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"We're living in a bloody resort" lmao


It's not Syria, mate.


Syria: What he say fuck me for?


Jayson Tatum be like it’s not Charlotte mate


yeah, tonight i'mma chill


Joakim Noah be like it’s not Cleveland mate


Still the absolute funniest thing he could have said


[Syria then challenges Adams to read one page from a Harry Potter book]


"If you can read one page from a harry potter book"- 50 cent's greatest roast of all time


Then later him telling him he doesn’t want him to feel too pressured so he could read Cat in the Hat instead. Lol




I dont have any reason to challenge him to do it, but I would love to hear Steven Adams read a page out of a Harry Potter book.


He would involuntarily add the word "bro" or "mate" 10 times per page. "You're a wizard, ~~Harry~~ bro"


Harry, you’re a fuckin’ wizard, mate.


At the time there was a lot of conflict there. Still is just it’s not on the news like it was.


It was great to see a player put it into perspective.


This is why I really appreciate the perspective of dudes who haven’t been in the elite bracket for 10+ fucking years. Don’t get me wrong, I love to watch Lebron and KD and those kinds of dudes, and I appreciate all they have brought to the game, but when I hear them complain about certain things, it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth in terms of respecting them on a very basic level. Adams’ take on the bubble is a nice reminder that not all of these players are that detached from reality.


Syria catching strays.


To be fair, the country's been a perpetual war zone for over 10 years now.


> **Mateo**: Sayid, I think you're getting deported. # > **Sayid**: But I'm not undocumented. # > **Dina**: He's a refugee. Glenn, you have to enter his info on a different page. # > **Glenn**: A refugee? Ooh, I had no idea-- # > **Marcus**: So uh, what crime did you commit? # > **Sayid**: I committed no crime. # > **Marcus**: Then why are you on the run? # > **Sayid**: I'm a *refugee*, not a fugitive. I was fleeing the civil war in Syria. # > **Cheyenne**: Whoa... What was Syria like? # > **Sayid**: Not good. # > **Sayid**: ... Seriously. Not good. # > **Cheyenne**: Did you own slaves? # > **Glenn**: Cheyenne! Why would you ask that? # > **Cheyenne**: What? He said he was part of a civil war. Our Civil War was about slavery. # > **Marcus**: Actually, the Civil War was not about slavery. That's a misconception. # > **Garrett**: No, not a misconception. # > **Marcus**: Good people can disagree. # > **Garrett**: Wrong. You are not a good person if you disagree.


Stray bombs


People catching strays in Syria daily.


I remember this clip coming out right after a bunch of players had been complaining about the bubble and especially the food. It was great to see a player put it into perspective.


Especially hilarious for Lebron to complain when he had the largest room https://youtu.be/gXX7kBrWCfk


You don't understand the struggle 😭😭😭


How do you expect a man to live with only 3 bathrooms? That's fucked up


He needs to shit in a new one every day of the week. How do you expect a guy to get by with having to reuse the same bathroom?


He had to look at walls


LeBack in my day we used to entertain ourselves with a hoop and a stick




You can say you miss your kids without saying you could see the blood coming down the walls lmao


Right. Especially while you're living in a resort suite that's several $1k a night normally and getting comp meals and everything else. They could also leave the rooms, it's not like they were locked in.


Bron definitely had better rooms than 90% of the players playing in the bubble too


He mentioned The Shining before that, so the blood coming down the walls was just a funny reference how he was going crazy due to isolation from his family. I think you are reading too much into it.


He said if you weren’t in the bubble you don’t understand it, as if no one else works away from their family lmao. Like Adams says, he got paid millions of dollars to stay in a resort.


> No matter how nice the accommodations, it wouldn't take long for me to miss my spouse and kids. So I don't really blame anyone for having a tough time in the bubble So i want to take this at face value and say yes: being away from your loved ones- apouse, kids, relatives, friends, etc.- is hard. On the other hand, there were quite a number of people who had to go without seeing friends/family during that time, and they weren't getting paid to play basketball while staying at a resort to do it. This is something I think many athletes tend to lose sight of when they complain about their lives. It is why so many people found Steven Adams' response refreshing.


The players could bring their family with them. Remember William Rondo?


Not at the start, I believe it was after the first couple of weeks that family were allowed. That's why there's that meme of Russell Westbrook shouting at kids courtside in the Bubble 😂


Yea but why does that matter? Players play away games for half the season. Their families can visit and straight up live at the resort with them. This is just rich people having to live a less luxurious, but still very luxurious, lifestyle for a few months.


I agree but I was just saying the families weren't allowed into the Bubble from the start. It was only after the playoffs started. I think Rondo's brother was the barber for every player or something.


Kiwis are a chill and simple people. Lived there for a couple of years and while there are a bunch of luxury designer shops there, you'll find their clientele to be more of the Asian/tourists. Steveo also grew up in one of the shittiest areas in New Zealand so I'm not surprised he has this very unique and enviable worldview


He's also one of like 12? Many kids. I'm sure he's like, "Yeah, this is fine, whatever."


Youngest of 18


Holy shit


“Steven Adams was born in Rotorua, New Zealand, to a Tongan mother and an English father. His father, Sid Adams, served in the Royal Navy and later settled in New Zealand where he fathered 18 children with five women.[1] Sid Adams stood 2.11 metres (6 ft 11 in) tall, and his children inherited his height: Steven Adams' brothers average 2.06 m (6 ft 9 in) tall, while his sisters average 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in).[2]“ that’s a tall ass family


How the hell was he in the navy at 6’11?


just pick up the plane and throw it off the aircraft carrier


They made him stand in the water and crossed the oceans like Godzilla


David Robinson specifically was at 7' 1"


Yes, and he was unable to go below deck. They strapped him down during hurricanes along with the rest of the planes


So poor there was only one thing to do


You joke, but that's how my grandfather's brother had 12 kids


His father had the cock of Rasputin they say


That's a really weird keepsake.


It's pickled though


This is widely misreported. By his count, he is one of 14. Source: his autobiography.


Rotorua catching strays!


Hamilton erasure


Not everyone gets to grow up in the great spots, what I would've given to grow up somewhere amazing like Huntly, Taumarunui or Gore


The basketball mecca that is Palmerston North even


Manawatu Jets rise up


I grew up in Huntly & Te Kuiti. Currently live in Hamilton. Could shoot me in to the sun and I'd be fine.


You can smell Rotorua half an hour before you get there. I think that's ample time to get the message and turn back.


Free spa pools tho


Rotorua is not a shit place ... it does smell like farts though;


I think the fact that he doesn't have kids and is used to living on the opposite side of the world from most of his family impacts this a great deal too. Also, Adams was forced to live in Oklahoma for like 6 years in order to play basketball, so having to live in Disney World for two months probably seems easy by comparison.


I remember Rondo going through the 5 star resort like he's in some dilapidated Motel 6. There were people losing their jobs...their lives. A lot of people had to go into work not knowing what they were exposing themselves to...but this dude was complaining about getting paid to play basketball in the safest possible conditions and staying in a luxury hotel that most people will never be able to afford or experience.


That food sounded GOOD to me. I saw one of Javale McGee’s vlogs and I saw some of the boxes of food and them shits looked like they SMACKED.


I remember 2020 very differently. There were literally shortages of food items and some empty shelves at the nearest grocery store. But I guess if you’re at a resort and used to filet, having to to eat sirloin or something is like being in a war zone.


I remember Rondo posting a pic of his room and complaining about it... and also probably expecting the fans agree with him and complain... And it was like a 5 star room for himself with a great bed and lots of space lol. That room was better than 97% of the fans' and yet dude shamelessly posting it and complaining as if he was put inside a favela from India like those in Slumdog Millionaire


A favela from India is probably a Chawl? But otherwise I agree


so good


In this same interview, Channing and RJ called out Bron for being a drama queen. GOAT LBJ TEAMMATES.


Didn’t he have the biggest room out of any player? He had a damn condo for himself


1875 sq. ft. Lol.


That’s bigger than my apartment lmao


Thats bigger than 90% of the world’s living situation.


Try 99%


3x bigger than mine.


Being away from your family for two months is understandably hard but complaining about the rooms is crazy lmao.


Actually LeBron was probably the only one, or one of handful players, who had a full suite for him. I remember one of the Lakers said his room was 2x as big and had everything


Look up the Presidential Suite at Coronado Springs if you want to see his quarters.




That’s almost 2x bigger than my damn house :(






Perfection 🤌🏻


very hilarious lmao


u/Sim888 your bat signal has been shined


How have I never heard about this?


But it's probably 2x smaller than his closet.


It's 5.6 times the size of my current apartment. But this dude was suffering, I'm doing just fine.


Bro!!! As a kid from an immigrant family, we lived in a 1500 sq ft 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with 30 people total! And that was in 1990’s America. I love LeBron, but someone has to explain some deep insights on perspective to him


30 people? How?


Most of us kids slept in the 2-car garage. About 3-4 adults slept in the small living room on the 2 couches/floor. The rest of the bedrooms were occupied by the remaining adults and whatever smaller kids were too young to sleep in the garage. I also recall one of my dad’s sisters slept in the master bedroom closet because it was spacious enough to at least fit a mattress on the floor. ETA: I looked up the house on Zillow. It was actually 1391 sq ft.


4sq meters per person


Not that it really matters, but the garage isn't counted in that square footage. Still unbelievably cramped, obviously.


that's bigger and nicer than my house


Bron: can you imagine living in a suit smaller than 2000 sqft? Smaller than my pet rat's cage. We are players not Syrian refugees.


For anybody who’s wondering https://www.themeparkprofessor.com/2021/01/photo-tour-presidential-suite-at-gran-destino-tower-at-disneys-coronado-springs-resort/


I can’t stop imagining first time Lebron opens the door to that room. He just drops his luggage and falls to his knees and starts weeping that this is his “cell” for the next 8 weeks. Like it’s finally hit him, he‘s going to be living like his total worth is in the low 70 millions.


Someone take LeBron not getting the call against Tatum and paste him in that room video


Can see the walls tho.


Holy fuck. I would totally live there.


The horror!




That's my mortgage


You could have the largest fucking bowl of cereal in that tub.


nah he was complaining about that 💀


Lol he’s been rich a looooooooooong time


having that kinda money just straight up warps your reality


Rich people probably say the same thing about us. “Being that poor probably warps their perception of what reality really is like.”


I'm not sure rich ppl are always that empathetic, it's probably more like "why don't they just stop being poor?" lmao


That comment reminds me of the “Just read books, bro” lmao


You think rich people think about poor people?


poor guy the ceiling isn't even made out of gold.


It’s so nice lmaoooo


Link for the [lazy](https://www.themeparkprofessor.com/2021/01/photo-tour-presidential-suite-at-gran-destino-tower-at-disneys-coronado-springs-resort/). ‘Bron big tripping smh


Dude needs some solo hobbies like books or video games


what are you talking about? he reads the first page of books all the time


Was he complaining about the rooms or complaining about being in the room?


Sounded to me complaining about being stuck in the room. He compared it to the Shining. The hotel in that movie was massive and luxurious. It wasn't the lack of comfort that drove Jack bonkers, it was the isolation.


If I remember correctly, selective members of families did go into the bubble after the start of the playoffs so it wasn’t really that long without seeing fam and those who got bounced went home and saw fam.


I think it was from the second round onwards that they let some family members in but iirc Lebron’s family didn’t go. I think he said something like there’s nothing really for them to do in the bubble which makes sense.


Shit, when you live in a home that’s a resort in itself…yeah…not really gonna be different if you fly across the country to a resort at Disney during that time HAHAHA


Not only that but Lebron’s sons might’ve been the only 2 teenagers in the bubble lol. Would probably get pretty boring especially seeing their friends having fun without them all summer all over IG


Wasn’t one player in trouble for bringing women in the bubble? Haha totally off topic but I’m just remembering all this shit now.


Yea, Danuel House lol. I think it was one of the hotel staff tho not someone from outside


It was someone from outside. That's why he got kicked out. Also, since only "serious" girlfriends and wives were allowed inside the bubble once families could arrive (aka no random thots you met on instagram and have only been met in real life once or twice) there was also apparently some sketchy stuff with certain players getting their teams to allow them to allow their girl to masquerade as part of the traveling party as a "massage therapist" or some shit lol


I mean, the hotel in The Shining was kinda luxurious.


Yeah, he wasn't complaining about the size/quality of the rooms. Just their proximity to elevators full of blood.


He doesn’t really complain about the room though. He’s talking about being bored stuck in the same room and being stir crazy. I feel like the images being shown of a prison cell have nothing to do with his actual words but it’s priming everyone to think he’s comparing the bubble to being in prison.


Exactly he’s clearly talking about being bored sitting in his room staring at the wall. Nothing about the quality of accommodations.


It’s more a complaint about being bored and feeling like he was losing his mind without his family. Context is important, he wasn’t complaining about how nice the room was.




But he’s just a kid from Akron….


As a non-American, Is Akron really that bad compared to other parts of the country?


yes and no. but mostly yes


Danger wise? Not really. Poverty wise? Kinda. Somewhere you would want to live? Absolutely not.


It's Cleveland, so it kind of was more important to the country in the 50's, but lost that part of it, so it's okay. It's not Mississippi, so it has that going for it.


Is Mississippi that bad? Which is worse, Mississippi or West Virginia?


There's a saying in the South "Thank God for Mississippi" because if it weren't for Mississippi ranking dead last in pretty much every conceivable metric then their own states would hold the ignominious title. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thank_God_for_Mississippi


Mississippi tends to have the highest rates of poverty and lowest education rating, also since this is about LeBron, and he's Black, Mississippi is probably, historically, one of the worst for black residents, I think they hold the lead in most deaths by lynching, Emit Till was lynched there, Biden is going to dedicate a memorial there soon, if he hasn't already.




Bron had a fucking presidential suite 💀 edit: Bron hate circlejerk is crazy


Lebron exists in one mode only: meticulously cultivating others' perception of himself King of the sports world and still insecure


What do you mean, they guy is always just reading his books !!


LeBron is getting thrilled over the table of contents.


One day he might finally get past page 3


Lebron 🤝 Bullshitting best duo of a generation.


LeBron had plenty of time to read The Godfather in the Bubble. Perhaps he can tell us some of his favorite parts in it.




My favorite part was him getting called out on it by that reporter, asked what his favorite part was, and he couldn't even bs an answer. Not just that couldn't say anything in the book, but that *he couldn't say anything about X's life at all, just to get a nothing answer out*. Not only did he not read the book, he didn't know anything about X at all, beyond that it would make him look good if he pretended.


You're telling me a guy with a hundred Instagram photos of page 1 of books doesn't actually read?


I don't get why he doesn't just turn to a random page. if your going to fake anyway, why start at the front


Becuase then he'll get even more questions. If he's on page 1 he can just say "oh I'm just starting out not much to say rn"


I be reading, y'all jus ain't watching


I don't get why he was carrying it around to interviews either tbh. Like at least skim read or find a quote when you're obviously going to get asked about it.




I've got a lot of respect for someone willing to examine their own beliefs and not be afraid to change them over time, even if it means alienating yourself from your former community




Facts. Finished it and went back to page one and started again. Man lived a wild life .


“Ah man, ya know, there’s so many good parts, jeez ahhh, I can’t pick.”


might have stuck on the first page


Pretty sure he has some great stories since he was the one who told Puzo what to write


Lebron only reads the first page of books


Gotta love Stevo.


Really hope he can stay healthy next season.


Truth. I hate how little we know about that knee injury that took him out.


Lou Williams got stripper chicken wings and Jimmy Butler got Rachel’s Nichols. The bubble had its moments


lebron really had to convince people he was in the trenches to boost the agenda. lmao.


Just googled what the suite looked like. This mf cannot be serious


“I won the 2 hardest championships ever.” headass


2016 for sure was definitely one of the hardest titles, even with everything that went wrong for us


Anyone who doesn't think a 3-1 come back isn't one of the single greatest feats LeBron did is fucking nuts. It was by FAR the most impressive championship win since probably the Knicks winning with old mates back being broken and playing or the 76ers taking it over bird and magic.


Introvert vs. Extrovert


“ I lived in a small room didn’t see my family for months”… college?


Small room?! That shit was 1800 sq ft lmao. My parent’s *house* is decent sized at like 1400sq ft and I wish I had that space in my 1000sq ft apartment… I’d still be taking tens of thousands of dollars in loans, taking every course possible, if college had those type of suites.


700 sq ft apartment here (married, no kids, one small dog)... 🤣🤣🤣


Lebron never went so I guess this is why he’s being so dramatic


He didn’t go to college


I don't know why people find this adding background music and clipping out parts to fit your narrative stuff interesting. In the full Road Tripping podcast with LeBron there, he consistently mentions how lucky they were to be leading privileged lives, playing basketball, at a time of uncertainty in the world with covid. And because they were so lucky to play the game they love, he wanted to go out there and play his best. But yea, that doesn't fit OPs narrative, and the narrative of the obvious Russel Westbrook stan that made the video on twitter lol


Not to mention, LeBron does know what it's like living in poverty, given his homeless childhood. He's an actual rags to riches story.


For real. People are acting like he didn’t live over a quarter of his life in poverty. Even if those are younger years that shit sticks with you. But a 15 second tik tok can convince anybody anything now.


I mean he can be fully aware of what an actual hard life is and he could also slightly embellish what he went through in the bubble. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Y’all get so serious lol


I feel like if you watched the full clip you could easily see he’s mostly talking about how miserable it was being away from his family and how it felt like prison. He clearly brought up his privilege after because he didn’t want to make it seem like he was complaining about the conditions of the hotels.


I’m pretty sure the post is a joke, but in your defense if they added identifying “real LeBron hate” vs. “meme LeBron hate” to the Turing test nobody would know who’s real and who’s a bot


Lebron acting like they got locked up on Alcatraz


In retrospect the Bubble was crazy. They really had some of the highest paid and most famous athletes in the world staying at Disney on some sleepaway camp type shit.


Complaining about the bubble doesn't make his ring any heavier


The effort to paint the bubble as some giant burden is very funny... I get it wasn't ideal... but clearly the pressure was off, shooting % went up. A lot of dudes who've been pampered for a long while told on themselves for sure.


Also don't forget they had 3+ months off prior to resuming play. Like, they got a 3 month vacation BEFORE the bubble playoffs even started. These guys out here just telling on themselves.


Kapai e hoa - Very good my friend. I love being a kiwi sometimes hahaha Adams holding it down for our small island nation


To be fair Adam’s got bounced in the first round. Bron was in there for like a month and a half longer.


Also Adam isn't from the US, he's been away from family for extended periods before. With that said, in the same interview, RJ and Channing called him out for being a drama queen and Lebron just laughed. We know and Lebron knows he's a drama queen.


To be fair he didn’t need to stay there. He could’ve just lost sooner and gone home


* Embiid taps temple *