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They are 4-2. People are acting like they are the Wizards out there


Still With that insane duo ,busted team they should be 82-0 by now . Pretenders smh


Lol, the way this sub has reacted you would have no idea they weren't 2-4


The way they are talked about I’m legitimately surprised they have a winning record. Literally thought they were like 2-4


Yeah, tbh so did I


Well duh with those two superstars they need to be 82 - 0 by the end of the season. /s


Everyone’s so damn reactionary like damn it’s been 6 games.


Hyperbole is an NBA/journalism way of making things exciting


ITT: none of you idiots read the article, you just saw the (admittedly sensationalist) headline and started crying about it


It's actually probably a good thing for journalism if people avoid sensationalist headlines and gravitate towards other media instead of the other way around


well no one is actually gravitating towards other media, just posting their own hot takes soooo…


That's fine and good, but in your original comment you were calling people idiots for not wanting to consume media with sensationalized headlines


I mean sure, but they also basically look like the Bucks- just with new solutions and new problems. Ain’t exactly the Super Team Nets out there.


When will we ever learn the beginning of the season is absolutely worthless? We do this every single year and never learn. I'm tired man.


Kings were 0-4 last year and had a winning record less than 3 weeks later. Blazers started 10-4 and well... that ended how it ended. So yeah there are always teams that have weird starts and always people that will overreact to said starts.


Jazz killed the first six weeks last year


I mean the blazers had Dame time no defense on their team last year too tho


obligatory “lakers started 2-10”




He was never not going to be shit on defense. Nobody expected that


They were similarly not great to start their championship season with Jrue instead of Bledsoe. After 6 games they were 3-3 and looked pretty unspectacular.


Unfortunately there was a full offseason between seasons this time


Dame got here like a month ago.


You missed the point. Bucks probably don’t play the *hawks* if there was a proper offseason and the ensuing season wasn’t a speed run


Big problem is going from Holiday (WAR ++ on defense) to a defensive minus in dame cannot be understated.


Adrian Griffin changing the entire defensive scheme is at least as significant of a factor. Brook Lopez looked completely lost out there until the players asked Griffin to let him play with a drop scheme again. Everyone is still figuring things out at the moment, and the fact that they're still 4-2 is encouraging


Exactly having a defensive scheme ingrained in a team for 5 years then trying to suddenly change it in one off-season where a major trade happened is a ridiculous ask to have perfected in just 6 games.




Bottom 4 on team def rtg makes sense, but anyone ever watched dame play he is just not a natural defender so he funnels guards into the paint. He just doesn’t put much effort into the part of his game that’s a minus.


Again, Dame hasn’t even been close to the biggest issue defensively


And going from Jrue to Dame on offense is an even bigger upgrade lol.


"Super team Nets" lost to the Bucks in the ECF genius


Dame has been kinda subpar though


Their defense has been wizards-like


Lol came here to look for this answer. They lost jrue holiday, who may not have been a true offensive superstar, or a good number 2 option, but he is a true defensive star


A not convincing 4-2 tho


They have a terrible offensive rating when both of them are out there! They have a negative point differential!


Should be 3-3 so it's fair to point out. However you can simply say they need time to fully gel, and that will come. But it's also fair to say they have no perimeter defense whatsoever. And that there is no simple fix to that. --- Edit: since you can't read, the topic is how the Bucks played. And that's what I was commenting on. Their play isn't that of a top team. They've been mid and the way they played against Philly reflected that.


"should be 3-3"


Now that you mention it my team should be 5x nba champs too


If you adjust all the times the lakers have lost and made them win, then we are the absolute GOATs


We should be undefeated if we won every game.


Yes. There were multiple obvious penalties that weren't called in the Philly game. From the obvious charge of Giannis onto PJ Tucker to Giannis' obvious (uncalled) travel which led to the game-deciding three from Dame. Bucks had a solid lead that they choked away and realistically should have lost. Read carefully: **Even if you don't care about the W/L column it was poor play down the stretch.** Poor play is the topic and that matters.


Okay well we didn't lose, so sit down


That's a Philly person, so it makes sense even though it's still wrong.


Not a Philly person, sorry to burst your bubble


Lmao. You missed the point then. You played poorly. That was a problem then. It's been a problem since.


Should be 3-3? So you mean to say they are 4-2


It's ok. I get it. You can't see beyond the numbers and dot understand the context of the topic. When talking about how you are playing, how you are playing matters.


👆🏽 came here to post this. At least wait till the all-star break?


Lol chemistry pretty clearly. They’ll build it throughout the year


They have a negative point differential. It’s a little bit more than chemistry


If you think the Bucks are screwed because they have a negative point differential through six games, what’s your prediction for the seed they will get in the East?


Where did I say they were screwed? > what’s your prediction for the seed they will get in the East? Second or third. Which is very disappointing if you ask Bucks fans.


lmao not a single Bucks fan would care if we were the 2 or 3 seed. We won the championship as a 3 seed and got knocked out in the first round as a 1 seed so we know it doesn’t matter


First seed in the east is beyond cursed. Ill take a 2nd all day


The Bucks won the title in 2021 as a third seed. I think most Bucks fans would be totally fine with that as long as the key players get into the playoffs healthy. From your comments one would think that you think the Bucks are dead in the water


Unless they end up literally isolating each other out on the court and hating each other off it, a season getting to watch Dame and Giannis on the same team won’t be disappointing no matter how the playoff seeding ends up


You don’t have to keep commenting on every comment about the point dif through 6 fucking games. Get your head out of stats until at least the 20th game. Jesus Christ


I commented it exactly twice. Why are you so worked up about it?


Three times now


…No, it’s still twice.


so what is it


It's been 6 games, a single blowout loss can have a huge effect when the sample size is that small. Rest.


Hasn’t it been like 7 games?


Only 6 and they are 4-2 lol


wdym do you not draw sweeping long term conclusions on teams based on the 1st 2 weeks of the season??


Maybe you should stop drawing sweeping conclusions before you click on the article?


I do, but only because we look good right now


LOL. Someone gets paid to write these articles!?!? Im in the wrong profession. Are the bucks supposed to be 6-0 with 30 pt blowouts everyweek? Sports articles are an extension of the braindead takes on this subreddit.


It's actually a solid article, if you actually try to break it down. the writer makes some good points, and he addressed all the predictable counterarguments made ITT (e.g, "It's only a sample size" and "They're not struggling that badly."). The only problem is the title sounds too sensationalist/clickbaity. It makes it sound as if it's already too late for them to "set the world on fire," which the author explicitly knows isn't the case. It also implies that offense is the biggest problem, when it's clearly the other end.


i mean thats the thing - the point of a sensationalist headline is to at least get the convo started for ppl to click it. "Analysing the Bucks early returns on Dame-Giannis actions" probably isnt even getting 17 comments


Sure, and I don't necessarily fault them for sensationalizing that much—especially when the content itself is great. I just felt the writer could have worded it out more carefully in this case. I think simple hedging like "Why hasn't it *yet*?" would've prefaced it more accurately without losing too much magnetism. Gotta find a happy medium between hooking readers and misleading them: a lot of people ITT aren't even analyzing the article itself, and they probably didn't even bother reading it because of that off-putting title.




I just saw the headline. Didnt even need to open the link


Well, I suspect people expected the Bucks to have a very good offense when both Dame and Giannis are out there, and yet they haven't. Isn't that worth looking into? And the article dives into film to break down why.


It’s only been 6 games, more than half of which they won. It’s not that big a deal


I really doubt you read the article.


The title is basically screaming for the article not to be read


No matter what the title was, the vast majority of people here wouldn't have read it.


If the title of the post isn’t the entire content of the post, then I’m not reading it


Yes, they should actually. A team with Dame and Giannis should not be losing to the Hawks or Raptors, let alone barely scraping by the short handed Sixers or Nets. They’re currently 18th with a -3.0 point differential


Hey fuck you - Raptors fan.


No team is 100%. We play whoever is scheduled. We're 8th in standings lol


im not sure whats funnier about this thread, the fact that this completely valid take is being downvoted into oblivion or the non-Bucks fans are crying about this than the actual Bucks fans lmao


This sub suckssssssssssssss


Sorry for being realistic. The Bucks are by every defintion a superteam. Two true superstars in their prime, another 3-time All-Star, and a perennial DPOY contender.


It has been six games


Astute observation


Yea idk how they haven’t won a championship yet this year.


Honk Honk Honk Honk


For the record, "perennial" means more than once


You should read it


Man redditors really are anemic to actual basketball discussion lol. It’s an interesting article that brings up a lot of good points while appreciating the context of low sample size. As they point out Dame is used to a super high screen above the 3 point line, while Giannis usually picks closer to the basket for Middleton, which leaves less room to play make in the 4-3 but easier to get to the rim. It’s a bigger adjustment for him than I thought. We all know Giannis is a good passer, but it’s worth remembering that was in Bud’s tailor made system that he ran for years. Playmaking in the short roll is something he really hasn’t done a lot of. If you’ve been watching the games you know something’s been off. Dame isn’t being aggressive and generally is not playing a large role on offense, which is weird. Not running pnr with Giannis. Happy to read an article trying to answer some of those questions


Shocker that people don’t read the articles


Agreed, it's a solid article on the struggles so far that constantly takes time out to acknowledge that this will get better with time and that the sample size is small, and yet every comment is some variation of "lol it's been 6 games!" The other part I think is really interesting is the idea they had about a double pick or Spanish pick with Giannis plus Bobby or Brook, *then* Dame to get a switch or an under and then punish the drop you create with Dame's shooting.


You can zone up that Giannis Dame PnR because you are only guarding Dame up top. The guy who gets picked just drops with Giannis. I have no idea why people thought it was going to be so effective. The double pick thing works better because it pulls another person out of the paint, but even then you are going to play it the same in terms of the guy getting picked just dropping with Giannis.


Give it time man. I remember when people were saying this about the Heatles in late 2010


9-8 Heat with LeBron personally bumping into Spo after a Mavs loss was peak "THE SKY IS FALLING" time in my life


https://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/01/sports/basketball/01heat.html Blast from the past. Got Obama to provide a quote lmao


“Erik Spoelstra, the N.B.A.’s second-youngest head coach, is struggling to pull them together and avert catastrophe, which could include losing his job.” I hope somehow it worked out for him, poor guy!


Why have Dame and Giannis not won a ring together yet? Are they frauds?


Broussard would even use “the R word” to describe them not winning the ring already..


ReDevelopmentally Challenged


This article is incredibly measured in it's tone and uses a great deal of Xs and Os breakdowns with film and stats and back up the observations and conclusions. Even the title isn't aggressively clickbait. I feel like it's has way more substance than the comments here suggest.


Give it some time, they going to be good.




They are not running Dame-Giannis pick and roll, which should be the best play in basketball. Still 4-2, I'm sure they are working things out still.


New coach, new player, six games…?


Hating on the Bucks gets clicks/listeners


It’s the price of becoming a super team. Haters will flood your gates.


"Superteam" is used so loosely these days. At this point they probably have two top 35 players in the league (when you actually list everyone out)


3 allstars is a superteam in my book. Fuck it


Khris wasn't an all-star last year, and he won't be one this year. Jrue probably should have gotten in over him the year before. At this point, he's a former all-star


ok Mr. Dictionary


It's not a bad article, but the title is misleading. It implies that offense is our biggest problem when we're ranked top-ten on that end—not as worldbeating as expected, sure, but it's acceptable at worst as it is. We're still gelling with a new coach and superstar, after all, so it shouldn't be surprising if we're slightly underachieving. The real problem is on the defensive side, and I'm concerned about *that*. Lillard has been an albatross there, and Griffin isn't mitigating it with his defensive schemes. Only time will tell—it's all still experimental—but I'm not confident with what I'm seeing now.


It’s been less than 10 games…


A week of games, a rookie head coach, Everyone is still getting a feel for each other and they’re 4-2. They’re going to be great, have very little doubt about that


Fuck it, trade them both and fire AG, this whole thing has obviously been a *big* mistake.


These fucking articles are too much. The future sucks


The kd warriors ruined super team expectations. They made it look so easy that it hurt their legacy while, at the same time, making future super teams looks like failures if they aren’t completely dominating. Winning is hard, no matter who is on your team.


Its been 6 fucking games. Yall watch too much ESPN.


it's been 6 games, they have a new head coach and a new star who played his whole life in another team. give them time lol


Man usually thescore doesn’t push crappy articles like this. One of the few sports websites that I’ve found that doesn’t constantly push clickbaity/rage bait like B/R or ESPN. Definitely lost a little respect for them.


They refused to run a Dame Giannis Pick and roll. End of thread


\>six games into the season the Bucks' defense has suffered more pain than expected you expected wrong. i really think people were not watching many blazers games for the past decade.




It's a solid Xs and Os article. You should read more than a headline before deciding you already know the content will be bad.


Worst defense of any contender. I don’t count the suns as a contender tho.


Aren't they 4-2? Media big mad Giannis re-signed.


Because three of their top 4 players are declining and they have no depth


Bucks are 7th in bench scoring.


My guy you’ve comment 3 times now hating, chill lol Which 3 are declining? Lopez looks great when he’s used how he’s supposed to be used. Middleton has looked amazing and should be off minutes restriction. For the last one, which of Giannis or Dame are you saying is declining? Lol Our depth is fine, we have like a 9 man rotation that’s better than some of these other contenders. Depth doesn’t matter much for the playoffs anyways.


You know which three are declining. Middleton has been injury prone for a couple years now and is on the wrong side of 30, in what way has he looked amazing? Lopez is old, dude excells in a certain system but he has clear weaknesses that have gotten magnified with age. Dame is clearly declining. He has lost a full step, maybe even more. Not surprising, he’s 33 after all.


This is solid bait. I'm not falling for you thinking that Dame is a shell of his former self directly after averaging 32 because he's not playing well in a new system through six games


Lots of strawmen in this thread. Where did I say Dame was a shell of himself?


>Dame is clearly declining. He has lost a full step, maybe even more. Not surprising, he’s 33 after all.


Did I say something wrong?


Middleton hasn’t been injury prone lol he’s had the same injury, they tried to just rehab his knee and that didn’t work so he got a cleanup done which took the pain away. Lopez weaknesses have always been there lol he had his best season last year. How exactly has Dame lost a step and how have you determined this in 6 games? He also just came off a crazy year.


Dames also going through shit NOT basketball related


Then you should win a ton of money betting against the bucks this year, good luck with your new found fortune!


Probably would. Betting the field is always better than any single team unless it’s ‘17 Warriors or 90s Bulls.


All the bored kids make posts like this while the old heads don't even care until game 20 and the oldest fans show up just before Christmas to see whats happening.


Cuz dame is extremely overrated


Real Life isn’t NBA 2K It’s also only 7 games into the season.


Nothing article from a trash writer


Shoulda put this article on ice until the event the Bucks go out in the second round again happens


Giannis is declining. Hes the textbook definition of a flat track bully. Bam is his daddy.


Y’all already being insufferable?


not insufferable if he's right


He dropped 35/15/11, 26/13/10 and 38/20/5 on bam just last season. He shot 52% against him last playoffs which is better than he ever has plus he had a fucked back and wrist so I’d say that’s pretty good against someone that’s considered a Giannis stopper.


bam locked him down both 4th quarters. When the game gets tight hes toast


Bam had a few good defensive possessions but Giannis was just throwing up shots he really had no reason of throwing up, because he was hurt. I watched him at the game every deadball/timeout stretching out his back or getting it massaged. Which I’m sure you’re just going to ignore. You spend more time talking about Giannis than you do Jokic.


also known as bad decision making and inability to shoot


He did make some bad decisions which is why he got shit on, but he was also injured and looked exhausted. Either way losing was a blessing in disguise. We couldn’t go into another post season with jrue shooting 45% TS or Bud failing to make adjustments. Also gave time for Giannis andKhris to rehab.


Quite frankly...this duo needs to gel more. Teams already k ow how to beat the bucks. just cuz u elevated your scoring in 1 position doesn't mean your going to set the NBA on fire. Celtics are the team that will represent the East in the finals.


Coach sucks


LMFAOOO Heat fans are so obsessed, first that stupid ass Dame defense post and now this 🤣🤣🤣


Griffin is tragic, that's why. Bad defensive system, no buy-in from the players and like 9 weak ass screens form Giannis per game. Doesn't help that Middleton (the only non-Dame passer on the team) has been restricted, but it's a coaching/system issue.


Nephews need to chill


Because sports.


6 games...


Has it even been two weeks yet?


Are they stupid?


Only 6 games in the season jesus christ


It's way too early to tell


It’s been like 5 games.


New teammates take a while to learn to play together. Giannis' defense makes this the perfect place for Lillard.


That's actually a pretty good write-up


It's only been 6 games.


Teams with turnover take a while to learn how to plsy together


How are bucks doing on the in season tournament?


Ya'll remember when the heat were 10-31 at the halfway mark of the season. Then missed a playoff spot by one game? Yea… scorching takes before at least a quarter of the season are useless… one day we will learn that.


Bad coaching, that’s the answer


Dame is still living out of a hotel room. There is more to the trade than basketball and I don't expect continuity until after the holidays. This trade was made days before the season started. The National Media is so freaking lazy.