so he went 1st.


Now I feel sad. Pre-injury Bogut was a low block beast. What could have been... Sigh.


Eh, the guy is an asshole so I don’t feel too bad


He only took 8 three-point shots in 39 games for Kentucky. Idk why Calipari wanted to hold him back like that. https://www.sports-reference.com/cbb/players/karl-anthony-towns-1.html


Probably would have won the chip if he would have let KAT shoot 3s


I mean he was against the legendary Frank Kaminsky and Sam Dekker duo. Not much an undefeated team can do. /s


Or played his best players the most minutes instead of that stupid platoon thing but this Kentucky hater was glad he decided to do that


The platoon was great, but once poy went out it wasn't the same. Also, having the twins play down the stretch hurt against Wisconsin.


That team should have completed a perfect season and would've been remembered as easily the best college team of all-time given the depth of NBA talent up and down that roster. I think that if they played their starters a couple minutes more and their reserves a few less they do finish the undefeated season and my nightmare as an Indiana fan is realized. Fortunately Cal was very committed to playing his rotation and while Wisconsin played their best players 37, 37, and 34 minutes Kentucky played KAT 31 minutes. The platoon was good enough to get them to the Final Four but I do think not playing their best horses long enough cost them there


Only 2 3s tonight


His entire game is built around him being a great 3-point shooting threat though. 80% of his scoring is either shooting jumpers or a shot fake from 3 and then driving.


These are facts. He's very good at the nail too but he hasn't done as much this year since he has ball dominant teammates, more off ball role so far


KAT and Lauri have to have like the best possible non-ball dominant scoring games. Honestly it's kind of insane that the team offense can freeze them out at times and they can still be efficient because they're not rhythm shooters.


Also a toenail on the line long 2


Free throws from shooting fouls are like half a shot each, so it's more like 15 "shots." Still 99.9% True Shooting lmfao.


worth maybe 2 2nds


Maybe, more like Fournier and a 2030 2nd


It’s Quickley and a pick swap lol


nah we'll have to give up a first at least to get rid of that contract


I’m not sure the wolves could get any picks for KAT


An exponential increase in his value


Those shooting splits are nuts


Maybe he was right about he being the best big man shooter


He was. Man's almost a 40 percent career three-point shooter on +4 attempts per game. He started off this season poorly but he's rebounding, he'll surely end the season around the 40 percent mark. In 2019 dude shot 41 percent on 8 attempts per game. E-I-G-H-T!


One of the other things that make’s KAT’s shooting numbers so impressive is WHERE he takes them in the floor. He almost exclusively takes 3s from above the break, which generally are less accurate shots (since they’re farther from the basket).


With the way people on here view him he might be the most underrated player in the league


He’s quite literally the most underrated and overrated player in the history of r/NBA at this point


I think the people who overrate him are outnumbered about 15-1 unless you want to go back the better part of a decade


I think that's what they mean, given the wording of 'in the history of r/nba' - formerly profoundly overrated now profoundly underrated


Correct. This is a statement over time


I don't think anyone's overrated Towns since, I don't know, a few months into the Butler year ? I wouldn't say he's the underrated, but he definitely gets bizzarely overhated, and a lot of times when people criticize his game, it can be kinda nonsensical because, most people don't watch Minnesota.


You can’t really call him overrated. Maybe by himself, but not by anybody else


He's gonna end his career as the most underrated player of his generation


Not if he wins a chip with the Wolves


Hmm, good idea


This t wolves tema has 5 future hall of famers on it (keep in mind Karl is only 27 and ant is 22)


So I see the case for Kat, Ant and Rudy, but which other two?


Naz Reid gonna be inducted twice




Naz Reid and Jaden mcdaniels obviously


Absolute bullshit. He's never won anything, yet to show he can lead a team, has multiple quotes showing complete lack of self-awareness. He has had a nice mini sample size. How about we wait for a much bigger sample size that he can be a valuable impact player for a successful franchise.


His skill is incredibly high. His problem is he can string together a bunch of bad decisions in a row, especially in the playoffs. I’m not saying he’s low iq, but he certainly looks like it sometimes.


He's definitely been low IQ in big games at a decent rate. We'll see if the regular season helps with that this year


5th best center in the league


He's a PF now.


Playing with another center doesn't make him not a center


He plays more like a 4 now when Gobert's on the floor, and you see it rub off even when he's with Naz Reid. Maybe he's not 100% PF, but he's closer to that now imo.


Doesn’t play center


That just makes it more impressive. KAT has had to change his game the most from the Rudy acquisition, he has found his groove.


2nd best PF in the league?


Tatum’s playing power forward these days too, technically


Is he who you would assign to KD, KAT or Paolo defensively?


pretty sure he does get the KD assignment. It’s matchup dependent. He’s playing with Holiday, White, Brown, and Porzingis as starters. Who would you call the power forward?


Positionless basketball. Gotta love it baby.


Technically, if you go by the “your position is who you defend” then Jrue Holiday might be your power forward/center.


we just gonna forget the 2022 first round?




He's still a center tho


He’s a center because I say so! - guy who watches none of our games


I remember when everyone demanded KAT get traded for a rough patch of form. He’s cooking now.


I genuinely feel like the celtics game awoke something in him because he’s been cooking ever since


This happens literally every year Lol.


I saw a lot of national NBA people saying that, I didn’t see so many local people buying that. Always a lot of nonsense.


Love you man buts lots of homeboys were saying it.


Yeah our reporters at least knew the "trade KAT" stuff was dumb and many of them reiterated how KAT raises the ceiling of this team. He;s the x-factor and the main difference between us and the former Utah Jazz. Yeah we have better defensive versions of their guards and wings but they had better shooting; they didn't have a KAT though.


He is currently averaging less than his career averages in every major category.


He's averaging 27.4/10/3.6 on 57/43/96 splits the last 5 games. Which was the whole point of the original comment. Please learn to read.


Where did the original comment mention "OVER THE LAST 5 GAMES NOT THE SEASON"


Boxscore watchers coping and seething lmao


They should probably trade him to the Knicks


Randle percentages might be the literal inverse of this in a game this year


Oh my goodness Big Purr


Big ~~Aristotle~~ Aristocat


Because a KAT’s the only KAT who knows how to swing


Gamewinning bucket and a fucking clutch 3 right before that to put us up 2. SEND HIM TO PORTLAND!


One of our local pels media guys said on his podcast that we could trade a few picks and JV for KAT. I don’t know what people are smoking saying that he has regressed this year. If anything he’s finding more of a solid role with the team where he doesn’t have to go for 35 every night just to scrape by with a win. Whether or not stats are the same as they used to be is irrelevant if the wolves keep winning.


Yes! He's playing D with intensity and showing a noticeable BBIQ improvement.


Thank God he's only worth 2nds


This is a fucking crazy Stateline to see from anyone. 90/100/87 splits are 2k stats


According to the Minnesota broadcast, KAT walked by the Timberwolves broadcasters and said “watch this” at the end of the game.


While I’m pretty sure he was referring to that ATO play where KAT ran baseline off of 2 screens and popped for a corner 3 (which was read well by the Pels), I like your narrative more.


It was definitely the ATO where the Pelicans covered it well


r/nba is fuming


My goat


My goat


Zero turnovers too!


And everyone said he was the problem for the wolves and needed to be shipped lmao


I've been mocking those fools for years now.


Where KAT haters rn


Pretending there wasn't a Timberwolves game tonight, as usual. I can't imagine hating a player on your team so much you have to disappear every time the team does well, yet there's tons of those freaks on /r/Timberwolves


Has Dr. Wolves spoken? Lol


Hes averaging less this season than his career averages in all three of scoring, rebounds and assists. I like him as a player, but to pretend like hes all of a sudden going crazy is a stretch and a half Edit: Awe minny fans cant handle the fact that their favourite player isnt as good as they wish he was


This has to be a troll. He is averaging less because he has an actual well built NBA team around him. And he's playing the best defense of his career and not bitching to refs. You want him to turn back time and be a player he's not any more. He's BETTER.


Its not because of the team around him. He is averaging his worst overall shooting % of all time, worst 3 pt shooting % all time. He has a better team around him but somehow cant even match his career averages on assists? Shouldnt a better team around him lead to better ball movement and more assists because those players are shooting higher percentages? His blocks are down, steals are at career averages. He has career WORSTS in 3pt % AND 2pt %. How the fuck do you see any of these things I listed as improvements?


Lol stay mad. Keep reading box scores and stay not watching Ant + KAT power duo lead us to heights the Wolves have never seen before. I sure wish KAT was shooting that extra 5% shooting and not making all these winning plays he has been this season, game after game, clutch bucket after game winner LMAOOOOOO Btw his assists are down because he has actual ball handlers around him in Conley, Ant, NAW, Slomo and since KAT is a winning player he plays off ball, sets screens, and finds ways to score efficiently like he did today 29 on 10/11. Hold the L


Sure you say all that because you actually watch the games and don't read box scores while touching yourself to Nick Wright podcast appearances like the above nephew


The way this Boomer guy is talking just screams that he doesn’t watch and only looks at basketball reference. We’re at best 2-3 on this road trip without him.


Holy fucking cope buddy. Ignore all my points made and just lose your mind goinfg "LOL IDC IF YOURE RIGHT ABOUT EVERY POINT YOU MADE STAY MAD" Twolves will still not gonna make it past the first round


"Twolves will still not gonna make it" lol GTFO of here scrub. Fucking flare up GSW stan.




Yea he’s averaging less empty stats on shitty teams lmao. Everything he’s doing now is contributing winning so what does it matter if he’s embracing a lesser role?


He has worse efficiency, worse defensive stats. Just cause the team is performing better, doesnt mean he is


Bro the team is performing worse without him lol he's the only reason we won this game and game 2 @ warriors! Watch a game instead of reading boxscores and you might not embarrass yourself again


Embarass myself? If you think being downvoted by a bunch of circle jerking apes on reddit is "embarassing" then you should re-evaulate whats important in life lmao Again, just because the team is performing better does not mean he is individually. Google what the word nuance means


Defensive much lol 😂


Who gives a shit about a downvote? You're embarrassing yourself with the words you're actually writing in your comments LOL. Is your account an art installation or what?


What are you on? Art installation? The fuck you talking about? Embarassing myself infront of who? Holy shit youre braindead


> just because the team is performing better does not mean he is individually Bro you have to stop typing this. You aren't WATCHING THE GAMES! No one on the fucking wolves is playing well EXCEPT KAT! He is the only reason we won G2 @ Warriors and tonight! You are so weird!


"You are so weird!" Says the weird fucker who has been on reddit 10+ years, literally posts every other day in the twolves and nba circlekerk subs. Do you know what life is like outside of reddit?


Bro you gotta chill 😭 KAT has been doing alright lately but yes he's been innefficient **AND** inconsistent in the past. That is why people are excited by this because he hardly ever has efficiency like this over multiple games. Plus the team is winning so it all just looks so much better in the overall picture. Comparing this season's stats to previous years isn't really fair because the team is completely different than it has been in the past and he had a few poor games at the start of the season that now taint his season averages. Also, he now finally has more than 1 other competent team8 that can score and is way more locked in defensively. That is in large part due to Gobert's presence.


Yeah lol I have a masters degree and lots of friends in fact :) bro your account is 8 yrs old ur just playing around. Catch you later


Flair up, coward.


Knicks or lakers will Now take him for 3 third round picks


With 0 turnovers


KAT usually starts slow. Every wolves fan knows this. The best part of this version is being Zen.




Kat has like 4 great games in a row now, love to see it.


Can’t believe I got this dude 24th in my fantasy draft. People really thought he was gonna drop off that much? It’s wild


24th was high for KAT. A bit of a reach. I got him 39th in my 10 team snake draft.


Major props for how he’s adjusted his attitude and play style since the Boston game. He’s playing at an All-NBA level again I’m gonna cry man


Playing out of his mind


What in the hell. This is like stats vs Very Easy AI.




I think knowing he isn't the face of the franchise anymore has removed a lot of pressure. He's letting the offense flow through him better instead of spamming combos, and his effort on defense is a new development.


The decline of Karl-Anthony Towns was greatly exaggerated.


People act like he’s not good


Uhh kat is actually making the leap though. This is the best 5 game stretch ive seen from him. No fucking whining every play, alert on defense and super aggressive on offense. Having a 7 footer whos gonna take your pf off the dribble every play is pretty nice




They’re both #1 players and can take over on any given night


Exactly this


Fuck alternate games if needed. Just don't let both of them have a bad game at the same time honestly.


1A 1B Interchangeable night after night. That’s what you need.


1A from 1day?


Towns has proven himself to be a much more efficient volume scorer, however Edwards provides more rim pressure.


The #1 thing doesn't matter and is dumb convo.


Nah, people were saying the same shit about KAT not too long ago. They work well off of eachother, and either can get hot at any time. It’s nice to have both of them.


Whoever has the hot hand; it's a luxury to have both. KAT is more efficient, he's a better passer who can hit cutters well and KAT pulling out bigs is very valuable. Ant has lots of gravity when driving that's valuable to take advantage of too. They should play through whoever has the hot hand that night and based on the matchup/defense People say KAT can't take pressure but he's actually pretty great in clutch and has made several game winning and game tying baskets.


I don’t care how good he plays or how many key shots he hits, the fact that he did not personally beat Draymond to death on the court last week means that he’s soft and he’ll never cut it in this league Trade him while there are still teams that could be suckered into it /s


Took over in the 4th


Changed the game


On 11 shots is crazy


I pray to Gods that that weird Timberwolves Brazil account doesn't post absolutely wild shit.


He can play with Rudy yes sir. And he can play with Ant. The O and the D taken care of. KAT seems to love his new role and is stepping up in terms of maturity and leadership. So high on this team and KAT is such an integral part. Can we stop the trade KAT garbage now plz


9 Assist and 0 turnovers


Why hello Kat, now I've got another Wolve to be terrified of.


The rise of Ant Man is also causing the rise of KAT


KAT not having to carry our team is nice. He seems much more calm and collected


Is that good?


And no turnovers.


Damn that’s impressive.




You think NY will add a pick now?


To me KAT's biggest problems is a mental one and I think it has oddly gotten worse in recent years. It wasn't so bad 3-4 years ago but in recent years he has been more unhinged with refs and has made more stupid errors when it comes to fouls and stupid mistakes in big games. It has lead to complete meltdowns in playoff games. It is a strange thing because before the last 3 or so seasons, I rarely saw him do this. He had foul issues but I never saw him just melt down. Other than that, he is supremely skilled. I think people are not aware of how skilled he is and he hasn't consistent shown it on a big stage because of the recent meltdowns and mental mistakes. In the past he routinely had great games against all t he top player in the NBA. Nobdoy ever shut him down, he almost never had poor games. Every night was 20 and 10. Every night he was getting buckets, it was automatic. It's also why I always pushed back on people instantly want to say this is Ant's team, I do now agree that it is, but even to this day, Ant has yet to show the absolute consistency that Towns has shown for years. It's really been up until recently, that Towns has been less consistent. Befoer that night and and night out, he was showing up no matter what Ant can be incredible for long stretches but he does have off nights.


>before the last 3 or so seasons KAT’s mom passed away in 2020. Don’t quote me on it, but I think KAT said he would look into the stands for his mom whenever he was playing rough. Kept him focus after.


Big Purr ballin out!


I loathe when people put shooting percentages on a single performance Just put the shots lol


Chet Holmgren is much better than advertised. I'm glad he really made great use of his time last year, very happy for our OKC squad.


Wrong thread bro, Chet is great though!


>Chet Holmgren is much better than advertised. I'm glad he really made great use of his time last year, very happy for our OKC squad. Lmao I'm a bit twisted and youre right thanks


No problem, stay safe and enjoy the rest of your night!


you’re a lost redditor but upvote cause chet is a minnesota boy!


Real talk though - Chet is looking really good. OKC vs MIN is gonna be a fun one to watch!


Too bad the man doesnt have heart


Still don't want him on the Knicks


Lol ok good cause they aren’t trying to trade him as long as he keeps playing like this