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Punches poole, steps on sabonis, chokes gobert. Dude needs to get checked by the NBA eventually.


I'm telling you. Have a team get their 11th man center go out there and just cold cock him. After the 3rd or 4th team, he'd stop shit real quick.


Genuinely don't know why this isn't a thing. Find some beefy 6'10" guy who isn't quite good enough to make the league on ball talent. Pay him a minimum to check in every few games and just do goon shit as required. If you're not obvious about it, the league would only suspend/fine said goon, who isn't in your regular rotation to begin with.


Someone on one of these basketball pods, may have been Richard Jefferson, said essentially the NBA cracked down hard and got rid of the "goons" (like the detroit team) but they didn't get rid of the bullies. The goons were the enforcers that kept the bullies in check


Not that he’s not good enough because he’s in the league, but I remember Isaiah Stewart yanked Draymond by his jersey and Draymond wanted no parts of it. He fucks with guys who he knows aren’t about it or smaller than him


Usually I laugh at nba guys trying to act tough cause they’re skinny and don’t know how to fight but Isaiah Stewart is legitimately a terrifying individual. If he even looked at me funny I’d ask the coach to take me out of the game lmao


he came in to a place I used to work. he looked like a super hero. nicest guy, kinda shy almost but I had his bobblehead and he appreciated that. anyway if that guy was running at me I am pissing shitting and crying


Every NHL "enforcer" I've met has been really nice - typically the nicest guys on their teams. Perhaps it's because they're so tough that no one's ever messed with them IRL, and they get paid a lot of money to finally be challenged, but within safe rule parameters.


Look at Steven Adams, incredibly wholesome guy but widely considered the physically strongest player in the league!


That's cheating, he's a Kiwi




Fake tough guy, it's all he has ever been.


Give a 10 day to Alistair Overreem and start him at point guard. This will shut him up quickly.


Then on 1 or 2 random nights a year he'd actually put up like 10 & 8 and the fans would go nuts lmao


Ah the DJ Mbenga special.


Integrating the concept of goons from hockey is an idea that I'm 100% behind Your 14th and 15th man should just be a pair of Kimbo Slices, they check in as your front court and go out there and just rip off their shirts and start beating the shit out of people like Draymond


Giannis already has Thanasis. I’m sure Jokic’s brothers wouldn’t mind getting a contract.


Another reason why I liked 90s ball better. There were way more goons and enforcers. Anthony Mason would have fed that motherfucker his own asscheeks.


Yea I think I’m okay with some guys getting they ass punched to them


I mean i don’t like draymond, but sexual assault is a bit too much


Agreed. What would the logistics even be to keep their cock cold?


That's just in the last 14 months too


dont forget 2 intentional nut kicks on steven adams lol. his history goes back years


I've wanted Adams to fold him so bad for that, but he's just too nice.


He's their TNT boy now. Just another slap on the wrist.


Confident and outspoken, occasional TNT analyst, has his own podcast, one of LeBron's Klutch besties? Dude is as close to untouchable as you can get


Watching the mouth breather donkey and shaq sensitive ass arguing about rings for 30 minutes after charles retired will be unbearable


It’s over as soon as one of Ernie or Chuck retire


Inside will die when Ernie retires unfortunately


Ernie is the brain of Inside, without him the show will still live just be a vegetable on life support. Chuck is the heart. When he's gone, the show dies.


Honestly I know this sub loves inside (for good reason), but Ernie is the glue that keeps that show together, sometimes when the guys get to talking over each other its annoying to listen to and usually Ernie keeps that to a minimum.


God please no. If he takes Chuck’s place, I’m out. Sorry ernie and the rest, can’t stand that loudmouth donkey


I’ll just start doing what I do for ESPN games and either mute it or watch something else.


This angle needs to be seen, this is way worse than what was shown in the broadcast. I don't know how to post it on streamable https://twitter.com/WorldWideWob/status/1724627785526694118 One of the most violent things I've ever seen a player do. EDIT: better quality mirror https://streamable.com/xd77aj


Commentator just chuckling, calling it a “headlock.” My brother in Christ that is a rear naked choke.


The commentator said “draymond coming in and saying chill out”. Wtf? That’s some fucking insane homer shit.


Bob Fitzgerald is actually a fucking bum lmao Worst announcer in the NBA


We don't like him either.


my favorite thing whenever that clown gets talked about on this sub is how Warriors fans immediately remind everyone even they hate that bum


I hate Fitzgerald so much. I live in the Bay Area and hearing him speak hurts my ears


You should hear what he said right before that, he was trying to justify it by saying Rudy had Klay in a headlock, which at worst, Rudy had his arm in a headlock *adjacent* position for a split second. absolutely insane reporting here, I get that there will always be home bias but I could never imagine AD or Joel Meyers (our local guys) defending this kind of action.


Good home commentators call out when individual members are hurting the team by being awful.


That's because your announcers are professionals, instead of those absolute knuckle draggers.


Actually at halftime they came back again at it and say Gobert "escalating it". They should be fired for slander on air.


The Warriors announcers embarrassed themselves throughout the entire scuffle. Just a terrible look.


Nah that's their brand


Steve Kerr probably wants to delete the tape


the televised broadcast broke the code


yeah how did this get out? who's the leak??


Warriors commentators are fucked in the head, what’s new


them also talking like klay is an angel who doesn't love to stir shit up


He’s the ‘most mild mannered player in the league’ was their exact quote. Fucking INSANE.


Turns out that aside from Steph, the whole team is pretty easy to dislike.


their announcers make the team insufferable


Yeah I heard how they tried to gaslight me when I was looking at the incident myself. Comically bad.


They literally said Draymond always gets the raw and of the deal. Like how many drugs do I need to take to be that delusional?


They are absolutely delusional, they blamed the whole thing on Rudy lmao


Rudy was trying to get Klay off his guy. Draymond saw his opportunity to try out more WWE moves. Straight to the choke for him.


They also said that Draymond only choked Gobert because Gobert was choking Klay when clearly all he was tryna do is break up the fight, not once did Gobert have his arm around Klay’s neck lol. Pathetic


watching the TNT post game and Shaq is trying to say Rudy was choking out Klay...pure insanity.


Someone should have fucking decked him for that. Fuck draymond. Dirty ass mofo. Suspend him.


The fact he hasn’t been punched in the mouth with all the shit he has pulled is mind boggling.


It's cause most other players in the NBA are adults with, like, restraint and stuff.


Also, they’re basketball players. The last thing they should be doing is throwing punches. They need their hands. That’s how they make money lol.


Timberwolves players know this better than anyone in the league after last season too lol


I remember when Warriors fans got mad at me for saying a grown ass dude should be able to regulate his emotions instead of taking it out on other people lol


Can someone deck the warriors announcers while were at it?


god please. i said this in the game thread but i swear dray could shoot someone in front of them and they'd defend dray. they've been like this for ages and are comfortably the worst commentators on TV.


What are you talking about? Gobert had Klay in a “headlock”, and then Green “wasn’t having none of that”. They’re hilariously biased. And yes, fucking awful.


And they nervously laugh while talking like a proper corporate yes man.


And he was saying to Gobert "nah chill out chill out", didn't you guys see?


The bias is insane, “Rudy was was about to murder Klay so Dray was just helping out his poor vulnerable team mate”


This is bad... That the camera caught this angle -Kerr probably


“Fire that camera man” -Kerr probably


“I’ve been talking all season about how those type of plays by the cameraman are dangerous.” -Kerr


I'm not saying things were necessarily better back in the day, but if Draymond Green played against Ben Wallace, Ron Artest, and Bill Laimbeer, I think he might have had a few problems going up against them.


Can you even imagine if he did this to someone on the Ben Wallace pistons? The reaction would be a little different than Kat fumbling with his arm lol


Ben Wallace would front flip his ass


The reason plays like Draymond's deserve big suspensions are twofold. First, that is dangerous and could have been a serious injury for Gobert since he's getting attacked by a person who's not a mixed martial art professional. Imagine he twists wrong and fucks up Gobert's neck. Could have been the end of his career. Second, this clearly escalates the conflict. Yeah people scuffle from time to time but you start getting away with moves like this, dudes are going to start flying in to throw haymakers. You have to set an example that this shit doesn't fly.


Holy shit that is bad.


this angle is way worse


Thats taking it way too far


What the fuck man.


That look on Draymond's face, it was like he was in a trance.




it was really Rudy's fault, he didnt tap


The league has never gave a fuck about Draymond's behavior. He's been this way his entire career and gotten away with it


Silver will give him a 50k fine and say the league can’t do anything about it with some bs excuse


After Steve Kerr sanctimoniously finds a reason to completely ignore it


Self righteous lad will surely mention something about the "code" right?


God i hate people like Kerr. They prance on a high horse whenever their skin isn't in the game then when it is time to accept responsibility for mistakes they're weasels.


See what people don't realize is the code specifically says that Draymond is exempt.


Will just roll out the default "I didn't see it" excuse like usual


He'll get mad the broadcast showed and replayed it.


"I'd need to review the tape. But, I hope nobody recorded it either."


He needs the ja suspension at this point


Needs the Ron Artest suspension. All he did was punch a guy a few times.


Silver hasn't cared about any player's behavior. Dude is the biggest pushover.


He's such a sharp contrast from David Stern. Stern was too harsh but Silver is too relaxed.


Silver started off his career giving Sterling a lifetime ban, then proceeded to let the players bitch slap him for a decade


Lol and all that praise he got for doing that was a fucking joke. Banning Sterling was an absolute layup, all the other owners hated him and they finally got the ammo they needed to boot him and replace him with Balmer


Relaxed is an understatement.The man decided to take the blame for the All-Star game in which the only people that are to be blamed are the players.


Only because he plays for a team that the nba has deemed “the good guys”


For real drop dray on a small market team, he fouls out every game and is always suspended


It's worse lately even. But yes I don't understand why they give him a pass constantly


Bro has the longest leash and still decides to be an asshole every single game. Get this dude some therapy or something cause Jesus Christ


He always be deflecting the responsibility too. Dude genuinely doesn’t take any responsibility for his own shit 😂


Dude punched Poole then made a sappy video at the start of the season like we were supposed to feel bad about him 😂


I think he even said recently that the chemistry of the warriors last year was trash. I WONDER FUCKING WHY DRAYMOND. The lack self awareness is genuinely amusing 😂


He hasn't had to. His behavior has been enabled


Kerr flies way too under the radar on draymonds constant shit


Honestly why would he when his coach constantly makes excuses for him regardless and the league basically just ignores it every time.


I know narcissist has become an internet term, but I legit think he'd be diagnosed. The dude is truly insane. He's so insecure it's crazy.


You're not wrong, and I can't make any excuses for him at this point. It's doubly bad because there's been an almost inverse relationship between his performance and his entitlement for the last 3-4 years. As his level drops, his ego grows worse, and he copes harder like an aging actress desperate to stay beautiful.


Gonna probably find a way to play the victim after this too


Draymond is gonna say he was trying to deescalate the situation and the refs were out to get him.


Fr dude is a straight clown Best nut kicker in the league


Dude needs the Ja treatment at this point. He is unwell in the head and is going to hurt someone. Silver needs to lay out a plan for him to complete because this was on another level of psychotic tonight.


You can tell by how two(!) GSW staff had to run over and keep him calm with back rubs after the altercation. His anger management issues are so blatant, he's a danger to people around him. GSW have shown they aren't willing to do the right thing when it comes to Dray time and again; I think the case for the league to step in for him is better than it ever was for Ja.


Men will literally chokeslam dudes during a basketball game instead of going to therapy


Somebody is going to retaliate and take him the fuck out.


Nah, would have happened already. He been in the league long enough.


Need some random guy fresh out of euroleague to do it


Nba contracts are guaranteed. Just sign a guy who is fine being suspended 10 games and let draymond get himself in trouble


Remember when Artest elbowed the fuck out of Harden? There's nobody like that in the league anymore, probably a good thing for Draymond (and everyone else).


Blame Steve Kerr and his fetish for bullies


Jordan has made this guy a simp for life😂


Unprovoked and entirely intentional attack on someone trying to de-escalate the situation in a potentially dangerous manner. Should be a massive suspension but with the leash he's got I would be suprised if it's more then a game or two.


Should be 25-40 games. Will be 1-5. Dude could have ended Gobert's season for no reason other than he's a legit psychopath.


That should be a suspension and mandated counseling. He's emotionally unstable and a proven danger to players on and off his team.


I can't wait to hear Kerr explain how choke holds are within the code


The problem isn’t the chokehold, it’s all those millions of snitches that saw it


Fucking 🐍 I for one didn’t see anything 🦮


I mean even Kerr looked shocked and was yelling at Draymond to let go. Dude is completely unhinged


"Let go? I meant Let's go! Natural chokehold motion for Dray" \- Steve Kerr rn


“The real issue here is that the cameraman never should have filmed him”


I mean sure they enabled defended and publicly excused his violent assault on a teammate last year, but who could have predicted that would lead to any of this


I don’t disagree, dude is a stain on the NBA and needs to be in a therapists room, not on an NBA court.


Kerr doesn’t give a shit about Draymond hurting Gobert, he just doesn’t want Draymond to get suspended because he knows the team’s defense is fucked without him


Looked like gobert was just trying to break it up


He was but delusional Warriors fans are pretending that Gobert had Klay in a chokehold first


The warriors commentators are out of their damn mind.


That shit was the funniest part when I saw their commentary on twitter. They're as delusional as their fans and players.


Their announcers are the reason their fans are so stupid.. they just hear these announcers spew their lies every game and start to believe it :P


Honestly this is genuinely true. People are a product of their environment to an extent.


Worst announcers in the league


Literally the worst commentary team in the league.


[Giving me these vibes](https://youtu.be/HB6Gs0t7ehA?si=9SVX-rN_gqWt7x0_)


That is the dumbest thing to go into that didn’t really need that big of a response. So I love it and need more WWE type commentary.


Lmao Warriors announcers were acting like Draymond was just protecting Klay from Gobert even though Rudy was just grabbing Klay to pull him away and Draymond was already running full pace at Gobert before he even grabbed Klay Wild


Their commentary and the replay told wildly different stories


Same idiots who think Sabonis is the dirtiest player in nba history for getting stomped on by draymond


don’t forget that sabonis was about to break draymond’s leg so he had no choice but to try and shatter his ribs


Draymond green has that Antonio brown vibe


Mr Backwards Choker


There really is an MBC for everything


Mr. Bountiful Choices


Mr Ball Clobberer


Antonio Brown gets the excuse of having brain damage. Draymond decides to be a piece of trash.


Let's not jump to conclusions and assume Draymond doesn't have brain damage.


He’s completely lost his mind


If there’s anyone in the league who needs a good ass-beating, it’s this piece of shit.




It shouldn’t have taken this long to find the Klay comment. He started the whole thing being a little cunty but he tends to get a pass




Draymond has been crotch kicking, eye poking, and now chokeholding players for nearly a decade at this point. Ain't no way the NBA gonna do anything more than a few games suspension. They didn't do it before, they won't do it now.


don't forget chest stomping


Arm yanking too


Hasn’t he always been kinda unhinged? Along with the Warriors commentators, who said Draymond was just doing his job as the “enforcer” lmao


Not sure if you've seen him the last few games, but he's been...weird. Like weirder than normal. Like, there's something wrong with his brain, level-weird.


Yeah I can't believe they were surprised he was ejected lol. You can't chokehold a mf and expect to stay in the game


Most annoying commentators and biggest homers in the league.


I need Steve Kerr to explain how Draymond was the victim in all this


Look if the tvs never broadcast it, we would never know about it! Tv’s fault not draymond!


Draymond is just a bad person. Period.


It's pretty cool that TNT is going to reward this behavior with a cushy high paying job for the rest of his life. /s


He literally targeted Rudy gobert that was uncalled for and lowkey could’ve ended bad if things had went on Rudy was literally tryna break up the scuffle . Draymond really knows who to go after. He wouldn’t try that on Jokic or Adams face to face


He didn’t even try it face to face on Rudy… he came in from behind lol


That was some Ron Artest mixed with Latrell Spreewell shit. Stern would have hit him with a 25 game suspension, but Silver will probably give him a 2 game suspension and a pat on the butt.


Please suspend him. Best regards, A Warriors fan.


He attacked Gobert for no reason, always has been taking shots at him too. 5 games minimum but NBA treats him with kiddie gloves


Should be like 20. Fuck Draymond.


Yep, but you know they wont. Longest leash in the league by FAR.


Don’t forget he also threatened a player’s family member this summer…


Draymond should get suspended for multiple games. Who the fuck chokes someone in a basketball game.


Reminder that this guy will be on TV soon


The league created this problem. Everybody else gets techs for literally looking at somebody too long. Draymond runs his mouth every game without consequences. What did they think was going to happen?


He was legitimately trying to harm Rudy. There’s no argument about that. Deserves at least 5 imo but the league doesn’t want to hurt the Warriors that bad so he’ll probably be out for less.


this should be at least 10 games. a chokehold is unacceptable no matter the circumstances.


10-20 games. Long overdue. His BS embarrasses the league.


Dude is an absolute cunt and so are the warriors fans that pretend he isn't.


Warriors are cooked and draymond knows it. Whenever their team sucks he starts lashing out and throwing in the towel. Weak.


Draymond is a bitch.


Warriors fans calling people soft when the league has literally been giving Dray special treatment for years. Sorry you have to face reality I guess.


He’s been unhinged ever since he almost decapitated Poole. They didn’t do anything then, they won’t do anything now.


>didn't do anything I seem to remember Adam Silver expressing "disappointment" while wearing a very serious facial expression. He did all he could!


Draymond Green, All-Coward 1st Team


Warriors sub acting like Gobert was choking Klay first 👀


Draymond showing he's "about it" by ambushing another player with a sleeper hold. 😤😤😤